Chapter 87
Han Xin felt that he had a dream, but that dream was very real.

Cui Yu smiled and did not explain, but asked, "Is there really a hell in this world?"

"Maybe." Han Xin hesitated for a moment and said.

That memory was too real, especially the aura on the bull's head and horse face, which was so powerful that the laws of heaven and earth were distorting, and the words of the two were firmly engraved in his mind.

After Cui Yu helped Han Xin wash, he pointed at Han Xin's body and the water droplets separated instantly, making him clean and refreshed.

"Brother, are you supernatural?" Seeing Cui Yu's move, Han Xin's eyes straightened.

"Yes." Cui Yu nodded.

"It is said that the ancestors of my Han family were also great nobles, but it is a pity that they have not been passed down from generation to generation, and the power of blood has gradually faded." Han Xin's eyes were full of endless envy.

"In the future, you will learn your skills from the old Confucian scholars, and one day you will be able to master incredible power." Cui Yu stood in the stream, and a puff of water vapor penetrated into his body. He could sense that his Gonggong blood seemed to have undergone a mutation. , a wonderful energy was bred in Gonggong's blood.

That's a supernatural power!

Just like Yu and Xiang Caizhu's natal supernatural powers.

Cui Yu looked at Han Xin, changed into simple and clean clothes, and looked refreshed, with energetic eyes.

The only downside is that it's thinner!The bones under the neck and the bones on the face seemed to be visible.

"Xiang Ji needs to be washed too." Cui Yu walked ashore, he felt that he had a much deeper understanding of water, and he felt an indescribable intimacy.

When Yu led Xiang Ji to come, Cui Yu wanted to laugh.

Xiang Ji is not very beautiful, but she has a round and round feeling.

The most important thing is, compared with the skinny Han Xin, the little girl's face is still a little fat.

Cui Yu's evaluation of Han Xin's character has improved again.

"Brother, I heard people say that the old Confucian scholar deviates from the scriptures and is not very reliable." Han Xin followed behind Cui Yu, Xiang Ji supported Han Xin, and at this time Han Xin muttered beside him.

"It is the greatest honor in my life to be able to worship Mr. as a teacher." Cui Yu did not defend the old Confucian scholar, but just expressed his own opinion.

Han Xin was silent.

Cui Yu led the three of them all the way to Daliang City. Today's Daliang City is a little more chaotic than in the past. The most intuitive thing is that there are many figures with waists and hips with long knives on the streets, scrambling among the crowd.The number of common people who rub shoulders and heels on weekdays is also reduced by half at this time.

"The Seven Great Scholars divided up the Chen family, but how could the Taiping Dao, represented by Tang Zhou, sit idly by? A conflict is inevitable, and the key still depends on the attitude of the Xiang family." Cui Yu was already stunned, and had some guesses. .

Taiping Dao is powerful, spanning the entire Great Zhou, but the Seven Great Scholars are not without support behind them.

If you really want to go to the Taiping Road, you may not show weakness.

At least in Dayu Kingdom, as a local snake, which of the Seven Great Scholars has no head?There is no nobility behind that!

Cui Yu strolled among the crowd, Yu was still covered by a bamboo hat, his whole body was covered under the bamboo hat, holding a sword in his arms, exuding a posture of keeping strangers away.

Walking through the familiar street, Cui Yu, who was far away, suddenly heard a commotion, and the crowd continued to gather, like a plague, spreading to the distance, and a group of people shouted like crazy and ran to the distance.

There was the sound of swords, lights and swords, and the sound of metal and iron clashing. In the distance, two groups of people were fighting on the street.

They were all a group of men in coarse linen clothes, with swords and swords flickering in their hands. Although it seemed that they were fighting back and forth, the speed of their moves was too slow, and it didn't seem like they had martial arts cultivation.

Moreover, the clothes he was wearing were not very good, and there were many dirty patches.

A group of people fought in front of the pork shop.

"Brother, they are all local tyrants. One is a bad person who is in charge of all the food and oil in this street. The other group is the coolies who are in charge of operating the pier." Han Xin explained next to him.

Cui Yu looked around, the owner of the pork shop was holding a butcher's knife in his hand, standing in front of the pork shop with an ugly face, despite the two gangs fighting and killing, he stood there like a dumb log , There was no words for a long time.

Cui Yu narrowed his eyes, this is his own shop, it cannot be destroyed by them.

"Jin Shangzao, I have already taken refuge in Wu's family. I planted the flags in these three shops first. You came here to smash up and collect protection fees for no reason. You really don't give me face." The big man in charge of the dock held a steel whip in his hand, He didn't do anything, but pointed at the bad guy who was in charge of the whole street.

"Li Sanshui, your sphere of influence is the Water Transport Wharf. This is my turf, and I won't allow you to interfere. It's fine for you to stand on the wharf in the past and gather a group of people. Our power is not at the wharf, and we don't care how aggressive you are. But this is the city, and the whole Old Lantern Street is mine. If you want to run horses on my territory, you have to ask my brothers if they agree, and if you agree or not!" Jin Shangzao held two knives, stern Don't care about the other party's threats.

"Mountains have mountain roads, and water has waterways. If you dare to cross the boundary, I will chop off your hand. Otherwise, how can I hang around on this street in the future. So what if you join the Wu family? It's the Mi family! The Mi family has been among the eight noble families in Daliang City for a hundred years, how can it be compared to your mere Wu family?" Jin Shangzao's voice was full of sarcasm.

"So there's nothing to say, we can only fight with real swords and guns!" Li Sanshui smiled coldly.

Of course, the big families above looked down on the mere three pork shops below, but those who were in charge of the family and the children of the younger generation couldn't help it, and stretched out their hands one after another.

It is impossible for the big family to end in person, it is necessary for the two groups to fight.

There is no reward for the winner, but if the shop is lost, the only thing waiting for everyone is to be abandoned by the big family.

There are no one hundred or eighty low-level gangs in Daliang City. What you can't do, of course someone else can do it!

This is a rare opportunity, and I don't know how many people are watching it!
The swords and guns were handed over, and soon there were reds on the streets.

Cui Yu stood on the street, watching the excitement with great interest.

Han Xin's face was pale, but he still followed Cui Yu firmly, without taking half a step back.Xiang Ji, who was helping Han Xin by the side, was trembling with fear on her face.

"Brother." Yu hugged the sword and whispered next to Cui Yu.

"It's okay, it won't be too late when they decide the outcome." Cui Yu folded his arms and watched the two sides fight with interest.

The two sides fought without rules, but there was no waste of a knife or a sword. Cui Yu was very interested in watching the trick of crawling all over the ground and attacking the next three roads, which opened his eyes.

Moreover, the fighting between the two sides was quite restrained, neither made a fatal move, nor greeted a vital position.

Although it looked like blood flowed into the sky and there were screaming figures all over the ground, none of them died.

Of course, there are also those unlucky guys who lack arms and legs, and the sound of crying and howling shakes the whole street.

Everyone lives in the rivers and lakes, and they stay on the front line so that they can meet each other in the future, so there is no need to kill them.

It's just that as the fighting between the two sides became more and more chaotic, and the scope of the battlefield became wider and wider, the Wu family's forces gradually gained the upper hand. Someone in the Mi family's Jin Shangzao camp got red eyes and implicated Cui Yu and Yu, holding a knife directly chopped over.

Cut off the red eye!

"Kacha~" With a push of Yu's finger, the blade was pushed half a foot out of the sheath, revealing the cold light of the blade.


Yu flicked the titanium alloy sword lightly with his fingers, and the next moment a wave of sound waves shot out from Yu's body, only to hear screams, the sound waves passing by were like sharp knives, cutting everyone Small cuts appeared on his body, and then he was blown up by the sound waves and fell to the ground.

Yu didn't kill him!

Facing a group of ordinary people, there is no need to kill them.

Jin Shangzao and Li Sanshui, who were beating you back and forth over there, suddenly had a series of openings on their bodies, and blood gushed out continuously, as if they had been hit by a sledgehammer, they flew upside down, spraying blood from their mouths. Out of a mouthful of blood.

"A Qi practitioner!" Li Sanshui's pupils shrank.

"An alien!" Jin Shangzao also exclaimed.

The two spoke in unison, then looked at each other, and both saw the fear in each other's eyes.

No matter whether it is a qi practitioner or an ordinary person, they are all like gods in the eyes of the two.

How could a high-ranking god be involved in the fight between ants?

The two of them endured the pain and knelt down on the ground one after another: "I don't know that the nobleman is here, so I ask the nobleman to forgive me."

In addition to this sentence, I dare not say the second sentence.

Cui Yu glanced at the two of them, his eyes swept across the crowd who were constantly howling on the ground, without any fluctuation in his eyes, he walked slowly past the crowd, came to three shops, and then his eyes fell on the butcher shop owner.

"'re not..." The boss looked at Cui Yu, then at Han Xin behind Cui Yu, stuttering and a little speechless.

"Where's the title deed?" Cui Yu asked in a gentle voice.

"Here." Hastily and hurriedly took out a sandalwood box from under the chopping board, and there was a contract document in the box: "My lord, this shop belongs to the Chen family. Although the Chen family has been doomed now, but There are still clansmen living in this world, it is useless for you to go to this land deed."

"It's useless, so I just don't want it." Hearing this, Cui Yu felt that what the butcher said made sense, and then put the land deed back: "From now on, these three shops will belong to me. You can be a hired worker to sell pork for me! "

"Ke Mi's family and Wu's family are eyeing this shop..." The butcher looked at Cui Yu worriedly.

"You just sell your pork. If anyone comes to cause trouble, you tell him to come to me. My name is Cui Yu, and I live in Lijia Village at the foot of Liangjie Mountain." After Cui Yu finished speaking, he ignored the butcher and turned to look at the two people on the ground. He helped people, pointed to one of them and said, "What's your name?"

"Little man Lin Sanshui." The man quickly replied.

"You have no objection." Cui Yu stared at him.

"The villain doesn't dare to have an opinion, but the Wu family behind the villain is afraid that they will come to ask in the future." Lin Sanshui replied with a humble expression, his head on the ground, and respect.

"Just ask the people behind you to come to me. My name is Cui Yu, and I live in Lijia Village at the foot of Liangjie Mountain." Cui Yu nodded. Wu Guang had already killed him, so it's not too much for him to snatch Wu Guang's three shops, right?

Looking aside again, Jin Shangzao:

"The one behind you is the Mi family, right?"

"Yes." Jin Shangzao said, "My Mi's family has withdrawn from the battle, and there are only three shops in the area, so it's not worth alarming the big masters above."

Hearing this, Cui Yu looked at Jin Shangzao in surprise

A group of people dragged their broken bodies, you helped me, I helped you, and limped away.

Only Han Xin and others were left standing there, staring blankly at Cui Yu, unable to figure out what to do with these three pork shops with Cui Yu's ability.

Cui Yu didn't explain, but glanced at the butcher: "Well done."

With a compliment, he led Han Xin to Baicao Hall.

Cui Yu admits that he is a little bit drifting now!
Especially after fighting with a group of people from the Chen family, facing ordinary people is a bit floating!
But every time I think of the sword that split steel and iron, I can't help but tighten my buttocks: "Wretched! Wretched!"

But if the two pork shops don't fight, they probably won't be able to take them down.

"I didn't expect my sister to be so powerful." Han Xin looked at Yu with awe, at the sword in Yu's arms to be precise.

"It's not that I'm good, it's that they are not popular." Yu sneered.

"Sister, can you teach me swordsmanship?" Han Xin would not believe Yu Ji's modest words.

"I'm not swordsmanship." Yu smiled and said, "I'm a supernatural power. You can't learn the power brought by blood."

Han Xin looked disappointed when he heard the words, and turned to look at Cui Yu again.

"You want to learn skills?" Cui Yu asked without waiting for Han Xin to speak.

"Of course I want to learn. Only by learning the skills can I gain a foothold in the world." Han Dao said.

"My skills are not top-notch, so I can't teach you. But there is a fortune, I wonder if you can grasp it." Cui Yu muttered.

Han Xin was a little disappointed when he heard that Cui Yu refused to teach him, but when he heard Cui Yu's words behind him, his eyes lit up: "Please teach me, brother."

"There is a peerless swordsman in Baicao Hall, whether you can grasp it depends on your performance." Cui Yu said without looking back.

"There is a peerless swordsman in Baicao Hall?" Han Xin widened his eyes: "How tall is it?"

"One hundred I can barely reach their heels." Cui Yu said truthfully.

Tang Zhou, who had been wiped out of life and death, didn't even have the courage to face Gong Nanbei. Cui Yu didn't even dare to think about Gong Nanbei's ability, it was beyond his own cognition.

Han Xin was stunned.

Cui Yu was already as tall as a hundred-story building in his eyes, so how tall would a peerless swordsman who was a hundred taller than Cui Yu be?

I'm afraid it breaks through the sky.

Several people had their own concerns, and they arrived at Baicao Hall not long after, and the aroma of rice wafted over. Wang Yi was cooking in the yard.

"Junior Brother Cui, you are very lucky today. There was a heavy rain last night, and some 'land' grew on the ground. The most delicious thing is that I am frying the land. You are lucky now." Wang Yi saw Cui After fishing, his eyes lit up, and he waved to the side.

Cui Yu's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Land, good stuff!
In some places it is called ground fungus, and in others it is called ground soft.It looks similar to seaweed, but it is very delicious.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect to be lucky today." Cui Yu swept across the yard, and saw Gong Nanbei who was holding a sword and looking up at the sky, and Ji Kunpeng who was squatting in a corner drinking.

(End of this chapter)

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