Strange world, I can seal the gods

Chapter 47 My life is only you

Chapter 47 My life is only you
All are killed in one hit, without any redundancy.

The bodies of the Chen family's masters were chilled, and they were stunned on the spot as if they were frozen.

"Block this place! Block this place! You must not let the outside world know about the changes here, otherwise the other major powers will be watching and will never let go of the opportunity to devour us." After a while, Chen Changfa suddenly raised his head, and a little light re-condensed:
"Yes, seal this place and never disclose any news."

"That's right, the Xiang family and the other Eight Great Scholars have the opportunity to devour us, and they will never give up easily." Second Master Chen woke up like a dream.

"Block all the news. Not only can outsiders know the news here, even my disciples of the Chen family must not leak it." Chen Changfa's position as the head of the Chen family is not only because he is the eldest son of the previous generation of Chen.

"That's right, the clansmen below lack experience after all. If you lose your timidity in front of the other families, it will be a big problem, and the other families will see the flaws." Second Master Chen nodded repeatedly:

"It's just that someone suddenly attacked and wiped out all the details of my Chen family. I don't know if they will continue to attack my clan members in Daliang City..."

Chen Erye looked at Chen Changfa: "Why don't you go to Dayu's family for help? The other party attacked us for no reason, and it may not be aimed at us."

"When the people from Dayu's main family named Chen come, how much of our family property can we keep? At that time, we will be completely reduced to the vassal of Dayu's main family. Why should we take advantage of the foundation that our ancestors worked so hard to open up?" Chen Changfa said in his eyes. There was a hint of reluctance.

"Brother, life-saving is the most important thing! We don't even know who the enemy is, and why the other party killed people. What do you think? You and I are in danger now. Who knows if that person will enter Daliang City and put us in the dark?" Kill all the children of the family?" Second Master Chen tried to persuade him.

"But I'm really not reconciled." Uncle Chen clenched his fists tightly.

Life is important, but money is more important.

Hearing Uncle Chen's words, Second Master Chen hesitated a little: "Why don't you ask Taipingdao to help?"

"Taipingdao? That's a good idea! That's right, let's invite an expert from Taipingdao to come here. Since we have taken refuge in Taipingdao, it is time for Taipingdao to help us." Uncle Chen clapped his hands.

"The only thing I'm lucky about now is that Sheng'er left this place and escaped a catastrophe. Even if we are all destroyed, our bloodline will not be cut off." Gou'er sighed beside him.

"According to what you say, we should thank him?" Uncle Chen gave Gou'er a sideways look.

The dog immediately bowed his head and remained silent.

"What about the untouchables?" Chen Erye asked.

"What should we do? Now is not the time to turn against the Xiang family." Uncle Chen shook his head: "Forget it, it's not advisable to make more troubles, first find out the person in the dark. Now that Cui Yu has been moved, Xiang Mangzi came to the door Come on, who can stop it? You or me? If the ancestors don’t show up, the major forces in Daliang City will definitely become suspicious. At that time, it won’t be solved by cutting the other party’s flesh!”

"Do you think it will be the Xiang family's action?" Second Master Chen pointed at the canyon.

"If the Xiang family had this ability, they wouldn't be dispatched here in Dayu Kingdom! That's a great monk who has lost his life and death registration! Wherever he is placed, he can be called a giant guarding one side. If Xiang Yan has such With the support of the strong, we wouldn't have lost so badly back then!" Uncle Chen looked at the canyon worriedly: "But, who did my Chen family offend?"

"It is expected that he is a shameless person, otherwise he would have swaggered and killed him, how could he have done something like this?" Gou'er cursed beside him.


Second day


Cui Yu got up early, and Yu prepared water for Cui Yu to wash his face early.

Sitting up from the bed unsteadily, Cui Yu felt refreshed like never before: "It seems that I haven't slept so soundly for a long time! Strange, how can I sleep so soundly?"

I actually slept through the whole night, which was something I had never done before.

"Master, you're awake." Holding a wet towel, Yu stepped forward to wipe Cui Yu's face.

"I slept well this time." Cui Yu looked at her and saw that her eye sockets were red and swollen, obviously she had cried last night.

"Did you sleep well last night?" Cui Yu asked.

"Yeah." Yu nodded lightly.

"The old man is awake?" Cui Yu asked again.

"Still sleeping." Yu lowered his voice.

"Pack up your things later and take you to Xiang's house." Cui Yu ordered.

Yu's movements paused, and then the towel in his hand fell to the ground, his eyes turned red instantly, tears rolled down his face, his whole body trembled as if struck by lightning, and then fell to his knees with a 'plop', with a sad voice: "Master, Do you want me? Nunu is very obedient! Nunu will never make the master angry again! It’s all Nunu’s fault, don’t you abandon Nunu, okay?”

"It's all my fault for causing trouble with this face, so I'll just destroy it. Master, please don't abandon me, okay?" Yu said this, before Cui Yu could react, he took three steps at a time, and picked it up under the pillow. The scissors cut the delicate skin on the face, and the bright red blood seeped out.

In an instant, there were seven or eight scars of bright red blood, and the whole face was bloody and bloody, accompanied by clear tears, mixed together and flowing down the cheeks.

"Master! You don't want to be a slave. I can only die in front of you." Yu stabbed his throat with the scissors in his hand, and looked at Cui Yu with tears streaming down his face.

" are you doing? You don't want that anymore?" Cui Yu looked at Yu's bloody face, and his whole body was terrified.

This girl is really cruel!You can do anything to yourself!
It's ruthless!

"You sent me to Xiang's house, but you don't want me anymore." Yu cried, his eyes were red, the scissors pierced the skin on his neck, and he looked at him stubbornly.

"What I mean is that I'm offending the Chen family now, and I'm going to die with the Xiang family. It's not safe for you to stay here. I'll send you, my father, and my mother to the Xiang family in a while. You misunderstood me. Hurry up and put the scissors on." Put it down." Cui Yu stood up, ignoring his shoes, and snatched the scissors from Yu's hand.

"Really?" Yu stopped crying, but still looked at him convulsively.

Cui Yu stretched out his hand, and a strange energy circulated, gently repairing the scar on Yu's face.

"Really! How could I be willing to give away such a beautiful little slave girl?" Cui Yu said with a smile.

Cui Yu was smiling, but Yu didn't smile, he just looked at him stubbornly: "I'm not going anywhere, even if I die, I will die with my master."

"But no one in this world can kill me." Cui Yu looked at Yu.

"I don't care, even if I die, I will not be separated from the master."

"Be obedient!" Cui Yu looked at him.

Looking at each other, Yu lowered his head, then stubbornly raised his neck after a while, looked at Cui Yu weakly, and said pitifully, "You are the only one in my life."

Cui Yu's life is the entire Daliang City, the Dayu Kingdom, the entire Great Zhou Human Race, the entire world, and even the endless starry sky.

But he was her whole life.

Cui Yu was terrified when he heard the words, looking at the little girl with red and swollen eyes, picked up the wet towel on the ground, and gently wiped the blood on the girl's face: "Then you have to grow up quickly, otherwise you won't be able to keep up with my footsteps gone."

Cui Yu wiped Yu's face clean: "From now on, you can follow me, at worst, you will die a few more times."

It's just to save a Yu, he doesn't lack divine power now.

There was a crackling sound from the thatched hut next door, Yu retracted his head in embarrassment, then lowered his head and picked up the basin: "I'll wait for Cui Li and Cui Lu to wash up."

While talking, Cui Lu and Cui Li ran in from the door.

"Xiaolu, your brother brought back some pastries yesterday and is going to give them to you." Seeing the two cubs, Yu Yu squeezed out a smile on his unhappy face, and went to the cabinet next to him to get yesterday's Cui Yu for Yu. Prepared tarts.

The brother and sister love to eat egg tarts, which Yu specially reserved for Cui Lu.

Cui Huhu's voice sounded in the courtyard, Cui Yu dawdled in the room for a while, then walked out lightly, came to the yard, and walked up to Cui Huhu.

Cui Huhu glanced at Cui Yu, but didn't speak, and was still sharpening his knife in a leisurely manner.

"Father!" Cui Yu looked at Cui Huhu and called out in a low voice.

"En!" Cui Huhu responded without looking up.

"I'm sorry." Cui Yu apologized in a low voice.

Cui Huhu paused when he heard this, then raised his head to look at Cui Yu, then continued to lower his head to sharpen his knife: "Don't talk about two different families, I am your father, and I have to bear your karma."

Speaking of this, Cui Huo paused when he sharpened his knife: "The only thing I am afraid of is getting your sister and brother involved. They are still so young and shouldn't bear so much."

"The first time you got into trouble, you almost ruined your family. Thanks to the acquaintance of Erlang and the eldest lady, our family was preserved. But since you came back, you have become more and more mysterious. You don't see anyone all day long, and you don't know What are you doing?" Cui Huo raised his head and looked at Cui Yu with a pair of eyes: "Father is scared! The greater your ability, the greater the trouble you cause, and now you don't even care about dozens of lives , Dad is really afraid of you! If you continue like this, sooner or later you will bring big money to the family."

"Father is not only afraid, but also hates himself for being incapable of protecting you." Cui Huhu had tears in his eyes.

Cui Yu remained silent, and looked at Cui Huhu. After a long time, he sighed leisurely: "I can't make my sons, daughters, descendants and grandchildren continue to be slaves. Whenever there is a chance to climb up, I will do whatever it takes. will miss."

"Father, don't worry, I've learned my skills, and I will protect you well!" Cui Yu's eyes were sincere, and Cui Huhu muttered in his heart.

"I've already made an agreement with the Xiang family. Xiang Caizhu has an extraordinary relationship with me, and she is someone I can rely on. I will never put our whole family, old and young, in a doomed situation. My ability is far beyond my father's imagination. With the capital of trial and error, as long as I don't die, you will never die." Cui Yu knelt on the ground, looking at Cui Huhu with a pair of eyes: "Father, a man needs to have great ambitions. If you don't eat five tripods in life, you will die if you die." Wuding Cooking must not be content with mediocrity. Not only for me, even for my younger brother, you just trust me once."

Cui Huhu was silent when he heard the words, holding the butcher's knife in the air in his hand.

"Maybe those guys went too far and drove my son into a hurry! I used to live peacefully for 15 years, but now suddenly something happened. It's good that I didn't go crazy! Look, what a good child before, What kind of situation are you forcing now?" Cui Huhu said to himself.

Cui Huhu sighed lightly, too lazy to say to the other party: "Pack up your things."

"Let's go to Xiang's house!"

"Xiang's family is Xiang's family after all, so it's not as comfortable as my own." Cui Huo muttered, grabbing Cui Li and Cui Lu: "I won't go, I won't go anywhere. If I want to go, I'll go to Liangjie Mountain. What's the point of going to Xiang's house? What's going on?"

Cui Yu looked at Cui Huhu: "Aren't you afraid that the Chen family will retaliate?"

"Liangjie Mountain is much safer than Xiang's family." Cui Huo looked at Cui Yu: "If you want to go, go to Liangjie Mountain. If I don't go to Xiang's house, what's the matter with being a slave to others? Besides, we are also ready for Liangjie Mountain." Yes. If we go to the Xiang family, what will you do if the Xiang family threatens you to do things in the future? Don’t forget, you are just a commoner. Xiang Caizhu and you are real, but what about the rest of the Xiang family? I'll go to Xiang's house and wait until Xiang Caizhu becomes the head of the family!"

Cui Yu pondered for a while, and felt that what Cui Huhu said made sense, then scratched his head: "Have the Liangjie Mountains been settled?"

"Of course, let's go now." Cui Huo pulled Cui Li and kicked him twice: "Why don't you go wash up?"

After all, there is no overnight feud between father and son.

After breakfast, Cui Huo took his family with him, and then walked towards the two mountains with Cui Yu and Yang Erlang.

Cui Huhu and Yang Erlang opened up more than one refuge in Liangjie Mountain.

Now that there is a severe drought in the outside world and it is difficult to drink water every day, it is better to stay in Liangjie Mountain.

As for the fact that there are monsters that have become spirits in the Liangjie Mountain?


Liangjie Mountain is shrouded by the power of time, and no monster can become a spirit here.

Cui Huhu and Cui's mother settled down in the deep mountains, but Cui Yu, Yu and Yang Erlang came back.

Walking across the stone bridge at the head of the village and looking at the dry riverbed under the stone bridge, Cui Yu's eyes showed a touch of sorrow.

The blood at the head of the village has not yet dried, and at a glance, the white sails are hanging in the village. The people in the village look at the two with awe in their eyes.

As for why Yang Erlang didn't stay in Liangjie Mountain?
In Cui Huhu's words, Yang Erlang was born with supernatural powers and was alert, so Cui Yu always needed someone to take care of each other.

Back home, Cui Yu ate some dried fish, and at night, he took Yu and quietly came to the dry well.

"I'll go down first, and I'll call you from below later, so you just come down." Cui Yu instructed Yu.

Yu looked at Cui Yu obediently, didn't say much, just nodded quietly.

Cui Yu grabbed the rope, slid down the well, raised his head and shouted, "Come down."

Although Yu was a little timid, he was persistent and determined after all. He grabbed the rope with a trembling body and slid down the rope along the mouth of the well.

When the other party slipped down, Cui Yu stretched out his hand to hug Yu, and Yu looked curiously at the underground world:

"Where is this place?"

Cui Yu held the oil lamp and said to Yu Dao, "Come with me."

Not far from the entrance, Cui Yu has opened up a ten-meter-sized stone room, which is fully equipped with pots and pans, and there is even a trickling spring connected to it.

The spring eye was shaped by Cui Yu using the Dinghai Shenzhu, and it was the temporary shelter that Cui Yu built in the underground cave last time.

So far, there seems to be no safer place than the bottom of a well.

"Now I want to shape your bloodline." Cui Yu looked at Yu: "If the shape is successful, you will be a different person in the future. If the shape fails...failure is no big deal, you can't die."

Cui Yu stroked Yu's hair.

"Yeah!" Yu nodded obediently, neither asked nor said much, just looked at him obediently.

Cui Yu pulled Yu to sit down on the stone bench next to him, then looked at Yu with his eyes, and stretched out his fingers to touch Yu's veins: "Let's take one-tenth of the blood veins shaped by Xiang Caizhu."

It is not Cui Yu's personality to be hesitant if he wants to do it.

The next moment, the power of the divine blood in his body fluctuated, and then Yu screamed, and the arm on his arm was torn open.

Ancestral blood is blood, but not blood.To be precise, it is the blood that contains information.

Just like a normal cell, it contains the dna fragments in the human body.

(End of this chapter)

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