Strange world, I can seal the gods

Chapter 52 Shi Long: Could it be that I practiced a fake iron-smelting hand?What you practice is rea

Chapter 52 Shi Long: Could it be that I practiced a fake iron-smelting hand?What you practice is real?
A series of delicious delicacies, which Cui Yu had never seen in his previous life.

When it comes to food, in fact Cui Yu was an ordinary person in his previous life, where did he eat other than home-cooked food?
On the contrary, since he came to this world, Cui Yu would never treat his stomach badly.

Yu Chi's face was flushed and greasy, and Cui Yu also buried his head in the basin, gnawing on the white deer's elbow.

Xiaoer packed the food box and ordered someone to follow Cui Yu to Baicao Hall, and Cui Yu led Yu all the way to Baicao Hall.

"I smelled the fragrance from afar, so it must be the younger brother." Wang Yi was washing pots and cooking in the yard, when he saw Cui Yu walking in with a food box, his eyes lit up immediately, and the greedy worms in his whole body were hooked out .

Cui Yu smiled and glanced across the courtyard, but the old Confucian scholar was nowhere to be seen.

"What about sir?" Cui Yu asked.

"I'm going to pick up my wife, and I can't come back after a few months of hard work. Last time, my wife was really sad, and the master spent a lot of time trying to coax her well." Wang Yi ran over to grab the food familiarly. After opening the box, I exclaimed: "My favorite stewed pork rice! Wow...and crystal elbow! This is a prawn from the East China Sea."

Wang Yi looked at the dozens of food boxes and kept yelling.

The old Confucian scholar was not at home, so Cui Yu did not waste time, and had a conversation with the two of them. Cui Yu led Yu all the way to the martial arts hall. After seeing Cui Yu, some martial arts disciples quietly ran to the backyard to report.

When Cui Yu came to the lobby, he saw Shi Long was already waiting.

"I've met Master." Cui Yu cupped his fists and saluted.

Shi Long looked at the radiant Cui Yu, his eyes were full of disbelief, looking up and down, Cui Yu was full of vitality at this time, how could he seem to be exhausted at all?
No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like the original source has been damaged.

"Why is the master looking at the disciple like this?" Cui Yu asked with a surprised expression.

"Then have you practiced iron making?" Shi Long came back to his senses and asked calmly.

Cui Yu smiled, and stretched out his hands from his sleeves. They were a pair of flawless palms, as beautiful as the most perfect jade in the world, without the slightest blemish.

"Have you mastered it?" Shi Long stepped forward, staring at Cui Yu in shock.

"Disciple has started to practice tendons." Cui Yu looked at Shi Long sincerely: "I would also like to thank Master for giving me the wonderful method, allowing me to cultivate and enter the realm of martial arts, opening up a wider world for me, allowing me to see more Sky."

Shi Long grabbed Cui Yu's palm, and then looked at his ashen, as if scorched palm, his eyes were full of disbelief.

"It shouldn't be! It shouldn't be!" Shi Long's mind was full of question marks, and his whole mentality was going to explode.

"What shouldn't it be?" Cui Yu asked curiously.

"No! It's nothing!" Shi Long came back to his senses and shook his head again and again, then looked at Cui Yu's palm with his eyes: "Let's test the power of the iron forging hand."

Shi Long took out a long knife from the shelf and handed it to Cui Yu.

Cui Yu sneered in his heart, but remained calm, and then pinched the tip of the knife with his fingers. The next moment, the tip of the knife turned bright red at a speed visible to the naked eye, just like a soldering iron, and then turned into molten iron and dripped on the ground, scalding The soil on the ground sizzled.

"It's really done!" Shi Long stared at Cui Yu's palm, and he was in a daze again, and his mentality was about to explode.


Shi Long just wanted to ask: Why!
If he teaches the other party wrong secrets, the other party can practice to become a real iron-smelting hand, shouldn't he, Shi Long, ask why?

A commoner who can't read big characters has actually practiced the martial arts of gods and demons. Why?
He Shilong has studied hard for 20 years, not only went astray in his practice, but also lost his own lifespan. How can you make him willing?
Shouldn't he have asked why?

The two looked at me and I looked at you, Shi Long stared at Cui Yu, this guy has mastered the martial arts of gods and demons by mistake, could it be that the wrong training method taught to him by himself is actually the correct training method?
The two looked at each other, and Shi Long could clearly see that the steel essence on the long knife was absorbed by Cui Yu and refined into his hands, becoming nourishment for his hands, nourishing the other's muscles and bones.

"Master, please advise." When the last bit of iron slag fell to the ground, Cui Yu clasped his fists and looked at Shi Long.

Shi Long was silent, but looked at Cui Yu with his eyes for a long time, and then said calmly, "How do you practice?"

"Just follow what the master said, buy iron sand to practice, practice, and soak your hands with the material, and the kung fu is done. Just practice according to the master!" Cui Yu's eyes were full of innocence, as if he was a Silly boy.

"That's it?" Shi Long asked.

"That's it. This formula was taught to me by the master himself. Could it be that the master doesn't know?" Cui Yu asked rhetorically.

"It's clear! Of course it's clear." Shi Long smiled dryly, then looked at Cui Yu with his eyes, and wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to say it.

"I came here today to ask my master to teach me some fighting skills, to teach me some sword and saber techniques, so that I can have a better chance of winning in future fights." Cui Yu said to Shi Long.

Martial arts are incidental to Cui Yu, what really makes him envious is the style of play!
That's the way to fight people.

"You want to learn fighting skills?" Shi Long frowned upon hearing this.

"Master please complete it." Cui Yu raised his hand and saluted.

"The fighting skills in the world can be divided into various types. If you want to practice fighting skills, you must determine the weapon. What weapon do you want to use in the future?" Shi Long looked at Cui Yu.

"Disciple wants to use a sword." Cui Yu thought for a while before replying.

"Practicing swords is difficult." Shi Long looked at Cui Yu: "Martial arts fighting skills, it's mysterious to say the least, but it's simple to say, it's just killing skills. But some killing skills have differences between moves. Weaknesses are easy for people to take advantage of, and from this, there are three, six, and nine grades of fighting skills."

"The fighting technique in the world has internal moves and external moves. The internal move is the flow of energy in the meridians, attached to the meridians, accompanied by the movement of the tendons, and then exerts incredible effects."

"External tricks are: pumping, belting, lifting, grid, hitting, stabbing, pointing, collapsing, stirring, pressing, chopping, cutting, washing, clouding, hanging, lifting, chopping, picking, wiping, cutting, piercing, etc. Then there is Combine them to form all kinds of killing techniques in the world. Of course, there are also some martial arts secret techniques, and the external moves get the bonus of internal moves, which will exert incredible effects."

"If you want to practice swords, you need to practice basic skills first. To practice the basic skills of swords, I will teach you how to stab swords first!" Shi Long took a wooden sword from the wood and held it in his hand: "It sounds simple to stab swords, but If it is used, there are countless details, and these details are the key to life and death."

While speaking, Shi Long stabbed out with the wooden sword in his hand, and a piercing blast of air spread, like a whip whipping the air.

"Turn the waist to the left, straighten the right arm forward, and extend the left arm backward, reaching the tip of the sword. Straight forward to stab, reaching the tip of the sword. Main point: the sword and the arm are in a straight line..."

Shi Long talked on and on, talking about a dozen points in a row, and then threw the wooden sword to Cui Yu: "Do you understand?"

"The disciple understands." Cui Yu said.

"Since I understand, the next step is to practice hard." Shi Long threw the wooden sword to Cui Yu, and hurriedly walked to the secret room.

As for Yu who said that Cui Yu was wearing a bamboo hat, he didn't even ask.

Cui Yu looked at Yu: "Do you understand?"

"It's not difficult." Yu replied beside him.

Cui Yu took another wooden sword from the shelf and threw it to Yu, then teased and said, "My brain said: I understand! I can do it!" But my body said: What are you talking about? What kind of movement did I practice? ?”

Cui Yu began to gesture awkwardly in the yard.

The stabbing sword seems simple, but you will find out after practicing it. My mind says I understand!I get it all!
The body says: who am I?Where am I?

Seeing Cui Yu making ugly moves like a crappy old hen, Yu grabbed the wooden sword in his hand and stabbed in front of him the next moment: "Is it difficult? It's not difficult! It's not difficult at all!
Then the sonic boom sounded, and Cui Yu, who was practicing his sword, turned his head and saw that the long sword in Yu's hand pierced the air continuously, and the sword body disappeared in the air, only the sonic boom came, and Cui Yu's head exploded like a small firecracker rattle.

"Is it difficult?" Yu asked.

"Isn't it difficult?" Cui Yu's face turned green.

How stupid is my talent?
It's okay to be disliked by the real person of Nanhua, but he can't even do a simple sword stab?

Cui Yu began to doubt life.

Cui Yu is doubting life, but Shi Long in the secret room is doubting life even more.

secret room

The fire was burning under the iron basin, the iron sand in the cauldron was scorching, and the smell of herbs permeated the cauldron.

Shi Long held a bunch of herbs in his hand, and his eyes showed a gloomy look: "Could it be that the secret book is wrong? The person who recorded the secret book at the beginning simply wrote more medicine on purpose to mislead the practitioners?"

Shi Long pondered for a while, put away the last medicine, after all, he didn't put it in the iron basin.

Then Shi Long looked at the bright red iron sand in front of him, and at the next moment, stretched out his black palm, and suddenly inserted it into the iron sand.

"Ah!!!" A shrill scream spread in the secret room, Shi Long endured the pain, and quickly shuttled his palm in the iron sand, rubbing a hole on the palm.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" Shi Long screamed while practicing.

"No! The fire poison is too strong, and it can't stop the suppression at all! If you don't have a medicine, you can't practice at all! Not only can you not practice, but you will also burn the meridians in your body and infuse the poison of iron sand into the meridians.

Shi Long let out a scream, spewed out a mouthful of black blood, his face turned black in an instant, obviously he was attacked by the poison of iron sand.

"That kid lied to me! Damn it, that kid lied to me!" Shi Long screamed again and again, half of the black hair on his head turned pale.

Hastily picked up the potion that he had prepared earlier and poured it into his stomach. After a while, Shi Long wobbled up from the ground like a dog: "This will cut at least 30 years of life span!"

"That kid lied to me! But that's not right, he has no reason to lie to me!" Shi Long scratched his head, and gradually regained his composure: "There is another possibility, that is, that kid misremembered the exercises, but practiced them wrongly. Could it be that Did that kid recite the wrong formula? And the formula that he recited wrongly is the real formula for becoming an iron-smelting hand?"

A thought arose in Shi Long's mind.

After pouring another large bowl of medicine, Shi Longqi's face turned pale: "Damn it! It doesn't make sense!"

After tidying up his clothes and returning to his elegant demeanor, Shi Long walked out of the secret room, and saw the swaying and twisted body in the courtyard far away, doing lame movements that the old lady didn't know.

As for Yu, he stopped practicing a long time ago.

This action is too simple!
Looking at Yu who was dozing off at the side, Cui Yu felt that he was a waste.

And Shi Long, who walked out of the secret room, also had the same feeling in his heart at this time, feeling that he was a waste.

An ordinary person can master the martial arts of gods and demons, but a master of martial arts has crippled himself, what else can he be if he is not a waste?
"Cui Yu!"

Seeing the crooked Cui Yu, Shi Long yelled and wailed inwardly: "This guy can also practice martial arts of gods and demons?"It's just God's eyes!Does he deserve it?Does he deserve it?Does he deserve it? '.

"Master, what are your orders?" Cui Yu stopped his movements, his feet swayed, and he almost lost his center of gravity and fell.

"Come here, I want to teach you how to forge iron, lest you go astray, follow me!" Shi Long ordered.

Cui Yu looked at Shilong's back, quickly hung the wooden sword on the shelf, and then chased him out.

The three of them walked through the lobby all the way to Shilong's secret room. Shilong looked at the iron sand in the iron pot and the blazing flames under the iron pot, and looked sideways at Cui Yu: "Tell me the formula I passed on to you back then. , you are reciting it again."

Cui Yu was taken aback when he heard the words, looking at the sand in the iron pot and the strong smell of medicinal materials in the air, a ridiculous thought suddenly came to his mind: "Isn't it? Shilong is also practicing Iron Hands? Did you practice? Could it be that Shi Long didn’t teach me wrong on purpose, but he also practiced wrongly? So when he saw that I became an iron smelter, he wanted to copy it?”

"Shilong wants to copy me?" A question mark rose in Cui Yu's mind.

But as to whether Shi Long wanted to harm him, he still had doubts in his heart.

He is illiterate, but not a fool.

"In this case, I can try him out. If I framed a good person, at worst, I can find a chance to rescue him later. I can do it, let alone a mere injury?" A thought flashed in Cui Yu's mind: " Whether he is or not, let's talk about it first."

Seeing Shi Long's eyes staring at him, Cui Yu quickly recited the formula.

However, he also had a good eye, deliberately misremembered seven or eight places where Shi Long taught him the key points of the formula.

If Shi Long deliberately deceived himself, he would definitely point it out immediately after listening to the mantra he deliberately recited wrongly.

If Shi Long didn't point it out, it means that Shi Long had randomly edited and reversed the formulas and passed them on to himself. After such a long time, the other party had already forgotten them, so he must have been guilty of not pointing them out.

Cui Yu had long suspected that the formula was wrong, but there was no conclusive evidence.

Since Shi Long wanted to test himself at this time, it was also an opportunity for him.

Shi Long suddenly asked himself to recite the formula, which is not easy no matter how you look at it.

(End of this chapter)

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