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Han Ying was grateful for Chu Huan's trust in her heart, but she also knew that it was unusual to guard Hezhou, so she cupped her hands and said, "Chu Du, originally your order, the general did not dare to disobey, but... the general is not talented enough, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to take on this task." !"

Chu Huan shook his head and said with a smile: "General Han is self-effacing, you are a general in charge of one's own affairs, this time you calmed down Hezhou, you lead the army well, this governor is watching, the important task of guarding Hezhou is none other than you. Patting Han Ying on the shoulder, he said with a smile: "Hezhou is an important place. It is connected to Jinzhou in the north, Hezhou in the east, and Shazhou on Tianshan Road in the south. It is really a strategic place. I only hope that you will live up to me." I hope that I can guard Hezhou well and stabilize the people of Hezhou."

Han Ying hesitated for a while, and finally said: "Since Governor Chu trusts so much, he will swear to die and serve his life, and he will do his best to guard Hezhou. People are in the city, and the city is destroyed!"

Chu Huan shook his head and said, "Don't say such unlucky words. Han Pianjiang, you are the partial general of the Zhenziying, but the Zhenziying can't stay here. The governor left you a thousand soldiers and horses, Xunzi There are still thousands of surrendered soldiers in the battalion. The governor ordered you to reorganize the Xunzi battalion. The remaining Zhenzi battalion soldiers and Xunzi battalion surrendered troops will be handed over to you as commander. After that, they will be directly compiled into the Hezhou battalion, which belongs to the local state army. , you Han Pianjiang, from now on, you are a thousand households in the Hezhou camp, I wonder if you have been wronged?"

Han Ying immediately said happily: "Chu Du ordered, and the general will obey it."

"Originally, the strength of the local state army cannot exceed 2000 people." Chu Huan said solemnly: "But Xiguan is an extraordinary time, so the strength of the Hezhou camp can be around 5000 people. The governor will report this matter to the court. I believe the court I can understand it." After a pause, he said with a smile: "Han Qianhu is entrusted with military affairs, and the people's livelihood in Ruohezhou...!" Looking at Huang Yutan, "Mr. Huang, I still have to trouble you."

Huang Yutan laughed and said, "Could it be that the governor of Chu wants to give the throne of Hezhou magistrate to Huang?"

Chu Huan stretched his eyebrows, and said with a smile, "Sir, do you have any intentions?" The original Zhizhou of Hezhou belonged to the Zhu Party members. Chu Huan captured Hezhou City, and already made people arrest Hezhou Zhizhou and other officials of the Zhu Party. A group of officials have also been released from the prison, and they can roughly run the government affairs of Hezhou, but Chu Huan is thinking about the candidates for the magistrate of Hezhou.

Although the magistrate of Hezhou is also an important local official, he needs to report to the imperial court and approve documents from the Ministry of Officials. He only does extraordinary things at extraordinary times. In the name of Zhizhou, he will comfort the people and stabilize the government, and then he will write a letter to the imperial court to protect his performance. After the official appointment document from the Ministry of Officials is issued, his identity will be formally confirmed.

When Chu Huan left the capital, the emperor himself told Chu Huan that the situation in Xiguan was very serious and could be dealt with in extraordinary ways. Chu Huan thought that he did not violate the emperor's intention by doing so.

Huang Yutan immediately waved his hands and said with a smile: "Just kidding, just kidding, Governor Chu, this leader Huang can't do it...!" Stroking his beard, he said with a smile: "However, in a hurry, I want to find a suitable one. Zhizhou is not an easy task, if it is temporarily used, Huang has a candidate, but I don’t know if Chu Du dares to use it?”

Pei Ji laughed and said, "Brother, are you talking about him?"

Chu Huan seemed to understand something, and said with a smile, "Could Mr. Huang be talking about He Kui?"

"The Governor of Chu is wise." Huang Yutan smiled and said, "I know He Kui a little bit. He has read a lot, and he is full of knowledge. When he was young, he liked to comment on world affairs. He took part in the Beijing Exam. After passing the county magistrate, Langhu County was under his rule, and the people's livelihood was prosperous. It's just that He Kui's temperament is relatively straightforward, and he offended many people. Later, he was transferred from Langhu County to Hezhou City. Appointed as the head of the Household Department's Yamen, it seems to be promoted, but in fact it is a secret promotion...!"

Chu Huan nodded and said, "Sir, what do you mean, He Kui has the ability to govern a party?"

"It is too early to say that he can govern a state, but if this person really wants to do something, he can do his best." Huang Yutan said slowly: "He was born in Hezhou, and he is very familiar with Hezhou's landscape and landscape. Although his understanding has never been useful, he has been in the official circles of Hezhou for many years, and he still has some contacts. With time and practice, he can be independent."

Chu Huan sighed: "It's just that this person followed Hu Zongmao to rebel, and it seems that he has no loyalty to the court. If he is used by the court, I'm afraid he will not submit."

Huang Yutan Fuxu smiled and said: "It depends on human effort, it depends on what Chu Du said."

He Kui is indeed full of resentment towards the imperial court. He has an upright personality and is actually an introverted person. Such a person will often keep his anger in his heart until it suddenly erupts one day.

When He Kui was young, he was really high-spirited. He was full of poetry and books, full of talents, and hoped that one day he could show his fists and serve this country.

For the Great Qin Empire, He Kui also had great hopes. He Kui also seemed to see the ambition of a generation of emperors to strive for governance through various positive policies when the empire first came into being.

He was willing to devote himself to the emperor's great cause of establishing a powerful Central Plains dynasty, so he actively took the exam and became a local county magistrate for a time.

He didn't complain at all because of his low starting point. In his opinion, local experience was beneficial to his career. He needed to train himself and contribute his part to the great cause of the empire.

But the reality is that ruthless enemies shattered his ambitions. The taxation of the empire is getting more and more serious. Langhu County is an inconspicuous and backward area, but it still needs to bear heavy taxes. The initial efforts to govern, with the passage of time, gradually became a joke. The upper beams were not straight and the lower beams were crooked. The emperors built Taoism and built palaces, regardless of the life and death of the people, while local officials used the banner of the imperial court to be lawless and violent. , The people are in dire straits.

He Kui's straightforward nature made him incompatible in the bureaucratic system. Just because of his reputation, the higher-ups did not dismiss him from office, but transferred him to the state capital. Zun, became a knife and pen official who could only copy and write in the Department of Household Affairs.

He Kui didn't feel annoyed because he was surrendered by Mingsheng and secretly, but he saw more and more violent phenomena in Zhoucheng, which was farther and farther away from his ideals back then. His inner feeling for the Great Qin Empire gradually changed from disappointment to despair.

When Xiliang iron cavalry broke through the Yanmen Pass, trampled on the mountains and rivers in the northwest, and his relatives even died tragically under the iron hooves of Xiliang, He Kui finally understood that the once prosperous Great Qin Empire was hopeless. Decline, the people living under this empire lacked food and clothing, and were miserable. His desperation for the empire turned into anger and hatred.

In his bones, he didn't look down on Hu Zongmao at all, but Hu Zongmao's rebellion was what he wanted to see in his bones. He hoped that someone would stand up, crush this fallen empire, and re-establish a powerful Central Plains empire that would allow the people to live and work in peace and contentment.

A single spark can start a prairie fire. Although Hu Zongmao raised his troops under the banner of rebellion, He Kui could tell at a glance that Hu Zongmao was definitely going to raise his troops to rebel. He hoped that Hu Zongmao's success would last longer, because the Great Qin Empire The rule of the Qin Dynasty has been very cruel, and the people all over the world are dissatisfied. When the anti-government flag here is flying, He Kui believes that more and more people will resist the tyranny of the Qin Dynasty.

But he knew that if he wanted to truly have influence, he had to withstand Chu Huan's crusade. As long as Hezhou City could be defended and Chu Huan was forced to retreat, this matter would surely spread throughout the world, and it would also give countless people who wanted to resist the tyranny of the Great Qin With confidence, but once it fails, it will deal a heavy psychological blow to those who are preparing to fight against Qin.

So he knows that the battle of Hezhou City is not only about the gains and losses of a city, but about the situation of the whole world. It has been thought that as long as Chu Huan returns from Hezhou City, anti-Qin banners will soon spread throughout Xiguan, at least Xiguan will become an important force against Great Qin.

For this reason, he even took the initiative to ask Ying to write a military document for Hu Zongmao, criticizing Chu Huan's tyranny. He found a prescription against the plague and prevented a catastrophe, but He Kui knew that if he wanted to do big things regardless of the small details, he would raise his troops against Chu Huan, that is, raise his troops against the imperial court. This flag must be flown.

He always thought that Hu Zongmao was cautious, and that the preparations he made were indeed enough to defend Hezhou City. Moreover, although Chu Huan recruited troops, although his strength was better than Hu Zongmao's, it was really not a strong force. If something goes wrong, there is a great chance that Hezhou City will be held. Chu Huan may not be able to hold on in the end and retreat in embarrassment. Therefore, although he despises Hu Zongmao's character, he is anti-Qin for Hu Zongmao's ability to hold Hezhou City. The banner is still with great confidence.

It's a pity that people are not as good as heaven, Chu Huan directed and acted in a big show, but Hu Zongmao couldn't control his impulse after all, fell into Chu Huan's trap, and suffered a crushing defeat.

He Kui's dream was instantly shattered.

He wanted to jump from the top of the city last night, but it wasn't necessarily because Chu Huan wanted to kill him. To him, the city of Hezhou was broken and the flag fell to the ground. If his dreams were shattered, for He Kui, In the hopeless future, there is really nothing worth looking forward to. It might be a good choice to end one's own life.

Sitting in the dark room, He Kui looked dull, until the door was pushed open, and footsteps sounded from behind, He Kui came back to his senses, turned around, but found that Chu Huan was walking through the door alone. Come in.

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