Strange world, I can seal the gods

Chapter 60 The 3rd Heaven Realm of Dinghai Shenzhu!

Chapter 60 The Triple Heaven Realm of Dinghai Shenzhu!
Cui Yu felt that it would not take a night's work.

Imagine that one breath is one hundred and eight drops of divine blood. How many breaths does a person have in one night?

If it is calculated on the basis of twenty beats per minute, one hour is six 10 minutes, and the breath is 1000 or two hundred breaths per minute.

Calculated by ten hours a night, that is 1 times.

180 drops of divine blood each time, 21 drops overnight.

21 drops of divine blood!
A normal innate god can only have 12 drops on his body, this is a fixed number!

Unbreakable fixed number!
Squeeze out all the innate gods, and you can't squeeze out so much blood, can you?
Even if counted as ten breaths per minute, each breath is six seconds.There are also six hundred times in an hour.

Calculated based on ten hours, that is [-] breaths in one night.

180 drops of divine blood per breath, that is also a massive astronomical figure.

If such a huge divine power cannot be sacrificed to the Dinghaishen Orb, I am afraid that this Dinghaishenzhu will never be able to be sacrificed.

Cui Yu regretted that his physical body was not strong enough to fully adapt to the power of the divine blood, otherwise he might have already completed the divine blood and evolved into a demigod.

Cui Yu touched Yu's head, and then walked all the way to the deepest part of the cave, all the strange forces 'see' Cui Yu and backed away one after another, making Cui Yu unable to suck even a hair.

Cui Yu showed a look of dismay: "You're so stingy! Isn't it just to absorb a little bit of your strength? The mechanics of time between you and others."

While Cui Yu was talking, he sat cross-legged under the high platform, and the next moment the strange power of the magic spell overflowed, Cui Yu's whole body directly turned into a diamond shape, and the overwhelming power of time enveloped Cui Yu.

Then the infinite divine blood was transformed and poured into the sea god bead in a torrent.

With the infinite divine power pouring into the Dinghai Shenzhu, the Dinghai Shenzhu in Cui Yu's mouth exudes a mysterious change. The No. 12 heavy restraint is sacrificed to the Great Perfection in an instant, and Cui Yu's divine power has covered the No. 13 heavy restraint.

After Cui Yu's divine power occupied the first level of restraint of Dinghai Shenzhu, a message flowed out, which made Cui Yu stunned.

"So it is! So it is!"

Reading the power of Dinghai Shenzhu in his mind, Cui Yu suddenly realized.

The first twelve restrictions of Dinghai Shenzhu are a rule, called: water.

It can borrow the power of the three mountains, five mountains and sea water, and bless it on the divine pearl.It is the law of water, which can control all waters in the world.

The twelve prohibitions in the middle are the ultimate changes of the law of water, which are called: rules.

It is the power of 'ice'.

Absolute zero freezes everything, even freezes all time and space, making time stand still and everything returns to ruins.

But to control such extreme cold power, it requires vast and boundless divine power. Even if the innate gods revive, they will not be able to activate the power of absolute zero.

As for the third level, that is, the last twelve levels of restriction, Cui Yu doesn't know what kind of power he has, but as long as he sacrifices himself, he will definitely be able to uncover it.

As Cui Yu continued to pour the vast power of the divine blood into the Dinghai Pearl, Cui Yu's ban on refining the Dinghai God Pearl was as strong as a bamboo.

No.13 heavy prohibition, thirty breaths.

No.14 heavy prohibition, fifty breaths.

No.15 Restriction, half a cup of tea time.

No.16 heavy prohibition, enough time for a cup of tea.

No.17 re-restriction took half an hour.

No.18 Restriction, half an hour.

No.19 Restriction, half an hour.

The No.20 heavy restriction lasted for an hour.

No.20 double, one hour.

No.20 triple, one hour.

No.20 is quadruple, and there are two full hours.

So far, the twelve restrictions in the Dinghai Shenzhu have been successfully refined by Cui Yu.

At the moment when Cui Yu succeeded in refining the twelve restrictions, he felt as if he had entered a wonderful world. The whole world was a land of ice and snow, and there were pieces of snowflakes floating between the heaven and the earth.

Snowflakes fall, time freezes, and everything in the world is frozen.

Everything returns to ruins, everything stops.

Then one of the snowflakes accelerated suddenly, breaking the time and space constraints, crashing directly from the Dinghai Pearl, and fell into Cui Yu's soul, forming a snowflake-shaped imprint.

The time and space in front of him went backwards, the frozen time melted, and the laws of everything in the world resumed their flow.

Then Cui Yu sensed the message from Snow Flower, and a strange expression appeared on his face.

"Supernatural power is a good supernatural power. I just want to activate it. Only the great god Pan Gu who created the world can do it." Cui Yu shook his head.

That snowflake is a mark, a regular mark.

Cui Yu estimated the time, and then looked at the last twelve innate restrictions on Dinghai Shenzhu.

The endless divine power poured in, and Cui Yu began to refine the last twelve restrictions of the Sea God Bead.

No.20 five innate restrictions, Cui Yu only spent half an hour, as if it was a new sacrifice.

Sure enough, along with the refining of the No. 20 five-fold prohibition of Dinghai Shenzhu, a message flooded into Cui Yu's mind.

"Shenshui! The power of Shenshui!"

Cui Yu looked at the information in his mind with a hint of shock in his eyes.

The last twelve congenital divine prohibitions mobilize the power of 'Shenshui'.

What is Shenshui?

Such as Sanguang Shenshui!
One yuan heavy water!
Water from the Yellow Spring!

Wait, there are countless divine waters that contain unique laws, and even the innate water that created the world.

"These 36 innate restrictions, every twelve are a complete law, and there is no distinction between high and low. And the combination of the 36 innate restrictions will form a complete source of power."

Cui Yu felt the message from No. 20's five-fold restriction, his pupils shrank sharply and opened wide, and then poured in a mighty amount of divine power.

Time passed by bit by bit, Cui Yu was so immersed in his cultivation that he seemed to have lost the concept of time.

Countless voices, like tinkling electronic sounds, came from Cui Yu's ears:

[Divine Blood +108]

[Divine Blood +108]

[Divine Blood +108]


[Unnamed formula +1]

[Unnamed formula +1]

[Unnamed formula +1]


I don't know how long it has passed, suddenly the energy in Cui Yu's mind changes, the information page in front of him shakes for a while, and then the information in front of Cui Yu refreshes:
[Ding, the nameless formulas are complete. 】

[Kunlun mirror manipulation formula (complete). 】

[With this formula, you can mobilize the power of the Kunlun mirror. 】

[Note 1: You will have the opportunity to win control of the Kunlun Mirror. 】

[Note 2: The price is exempt from the power of the Kunlun Mirror. 】

Cui Yu was immersed in the endless watering of the power of the divine blood, when suddenly the information page in front of him shook violently, and then suddenly refreshed, the usurpation of innate supernatural powers also stopped, and there was no new birth of the power of the divine blood in the body. supply.

"What the hell? The complete formula for controlling the Kunlun Mirror?" Cui Yu woke up startled, looking at the information page in front of him, especially the perfect formula for the Kunlun Mirror, which was dazzling.

[Name: Cui Yu. 】

[Talent: Usurpation. 】

[God's blood: two drops [seal 3 drops]. 】

[Supernatural powers: Bringing the dead back to life (big). 】

[Supernatural power: material transformation (small). 】

[Supernatural power: sit on fire. 】

[Supernatural power: Dingxian Shenguang (+). 】

[Kunlun mirror manipulation formula (complete)]

[Wonderful method: tight-knit incantation. 】

Feeling the information in his mind, Cui Yu's eyes fell on the Kunlun mirror manipulation formula: "You give me a Kunlun mirror! What's the use of just giving me a formula for the Kunlun mirror? And it's immune to the invasion of the Kunlun mirror." Power, doesn’t that mean that I don’t have the blessing of the Kunlun Mirror? My steady stream of divine blood has been wasted again?”

"Don't play like this! My Dinghai Shenzhu has not been refined yet!" Cui Yu couldn't help crying in his heart.

He doesn't have a Kunlun mirror, so why give him the manipulative formula for the Kunlun mirror?

Even if he was given the formula to control the Kunlun Mirror, he still doesn't have the Kunlun Mirror to use!
The most important thing is that his Dinghai Shenzhu has not been refined, even if he is asked to successfully refine the Dinghai Shenzhu, it will be fine if he loses the supply of the power of time.Of the 36 prohibitions of the Dinghai Shenzhu, he happened to practice [-] restrictions, no more, no less, and did not have time to sacrifice the remaining six restrictions.

"It's just a little worrying. There are still six restrictions left. If I can completely refine it, this will be the first innate spiritual treasure I have mastered." Cui Yu spit out a bead, and at this time the Dinghai bead has been changed from the deep blue The color turned into transparent, just like a transparent crystal ball without impurities, with a little light blue luster exuding from the whole body, looking closely at the bead, it seems that the power of thousands of water veins is flowing.

The bead is very small, only the size of a longan, but at a glance, it seems that you can see the endless sea.

Cui Yu looked at Dinghaizhu for a while, then opened his mouth and swallowed Dinghaizhu again, and then hid it in his salivary glands.

Glancing at the bright red sun above, Cui Yu spat in his heart, 'Weirdness can also bully the weak and fear the hard', then turned and walked out of the grotto.

It's almost time now, it's time for dawn.

Cui Yu walked in the grotto, the grotto was dark, only the lantern in Cui Yu's hand exuded a slight luster.

After walking for a while, a suppressed sob spread faintly in the cave, and Cui Yu's back went numb in shock, and his fine hair stood up instantly.

Can you imagine that in the dead of night, suddenly there are bursts of women singing on the road?
Or is it the sound of the faucet being turned on suddenly when one is at home?

Cui Yu stood still, took a breath and listened carefully, but there was no strange aura, and he exhaled randomly: "No! I have already cultivated great supernatural powers, so why am I still afraid of mere strange powers?"

"On the contrary, I should be looking forward to having strange powers." Cui Yu's eyes showed a hint of caution, but the skin on his body was quietly transformed into titanium alloy, and then he walked in the cave step by step.

After walking thirty or so steps, the sobbing in the air came again, which seemed a little clearer than before.

"Someone is crying!" This time Cui Yu heard it clearly, and then he took a big step and walked out, not afraid of the strange attack, but after walking another [-] steps, the crying was getting closer and closer, Cui Yu finally found out The source of the crying is the practice stone room opened by the family.

"Is it the master?" From a distance, a suppressed cry came from the stone room, and a figure rushed over in the darkness.

"It's me! Why are you crying, girl?" Cui Yu relaxed, and the titanium alloy skin transformed into flesh and blood again.

I saw a figure passing by in the darkness, and the next moment Cui Yu felt warmth in his arms, and Yu's weak voice rang in his ears: "The oil lamp is off! I'm afraid of the dark! The master forbids me to go out to find you. ...I...I'm afraid!"

Are you a person of blood and still afraid of the dark?

Cui Yu was stunned, and then hugged the delicate body in his arms, the girl in his arms trembled tremblingly, like a deer trembling in the dark.

Then a memory emerged from my mind. It was a snowy day, everything was completely silent, the world was pitch black, and the cold wind made the treetops in the mountains howl terribly.

Cui Yu, who rushed back from the mountain, passed a ruined temple in Liangjie Mountain, and saw a ragged girl holding a dark red torch in her hand, crying in the cold wind.

At that time, the girl was only five or six years old, right?
Even though his body was stiff, he still held the dim torch in his hand.

No one knows why she appeared in the ruined temple in the dark night. Cui Yu's most impressive scene was the cowardly girl who used her body to protect the dark red bonfire in the cold wind, but unfortunately she could only stare at the torch gradually extinguished.

Since then, she has been afraid of the dark.

The darkness will swallow her loved ones and bring death!
"Is there a torch? I'm afraid that my mother will never see me again in the dark! If she can't find it, she will be anxious!"

Cui Yu recalled Yu's words in his mind, and then the girl passed out directly. From then on, Cui Yu had an extra little slave girl who sewed and washed by her side.

It's been too long, so long that he can't remember clearly!
I just remember that girls are afraid of the dark!

He still remembered that no matter how far he was away from home or how late he came back, there was always a candle at home to light the way in front of the door.

"Don't be afraid! Don't be afraid!" Cui Yu patted the girl's head.

"I'm afraid that you will be swallowed by the darkness, just like your mother, and never come back again! I'm left alone and don't know how to live." The girl murmured in Cui Yu's ear.

Cui Yu patted the girl on the head: "Don't be afraid, I'm back?"

Cui Yu hugged the girl: "Let's go! Let's go home."

Cui Yu handed the oil lamp to the girl, and the girl held the oil lamp firmly with both hands, her face turned pale and she looked quite frightened.

Few people are not afraid of the dark!
Especially a girl who has a shadow in her heart!

The master and servant climbed out of the bottom of the well. At this time, the sun was shining brightly in the sky. Cui Yu and the girl crawled out from the bottom of the well, looking greedily at the rising sun in the sky.

"Every time I climb out of the well, I feel like I'm dead again, and I'm back to that night again, in the vast snow, the world was dark, my mother left me a torch, and walked into the night again. Didn't come back either."

Yu stared at the purple air in the sky, took a deep breath, and refused to let go.

"Maybe your mother went back later, but you left with me." Cui Yu stroked the girl's head.

"I've been in that ruined temple for eight days." The girl's voice was low and depressed: "I know, she will never come back again. She was taken away by the night!"

(End of this chapter)

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