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Chapter 1090 The Knight Brought by the Wind

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Everyone watched the big man turn into a pile of flesh, but he didn't die immediately, his head was still wriggling, and his face still had an expression of excitement.

This scene was extremely horrific, and several people forgot to fight. Whether it was Mr. Hei's subordinates or Chu Huan's guards, their faces showed horror.

But Chu Huan didn't stop, his body was light, and Mr. Hei didn't dare to confront Chu Huan head-on. In the blink of an eye, he shook his sleeves from time to time. Chu Huan had already caught a glimpse of the big man who had turned into a puddle of flesh. He was also very shocked, knowing that it was most likely caused by the smoke just now, this Mr. Hei's movements were strange, and the smoke he was carrying was also extremely sinister, so he dared not take this person lightly.

He was very surprised in his heart, Mr. Hei's movement method, he always felt that he had seen him before, his steps were moving, agile and weird, but for a while, he couldn't remember where he had seen such a strange movement method.

At this moment, he suddenly heard footsteps. After Mr. Hei got out of the way, Chu Huan turned his head to look over, but saw a group of people flashing in the gray not far away.

Chu Huan was a little surprised, only when the group of people who appeared suddenly, who were also under Mr. Hei, thought to herself that when she came out, they were unusually secretive, and her whereabouts were also extremely confidential. Assassination here. [

The group of people gradually became clear, there were 30 to [-] people, each of them was riding a tall horse, but Chu Huan could tell at a glance that the tall horse was not a good horse.

Riding on the horse was a bearded man in a single gown, holding the rein in one hand and a big sword with a ghost head in the other. His hair was braided into braids, and he looked very fierce. Behind him was a group of people, all dressed in They are different, and the weapons in their hands are also different. Some are holding knives, some are holding spears, and some are holding forks and axes. It looks like a group of rabble.

Seeing someone here, the big bearded man shouted loudly: "Brothers, there are prey here, surround me...!"

A group of people yelled and rushed over. Mr. Hei and Chu Huan had already moved a few steps away, and they didn't do anything again. They just watched the mob rushing up.

The two guards and the three big men under Mr. Hei didn't make a move either, they held their knives tightly and watched the group of people rushing over, all of them waiting in full force.

"Surround up and put down your weapons." The big man on horseback yelled, "Maybe you can save your life if you are obedient, otherwise none of you will be spared...!" Amidst the yelling, his group of men had already rushed over, Surrounded Chu Huan and others.

Chu Huan frowned, his eyes were stern, and he knew in his heart that these people were not Mr. Hei's subordinates, but a group of bandits who came here to rob.

The big man on horseback rode proudly on the horse, with his clothes open, and his face was full of pride, as if he was a general who commanded thousands of troops.

"Throw everything over here." The big man on horseback raised the ghost knife, pointed at Chu Huan and the others, and said, "Which way are you all on?"

Chu Huan asked indifferently: "Which path are you on?"

As soon as this remark came out, the bandits all around burst into laughter, and someone shouted: "You don't know our king? That's really damned, this piece of ground belongs to our king, and our king is the descendant of Guan Wusheng people……!"

"Guan Wusheng?" Chu Huan smiled indifferently, "Guan Yu?" He looked at the big bearded man, "Are you Guan Yu's descendant?"

"That's right." The big bearded man said triumphantly, "Look at you guys have some abilities. If you hand over your things, my lord will spare your lives. If you are willing to join me, my lord will never treat you badly. Are you willing to follow me?" Your Majesty has done some business?"

Chu Huan sighed, "I don't know what career King Guan is talking about?"

"What can there be?" A minion scolded: "We follow the king, conquer the world, conquer the country, and when the king becomes the emperor in the future, we will all be the founding heroes, and the glory and wealth will be endless...!" [

Chu Huan couldn't help laughing, but said helplessly: "Just relying on you dozens of mobs, you want to fight the country?"

"Bold." Someone scolded sharply: "Shut up your dog mouth, my lord, this kid doesn't know people, he is insulting you, kill this kid first." Picking up the big knife in his hand, he was the first to rush towards Chu Huan.

Chu Huan clenched his fists, and suddenly heard another sound of horseshoes. This time, the sound of horseshoes was like a muffled thunder coming from the depths of the earth, rumbling from a distance.

The minion who rushed up obviously also heard the sound, and stopped immediately. For a while, everyone including the Guan Dawang was silent. The Guan Dawang followed the sound, and the world was gray. Unable to see clearly, suddenly, the expression of the Great King Guan changed drastically, and he lost his voice: "No... not good, it seems... It seems to be the wind in the clouds...!"

As soon as the word "Yunlifeng" appeared, the expressions of the group of bandits changed drastically, showing panic.

When Chu Huan heard the word "Yunlifeng", he was also a little surprised.

He is very familiar with this name. Not long ago, there was a bloody case in Niulan Village, and the whole village was captured. Chu Huan knew from Dong Shizhen, who had not been assassinated at the time, that there was a group of bandits in Xiguan, called Yunlifeng. There were as many as three to four hundred people in the group, most of them were equipped with horses, and the leader wore a bronze mask. When they moved, they came and went like lightning, so it was difficult to find their traces.

Chu Huan had heard of this banditry, but had never seen it.

King Guan and dozens of his subordinates were already pale. At this time, they obviously wanted to attack Chu Huan and his group again. As expected of a king, King Guan reacted quickly. He turned his horse's head and shouted: "Run!" ...!"

When the subordinates heard King Guan's order, they immediately turned their heads, like sheep seeing a herd of lions, they spread their legs and ran away, scrambling for the first time, lest they run too slowly.

Chu Huan looked at the gray distance, and the sound of horse hooves approached. Soon, he saw a group of black shadows jumping out from the gray dust. Strong trousers, covered with masks, all wielding big knives in their hands, and the horses are like lightning. This group of people are obviously very skilled in riding, and they galloped nearby in a blink of an eye. I don't know who these knights are coming for. It wasn't until these knights passed by him that Chu Huan knew that they were not targeting him.

The minions accepted by King Guan were crying and howling. Except for King Guan, everyone else relied on two legs. People with two legs, of course, could not compare to horses with four legs. The minions under King Guan did not run far at all. , the knights galloped up to catch up, without any hesitation at all, the knights chopped down with the big knives in their hands, the blood was flying, and they screamed again and again. They didn't even have the guts to resist. Under the knives of the knights, Guan Dawang's subordinates were like a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered, one after another fell in a pool of blood.

The knights showed no mercy or sympathy for these bandits, and they were merciless in their attacks.

Chu Huan's expression was dignified. He could see clearly that this group of knights also consisted of three to forty people. They were well-trained, whether it was equestrian skills or sword skills on horseback.

The knights killed a group of bandits in just a moment. The corpses of the bandits were lying all over the ground. The knights wiped off the blood on the bandits' bodies, put the swords back into their sheaths, and strangled them. The steed did not leave immediately, the surroundings were silent for a while, Chu Huan was staring at it, but saw a horse going back in the distance, but it was King Guan who had fled first and returned.

King Guan looked very embarrassed, and his face was full of fear. Chu Huan was wondering why this person had gone and returned, but in an instant, he saw dozens of horsemen chasing after King Guan, and he felt so worried. Only then did I realize that this group of knights was divided into two groups, attacking left and right. When King Guan was fleeing, he was blocked by the knights on the other side. However, he panicked and turned back.

Seeing the corpses all over the ground, King Guan's face was pale. The knights on this side were holding their sword handles, blocking King Guan's way. King Guan reined in his horse. Your Majesty, even the mount of King Guan, seems to feel the breath of death and is full of fear.

After turning around a few times, Chu Huan could see more clearly. The dozen or so knights who had surrounded him lined up. There was one person in the middle who was very conspicuous. murderous.

"The wind in the clouds!" Chu Huan whispered to himself.

King Guan obviously knew that he had five ways to escape. Looking at the cold knights around, King Guan got off his horse, dropped the ghost-headed sword in his hand, turned to face the bronze masked man, knelt down on the ground, trembling. Said: "Brother Tong...Big Brother Tongmian, we...we are all on our own, we...I am willing to work for you in the future...Brother Coppermian...Brother, just forgive me...please forgive me Dog life, on...whatever you ask me to do, I...I will listen to you...!"

Holding the rein in one hand and the knife in the other, the man in the bronze mask came forward slowly like a horse walking. The eyes under the mask were unusually stern. Sitting on the horse, he looked down at King Guan who was kneeling on the ground begging. Raising his hand, amidst King Guan's begging, he raised his saber, and then the light of the saber flashed, and King Guan's trembling begging stopped abruptly.

The big knife cut King Guan's neck, and blood spurted out. King Guan covered his neck, and made a "crack" sound in his throat. Also do not move.

The man in the bronze mask didn't even look at the corpse, and came slowly. The knights parted the way. The man in the bronze mask held on to the reins and was only two meters in front of Chu Huan. wind!"

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