Strange world, I can seal the gods

Chapter 379 Re-entering the Ancient Village

Chapter 379 Re-entering the Ancient Village
"Madam Lu, please come in," Fan Zeng said.

Then a pair of eyes looked at Zhao Kuo: "Give him the potion and tie his limbs to the bed."

Hearing the words, a group of younger brothers stepped forward like wolves and tigers, pounced on Zhao Kuo's body, and took off Zhao Kuo's chin.

"You can't do this to me! I'm an imperial monk! You can't do this to me!" Zhao Kuo watched the younger brother take out a porcelain bottle from his bosom, pouring the potion into his mouth frantically, and suddenly panicked .

A group of low-ranking people, how do they know what the imperial edict is?Realm of cultivation?

It was just Zhao Kuo talking nonsense, so he poured the medicine in hastily.

Then the group of younger brothers lifted Zhao Kuo, pressed him on the bed with all his hands and feet, and tied his limbs to the four corners of the head of the bed.

Fan Zeng took the scissors and cut Zhao Kuo's clothes into pieces: "The capital is not small."

At this moment, a fat woman in her 50s walked in from the gate.

Looking at Mrs. Lu's bloated body and face like a pig's head, Zhao Kuo suddenly panicked.

"Mrs. Lu, you came so fast." Fan Zeng hurried up to meet her.

"I heard that you have a new product here? And it's the best product?" Mrs. Lu's eyes lit up.

"It's a top-quality product, but I want this price." Fan Zeng stretched out five fingers and shook them in front of Mrs. Lu.

Mrs. Lu frowned upon hearing this, "The asking price is too high."

"The people this time are unusual, and they are worth the price." Fan Zeng said with a smile.

"Okay! I'd like to see what the thing you're talking about looks like." Mrs. Lu didn't believe it, and stepped into the house, and she saw Zhao Kuo who was naked on the bed and gagged.

"Good! Good! Good! I want this thing! It's a deal!" Madam Lu's eyes lit up.

Fan Zeng waved his hand, and a group of people withdrew. Mrs. Lu looked at Zhao Kuo, her eyes were full of brilliance, and then she rushed forward.

"Wuwuwu, don't come here! Don't come here!" Zhao Kuo kept twisting his body, but the next moment he was held down by the obese Mrs. Lu and directly pressed on him.

outside the house

Hearing the creaking and creaking of the bed in the room, Fan Zeng shivered involuntarily, with a sour expression on his face.

"Go, call a dozen or so brothers to follow me!" Fan Zeng ordered to his subordinates.

"Master, what business are we going to do? It's been a long time since we have to mobilize more than a dozen brothers." His subordinates looked at Fan Zeng with curiosity.

"A big thing to do. After it is done, we can become the legendary Qi trainers." Fan Zeng's eyes showed a look of longing.

Cui Yu never knew that because of his own reasons, Fan Zeng and Xiang Yu missed each other.

Fan Zeng's eyes showed a hint of longing: "If this is done, you and my brother will no longer be ants to be trampled to death."

Fan Zeng hurried out the door with dozens of brothers, while Zhao Kuo in the room had two lines of tears streaming down his face.

"Chen Lu! I hate you!"

"Daliang City! Haoran's lineage, I hate you!"

"Da Yu Country! Dayu Country! I want to destroy Dayu Country! Don't tell me to escape, or I will do everything possible to destroy Dayu Country!"

"I want to destroy the Dayu Kingdom and destroy Daliang City! I want to kill everyone in Daliang City! I want to kill all the Confucian scholars in the world!" Zhao Kuo hated it in his heart.

"People's hearts are not ancient! I was careless!"


In the yard

Cui Yu lay lazily on the rattan chair, constantly transforming the blood of the gods into the blood of Gong Gong.

In a corner of the courtyard, Master Zhao Cailun scolded the old Confucian scholar cursingly, and the old Confucian scholar lowered his head and dared not look at him.

Zhao Cailun was not sent away by Cui Yu, the old Confucian scholar's moral heart was broken, of course he needed someone to take care of him.

In this quiet time, Cui Yu had a rare feeling of the flow of Gonggong's divine blood and the rhythm of Gonggong's blood.

not far away

The twelve real people of Haoran's lineage had pale faces at this time, and each of them was planning the future plan of Haoran's lineage with serious expressions.

"Why don't we take refuge in Taiping Dao? Now that Daliang City has been controlled by Taiping Dao, we can gain a complete foothold in Daliang City only if we take refuge in Taiping Dao." A real person said.

"That's not right! Why don't we open more academies in Daliang City and recruit all the good seedlings in Daliang City. As for the struggle between the Taiping Dao and the imperial court, let's just watch from the sidelines." Someone raised objections.

The Dao Hearts of the Twelve Daoists were broken, and they just fell to a level. Looking at the Dayu Kingdom, they are still top-notch masters.

"We will be protected by Daliang City. We can transfer authority within Daliang City. It is not difficult to control a small Daliang City in this troubled world."

Everyone was talking about it, Cui Yu was drowsy after listening to it, and he was also thinking about his future.

He wanted to find a way to train Qi. Relying on the transformation of the corpse ancestor alone is not always safe. In the future, if he confronts the corpse ancestor, wouldn't he be restrained everywhere?
However, there are countless ways to train Qi practitioners in the world, but none of them are very suitable for him.

It's like Haoran's Qi training method, which is to keep reading, and then use the principles in the book to enlighten, and naturally absorb the essence of the sun and the moon between heaven and earth.

Where does Cui Yu have time to settle down and study?

As time passed bit by bit, Cui Yu's mind was filled with countless thoughts, and he fell into a drowsy sleep.

In the dream, a familiar voice kept ringing in my mind: Come here!

The female voice is soft, like a caress for a lover, and the voice keeps echoing in Cui Yu's mind.

"Who are you?" Cui Yu asked.

In the dream, the world was in a coma, and the mist circulated in the void.

"Come here! I'll wait for you here!"

"Come here! I'll wait for you here!"

"Come here! I'll wait for you here!"


"Where do you want me to go? Where are you waiting for me?" Cui Yu heard the nightmare-like voice in his ear, the figure in white clothes in the mist, his head was as big as a fight, and he couldn't help shouting.

The next moment Cui Yu woke up from his sleep, opened his eyes and looked at the courtyard in front of him, the courtyard was still the courtyard, and the leaves had changed from lush to yellow again.

A leaf fell on Cui Yu's face, and Cui Yu held it in his hand.


Zhang Liang screamed with a bruised nose and swollen face. Wang Yi walked past Zhang Liang from time to time, swearing: "Bad people! You are all bad people! Why do you people make things difficult for Master? You are all bad people! "

While talking, taking advantage of the old Confucian student's unpreparedness, he kicked Zhang Liang. Zhang Liang grinned in pain, but he didn't dare to call out.

The old Confucian scholar sat in the yard, staring blankly at the withered and yellow leaves, the pupils of his eyes were dilated, and his mind wandered: "What is human nature?"

The old Confucian scholar was muttering to himself.

The leaders of the twelve branches kept arguing at this time, breaking the tranquility of the yard. Cui Yu looked at the dilapidated yard, and felt an inexplicable crisis in his heart:

"Catch one Zhang Liang, and the other party will never let it go, and there will inevitably be more Zhang Liang coming. Even if the old Confucian scholar changed the laws of heaven and earth, everyone here will become ordinary people. But does the Haoran faction really have the upper hand? Once the opponent mobilizes the city lords in Daliang City, or even mobilizes a large number of troops from surrounding countries, it will not be difficult to capture Daliang City."

Cui Yu felt a sense of urgency.

"The only way to break the situation now is to revive Zilu. Zilu has already proved the holy way, even if he has lost his way, but if he can save the other party, he can recover his peak strength just around the corner. Daliang City is at least a little more safe. It also feels a little more secure.”

Countless thoughts flickered in Cui Yu's mind, and thoughts kept popping up in his mind.

"If you want to revive Zilu, you need to find a safe place." Cui Yu stood up, quietly walked out of Daliang City without disturbing anyone.

Is there a safer place in this world than Lijia Village?


There will never be a safer place than Lijia Village.

So Cui Yu went straight through the crowd, took a carriage, and arrived outside Daliang City.

The moment he left the boundary of Daliang City, Cui Yu recovered his divine power, and then raised his head to look at the clouds in the sky.

There's something weird about the clouds in the sky.

Cui Yu saw the clouds, and everyone in the clouds also saw Cui Yu at this time.

But Cui Yu ignored it, and turned into water droplets and disappeared into the soil.

Looking at Cui Yu's methods, pairs of eyes in the clouds revealed thoughtful expressions.

"Is that kid still alive?"

At this moment, countless thoughts arose in the crowd, but no one moved.

How can he be distracted at such a moment of carve up Kunlun?

Cui Yu came to Lijia Village very smoothly, all the way to the God and Demon Well, looking at the God and Demon Well in front of him, there was a touch of nostalgia in his eyes.

The Corpse Ancestor and the Blood Demon God are very good people, if it weren't for these two, how could he have been able to practice and go out smoothly?
Maybe I'm still wasting my time in Lijia Village.

Back in Lijia Village, Cui Yu looked at the village that was faintly smoking, and didn't bother him too much, but went directly to the Shenmo Well.

With a wave of his sleeve, he placed Zilu's body on the stone platform, and Cui Yu chanted Zhu Youshu's words, wanting to clean up the toxins in Zilu's body first.

It may be difficult for him to resurrect Zilu, but what is even more difficult is how to clean up the toxins in Zilu's body.

If the toxin is not cleaned out, even if Zilu is revived, the other party will be poisoned to death again.

"Furthermore, the casting of Resurrection is related to my divine blood and the opponent's cultivation level. The higher the opponent's cultivation level, the more divine blood is needed, and the more difficult it is to perform Resurrection. The higher my cultivation base, The lower the opponent's cultivation base, the easier it is to perform the resurrection technique." Cui Yu muttered, looking at the dark Zilu in front of him, and stomped his feet against the bluestone on the ground: "I said Chi You, the Great Demon God, you Can't you help me and help me remove the toxins in his body?"

"Didn't you say that there is a priority in hearing the truth, and there is a specialization in art, that's all. I am good at the indestructible body, and this poisoning is really not my specialty. And your poison is not ordinary poison. Want to How can it be so easy to untie it." Chi You crawled out from the mud, and then sensed the void in front of him, his eyes lit up: "Kunlun Mirror!"

"Can you feel the Kunlun Mirror?" Cui Yu looked at Chi You in surprise.

"Nonsense, Xuanyuan Xiaoer killed me back then, but all relied on the magic of the Kunlun Mirror. It actually came to the past time and space and killed my past body. I remember that the little mother-in-law of the West Queen was also severely injured by me, and her flawless body was broken. The origin of the body also began to leak, logically speaking, the lifespan should be exhausted now." Chi You's eyes rolled slowly, and then ignored Cui Yu for the next moment, and ran out directly: "The Kunlun Mirror appears here, It proves that the mother-in-law of the Queen Mother of the West has fallen. This is a good thing! I must get this Kunlun mirror."

Chi You controlled Tiangou's body and ran out, leaving Cui Yu standing in a daze in the cave: "How can I suppress the poison in Zilu's body?"

"From now on, it seems that Zhu Youshu is the only one left." Cui Yu continued to perform Zhu Youshu, and used all kinds of magical powers he knew on Zilu's body.

Why did Jizhi Zilu come to the well of gods and demons?

He didn't even dare to tell the old Confucian scholars, for fear of accidentally leaking the news.

After all, regarding Haoran's lineage, his senses are not good.

The other party took it for granted that he robbed his shop, and no one stood up to stop him. Of course, Cui Yu raised his guard.

"And even if Zilu is saved, I still have to leave behind some dark hands. But Zilu has already proved the holy way, so even if I leave behind dark hands, can I check and balance the other party?"

Thousands of thoughts flickered in Cui Yu's mind, and he kept performing Zhu Youshu.

Every time he casts Zhu Youshu, the true blood of Gonggong in his body seems to be spinning accordingly. Cui Yu is more comfortable controlling the power of true blood of Gonggong, and seems to be beginning to feel another kind of higher power hidden in the true blood of Gonggong. The law of levels.

"Can you exchange the other party's blood? And then change the other party's flesh little by little?" Cui Yu's mind was flickering with thousands of thoughts.

Ask a question, when a person's internal organs and even his head have been replaced, is he still the same person?

It's like modern organ replacement surgery. When you replace all your organs, are you still yourself?
Cui Yu thought for a long time, but in the end he didn't make such a crazy experiment, but just silently performed Zhu Youshu.

When he was tired, Cui Yu walked into the stone room, looked at the traces left by Yu at the beginning, and couldn't help feeling a sense of longing in his heart.

"It's been a long time. It's said that Concubine Yu joined the lineage of Yaochi, so is there any connection between the so-called Yaochi and Queen Mother of the West's Yaochi?" Cui Yu suddenly thought of a very important question.

He is also considered to be in love now, and he has obtained part of the legacy of the Queen Mother of the West, which is equivalent to inheriting the karma of the Queen Mother of the West.

"The Queen Mother of the West once left a Taoist vein in the world?" Cui Yu was a little puzzled. Isn't the Queen Mother of the West's Taoist lineage in Kunlun Mountain?Why is there still a fairyland in the world?
What is Queen Mother Xi planning?

He felt that the fall of Kunlun Mountain was a bit abnormal.

(End of this chapter)

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