National color raw owl

Chapter 1193 Ambush

The man said softly: "I saw the guys from the Salt Company loading goods into the trucks, so I stayed by the side on purpose, and heard some of them muttering. They said that this time the goods will be transported in two groups. , is to bypass Chen Pi from the south, and also said that he will travel at night...!"

Boss Fu laughed loudly, and said: "You have been fooled by them, this must be their deliberate exposure."

Immediately someone nearby asked, "Boss, are you saying that they set up traps on purpose?"

"We just robbed a batch of salt, and they must be trying to find us." Boss Fu sneered and said, "At this time, any disturbance may be a trap." After a pause, he chuckled and said: " If they really want to split into two groups, it is naturally for the purpose of keeping things in the dark, using the bright route to cover the dark route, just to prevent us from attacking again, if that is the case, then the plan of the secret route must be very secret, how could it be easy for those guys to know about it?"

Someone beside him quite agreed: "Boss is right. If they really want to cover up their eyes and ears, they will hide it even from their own people, and they won't let their subordinates know."

"Boss, are you saying they are setting a trap?"

Boss Fu nodded and smiled, "Such a trick, can we be fooled?"

"But there is indeed a shortage of salt in Hezhou." Someone said: "We robbed them of the first batch of salt, and the second batch of salt, will they not be afraid to deliver it?"

After being silent for a while, Boss Fu said: "The second batch of salt must be transported over, but we don't need to get involved. The salt we got this time is enough for us to make a mission to General Qiu. Whether it's a trap or not, we don't need to take any more risks."

"What the boss said is very true." Immediately someone echoed: "We have already taken the risk once, there is no need to think about the second batch of salt."

The person who came to report the news said softly: "Boss Fu is right, but...boss, if we can still get the salt this time, the huge amount will definitely make General Qiu even more happy. The greater the merit, the more generous the reward of General Qiu will be. Although we have enough credit to receive the reward, we may not be able to give Sir the position of peak master...!"

Boss Fu hesitated for a moment, and someone next to him immediately said: "Brother, General Qiu is not very satisfied with Master Qin Feng, it seems that he really has the idea of ​​changing people...!"

Boss Fu said softly: "Do you think we have a chance to get the position of Peak Master?"

"There are hundreds of people when we go up the mountain, but General Qiu has never given the boss a good position." The subordinates were quite dissatisfied: "We have not been able to occupy a place for the six peak masters of Hulu Mountain. People look down on you, why not take advantage of this great effort this time to get the position of a peak master? As long as the eldest brother becomes the peak master, we brothers can be proud from now on, and we don't have to look at the faces of those bastards in Huluzhai! "

Boss Fu hesitated for a moment before saying: "Although the position of the peak master is important, our lives are more important. If this time is really a trap by the government, they must have carefully planned it. If we go to rob the salt again, I'm afraid it will be harmed." Ourselves."

"That's what you said, but if you miss this opportunity, it's not easy to find a good opportunity again." Someone beside him said softly: "And the people in the government are all rich and rich, so they may not really have any capabilities. That dark road, maybe It’s really the salt that’s being shipped to Hezhou... Boss said they purposely spread the word, but do they know that we will definitely get the news?”

"You mean we have to start with the second batch of salt?"

"Boss, we know the terrain near Chen Pi better than anyone else. We have every river and mountain in our hearts." The subordinate persuaded: "If it is really a fat sheep delivered to the door, why don't we eat it? Make a small contribution , why not take a risk, make a great contribution, and get the position of the peak owner, we will be much happier, and we don't have to be bullied by others like we are now, and we have to look at their faces."

Boss Fu seemed to be thinking about it, and after a while, he said: "It's still not right, don't lose the big because of the small."

"Brother, we don't have to act recklessly." The subordinates said: "Since we already know his secret path, we don't need to remember to do it. They set off from Shuoquan, and they have to go around Chen Pi, and the journey is quite a long way. Along the way, we can secretly inquire about their situation first. If it is really a trap, there must be officers and soldiers in ambush near the salt team. Let's investigate near the salt team to see if there is really an ambush. If there is any clue, we will stay put, but if it is really the salt team secretly transporting, we can look for a good opportunity and take action in one fell swoop."

The two people next to him agreed.

"Brother, what he said is right. Our team is very familiar with the terrain here. Go and find out their situation first. Don't make a quick move. Once we make a move, we will make a quick decision just like last time."

Boss Fu was silent for a while, maybe the position of the peak master was really attractive to him, and finally said: "Since you all have this intention, then send someone to stare at the salt team to see what is going on with them , if it is really a dark road, and there are no officers and soldiers ambushing guards, let's find a good place and make a sudden move when the time comes."

Several people rubbed their palms together, eager to try.



The moon and stars are rare.

On a narrow road in Chenpi County, cars were rumbling.

More than 40 guys drove dozens of large carts towards Hezhou in the dark night. The carts were full. Although they were all covered with black tarpaulins, anyone could see that there were a lot of goods inside.

Midsummer has already passed, and although the night is not too cold, it is still a bit shady, but such a time is a good time to walk at night.

On both sides of the road, there are tall pole grasses, taller than people, very dense, and the road is quite rough.

This team, like ghosts in the dark night, made no sound. They only drove by the moonlight without lighting a single torch. Naturally, they were afraid of revealing their whereabouts and being discovered by people with ulterior motives.

"Boss Fu, they're coming soon." The convoy was approaching a valley, and the black shadow lying on the valley asked softly, "Shall we do it?"

Boss Fu was squatting behind a big rock at this time, holding a knife in his hand. Behind him was a large group of black shadows, at least three or forty people. In their eyes, the convoy entering Taniguchi was undoubtedly a coveted piece of fat.

"Don't be in a hurry, wait until they come in." Boss Fu's eyes were bright, but he looked very cautious: "Has everything been investigated and is there really no problem?"

"Brother, don't worry, we have inquired clearly about both roads." The subordinates responded: "Ming Road is full of fanfare, driving during the day and resting at night, pulling dozens of large carts, and employing dozens of numbers from two escort agencies. Bodyguards, as well as officers and soldiers, now everyone thinks that the salt is there."

Boss Fu laughed and said: "The government is full of ostentation. The salt from Shuoquan is being shipped to various places in the northwest. If you have to hire officers and soldiers from the Escort for every route, the income from the salt will not be able to make ends meet."

Some of his subordinates laughed and said: "The cost of the two bodyguards is quite a lot. If you hire bodyguards for each route, not to mention these expenses, I don't think Shuoquan can find so many bodyguards."

"Boss, look, they're in the valley."

"They also have a lot of people." Someone beside Boss Fu said: "Boss, if we start fighting later, I'm afraid some people will be killed or injured on our side."

Boss Fu sneered and said: "You think highly of them. I know that after the establishment of Shuoquan's salt shop, it did hire a large number of people, but they were all breadwinners. If we kill them, their shit will scare us." Come out, do you think they have the guts to fight us?"

"Boss, did you kill them all this time?"

"Don't bother too much." Fu Lao said: "After killing a few people, their courage will be frightened."

A person approached from behind, a bit older, holding a knife in his hand, he looked a bit mature and dignified, lowered his voice, "Boss Fu, do you think these guys are disguised as soldiers?"

Boss Fu laughed and said, "I've thought about this a long time ago. These days, we keep an eye on their convoy. They hide and rest during the day, and leave at night. We have scouted for more than ten miles around them. A soldier from the government followed in ambush. At that time, I wondered whether these guys were officers and soldiers in disguise. However, soldiers are different from ordinary people. Whether they have been soldiers or not can be seen at a glance. These guys are indeed They are ordinary people in the salt industry, not in the costumes of officers and soldiers."

Everyone next to him breathed a sigh of relief, and someone already said with a light smile: "Brother, now they are like sheep in the mouth of a tiger."

Seeing that the convoy had already entered the valley, Boss Fu's expression tightened, and he said in a deep voice, "Mr. Zhu, take twenty people around the valley entrance and intercept them from behind. Everyone else will follow me. Let's attack from front to back. It's hard to fly even with wings." He paused, his eyes burning, "After getting the goods, we will transport the goods to the place prepared in advance according to the original plan. This place is not far from Calabash Mountain. We get the goods and leave immediately tonight. Hurry up and transport all the things back to the cottage, when the time comes, everyone will have a reward, wealth and honor are at stake, so don't be lenient."

All the gangsters had firm eyes, and Boss Fu waved his hand, and the third Zhu immediately led a group of people to Taniguchi silently, intending to cut off the convoy's retreat.

Boss Fu led the remaining dozens of people to touch the other side and block the convoy from the front.


ps: Let me explain. On May [-]st, Hefei was engaged in renovations. I thought it would be resolved quickly, but it was really troublesome. I went to the material market, went to the decoration company, and a lot of things. I was planning to go back to the hotel at night to code , but every day when I go back, I fell asleep and fell asleep. I couldn’t hold on anymore. I went back to Shanghai last night and resumed normal updates. I’m sorry everyone.

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