National color raw owl

Chapter 1015 City Head

The wolf mastiff was so ferocious that all the guards changed their colors in horror. Although all the guards were brave warriors, they felt chills seeing such a cruel beast. (The update speed is the fastest, remember this site to find this site)

The wolf mastiff squatted next to Song Ming's corpse, devouring human flesh. The crown prince frowned slightly, looked at Zou Hong, and said, "It's really cruel...these two beasts, I accept them, can I tame them?"

"Your Highness, with these two wolf mastiffs, it's like having two powerful guards." Zou Hong said unhappily, "From now on, they must obey His Highness." With a glance, a The entourage came over and held a wooden box. Zou Hong opened the box and took out a pair of white gloves from it, "Your Highness, this is not a separate gift. These silkworm gloves have always belonged to these two wolf mastiffs." The animal trainer brought... There is also a green bamboo tube. As long as His Highness wears white silk gloves, they will regard His Highness as their master. This green bamboo tube is like a general's command flag. Wherever it points, the two wolf mastiffs Just jump there!"

The silkworm gloves are exceptionally delicate in workmanship. They look as thin as a cicada's wings, but they are extremely tough. They are like green bamboo tubes, but they are made of jasper to look like bamboo tubes. They are only as thick as a thumb, and the workmanship is also very delicate.

The prince did not speak, but just looked at the two things. Of course Zou Hong was not stupid, so he handed the glove to the attendant around him. The attendant put on the glove, and then walked towards the wolf mastiff. The wolf mastiff was eating human flesh, but it was still very alert. There was a figure behind him, he got up instantly, turned his head, his fangs were like knives, with bloody flesh hanging on them, it was extremely terrifying, but when he saw the entourage wearing gloves, he became surprisingly docile, as if he had been tamed and trained The very well-behaved puppy walked up to the attendant.

The attendant reached out to stroke its back, and then patted it. The wolf mastiff squatted down very obediently, and the attendant also squatted down immediately, grabbed the wolf mastiff's jaw, and then turned to look at Zou Hong. Zou Hong nodded, and then got up and went over, guided the wolf mastiff back into the iron cage, closed the iron door, then returned to Zou Hong, took off the gloves, and presented them to Zou Hong, Zou Hong put the gloves and the green bamboo tube Put them all back into the wooden box, and presented them to the crown prince very respectfully, "Your Highness please accept it with a smile!"

The prince motioned for Tianhou to accept it, and ordered: "Bury Song Ming generously, and pay more attention to his family...!" Tian Hou said yes respectfully, and ordered people to pack up Song Ming's body. Zou Hong followed him, walked along the long road of the Martial Arts Field, and asked, "Does Governor Feng like to raise this kind of beast?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, the Governor's favorite thing to do is not to raise ferocious beasts, but to be loyal to His Majesty and His Highness the Crown Prince, guard the northern frontier for the imperial court, and tame those barbarians." Zou Hong bowed and said.

The prince smiled and said: "You are the head of the Ministry of Rites? You can speak well, but you are also eloquent." He asked again: "I heard that Governor Feng met the Northern Xinjiang Trading Field in the Hexi border. How is the situation now?"

"With His Majesty's permission, the governor-general started to prepare for the establishment of a trade field in northern Xinjiang." Zou Hong responded: "The barbarians have always admired the richness of our Great Qin, and they love our goods very much. Although they are a barbarian land, But there are also some good things. After the establishment of the Northern Border Trading Field, the trade has become very prosperous. Many merchants in the country have gone to the Northern Border Trading Field to trade, and the barbarian tribes also have special teams to trade in the Trading Field... ...!"

The prince said: "I heard that there are no fewer than dozens of barbarians and barbarians who are hostile to each other and fight each other all the year round. I heard that the northern border trade field is a post station on the border between our Daqin and barbarian Mobei...! "

"Huangfengyi!" Zou Hong immediately said: "In Liangyi, the northernmost part of Hexi, it is only ten miles away from Liangcheng. Huangfengyi was originally a patrol post, and now it is the northern Xinjiang trading site. At the head of Liangcheng, you can contact the northern Xinjiang. The situation of the trading field is clear at a glance. The northern Xinjiang trading field is in good order. Liangcheng is the first city facing Mobei. Its geographical location is very important. Governor Feng has been sending people to reinforce and heighten it. There is a large scale, the governor has deployed heavy troops there, and there are soldiers and horses in Liangcheng, which are enough to ensure the safety of the northern border trade field."

"What I mean by this palace is that it is not possible for all the barbarians to enter the northern border trade field from the barbarian territory?" The prince said slowly: "If the barbarian tribes in the north want to reach the northern border trade field, they must If you want to pass through the territory of other tribes, will other tribes let them pass? It is said that the barbarians are cruel and fierce, and the tribes hate each other. In this way, the only ones who can do business in the northern border trading field are the barbarians in the south. Man tribes?"

Zou Hong immediately shook his head and smiled and said, "His Royal Highness, the establishment of the northern border trade field, in fact, the governor had such a plan many years ago. Governor Feng is located in Hexi. In the past, barbarians often invaded the northern border of our Great Qin, but Feng The governor has been fighting for many years, and the barbarian tribes are now in awe of the governor. When Governor Feng was governing Hexi, he found that although the border business was prosperous, it was very messy, so he always wanted to rectify the trade between the two sides. In this way, It can pay a large amount of taxes for the imperial court every year."

The crown prince spoke again, Tianhou watched him walk slowly on the smooth road, and Zou Hong followed him and explained, "Governor Feng has made some arrangements in advance before he proposed the idea of ​​establishing a trade field to the Holy Majesty. The beggars of several big tribes of the Yiman...!" After a pause, he explained: "Your Highness, the beggars are the leaders of the Yiman tribe... The governor asked them about the trading field, and the barbarians were naturally willing to cooperate with them. Our Daqin is doing a good job in trade. When the governor proposed this idea, those barbarian beggars immediately agreed. The governor immediately made an agreement with them. Once the northern border trade field is established, the trade between the barbarian tribes and Daqin must be regulated. Come on, that kind of messy private trade is not allowed. Governor Feng allowed every tribe of the barbarians to have a caravan that has always been qualified to trade with Daqin, and sent a flag to each tribe. Only caravans that are qualified to trade , to be able to fly this flag, and the composition of the caravan is completely prepared by the tribes themselves. On the Mobei prairie, as long as they see such a flag, no tribe can add swords and soldiers, otherwise everyone will be punished. Of!"

The prince smiled and said: "It seems that Jing Zhonghou really scared the courage of the barbarians. The barbarians really obeyed our Jing Zhonghou!"

Zou Hong hurriedly said: "Your Highness, it's not that the barbarians are obedient, it's just that this matter is related to their interests. In the past, many barbarians traded with us in private, and even the tribes themselves didn't know about it. It was the barbarian beggars who specially sent them to trade. In fact, they were spies from the barbarians to enter our Great Qin territory and inquire about the news. But now that Governor Feng has set up the Northern Xinjiang Trading Field, the barbarian caravans can only be in northern Xinjiang The trading field does business, and it is impossible to go deep into the territory of Daqin. When their caravan enters the northern Xinjiang trading field, there are special officials there to register their number and names. My big chance."

"Jing Zhonghou is still very capable." The crown prince nodded and said, "According to what you said, the establishment of the northern border trade field will bring a tax to the court?"

"This...!" Zou Hong bowed his body and said, "His Royal Highness, Hexi is now devoting all his energy to building a palace for the Holy One. The taxes earned by the northern border trading site are temporarily transferred to the Department of Household Affairs of Hexi Province to be used for the construction of the palace...!"

The crown prince sighed, and said: "Building such a huge palace with a single effort, it's hard for Jing Zhonghou." After a pause, he said: "After you go back, tell Jing Zhonghou that he gave the two wolves to the palace. Mastiff, Ben Gong likes it very much, it made him bother."

Zou Hong immediately said: "Your Majesty must convey His Highness's meaning."

Feng Yuanpo showed great hospitality to the emperor and the crown prince, but Chu Huan naturally didn't know about it. He was in the northwest, so he paid less attention to the capital at the moment. At least at the moment, his main energy was on Xiguan.

At this time, Chu Huan was on the top of Shuoquan City. Shuoquan City was more than ten meters high. The city cast a view, and the visible range was extremely far. At this time, Chu Huan was looking out of the city with his hands behind his back.

Under the city, the crowd was bustling and murmuring, and there was a large area of ​​darkness. What the common people love most is the excitement. Today, at the head of Shuoquan City, there is a big excitement to watch. [

The most lively topic in the city these two days is the bet between Goddess Ma and the new governor, the tea shop restaurant, when a few people get together, they will talk about it as the most interesting topic. It seems that they don't talk about it these two days topic, that is a very embarrassing thing.

"My lord governor, I heard your summons, and the officials hurried over here." A voice came from behind, and Chu Huan turned his head with his hands behind his back, and saw Dong Shizhen, the magistrate of Yuezhou, coming quickly. Why did you come here today? Why are there so many people gathered under this city?"

"Master Dong has a lot of affairs, I'm afraid I don't know yet." Chu Huan sighed, "Master Dong is invited to come here today, just to let you be a witness. The governor has made an agreement with Goddess Ma before, and today is the last day of the agreement. There is always a winner.”

Dong Shizhen slapped his head and blamed himself: "The lower official almost forgot. This matter has been talked about in the city for the past two days, but the lower official has also heard it from others. It's just a joke. My lord has a noble status, how can he be with you?" That witch horse cares... Could it be that the rumors in the market are true, my lord really... really had a bet with that witch horse?"

"Witch Ma said that the governor is the God of Plague, but the Governor is a local official sent by the Holy One, and the Holy One is the Great Benevolent Lord in the sky, and the one sent by decree can only be the righteous god who saves the common people in Liming, so how can he be the God of Plague? Du Fugong next to Chu Huan looked calm and said calmly: "On the contrary, we already know that Goddess Ma is the real God of Plague. The disaster in Xiguan is under the eyes of everyone today. Let everyone see who is the God of Plague and who is the real God!" "

Dong Shizhen smiled awkwardly: "This... how does this have something to do with the God of Plague?"

"Master Dong, it doesn't matter if the plague is not the plague god." Chu Huan sighed: "If Goddess Ma really proves that the governor is the god of plague today, then the possibility of the governor staying in Xiguan will be decided by Goddess Ma. If Ben Du is asked to get out of Xiguan, Ben Du's luggage has already been packed, and he will leave today, if she is not willing to do so, she must get rid of this plague god...!" Chu Huan turned around, his eyes fell on Outside the city, "This governor can only jump from the top of the city, and give the people of Xiguan a peaceful world!"

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