Strange world, I can seal the gods

Chapter 98 The Blood of the Female Demon, Establishing the Foundation of Martial Arts

Chapter 98 The Blood of the Female Demon, Establishing the Foundation of Martial Arts

Didn't your corpse ancestor transform the female demon into a dead person, a corpse?

Then I'll just resurrect her and see what you do!
Cui Yu's eyes lit up, and he finally thought of a way to make trouble for the corpse ancestor.

He Cui Yu has never been a master who is willing to suffer. Shizu almost turned him into a zombie and killed him. How could he be willing to swallow this bad breath?

Cui Yu's eyes lit up, and he didn't even think about using his magical powers immediately.

The four drops of divine blood in Cui Yu's body released divine power, and at the next moment, resurrection from the dead was activated: resurrection from the dead.

The power of the six realms of reincarnation twisted and rotated, and a black and white two-color three-dimensional Yin-Yang diagram rose behind Cui Yu, and then the Yin-Yang diagram expanded and enveloped towards the stone platform.


The yin and yang diagram enveloped the corpse of the female demon, and the resurrection was activated, and then the vision disappeared, the power of yin and yang between the heaven and the earth collapsed, and the corpse of the female demon was still lying quietly on the stone platform.

Looking at the still lifeless female demon, Cui Yu's eyes revealed a look of astonishment: "Isn't that right? I clearly used Resurrection, why didn't I resurrect?"

Standing on the stone platform, Cui Yu was a little dazed, his eyes were full of puzzlement, his eyes went back and forth on the body of the nun, and finally his eyes fell on the corpse, and a thought flashed in his mind:

"I see!"

"Returning from the dead is indeed activated, but the power in my body is limited, and I'm afraid I won't be able to resurrect the demon god." Cui Yu was a little stunned.

The idea is a good idea, but to revive a god and demon, the energy required must be massive.

His two drops of divine blood were able to revive Han Xin because Han Xin had just died and his body hadn't cooled down yet.Moreover, Han Xin's mortal body does not consume much energy.

But the female demon is different, the female demon is a demon god!
Every inch of skin on the body is full of laws and order. Using four drops of blood of the innate god to resurrect an entire innate god?

It sounds like using four drops of a person's blood to revive a person.

The energy is completely unequal!
Moreover, it is a demon god who has been dead for thousands or tens of thousands of years, and his body has turned into a zombie. If he wants to be resurrected, it is not only a reversal of life and death, but also a reversal of the essence of the other party's life.

But also to expel the power of the corpse ancestor!

Bringing the dead back to life can revive everything in the world, there is one prerequisite: enough energy.

The energy consumed to revive an ant is naturally different from that of a sparrow.

"So that's it! So that's it!" Cui Yu was stunned.

"Then what should I do? Do I wait until I become a demigod, with 12 drops of divine blood in my body, and then come to resurrect the female demon?" Cui Yu scratched his head.

12 drops of divine blood, Cui Yu couldn't even think about it.

He has only collected four drops, and the distance is 12 drops, which is still far away.

"What should I do?" Cui Yu scratched his head, God knows how long it would take him to cultivate 12 drops of divine blood?

Judging by the appearance of Nuba, it doesn't look like she can survive until then?
"The problem is back to the original point. I want to advance in martial arts by leaps and bounds. The foundation of martial arts requires the blood of gods and demons. Only the bones of gods and demons and the blood of martial arts can make my cultivation speed full. It’s been polluted by the corpse ancestors, so I can’t use it at all.” Cui Yu stood on the stone platform, thinking of various ways in his mind:

"Is there really nothing to do?"

"No way! I just want a drop of the blood of the gods and demons, and I'll settle for the next best thing. I don't want bones, but blood, can't you satisfy me?" Cui Yu stood in front of the female demon's corpse, all in a daze.

If he can't get rid of the difficulties in front of him, he won't be able to improve martial arts.

"Perhaps... there is another way." Cui Yu stood on the high platform and pondered for a long time, his eyes looked at the body of the female demon, to be precise, at the corpse of the female demon, his eyes revealed a gleam of splendor.

He really thought of a way to try.

For example: He can't resurrect the whole female demon, but he can revive female demon's arm first.If he couldn't resurrect Nuba's arm, then he would resurrect a palm.If the palm cannot be resurrected, then one finger, half a finger, a little joint, or one cell can always be resurrected, right?
Resurrecting his millions of cells, and drawing them out with real water without phase, will they be able to form a drop of the demon god's blood?

As for why Cui Yu didn't use Gonggong's magic blood and his own divine blood, it was because these two bloodlines had been stored in Cui Yu's body, and the Gonggong's bloodline had been transformed into Cui Yu's own bloodline.

Eat your own supplements?
Just kidding.

As for using the transformation of divine blood to create a drop of Gonggong divine blood, Cui Yu said that he did not have that power.

That is Gong Gong's demon blood, which contains the greatest mystery of the immortality of the demon god, and hides the oldest law in the world. How could he covet these four drops of divine blood?

Cui Yu's eyes fell on Nuba's right index finger, and then he closed his eyes to sense the underground water veins, continuously absorbing the energy of the water veins, and recovering the power of the divine blood in his body.

It's so strange to say this, not only seems to be in another space, but even the laws of heaven and earth have become extraordinarily weird, as if in another world.

An hour later, Cui Yu's body was full of divine blood power, and the next moment he revived and activated.

"Bring the dead back to life!"

The power of Cui Yu's four drops of divine blood acted on Nuba's arm, and the magical powers fell without any change.

Cui Yu had a certain expectation in his heart, and continued to accumulate the power of the divine blood. After another hour, Cui Yu blessed the supernatural powers on his palm.

The death curse on the palm fluctuated slightly, breaking Cui Yu's resurrection in an instant.

"It's interesting, there is a reaction! After all, it is also divine blood, and it is also the power of four drops of divine blood." Cui Yu's eyes lit up after seeing this scene, and then continued to use his great supernatural power:
"Bring the dead back to life!"

This time Cui Yu applied supernatural powers to Nuba's left index finger.

With the fall of Resurrection, ghosts and wolves howled suddenly in the void, and the underground stone platform rioted. Countless dark red strange forces crazily drilled out, and overwhelming chests poured out, revolving around Cui Yu, and a frantic urgency continued to spread.

It's just that he was afraid of Cui Yu's methods, so he didn't dare to go forward.

The power of yin and yang that revived the dead enveloped the entire finger, and a ray of white light flickered on that finger, and the black curse power fought against the white light.

"It works! And it's still very effective!" Seeing this scene, Cui Yu's eyes lit up.

But the yin-yang fish resisted the power of the curse for three breaths, and then the yin-yang fish collapsed and disappeared into the world.

Seeing this scene, Cui Yu was not only not discouraged, on the contrary, he showed a touch of fanaticism.

Cui Yu's eyes were full of excitement: "Damn, it can be done! I can't resurrect the whole woman, but I can't resurrect a finger? I can't resurrect a finger of yours, and I can't resurrect a drop of your blood? I can resurrect you alone!" cell?"

"Bring the dead back to life!"

Cui Yu got more energetic, using the power of Gong Gong to mobilize the underground water veins, and the power of countless water veins surged in and poured into Cui Yu's body to make up for the loss of divine power.

"It's a pity that the yin-yang fish reversed and didn't open the gate of the underworld. Otherwise, under the erosion of the death energy of the underworld, I could continue to increase the blood of the gods."

Cui Yu felt a little regretful.

The soul of the female demon is not in the underworld, so she cannot summon the gate of the underworld to descend.

An hour later, Cui Yu activated his supernatural power again:
"Bring the dead back to life!"

This time Cui Yu activated a knuckle.

Then Cui Yu's body was full of strange power, and he wanted to rush forward, but he was too afraid to move forward.

The black and white light enveloped the fingertips of the middle finger of the right hand, and the black and white light entangled with the curse of the corpse ancestor. This time, it persisted for a longer time, which lasted thirty breaths.

"Directly apply the supernatural powers to her blood, and it will definitely work." Xin Yuan didn't know when he came to Cui Yu's feet, and looked at Nuba eagerly.

"In a human body, bones are stronger than blood. Your supernatural powers can already act on her knuckles. If you act on her blood, it will be done directly. You directly act on a ray of divine blood!" Heart Ape said anxiously. .

"Why are you here?" Cui Yu frowned, this place is separated by a space barrier, and he has real water without phase to penetrate the space molecules, and his heart is pinned on a stone, how can he pass through?
"I am your heart ape. I am originally between existence and non-existence, between life and death. I am not material, but changing and illusory thoughts. Stones are just my sustenance. I can entrust thousands of Tens of thousands of stones can also be entrusted to the hearts of living beings. You are my medium, and wherever you can go, I can go too." Xinyuan said triumphantly:
"Actually, you are me, and I am you. I am nothing but your infinitely expansive, unconstrained desire."

"The desire for the blood of gods and demons in your heart is too strong, so I used this desire to come in." Xin Yuan looked at him proudly.

Cui Yu looked at Xinyuan, this thing is as evil as the corpse ancestor!
Not a good bird!

Xinyuan was a little hairy after being stared at by Cui Yu, and hurriedly changed the subject:

"You listen to me, and try it first, so as not to waste your power."

Cui Yu glanced at Xin Yuan, but did not refute the other party's words. The next moment, the four drops of divine blood recovered from his body poured out again.

Bring back to life!

The yin-yang fish turned behind Cui Yu's back, ignoring the defense of the body of the god and demon, and poured it directly into the finger.

This time, after the yin-yang fish penetrated the body of the god and demon, it finally changed.

There was only a golden thunder and lightning explosion, the yin and yang fish staggered, and a ray of chaos was born. In the chaos, a small golden lightning exploded, and the chaos was divided into clear and turbid in an instant, and six black holes were derived. Big hole.

Then the six big holes rotated according to some mysterious force, and a drop of white liquid dripped down, directly onto the stream of blood of Nuba.

When the white liquid came into contact with the blood, there was only a scream in the void, and then black smoke flew out of the blood, and was captured by the six circles of reincarnation.

A wisp of holy energy circulated, and that wisp of black blood turned into golden yellow!

It was a strand of golden yellow blood, which could not be seen clearly with the naked eye, but one could see the divine brilliance bursting out of the blood.

With the birth of that ray of blood, the whole body of the female demon seemed to have undergone some kind of mutation, and her body trembled and vibrated continuously, as if a major earthquake had occurred.

The next moment, overwhelming black air shot up into the sky, and emerged from Nuba's body, like a surging tide, 'killing' that ray of divine blood in an instant, and the blood that had been vibrating, returned to dead silence again .

Cui Yu was stunned, and stood there blankly, while Xin Yuan shouted excitedly, and his four hooves continued to play happily: "Successful! Successful! Your supernatural powers, a thief, are really against the sky. Even death The lost primordial gods and demons can all be resurrected."

"In the future, if we dig out the bodies of the ancient demon gods and put a magic spell on them, won't we be invincible? If we drive a group of demon gods to sweep the world, who will be our opponent?" Colliding together, it looks happier than Cui Yu:
"The bodies of ancient gods and demons will never decay. As long as we dig them out, when the time comes..."

"Hahaha! Hahaha!" Heart Ape was giggling.

Cui Yu didn't bother to pay attention to him, he was his infinitely inflated desire, scolding him was scolding himself.

However, seeing the other party's crazy look, Cui Yu still felt an inexplicable strangeness in his heart.

Looking at the blood that was 'killed' and 'cursed' again, Cui Yu absorbed the moisture between the heaven and the earth while thinking about the key to building a foundation in martial arts.

It is not difficult for Cui Yu to revive the blood and then use the True Water Formless to bring out the divine blood directly.

"Building the foundation of martial arts is to absorb and refine the things of gods and demons, the essence of powerful monsters, and all kinds of things contaminated with the power of law, and integrate them into the body, so as to continuously strengthen one's own blood and one's 'extreme'.

To be precise, building a foundation in martial arts strengthens the 'pole' in one's body!
Extremely integrated with the gods and demons, the bone essence of ancient monsters, the blood born will have the characteristics of the smelted thing.

Then use the extreme blood to transform the physical body, transform the muscles and bones!
This is also the key to building a foundation in martial arts.

The first level of martial arts, reaching the extreme, is not only the first hurdle on the road of martial arts practice, but also the first hurdle for future martial arts to become stronger.

"The magical treasures smelted by those Qi practitioners are collected in the dantian, which is actually a kind of foundation building, to strengthen their own energy and spirit, and use various geniuses and earthly treasures to refine them into magic weapons, and then put them in the dantian to make the whole body grow. Metamorphosis." Cui Yu's eyes revealed a thoughtful expression.

Not only martial arts can build foundations, but Qi practitioners can also build foundations.

"What about the bloodline?" Cui Yu had a question in his heart.

The bloodline returns to the ancestors!
"Ordinary people's growth of wisdom teeth is actually a manifestation of returning to their ancestors. It is a power engraved deep in their genes. As long as external forces require it, they can mutate at any time." Cui Yu looked at his palm thoughtfully: "Thanks In the palm of my right hand, the fire poison of the real fire of Samadhi is fused, otherwise, even if the good fortune of gods and demons is in front of me, it will not be able to withstand it."

The human stomach cannot digest iron and stone, but only grain.

The same is true for martial arts foundation building, which is not strong enough, even if you get any bones, you can't digest them.

But Cui Yu's samadhi real fire fire poison is definitely one of the most powerful flames in the world, even ancient gods and demons can be killed slowly.

"After melting the blood of the female demon, I will definitely be able to improve my martial arts cultivation by leaps and bounds and accommodate more divine blood." Cui Yu felt the unceasing fluctuation of the divine blood in his body, and the power of the water veins between the heaven and the earth continued to gather, and the divine power in his body recovered again .

beyond the mountains
At the moment when Cui Yu entered the high platform, the strange force under the jade platform retreated, and the nun suppressed the fire poison all over her body, the expression of the old Nanhua Taoist priest on the hilltop changed, and he couldn't help throwing the dog:
"Damn it, what happened to the God Demon Well? Why did the power of drought suddenly stop?"

(End of this chapter)

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