Chapter 384
Hearing the girl's words, Cui Yu felt the magic power of the word shede circulating in his palms, and couldn't help taking a breath: "It's considered acquaintance."

He only knew Zilu's obsession after his death.

Hearing the words, the girl ran towards Cui Yu, but she saw Fan Zeng stretching out his palm, pulling the girl into his arms, and laying a pig-killing knife that came out of nowhere on the girl's neck. When he realized it, he was punched unconscious.

"Why are you still able to use supernatural powers! It's impossible!" Fan Zeng stared at Cui Yu with a look of fear in his eyes.

That is the mortal fear of the extraordinary.

"Let her go! Do you know what you're doing?" Cui Yu looked at Fan Zeng with his eyes. It seemed that endless ice and snow kingdoms were blooming in his eyes, and endless ice and snow storms were brewing.

"I don't want the Jushen Fist anymore! Let me go, let's go our separate ways." Fan Zeng was terrified at this moment, dragging the girl who had fainted, and backed away in fear.

"You are not begging for help. And I don't think you are qualified to negotiate terms with me!" Cui Yu's eyes showed a icy coldness, and the next moment, a dozen or so local hooligans around him burst into cold air, and their eyebrows and eyes suddenly froze. The room was stained with frost.

It is indeed unusual for Fan Zeng to be able to survive in Daliang City, or he has an unusual means of survival.

At this time, he even threw the girl away, blocking Cui Yu's gaze, and retreated towards the crowd with a vigilant expression.

"Looking for death!" Seeing that Fan Zeng wanted to use the crowd to escape, Cui Yu's pupils shrank, and murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

It's a pity that all he can use now is Gonggong's divine blood and that innate sword energy.

That innate sword energy was not suppressed by the law of heaven and earth.

Fan Zeng was running, shouting as he ran, "Killed! Killed!"

When Fan Zeng passed by, the crowd who bumped into him turned their backs on their backs, but Cui Yu wasted a lot of energy in chasing after him.

But Cui Yu has already locked onto Fan Zeng, and with the power of inner demons locked on, Fan Zeng can't escape even if he wants to.

Seeing Cui Yu relentlessly chasing after him, even though he threw him away for a few blocks, but the other party was still relentlessly chasing him, Fan Zeng looked back at Cui Yu fiercely, and at the next moment he shot suddenly, killing him The girl's limbs were broken, and she was thrown towards the nearby river.

If Fan Zeng was hunted down, the girl would surely drown.

If he saves the girl, Fan Zeng will definitely flee.

"You bastard! You should be damned!" Cui Yu's complexion changed, and he stepped out quickly. The river rolled under his feet, supporting the girl.

Then the river rolled and the girl was fished out.

Seeing the girl's strangely bent and broken limbs, Cui Yu's eyes lit up: "Damn you! Really damn!"

Not caring about saving the girl, Cui Yu carried the girl on his shoulders and chased into the crowd.

"Killed! Killed!"

Fan Zeng yelled all the way, and the crowd panicked, making Cui Yu's pursuit more difficult.

But when Cui Yu saw Fan Zeng being so ferocious, he already had the determination to kill him. He was furious, his eyes seemed to burst into flames, and he followed behind angrily.

Seeing Fan Zeng crashing into the crowd all the way, Cui Yu had a thought in his mind, jumped up a high wall in two or three steps, and then took a shortcut to chase and encircle him.

When he came to a stone bridge, Cui Yu sat quietly in front of the stone bridge and waited.Sure enough, not long after, a figure appeared in Cui Yu's field of vision.

Fan Zeng appeared at the bridge, sweating profusely, wiping the sweat from his forehead while cursing, his voice full of anger.

But soon, Fan Zeng could no longer swear.

Passing through the rolling crowd, Fan Zeng saw Cui Yu sitting on the pier ten steps away.

Can't run away!
Fan Zeng is a smart man, he knows that Cui Yu is a cultivator, ten paces away, he has no chips in his hand to threaten the opponent, he cannot escape.

So Fan Zeng didn't run away, but came to Cui Yu's body, and his knees softened and he knelt down directly: "Master, I admit I'm dead. What do you want, the villain has nothing to say, it's just I beg you to save my life. This is the way of the world, the big fish eat the small fish, and the small fish eat the dried shrimps. If I bump into an adult, the villain will admit it!"

Fan Zeng is right. In this era where people are divided into three, six, and nine grades, slaves are nothing more than ordinary people. How can there be any human rights?It's just that the big fish eat the small fish, and the small fish eat dried shrimps.

"But I just want you to die." Cui Yu looked at the girl with broken limbs, purple and blue body and no good skin, with an indescribable emotion in her eyes.

Fan Zeng looked at Cui Yu with his eyes, and Cui Yu was sure that he had never seen such a vicious look in his eyes.

"You're not convinced?" Cui Yu asked.

"What's wrong with me? I'm just here to live. That's how the world is, everyone is doing it. Even if I don't do it, someone else will do it! What's wrong with me? The fault is that I don't have the power ! I'm not a monk!" Fan Zeng's voice was full of resentment and coldness: "I don't accept it."

"What's the use of dissatisfaction? The world is like this, you are not wrong. The fault is that you bumped into my hands, I am stronger than you!" Cui Yu looked at Fan Zeng, and the next moment Fan Zeng was frozen by frost, like a statue sculpture.

Cui Yu didn't freeze Fan Zeng to death directly, but stretched out his palm, and Fan Zeng pulled out the long sword from his waist: "It would be too cheap for you to be frozen to death directly. I want to make your death painful."

Cui Yu punched out, and there was a 'click' sound, and Fan Zeng's arm was broken.

left arm
right arm
left leg
right leg.

Fan Zeng gritted his teeth, fixed his eyes on Cui Yu, but didn't make a sound, just looked at him resentfully.

"It's a man! It's a pity that I don't respect the hero now. Go on the road to Huangquan!" Cui Yu flicked his wrist, unsheathed his long sword, and slashed across the void towards Fan Zeng's neck.

Seeing that Fan Zeng's head was about to be chopped off, a knife slid across and caught Cui Yu's long sword.

"Your Excellency, as a monk, still bullying mortals here is a bit too much. You can't kill people without nodding your head. What is the difference between you and those crooked ways?" The person who came was handsome, tall and mighty. Very extraordinary.

The man held a knife in his hand and was wearing a big red robe. His eyes were fixed on Cui Yu, and the knife in his hand blocked Cui Yu's sword.

Cui Yu looked at the person, and couldn't help but shrink his pupils: How did the other party appear here?

He didn't even see how the opponent appeared in the field, and how he used the long knife to hold his neck.

"My lord, save me! I beg you to be merciful! This man is a lunatic. As soon as he sees me, he chases and kills me all the way. Please save me!" Fan Zeng's eyes lit up, and he begged for mercy, begging for mercy. red robe man.

"Who are you to meddle in my business?" Cui Yu asked, then slowly drew back his long sword.

"Zhenwu disciple Cui Cancan!" The man put the knife back into the scabbard: "I'll protect this man! Please give Zhenwu Mountain a face."

"You saved it?" Cui Yu looked at the other party: "Why? If you want to save him, it depends on whether you have the strength."

"Because I'm from Zhenwu Mountain." Cui Cancan looked at Cui Yu: "You don't want to sell Zhenwu Mountain's face?"

"Of course I want to sell Zhenwushan's face, but you may not be able to represent Zhenwushan! If you are so awesome, why use Zhenwushan's face? Just use your own face." Cui Yu sneered, and the next moment Gonggong Shenxue activated , the extremely cold air was generated, and the opponent had turned into a big ice lump before he could react.

Cui Yu didn't kill him, he remembered that Cui Huhu seemed to be some kind of Zhenwu Mountain's disciple.

Cui Yu looked at Fan Zeng: "Are you happy in vain? This meddler's ability is not very good! You'd better wait to die obediently!"

After finishing speaking, the long sword in Cui Yu's hand buzzed, and he chopped towards Fan Zeng's head.

Fan Zeng looked at Cui Yu's long sword, and couldn't help crying out in despair, "My life is over! What's wrong with me! I don't accept it!"

Cui Yu raised his sword and was about to slash it, when suddenly a red light appeared, and then Cui Yu felt a pain in his chest, and the red light twisted in front of his eyes, and there was an extra figure.

Cui Yu paused, staring blankly at his heart, where it was pierced.

Cui Yu was startled, thanks to his ability to hide his mind, otherwise the opponent would have killed him with this sword.

"Zhenwushan Liu Bang, I have met you." A handsome young man was holding a scarlet red sword in his arms at this time, with red light shining all over his body, and his eyes were quietly looking at Cui Yu.

Cui Yu ignored the opponent's name, but his eyes fell on the sword in the opponent's arms.

Innate sword!

That's why they can ignore the suppression of the laws of heaven and earth in Daliang City.

"Liu Bang? A disciple of Zhenwu Mountain?" Cui Yu looked away from the innate sword in the opponent's arms, and the wound was enveloped by icy air, which instantly sealed the wound.

"A mere mortal, who obtained supernatural power by accident, should be damned for doing evil and harming the world!" Liu Bang looked at Cui Yu with a pair of eyes: "My strength is stronger than yours, can I also decide your life and death? "

"Junior Brother Liu, this person can actually use supernatural powers in Daliang City. He must have a special treasure on his body. We must not let this person go." Cui Cancan, who was frozen in ice, said, staring at Cui Yu with greed in his eyes.

Cui Yu felt cold in his heart: Are the disciples of Zhenwu Mountain really like this?
"Liu Bang can activate his supernatural power here with the sword in his arms, so why does Cui Cancan use his means?" ' Curiosity arose in Cui Yu's heart.

With a cold murderous intent in his eyes, Cui Yu began to activate the Dinghai Shenzhu.

The divine blood was imprisoned in Daliang City, but it was just right to use the Gonggong divine blood to activate the Dinghai Divine Orb.

Gonggong's divine blood doubles the power of Dinghai Shenzhu.

Liu Bang heard Cui Cancan's words, and the next moment his hand was red, the Scarlet Sky Sword pierced through the void, and slashed towards Cui Yu.


A water-blue mask emerged around Cui Yu's body, layers of ice spread, and froze towards the Scarlet Heaven Sword.

Then at the next moment Cui Yu urged the Dinghai God Orb.

When Cui Yu urged the Dinghaishenzhu, he finally understood why Liu Bang and Cui Cancan were able to use their means.

The two didn't use any means, they just relied on the power of the innate sword itself.

The autonomous attack of the innate sword.

All innate treasures are originally a product of the condensation and interweaving of a law between heaven and earth.

However, relying on the inherent power of the Innate Divine Sword, it is obviously unrealistic to break through the bonuses brought by Cui Yu's Dinghai Shenzhu and Gonggong True Blood.

When the Scarlet Heaven Sword was three feet away from Cui Yu's body, it was already frozen in the air.

At this time, Cui Yu embraced his chest with his hands up and down, and a bright blue light spot appeared on Cui Yu's chest.

The river is immeasurable, the sound of the waves of the sea resounded in Cui Yu's body, and the power of the water veins in a radius of a hundred miles was mobilized and blessed in an instant.

"Go!" Cui Yu didn't care about showing mercy when he saw the other party's deadly attack, and threw the Dinghai Shenzhu directly at the other party.

Dinghaizhu is mighty and mighty, carrying an unknown amount of strength, if this blow hits, even the mountain will be flattened.

Seeing that Cui Yu's Ding Haizhu was about to beat him to death, suddenly the Scarlet Sky Sword erupted, and a red light shot up into the sky, breaking through Cui Yu's ice.

The Scarlet Heaven Sword got into Liu Bang's body in an instant.

"Human and sword in one? A fully refined Chixiao Sword?" Cui Yu was taken aback, somewhat in disbelief.

A completely sacrificial innate spirit treasure?
There is still a restriction on his Dinghai Pearl that hasn't been refined yet.

That Liu Bang turned into a ray of red light and fled away, Cui Yuding hit the sea pearl and missed it, the Ding sea pearl disappeared, and continued to smash towards the Daliang City.

Seeing this scene, Cui Yu's heart tightened.

Dinghaizhu gathered water veins with a radius of hundreds of miles, and if it hits it, half of Daliang City may be affected.

Quickly dissipated the power of the water veins on the Dinghaizhu, and Dinghaizhu stopped in castration, and then returned.

At this time, Liu Bang turned into a red light, hovered in the air, and beheaded Cui Yu.

The innate divine sword in the state of human-sword fusion is several times more powerful than before?
Cui Yu didn't dare to take it too seriously, it might be too late to mobilize the power of ice at this time.

He quickly shot out the Dinghai Pearl and collided with the sword. Cui Yu's Dinghai Pearl was blessed by Gong Gong's blood. Although Liu Bang had completely sacrificed the Chixiao Sword, he still did not gain the upper hand.

At this time, Cui Yu used Dinghaizhu to restrain Liu Bang, and the next moment he danced the sword in his hand, the innate sword energy in his body was attached to the sword, and the next moment the sword crossed the void, beheading Fan Zeng's head.

"Evil thief, you dare to commit murder in front of me!" Seeing this scene, Liu Bang was furious. The radiance of the Chixiao sword soared, and it turned into a sword aura hundreds of meters away, sealing off the surrounding void, and steadfast everything The time and space of time suppressed towards Cui Yu.


The Seven Star Sword behind Cui Yu shook, but was suppressed by Cui Yu again.

Cui Yu didn't want to expose the Seven Star Sword. After all, he hadn't fully mastered the Seven Star Sword. It would be bad if someone targeted and snatched it away.

The real water was cast without form, and the next moment Cui Yu actually pierced through the blockade of the Chixiao Divine Sword, and passed through the sky filled with innate sword energy.

Came to the bridge and rolled up the girl, then jumped into the water and disappeared without a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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