Mr. Hei in the long robe first bowed his hands to General Qiu, and then turned his gaze back to Fu Gang.

When Fu Gang saw Mr. Hei, there was unconcealable fear in the depths of his eyes, but he still bit the bullet and said, "Exactly."

"The government is dispatching troops in various counties...!" Mr. Hei asked with an expression on his flat face, "After you were caught by the government, were you imprisoned in Songyuan County?"

Fu Gang hurriedly said: "Mr., we didn't know where we were taken at first, but after we escaped, we found out that we were in Songyuan County."

"Songyuan County is only a hundred miles away from Calabash Village. When you escaped from the county, did you return directly to Calabash Village, or did you take another route to avoid the officers and soldiers?" Mr. Hei stared into Fu Gang's eyes.

Fu Gang immediately said: "After we came out of the county seat, we rushed all the way back...!"

Mr. Hei said lightly: "Songyuan County is already on the westernmost side of Xiguan Road, that is, Hulu Mountain, which is also in Songyuan County. Even if there are signs of troop transfer from other counties, they can only gather in Songyuan County from other directions. You are on the way. How can we meet?"

Fu Gang was startled, his face changed slightly, his forehead was already sweating, but he still bit the bullet and said: "Subordinate...subordinate saw a few troops gathering towards Songyuan County on the way, thought... thought it was from other places Mobilize here...!"

Mr. Hei asked: "Is this what you think?"

"Yes...!" Fu Gang felt a chill run down his spine.

Mr. Hei shook his head and sighed, "Fu Gang, you are lying."

"Ah?" Fu Gang was startled, he already felt General Qiu's cold gaze cast on him, and suddenly felt his whole body go limp, and said in a trembling voice: "General, subordinate...subordinate...!"

General Qiu stood up and walked down from the high platform slowly, with heavy steps, walking like a tiger, a pair of cold eyes fixed on Fu Gang's body, Fu Gang only felt that those eyes seemed to see through everything about him, It was as if he was standing naked in front of General Qiu.

Walking in front of Fu Gang, General Qiu sized Fu Gang up a few times, spoke, and moved sideways to a gangster next to him, asking calmly, "Did Fu Gang lie?"

The bandits came back with Fu Gang, and they were poisoned by Chu Huan's poison in their bodies. At this time, they could only defend Fu Gang and prevent the matter from being exposed, and said bravely: "General, Fu...Captain Fu is right, the matter That's it...!"

General Qiu asked again: "You guys were caught by the officers and soldiers, did they interrogate you? Did you confess anything to the officers and soldiers?"

"No...!" The bandits said decisively, "Captain Fu took the two of us and escaped from the county before they had time to interrogate...!" At this moment, they knew that they must bite to death.

General Qiu's temperament is uncertain, but once he finds out that he has betrayed the stronghold, he will definitely be hot handed.

It's just that before the gangster could finish his sentence, General Qiu stretched out a hand and grabbed the gangster's throat like lightning. The gangster's face changed suddenly, and he couldn't breathe in an instant.

General Qiu had great strength, he slowly raised one arm, and actually lifted the gangster in the sky, the gangster made a "clacking" sound from his throat, his eyeballs bulged, and his face quickly faded because he couldn't breathe. It was flushed red, and the two legs were kicking hard underneath, and the two hands were desperately trying to break General Qiu's hand, but General Qiu's hand was like an iron hoop. One hand remained motionless, and the pair of cold eyes under the mask stared indifferently at the eyes of the gangsters.

Seeing this, Fu Gang and another gangster lost their souls and knelt down on the ground at the same time, hissing: "General, please forgive me, we should die... General, please forgive me...!"

Soon, General Qiu threw his arm, and the gangster flew out and landed on the ground, already suffocated to death, two minions came over earlier and dragged the gangster's corpse down.

General Qiu walked up to Fu Gang again, squatted down, and held Fu Gang's chin with one hand. Fu Gang only felt that General Qiu's hand was extremely strong. He even felt that as long as General Qiu exerted force, his The jawbone would shatter in an instant.

"You also know this general's temperament." General Qiu stared at Fu Gang with his eyes, "I am one with this general, I will treat him as a brother, share wealth and honor, and share weal and woe... But with this general, I will always treat him as a brother The enemy, the general will never show mercy to the enemy...!" [

Fu Gang's face was pale, and he said in a trembling voice: "This subordinate... this subordinate knows that this subordinate is loyal to the general, and the sun can learn from it...!"

General Qiu shook his head and said, "But you lied to me."

Fu Gang only felt that the hand holding his chin was stronger, the eyes under General Qiu's mask became colder and colder, his heart was terrified to the extreme, and his weak will had collapsed at this moment.

Chu Huan used poison to control him. Without Chu Huan's antidote, he would die, but if General Qiu was angered at this time, General Qiu would let him die now without waiting for the poison to take effect.

It is better to live than to die, and a moment to live is a moment.

Under the pressure of General Qiu, Fu Gang completely collapsed, tremblingly said: "This subordinate... this subordinate will never dare to separate from the general, this subordinate is grateful to the general for taking him in, and swears allegiance to the general...!"

General Qiu let go of his hand suddenly, got up abruptly, turned around and stepped on the leopard skin and walked towards the tiger leather chair, and asked bluntly: "What did you say to the government? Why did the government let you back?"

Fu Gang only felt that General Qiu seemed to have seen everything.

He didn't dare to hide anything at this time, he told all the details after he was arrested, including every detail he could remember, and finally begged: "General, although this subordinate returned to the cottage, but I never thought of cooperating with the government inside and outside, my subordinates just remembered the general's kindness, and thought that when the officers and soldiers attacked, they would swear to protect the general, and when the time came, they would fight to the death with the officers and soldiers, and regret it."

Another bandit kowtowed again and again at this time.

Mr. Hei finally asked: "You mean, Chu Huan used poison to control you, and wanted you to take the opportunity to open the stone gate of Sunset Village when the officers and soldiers attacked the village?"

"That's right." Fu Gang was extremely indignant at this time, "They want to hold their subordinates hostage and use them to do things for them. It's really wishful thinking. The subordinates are so loyal to the general, how can they betray the general? Chu Huan is about to arrive Sometimes we pretend to attack the main stronghold, Rising Sun Peak, pretending that we want to storm the main stronghold, attract all our troops to the main stronghold, and then let the subordinates open the stone gate for them in the sunset stronghold, and they take the opportunity to capture the sunset peak...!"

Fengzhu Zhao, who had never dared to speak much, couldn't help but feel lingering fear at this moment: "The surname Chu is really cunning. Once this plan is successful, we will really transfer all our troops to Rising Sun Peak. The setting sun peak is empty. After taking down the Sunset Peak, the journey from the Sunset Peak to the Rising Sun Peak is very dangerous...!" Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, he fell to his knees, and pleaded guilty: "This subordinate employs ineffective personnel and almost caused a catastrophe, I implore the general to forgive me!"

General Qiu shook his head and said: "The general will be rewarded and punished, but Zhao Feng is not guilty, so there is no need to plead guilty."

Fu Gang tremblingly said: "General, subordinate...!"

"No need to say more." General Qiu sneered, "Fu Gang, you keep saying that you want to be loyal to this general, but you...!" Before he could finish speaking, his voice suddenly stopped.

Fu Gang lowered his head, not daring to speak, but General Qiu fell silent halfway through his speech, which was a bit strange, but more of a panic.

General Qiu saw Mr. Hei winking at him, only frowned, stopped talking, got up, saw that Mr. Hei had turned aside, and General Qiu followed.

The two whispered in a low voice not far away, but Fu Gang was panicked, and he didn't know how General Qiu would punish him.

After a while, I heard footsteps, and then I heard General Qiu's voice saying: "Everyone, get up."

Fu Gang got up anxiously, and General Qiu sighed: "Fu Gang, you are also from a poor family. We can't stand Qin's bullying, so we went to the mountain to plan big things together. I will believe that you are still loyal to me. I also believe that you are willing to work together with Ben to achieve a great cause."

Fu Gang immediately said: "General Fu Gang is the only one looking forward, and will definitely overthrow the tyranny of Qin."

"Okay." General Qiu's tone eased a little, "Fu Gang, Chu Huan asked you to cooperate with the outside, do you have any agreement with you? You should know when he is going to attack."

Fu Gang said: "Back to the general, Chu Huan said that if he attacked during the day, his soldiers and horses would easily reveal their whereabouts, so he planned to launch an attack at night. Did he deliberately arrange a group of people on the side of Rising Sun Peak? , Attracting our idea, another ambush was secretly going to the sunset peak. The subordinate said that he didn't know when he would be on duty until night, so he made an agreement with his subordinate that once it was his turn to be on duty at night, Just show the mark, and then he can prepare to attack."

"What banner did you agree on?"

"If it's the subordinate's turn to be on duty, he will ask his subordinates to plant a flag at a conspicuous place on Sunset Peak." Fu Gang said, "When they see the flag, they will be ready to attack."

General Qiu clenched his fists, looked at Mr. Hei, and asked, "Do you have any suggestions?" When he spoke to Mr. Hei, his tone was not very polite.

Mr. Hei clasped his hands and said, "General, if Chu Huan wants to make a fuss, we will use our tactics. If he wants to attack Sunset Peak, we will wait for his arrival and treat them well at Sunset Peak."

General Qiu nodded slightly, looked at the Lord of the Sunset Peak, and said in a deep voice: "Master Zhao, from now on, you will personally lead someone to carefully inspect every stronghold and mechanism of the Sunset Peak to ensure that there are no problems with them. The fortifications will start to be strengthened tonight, but you must ensure that there will not be too much noise, and a group of people will be dispatched to help, all under your command."

Master Zhao Feng couldn't help asking: "General, this is...!"

"Chu Huan wanted to attack the Sunset Peak all over the place. He made the Sunset Peak into a big trap. Only after teaching him a real lesson will he know what fear is." General Qiu clenched his fists tightly, his joints and bones creaking, "I really hope that he can personally lead troops to attack the Sunset Peak. At that time, I can step on him and listen to his cries...!"

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