Without any further hesitation, Xiao Heng lifted the hem of his clothes, knelt down on the ground, and said solemnly: "The troubled times have come, whether the people in the Northwest will be devastated or not, it all depends on the adults' thoughts. My uncle said that those who can shoulder the important task of life and death in the Northwest, Only the governor!"

Zhu Lingyue said "Oh", Xiao Heng has already continued: "My lord is both civil and military, this is already known in the world, Chu Huan is trying to take advantage of the chaos, and he must not be allowed to make trouble in the northwest. Now Jin He of Xiguan The two provinces have raised their troops to resist Chu Huan's tyranny, and my uncle only hopes that the Lord can come forward and restrain Chu Huan!"

"Stop Chu Huan?" Zhu Lingyue said indifferently: "How to suppress it? Chu Huan and the governor are both governors. Could it be that the governor will listen to the governor if he says something casually?"

"If he really doesn't know what to do, hit him!" Xiao Heng said in a deep voice, "Chu Huan is a yellow-haired boy, don't let him hurt, he really thinks of himself as someone."

Zhu Lingyue couldn't help laughing, and said: "Hit?" Fu Xu smiled and said: "Nephew Xiao, are you confused with a fever? If the governor goes to beat Chu Huan, wouldn't it be tantamount to rebellion?"

Xiao Heng shook his head and said, "Has your lord forgotten the 'rebellion' of Qu Chuli?"

"Qu Chuli?" Zhu Lingyue frowned.

"During the Dahua Dynasty, Qu Chuli led troops to cause chaos. He started from the northern border, ran rampant, and finally rebelled and captured the capital." Xiao Heng stared at Zhu Lingyue's eyes and said slowly: "This is what caused the chaos." Conflict among heroes, the Chu Huan of today is very similar to Qu Chuli of that year, and he is also in full swing to eliminate dissidents, such a disaster, even a junior like Xiao Heng can clearly see it, my lord can't see it clearly?"

Zhu Lingyue stroked his beard lightly, without making a sound. [

"Chu Huan has already caused a disaster, and my lord is a great hero. Don't you want to wait for Chu Huan to cause a bigger disaster?" Xiao Heng's eyes twitched, "Once he grows up, it will be a great misfortune for the entire Northwest. At that time, the people in the Northwest will Then the people will be burned...to eliminate the evil, and this will save the people from the disaster!"

Zhu Lingyue sighed: "In this case, why is Governor Xiao sitting still?"

Xiao Heng said with a wry smile: "Your Excellency should know that Uncle's prestige is vastly different from that of Your Excellency. If he makes a rash move, it may backfire. Only with a wave of an adult's arms will there be a cloud of followers from all over the northwest, and Uncle will definitely do so." Soldiers follow." After a pause, he sneered and said, "If the entire northwest is against Chu Huan, how can he stay? If he wants to stay, the imperial court will not."

Zhu Lingyue smiled and said, "So Governor Xiao also has a lot of opinions on Chu Huan?"

"That's true!" Xiao Heng said: "When my uncle sent my nephew, he was already preparing for the battle in Beishan. As long as your lord gives an order, the Beishan army will definitely obey your command!"

"According to the order of the governor?" Zhu Lingyue laughed and said: "Governor Xiao likes to joke, he is the governor of Beishan, why should he obey the orders of the governor!"

"Uncle said that he is from the Northwest. In times of crisis, all the people in the Northwest should unite as one." Xiao Heng explained: "Your Excellency is the banner of the Northwest and the real king of the Northwest. The three ways of the Northwest should obey the Governor. My lord, in times of crisis, a great mission has come from heaven, and I ask you, the governor, to take up the great mission for the sake of the people!"

Zhu Lingyue just smiled and spoke.

Seeing this, Xiao Heng wanted to speak, but Zhu Lingyue raised his hand to stop him and said, "Forget it, I already understand what you said. You go back and tell Governor Xiao. This governor is very grateful that he can admire him, but Governor Xiao He has high morals and prestige, and he claims that his prestige is not high, but that is just self-effacing words, you tell him that the governor respects him very much, he raised his arms, even if others should not, the governor will follow Governor Xiao to help the country!" He beckoned, and the soldiers leading Zhu Lingyue's horse not far away immediately brought the horse over. Before Xiao Heng could say anything, Zhu Lingyue turned on the horse, held the rein in his hand, turned to look at Xiao Heng, and said with a smile: "There are many good horses here. If there are any nephews you like, feel free to choose a few to take home." Without further words, he flattered the horse and left.

Of course it was impossible for Chu Huan to know that Xiao Huanzhang sent Xiao Heng to meet Zhu Lingyue in secret.

Among the iron horses, he has already embarked on the road to put down the "chaos".

He has never been so majestic before, with nearly [-] troops under his command, they set off from Shuoquan and marched straight to Hezhou.

Chu Huan actually felt very relaxed. With 2 soldiers and horses, he always had a feeling that he was leading nearly [-] people to a fight. He put on the wolf armor he got from Xiliang. Putting on the rare armor, Chu Huan even felt that this armor was specially made for him by the heavens, and it fit his body very well.

The Lei Huo Qilin under his crotch also seemed to sense the coming of the war, and was extremely excited. During the march, he snorted from time to time, and the horses around him did not dare to approach easily.

Although Chu Huan didn't start immediately, he made the deployment for the war immediately. [

What Chu Huan is most short of now is money and food. Fortunately, there is a certain amount of military food in the Pingxi Army Station, and the gentry in Shuoquan, led by the seven surnames of Xiguan, fought well in order to support Governor Chu. However, they also donated part of the food in the first battle of the chaos. Of course, this part of the food was registered by the government. Chu Huan made it very clear that this was borrowed food from the government. .

Most of the gentry didn't care about such words. When Dongfangxin was here, he repeatedly expropriated money and food, but that was to put it aside. Once the "chaos" was successfully suppressed, everyone would be compensated.

Now that Dongfangxin is dead, of course it is impossible to return the looted money and food.

Originally, Xuanyuan Sheng took the initiative to invite Ying to quell the "rebellion", but Chu Huan went out in person. He had to send out a signal that the governor of Xiguan would never tolerate rebellion.

Fang Rushui was ordered by Xuanyuan Shengcai to go to Jiazhou. He thought it would not be easy to take over the military power, but the reality was much easier than imagined. Fang Rushui successfully took over the military power. The military affairs of Jiazhou had just been dealt with, and the people sent by Chu Huan had already arrived , A battalion of troops was transferred from Jiazhou and brought back to Shuoquan by Fang Rushui.

After the first battalion brought back by Fang Rushui arrived, the strength of Shuoquan has reached the fifth battalion, which is nearly [-] troops. Shuoquan is the capital of Xiguan, a strategically important place, and Xixia Mountain is nervously producing salt. Chu Huan Of course, it is impossible to transfer all the troops of Shuoquan in Yuezhou to the front line, leaving two battalions of troops, and Xuanyuan Shengcai stays in Shuoquan to prevent accidents.

Now that Xiguan is in turmoil, even Chu Huan can't guarantee whether someone will suddenly attack Shuoquan City after he sets off.

The recruits trained by Pei Ji were immature, but they were still led by Pei Ji to follow Chu Huan on the expedition. For real soldiers, the real training was on the battlefield.

In addition to Pei Ji, Fang Rushui and Han Ying also set off with them.

Chu Huan is not very proficient in the method of marching, but with Pei Ji by his side, this is naturally solved. The army is divided into the front army, the middle army and the rear army, and each has a general. Fang Rushui is the general of the front army, and the general of the rear army. Han Ying was in charge. Chu Huan was the general of the whole army, but he was also the general of the Chinese army. He was in charge of the Chinese army. Under the guidance, Chu Huan also gave instructions one by one. He did everything by himself. With Pei Ji's assistance, everything was in order and logical.

All the soldiers were led by Chu Huan. At the beginning, many people were skeptical. Many people doubted whether Chu Huan really had the talent to lead the army. It's just to show off his prestige, but seeing that Chu Huan's arrangements are decent, understatement, thoughtful arrangements, and quite general, his confidence is greatly increased.

The wind and sand in the northwest were strong, and the wind and sand in Yuezhou was really not small. It seemed that God deliberately wanted to test Chu Huan's perseverance and give him difficult problems. Halfway through the march, there were continuous cloudy weather, and the wind and sand protruded. Fuzzy, this added a lot of difficulty to the march. Chu Huan sent many scouts to scout around, and he must find out the situation around him.

Chu Huan is very clear that the rebellion in Jinhe Erzhou is a rebellion that he must quell. This battle is of great importance. The soldiers and horses are stronger than the rebels, but he knows that the rebels have already captured Hezhou City. Although Hezhou City is not as large as Shuoquan City, it is not a small city. , it is absolutely impossible to go out of the city to fight, the biggest possibility is to stay behind closed doors and stick to the city.

The march lasted more than a few days, and Pei Ji told Chu Huan the place to garrison every day. Chu Huan then ordered the whole army. The book of war in the formation is now by his side, learning from Pei Ji's teachings during actual combat and marching.

"The most important thing is to send troops to suppress the rebellion this time, just four words." Under the night, the world was dark, the wind and sand were howling like ghosts, Chu Huan and several important generals in the army held a military meeting in the camp, Pei Ji looked calm, Pointing to the military map laid out on the table, the voice said slowly: "Quick battle, this battle must end in the shortest possible time, otherwise it will be very bad for us!"

"Mr. Pei's words are certainly not wrong." Han Ying said solemnly: "But I have heard quite a lot about Hu Zongmao's temperament towards him. Although this person is indecisive, he is cautious and cautious. Dare to take risks so easily... According to my estimation, he will have no other choice this time, but to gather all his troops in Hezhou City and defend the city to the death."

Fang Rushui also nodded slowly and said: "It is inevitable. He will not risk going out of the city to fight a decisive battle, and he will not even plant an ambush to attack us. We know him very well, and he knows us quite well. Our food and grass are not enough to support us." It's been too long, and he knows very well that how much food and grass are in Xiguan, and our logistics is the biggest problem at the moment. He knows in his heart that as long as he can stick to Hezhou City, when our food and grass are exhausted and morale is low, he will win! "

"It's not just about food and grass." Pei Ji stroked his beard and said, "The most important thing is the problem of people's hearts. If the battle is resolved quickly, all the forces in Xiguan will not dare to act rashly, but once they are consumed in Hezhou, the longer the time, then The consequences are even more unimaginable...!" Glancing at Chu Huan, he said, "Chu Du, there are plenty of people who want to see us return from defeat!"

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