Chapter 89
"Wait, what did you say his name is?" Cui Yu suddenly frowned, his back felt a little chilly, and the hairs on his body stood on end.

"Wu Guang!" Xiang Caizhu didn't understand, so she gnawed on the shaved ice: "The first genius of the Wu family led the Wu family from an ordinary wealthy family to the ultimate rich family, so he began to recruit soldiers and buy horses to advance to the scholar's family, coveting the scholar's family It’s a pity that the Eight Great Scholars’ families in Daliang City have a radish and a hole, and they all have profound foundations, accumulated by generations of ancestors. Although he is a genius, his efforts to shake others for several lifetimes are still like a mayfly shaking a tree.”

"But your appearance gave Wu Guang a chance." Xiang Caizhu's snow-white and delicate teeth gnawed on the shaved ice with a 'click' and 'click': "He is the first genius in Daliang City in 500 years, and only my brother can suppress it." He turned his head. My brother said that he is expected to reach the heavens in martial arts, break through the void and cut off the book of life and death. That's why my brother lowered his head to take a look at the Wu family. He's looking at Wu Guang, not mere Wu family."

"Isn't he the first genius in 500 years? Can your brother beat him?" Cui Yu stared at Xiang Caizhu.

"My brother is the first genius in a thousand years, so of course he is overpowered." Xiang Caizhu's face is full of pride: "And I am the second genius in Da Zhou's 5000 years. My brother is overwhelmed by me."

"Who is the first genius?" Cui Yu subconsciously asked.

"You! I'm the second, of course you are the first." The girl was a bit stinky, since she awakened the power of blood and grasped the power of the earth, Xiang Caizhu was a little bit flustered.

Cui Yu didn't bother to pay attention to Xiang Caizhu, but looked into the distance with a pair of eyes, and the light in his eyes flickered endlessly: "Wu Guang! Chen Sheng Wu Guang, this is a good brother! I offended Chen Sheng with my front foot, and offended Wu Guang with my back foot inexplicably. Cui Yuneng What should I do? He has nothing to do!"

But in this life, Wu Guang copied Chen Sheng's house, Cui Yu felt it was strange.

Moreover, Wu Guang and Taipingdao got mixed up, and the Xiang family might not know about it.

Cui Yu dare not underestimate anyone who can leave a name in history.

"Wu Guang, find a way to find a chance to kill him. But Tang Zhou is too difficult. Taipingdao wants to use Wu Guang to get involved in Daliang City. Will Tang Zhou let me kill Wu Guang?" Cui Yu narrowed his eyes.

"There is something wrong with the collapse of the Chen family this time." Xiang Caizhu suddenly replied, looked at Cui Yu and said, "You can't take it lightly, the Shi family is by no means that simple."

"What's wrong?" Cui Yu asked.

"All the masters of the Chen family are missing. I heard that they were slaughtered, but there is no body." Xiang Caizhu said: "If those old things of the Chen family are still alive, even if my Xiang family wants to take action, It also needs a precise layout, so that they can be wiped out and no one will be lost."

No matter whether it is to exterminate the family or to kill people, if a fish slips through the net, it will be fatal.

And no one is a fool who would stand there and let you kill him. If you want to kill his whole family and cut off his bloodline and ancestral hall, how can he let you go?

Especially as a person with a higher status, the less reverence he has for those above him.

It even occurred to me: Why is he pressing on my head?Why is he sitting in that position?

In ancient times, when the emperor wanted to kill people, why did the ministers kowtow to thank instead of running away?
Just because I only killed you alone!

If you dare to scold Emperor Yongle like Fang Xiaoru, do you think the emperor would dare to punish your nine clans?
"It's really strange to die." Cui Yu looked at Xiang Caizhu with a smile.

He understood what Xiang Caizhu meant. Xiang Caizhu felt that he was lucky to be able to destroy the Chen family.

Cui Yu also knew that he was able to destroy the Chen family because Xinyuan heard Chen Changfa's words.

Xiang Caizhu gnawed on the shaved ice, looked at the gloomy Cui Yu under the lights, and said in surprise:

"You seem to be very worried about Wu Guang. I've never seen you like this before."

"It's just a small person who can be crushed to death with a single kick." Xiang Caizhu was puzzled.

"It's okay if you don't believe in evil." Cui Yu replied.

"Or go and kill him now." Xiang Caizhu stared at Cui Yu, seeing that Cui Yu was unhappy, her eyes gradually turned cold, and her eyes were full of cruelty.

Cui Yu shook his head: "No, I will naturally solve this matter. If I can kill the Chen family, I can naturally kill Wu Guang."

"If you want to kill Wu Guang, you have to do it early. It will be troublesome to do it after he gets a firm foothold." Xiang Caizhu pouted and looked at Cui Yu.

Cui Yu was silent.

Is he afraid of Wu Guang?

What he feared was Tang Zhou.

He didn't want to intensify the conflict with Taipingdao.

He had already had a tense relationship with Tang Zhou. If he killed Wu Guang again and ruined the Taipingdao plan, it would be no wonder that Tang Zhou didn't work hard with him.

"Even if he belongs to Tang Zhou, I will kill him. At most, I will beg Gongnanbei in the future! That's Wu Guang!"

Originally, if the other party was just a passer-by, it would be fine for him to look at Tang Zhou's face, but now... Wu Guang...

"Second body technique, it's so fucking unreasonable." Cui Yu cursed from the bottom of his heart:

"We still need to find a better way."

He didn't want to involve Xiang Caizhu, because that Tang Zhou was too dangerous.

Moreover, the Taiping Road runs across the entire Great Zhou, and it is definitely not something that a Xiang family in Daliang City can compete with!

What's more, I'm afraid that the King of Dayu may not have the courage to fight.

Thinking about the Taipingdao in history, Cui Yu felt his scalp tingle, the matter was a bit serious.

Thousands of thoughts were flowing in his mind, Cui Yu closed his eyes, gently tapped the pillar with his fingers, made up his mind to kill Wu Guang tomorrow, and kept Xiang Caizhu firmly on his lips: "Forget it, it's just Wu Guang. Besides, I will infuse you with divine blood first, and it won’t be too late to start when our cultivation level rises. We are the first genius in a thousand years, and the first genius in ten thousand years, so Wu Guang will slow down your cultivation speed?"

Cui Yu opened his mouth to hold Xiang Caizhu, for fear that the girl's temper would anger Taipingdao.

Cui Yu is really afraid of the Taiping Dao in his heart!
It's not ordinary fear.

"Understood, I will work hard to practice, and rub those old immortals on the ground as soon as possible." When Xiang Caizhu heard that she was infused with divine blood, her whole body suddenly became energetic.

Let's talk about Wu Guang walking out of Xiang's compound, his whole face became gloomy: "Cui Yu can't stay! Absolutely can't stay!"

He never imagined that Cui Yu had such a relationship with the Xiang family, otherwise he would never have offended him.

"That guy also seems to be a ruthless master who will take revenge. Now that he has forged a death feud, he will never let it go. Chen Sheng is one of the eight great scholars, but he took a look at his little slave girl, and he didn't say anything. The family was ruined, and one of the eight dignified families was destroyed like this. I almost killed him, how could he allow me to live?" Wu Guang became more and more frightened when he thought about it: "He has a good relationship with Miss Xiang. If you blow the wind in Miss Xiang's ear, won't I be in bad luck then?"

"It's better to strike first, and then to suffer disaster. We have to find a way to kill him." Wu Guang racked his brains as he walked, "It's definitely not possible to attack directly, that kid's methods are too weird. I'm afraid that the entire Chen family will be killed by him. We still need to find a way."

Walking to the corner, I suddenly saw a group of bloody figures, you help me and I help you, all of them were pale and shivering and howling in the dark night, like howling lonely ghosts, but they put Wu Guang down. Big jump.

"The Chen family has fallen, and I don't know how many people are full." Wu Guang took a closer look, scanning the wounded people, and they were about to pass by with expressionless faces.

But who would have thought that at this time the leader suddenly fell to his knees and kowtowed to Wu Guang: "Little Lin Sanshui, kowtow to the Eldest Master."

A group of people behind them were all wounded, and at this moment they also knelt down and kowtowed to the ground.

Wu Guang paused, looked at Lin Sanshui who was dripping with blood, couldn't help being taken aback, and slowed down, and came to Lin Sanshui: "Do you recognize me?"

"Elder Master, you are so forgetful. The younger one is Lin Sanshui who is with the Third Master." Lin Sanshui raised his head and quickly wiped the blood off his body with his sleeve.

Wu Guang took a closer look, and moved the lantern closer. His face was very familiar. Didn't he follow his incompetent third brother's little follower?
He remembered that he had been entrusted with several difficult cases at the pier before.

"I remember. Why are you in such a mess?" Wu Guang frowned.

Lin Sanshui is also considered one of his own, why was he so embarrassed by being hacked?

Looking at the people behind Lin Sanshui, they were all wounded and bleeding, so miserable.

He knew Lin Sanshui well, even though he was a low-level reckless man, he still had some skills, so he definitely wouldn't make himself so embarrassed.

Moreover, the Water Transport Wharf is an important matter, and it is related to the Sanhe Gang and the bandits in Quinyu Mountain, so nothing can happen.

"Grandpa, don't mention it, we are unlucky today, so it's a disaster." Lin Sanshui began to pour out his bitterness. He is a smart person, and this is the best time to ask the elder to call the shots:
"Did the third master want to open a meat stall? The villain was thinking about the fall of the Chen family, but there were three good shops connected together, so he wanted to take it for the third master. But who knew that he bumped into the street gangster Jin Shangzao?" , After we reported our name, who knew that Jin Shangzao actually joined the Mi family. Let’s think about it, what about the Mi family? Our master is about to be promoted to the Eight Great Scholars’ family now, so we can’t lose his position, so he gritted his teeth and led brothers and Jin It's too early to fight."

"Losing?" Wu Guang's face gradually darkened.

Looking at the man in distress behind Lin Sanshui, he clearly looked defeated.

Wu Guang didn't like losers, let alone wimps, which made the Wu family lose face.

It's okay to have a conflict, and it's okay to report the name of the Wu family, but you can't lose!The battle cannot be lost!

"I didn't lose!" Seeing Wu Guang's expression was wrong, Jin Shangzao quickly replied.

"Didn't lose?" Wu Guang was stunned for a moment, his face calmed down: "It's fine if you didn't lose, take the brothers to my house to get the golden sore medicine."

"Master, we didn't lose, but we didn't win either." Lin Sanshui hurriedly said in fear of Wu Guang's misunderstanding.

"Didn't win?" Wu Guang stared at Lin Sanshui: "It doesn't matter if you don't win. The Mi family is an old family. If you don't lose, you have won face."

"Master, we have been wronged!" Lin Sanshui complained.

"Why?" Wu Guang was puzzled.

"Originally, we were about to win, but who knows where the strange man came from, so powerful in his life, with just one sound of the sword, all our brothers were knocked down by the other party." Lin Sanshui said.

He wanted to make a good impression in front of Wu Guang, without any stains, so that he could get ahead as quickly as possible.

"No way, the three pork shops in the area are worthy of the hands of a different person from the Mi family?" Wu Guang was stunned.

"It's not a foreigner from the Mi family, but a passing foreigner. Not only did he take the shop domineeringly, but he also uttered cruel words telling us to stay away from that shop in the future, and he will cover the shop from now on. He even clamored, if our two families refuse to accept, Just go to Lijia Village at the foot of Liangjie Mountain to look for him." Lin Sanshui complained bitterly:

"The little guy wants to come, but it's just three shops, it's not worth alarming the old man, so I'm going to hide it."

"It's a big breath, who is this person? Did he leave a name?" Wu Guang smiled coldly.

Li Family Village at the foot of the Two Boundaries Mountain?
Haven't heard of any characters?

"He said his name is Cui Yu." Li Sanshui said.

"What's your name?" Wu Guang narrowed his pupils and asked.

"It's Cui Yu." Li Sanshui repeated.


The bluestone under Wu Guang's feet was broken inch by inch, his fists were clenched tightly, and his clothes were rattling, so scared that Lin Sanshui lay on the ground and dared not speak.

"You said he also spoke harshly to that person from Mi's family?" After a while, a light flashed in Wu Guang's mind.

"Yes." Lin Sanshui said.

"Hahaha! Hahaha! God help me too! God help me too!" Wu Guang laughed suddenly, and everyone who was laughing couldn't figure it out.

"It's just that we can use the hands of the Mi family to get rid of him." Wu Guang smiled coldly: "You come forward, I have something to tell you. After it's done, you are allowed to join my Wu family's guard team. In the future, I will use my Wu family's name act."

"My lord, please give me instructions. The villain must go through fire and water, go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire to complete the task for the lord." Lin Sanshui said.

"Tomorrow, go and squat the man behind Jin Shangzao, and then..." Wu Guang whispered in Lin Sanshui's ear for a while.

Lin Sanshui was dumbfounded.

After a while, Wu Guang stood up straight: "Do you hear clearly?"

"Listen clearly, it's just... that kid is really so powerful? Is it worth the Elder Master's scheme against him?" Lin Sanshui was puzzled.

"Whether he is powerful or not is one thing, and whether we can succeed in the calculation is another thing." Wu Guang smiled coldly: "If that kid destroys the Mi family, we will take the opportunity to swallow the Mi family and strengthen the Mi family. If that kid Being killed by the Mi family will definitely be hated by the second lady, and then we will take advantage of the Xiang family to swallow the Mi family under the guise of revenge. No matter how we count, we will suffer a lot, and we will win with one stroke!"

"Besides, the Mi family is a big family. Even in Haojing, it is a first-class powerful force. As long as it continues to be implicated, the Xiang family and the entire Dayu Kingdom may be involved, and we can have unexpected joy. When the time comes It shouldn't be difficult to say that it is not difficult to become the leader of the princes, or at the worst to become the top family of Dayu." Wu Guangxi raised his eyebrows, holding back the words in his heart, and did not say anything to Lin Sanshui.

"You just go and do it. It's a great achievement if you can do it. If you can't do it, you can feed the fish by yourself." Wu Guang turned and left with a lantern after speaking.

Looking at Wu Guang's back, Wu Guang's shadow stretched very long under the light, and his whole body's shadow was constantly distorted. Lin Sanshui's heart felt cold, and he couldn't help shivering:
"Damn, it seems to be involved in some big event, it's not good!"

"Wealth and wealth are in danger, and with the Wu family in front, we can give it a go." After muttering, Lin Sanshui looked at the younger brother behind him, then turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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