Chapter 65

Even if he didn't say anything, Cui Yu could probably guess a little bit.Shoucheng himself wasted so many years due to his limited talent, it was a bit embarrassing to see Cui Yu who was extremely talented but suffered such hardships.

His mentality was out of balance after being hit by Zhang Jiao and Yu, and he didn't want Cui Yuluo to end up like himself.

Even Cui Yu would not hesitate to raise a demon lord because of this.

I have a bad life, but I still don't want to see others suffer.In other words, it was precisely because of his limited qualifications that he was more aware of what Cui Yu was feeling at this moment.

At this time, the inner demon condensed into a rune, then ran out of Cui Yu's heart, and returned to the stone: "Shu Tan!"

"Every month, you come to me to devour distracting thoughts." Cui Yu said.

The root of distracting thoughts is in his heart. As long as the distracting thoughts are not eliminated in his heart, he cannot control the breeding of distracting thoughts.

It's like a pile of weeds. If you don't get rid of the roots, it will grow back in a short time.

"From a certain point of view, those who have achieved great success, the more advanced their qi training, the fewer distracting thoughts in their hearts, but the deeper their obsessions. Such people are simple in mind, but they are willing to give up. It's dangerous." Cui Yu said to himself.

The demon master looked at Cui Yu, his eyes sparkled: "I seem to be able to try to seduce the Great Zizai Heavenly Demon. The quality of this kid's distracting thoughts alone is comparable to the emotions and desires of tens of thousands of people."

"Continue to find out what's going on in the Chen family." Cui Yu ordered.

"The members of the Chen family are not at home, and they all went to the mountains to look for the longevity creature." The demon master was a little impatient: "If you want me to say, no matter what those two families do, we will also look for the longevity creature. If we can find the longevity creature The elixir of immortality, then we can make a lot of money."

After speaking, he went straight to the ground and disappeared without a trace.

The demon lord left, Cui Yu stood at the foot of the mountain thoughtfully, and then said to Yu, "Let's go to the martial arts hall."

It is still necessary to learn martial arts, martial arts is the foundation for a person to live and work.

The cultivation of the iron smelter can only continue to the subtleties, and if he wants to take the next step, he will stop temporarily.

Since you want to practice martial arts, you must practice the deepest punches and the strongest physique.

Cui Yu would rather wait if he couldn't find Jiaolong and other primordial spirits to increase the upper limit of bones. He still has enough time and he is not in a hurry.

Besides, the Heart Ape left Cui Yu and reappeared outside the Liangjie Mountains. Looking at the uncultivated wilderness, he could not help but feel a sense of evil in his heart:
"Damn it, even though I'm getting stronger, that kid seems to be getting stronger. If this goes on like this, when will I be able to stand up?"

Looking at the Wuken Void, Xin Yuan's brain flickered with conspiracy and tricks: "Why don't you lead the Great Zizai Heavenly Demon to make a breakthrough?"

"No, how long ago have I been born, the Dazizai Heavenly Demon is too weird, if he hastily lured the Dazizai Heavenly Demon to come, I don't know if the Dazizai Heavenly Demon swallowed me or I swallowed the Dazizai Heavenly Demon."

Heart Ape wanted to break through, but he was afraid of the power of the Great Freedom Demon, and swallowed himself back at that time. For a while, his heart was like a bucket, swaying back and forth: "There is a way, that kid has a magic spell, maybe he can use it The power of the magic spell will help me suppress the Dazizai Heavenly Demon and obtain the status of the Demon Lord. Go to that boy, if I can prove to be the Demon Lord, it will also be a help to that boy, right?"

"Besides, that kid has the blood of the innate gods, and all the blood of the innate gods are irresistible temptations for Da Zizai Heavenly Demon. If that kid stands by my side, he will definitely lure Da Zizai Heavenly Demon over and call Da Zizai Heavenly Demon. Zizai Heavenly Demon gives up on me!"

"If it can lead to misfortune, let that kid fight Dazizai Heavenly Demon to lose both sides. At that time, I will swallow Dazizai Heavenly Demon King with my left hand, and the dog thief with my right hand. At that time, my magic spell will no longer restrain me. Happy? Demons are supposed to act recklessly and should not be restrained!" Xin Yuan stood on the spot chattering and laughing for a while, and then turned into yellow smoke and disappeared on the ground.

Think in your heart and start to act.

After a dozen or so breaths, Xin Yuan dodged and stood in front of Cui Yu.

Cui Yu was about to go down the mountain, when he saw the devil blocking the way, he couldn't help frowning: "Why are you back again?"

"I have something to ask you." Xin Yuan was not polite.

"What's the matter?" Cui Yu asked.

"I want you to help me practice!" Xin Yuan said.

After hearing this familiar sentence, Cui Yu almost punched Dawei Tianlong: "What the hell?"

"I want to lead the Dazizai Heavenly Demon to descend. If I can integrate the Dazizai Heavenly Demon, I will truly assume the role of the Demon Lord in the future. At that time, I will entrust the hearts of all living beings. If they are not dead, I will not be destroyed." Heart Ape looked eagerly Looking at him: "But the time since I was born is too short. I rashly lure the Great Zizai Heavenly Demon to come. end."

"Since it's so dangerous, why don't you go pick up the devil?" Cui Yu was puzzled.

"Brother, the road is narrowed, right? If the heart demon wants to evolve, this is a step that must be experienced." Heart Ape explained: "Actually, it can't be called devouring, it just depends on me or him in the end. If you continue to focus on me, everything will be fine, and it will be the same as before. If he is the leader..."

Xin Yuan made a long sound when he said this.

"How about making him the master?" Cui Yu asked.

"He must try every means to devour you and secretly create one enemy after another for you. I'm afraid that your magic spell may not be able to subdue him." Xin Yuan said.

"My magic spell can only restrain you, but not him. If you want me to help you, you will only be disappointed." Cui Yu looked at Xin Yuan.

"It's the feeling of pain that needs to be cursed tightly. Dazizai Tianma masters the art of virtuality and reality. As long as you can teach me to feel pain, I can break his tricks. At that time, he will be a younger brother who will be devoured by me." Heart Ape clapped his hands.

"Brother, the inner demon is so cunning, don't trust his words. Since you have a magic spell, you should restrain him and carry it with you day and night to transform. How can you help him practice by devouring the demon?" Yu interjected.

"Shut up, you sinister, vicious, shameless woman, I am him, he is me, he helps me, he helps himself. We are both born from the same root, so there is no difference." The demon pointed at Yu and cursed, and then To Cui Yu, he said aggrievedly: "Cui Yu, listen to me, such a sinister and vicious woman is not to be desired."

Obviously, Xinyuan has a grudge against Yu!

That's right, he is a good demon, but he puts a magic spell on him, and there is another person who can restrain him at any time. He is educated if he doesn't pick up a machete to attack people.

"Dog thief, you are me, and I am you. If I am strong, you are strong. If I am swallowed by the Huazizai demon, then the Dazizai demon will dominate my consciousness, but you will suffer. You will have more time An immortal opponent who knows all your secrets is enough, there are countless more people who can kill you at any time." Xin Yuan looked at Cui Yu with a pair of eyes.

Cui Yu was silent when he heard the words, glanced at the two of them, and said, "When will you receive the Great Zizai Heavenly Demon?"

"I think it's about the same now." Xin Yuan's body transformed into two cute big eyes.

"Come with me!" Xin Yuan finished speaking and led the way: "When the demon comes, there must be a vision from the sky. At that time, there will be an unknown number of people who will come to kill the demon. We still need to find a secret place. We can't give it to the other party. Reaction time."

Cui Yu nodded, and the group left Xiaoli Village, walked another ten miles into the mountains, and came to a small ravine.

"It's right here!" Xin Yuan stopped and turned to look at Cui Yu: "You can remember, every three breaths, activate the magic spell, telling me to stay awake and not be confused by the Great Freedom Demon. "

Chant the mantra every three breaths?

Cui Yu felt his brain hurt.

Two people share the senses, the demon suffers the pain, and I and the demon suffer the same pain.

"What? Is there a problem?" The demon looked at Cui Yu suspiciously and asked.

"No problem, let's start." Cui Yu said calmly.

Heart Ape walked a few more steps after hearing the words, and then fell under a big rock. His whole body shrank continuously, turning into an inconspicuous pebble, and then a burst of Qi overflowed from his body, and the next moment, the entire canyon was swept away. There was a cloudy wind.

That's right, it's Yinfeng!
What is Yinfeng?

A gust of light black, light black visible to the naked eye, engulfed in a cool breeze mixed with countless chills!
Now that the drought is born, the air is dry and hot, and the vegetation is all dead, but at this time, there are cold winds rolling up between the sky and the earth, just like the north wind in the cold winter months, blowing in the valley like a knife, and the whole valley is soaked layer by layer Frost visible to the naked eye.

A series of strange and inexplicable murmurs sounded like a dream between heaven and earth.

A layer of frost covered Cui Yu's clothes, hanging on Cui Yu's temples.

Not far away, Yu Youru was like a frightened rabbit, and at this moment, he took a step forward and fell into Cui Yu's arms.

Waves of twisted and weird laughs echoed in the dark wind.

Cui Yu's pupils shrank, and there was a gleam in his eyes. Looking at the dark wind gathering in the canyon and the frost hanging on the cliff, his eyes showed a serious look.

"He's coming!" At this moment, Heart Ape shouted.

The next moment Cui Yu's hairs stood on end, and before he could react, a chill poured into his skin, as if he had suddenly come to three or nine days from the scorching heat.

[Ding, I found a strange force invading.Is it usurpation? 】

[After usurping, you will get one hundred and eight drops of divine blood.Obtain a small supernatural power 'virtual-real conversion'. 】

[Note 1: "Virtual and real conversion" is one of the pre-rules for the promotion of the small supernatural power "matter transformation" to the great supernatural power "mediation of good fortune". After the two are merged, the small supernatural power will be promoted. . 】

[Note 2: The price: magic.After usurping this unearthly power, you become imbued with its magic.Although the devil can be transferred to the devil, but the devil has more unknown and unpredictable characteristics. 】

[Note 3: The price cannot be vegetarian.This consideration can be waived. 】

[Note 4: The price is obsessed.You will be possessed by external stimuli at any time.This consideration may be waived. 】

At this moment, a sound came from the ear, Xin Yuan's voice came cursing:
"Fuck! That's my demon, how did it get on you?"

"Be careful, dog thief, the demon wants to pollute you." Xin Yuan's fake cry echoed in Cui Yu's ear.

"That's my celestial demon! Give me back my celestial demon! Without the celestial demon, how can I evolve?" Xin Yuan hurriedly ran around Cui Yu, while secretly staring at Cui Yu's facial expression, Constantly observing Cui Yu's reaction.

"Boy, that's the Dazizai Heavenly Demon. You are just a mortal now, and you have been invaded by the Dazizai Heavenly Demon. See if you are still alive! At that time, I will swallow the Dazizai Heavenly Demon again, and I will be the real Supreme Demon Lord."

Yu's face was tense at this time, and his eyes were fixed on Xinyuan. He always felt that Xinyuan was not as simple as it seemed.

This fellow harbors malicious intentions!

Seeing Xinyuan yelling and shouting around Cui Yu, it feels a bit fake no matter how you look at it.

But at this time, Cui Yu's mind was filled with monstrous waves.

"Talking, it's unbelievable! It's really unbelievable! One hundred and eight thousand years have passed through countless kalpas, and there are still bloodlines of innate gods in the world!"

"Unbelievable. This time I am right. After swallowing you and taking the blood in your body, I will definitely be able to evolve into the Great Freedom Demon King!"

A voice appeared in Cui Yu's mind, but there was no sign of it.

Even in the spiritual world in Cui Yu's mind, there is no trace of the Dazizai Heavenly Demon, only strange and amazed cries echoing constantly in the world of the spiritual world.

"Are you the Great Zizai Heavenly Demon?" Cui Yu's consciousness appeared in the spiritual world in his mind, listening to the voice in his mind, he asked questions in his heart.

"Hey, petty mortal, you're not afraid of me?"

The voice noticed Cui Yu's spiritual consciousness at this time, and there was a touch of curiosity in the voice.

"Why am I afraid of you? I'm just curious about you. I don't know if you can show up to see me? I have always heard the reputation of the Great Zizai Heavenly Demon, but I have never seen the Great Zizai Heavenly Demon. I am really curious!" Cui Yu's voice was full of calm.

No matter how weird you are, once you enter Lao Tzu's body, you can't escape the suppression of your innate supernatural powers.

"Interesting! So interesting! It's been a long time since I met such an interesting person!"

(End of this chapter)

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