National color raw owl

Chapter 1207 Breakthrough

Lu Cunxiao is extremely brave. If it wasn't for the shield soldiers, he would be a strong man named Kong Wu. He desperately resisted, but he had already opened the gap. , he could only dodge as much as possible, but the gun was like a hedgehog, even if he dodged left and right, he was still shot twice.

There are already many wounds on his body, blood is flowing, and the upper part of his body has been stained red with blood, but it does not retreat for a while.

It's just that there are 500 officers and soldiers blocking this road. These [-] people have been ordered to die by Chu Huan. No matter what, they must block this narrow mountain road. Otherwise, if the mountain road is opened by bandits, the [-] soldiers will die , all must be followed by military law, and strict orders are at the top. Naturally, the officers and soldiers dare not neglect in the slightest, and they must defend this way desperately.

Moreover, the mountain road is narrow, and five hundred soldiers are enough to block the road. Layer after layer of soldiers, like a long snake, covered the mountain road. The soldiers in front died in battle, and immediately another row of soldiers rushed up to fill the hole. Compared with the coordination of officers and soldiers with shields and spears, the bandit's combat effectiveness is obviously much weaker. If it weren't for Lu Cunxiao's extraordinary bravery, he kept cutting and chopping in front of the bandits to keep the morale of the bandits, otherwise, under this bloody fight, the bandits would have supported Can't live.

At the barrier made of boulders, there were corpses inside and out. Both sides went forward one after another. The piles of corpses were so high that both sides could only step on the corpses of their dead comrades and fight bloody.

Lu Cunxiao had already become a blood man at this time. Although he was extremely brave, the officers and soldiers killed him endlessly. He didn't flinch in the slightest because of the heavy casualties. His guns were like stabs. After all, Lu Cunxiao was also a body of flesh and blood. Physical strength is also greatly consumed. Occasionally, if someone is not on guard, the spear will stick to his body. Fortunately, although he slashes and kills repeatedly, he also knows to protect his vitals. Although there are many wounds on his body, the fatal part has not been received. harm.

The fight between the two sides has reached a fever pitch.

Perhaps neither side thought that their real brutal fight started from this mountain road.

Corpses piled up like mountains, blood flowed like rivers, bandits had killed as many as 50 to 20 people, and nearly [-] officers and soldiers died here, most of them were killed by Lu Cunxiao's giant axe.

Suddenly, the whistling sound was heard again.

When the bandits reached the barrier, because the distance was too close, the archers had already retreated. The shield soldiers and pikemen rushed forward to block the enemy, but at this time the bows and arrows suddenly shot again.

The bandits at the back had already seen at this time that the officers and soldiers had a sudden whim, and a row of officers and soldiers were sitting on the shoulders of their companions, being carried by their companions, and shooting arrows condescendingly towards this side.

After the archers retreated, the shield soldiers and spearmen of their companions were in front of them. If they shot random arrows, they would only hurt their own family members. They quickly figured out a way to let their companions carry the archers on their shoulders. In this way, you can look down from the height and you can see the bandits crowded in front of you. At this time, the bandits can't resist the arrows shot.

Several rounds of arrows were shot, and more than a dozen bandits fell to the ground.

Lu Cunxiao fought bloody and hard, not only did not force the officers and soldiers back a step, but he suffered heavy casualties on his side. He knew that if he continued to fight like this, he would definitely not be able to kill this mountain road, and his subordinates were in danger of being wiped out.

Seeing his companions fall down one by one, Lu Cunxiao had no choice but to sternly say, "Stay back for now."

The bandits were already chilled by the tenacity of the officers and soldiers. Lu Cunxiao gave an order, and the rear team changed to the front team. Without hesitation, they fled backward one after another. Lu Cunxiao fought and retreated, and the officers and soldiers did not pursue. After all retreated, they stepped forward to carry the corpses of the officers and soldiers who died in battle to the rear, and rebuilt the troubled times barrier that had been messed up by the fighting.

When Lu Cunxiao returned to the mountain, General Qiu was waiting. When he saw General Qiu, Lu Cunxiao showed shame on his face covered with blood, pleading guilty: "General, your subordinates are incompetent. The officers and soldiers blocked the road. It is really difficult for us to kill them. The brothers suffered heavy casualties. , the subordinates can only retreat for the time being."

General Qiu said: "Lord Lu Feng, I can't blame you for this matter. You fought bloody battles, and the general will see it. You have made no mistakes...!"

Fengzhu Zhao immediately said: "General, the two roads leading to Xuri Village are already impassable. Under the Sunset Peak, there are thousands of officers and soldiers waiting there. Now it seems that they want to trap us here to death."

General Qiu's eyes were cold, he hesitated only, and finally said: "Xuri Village can't rush through, we can't teach them to trap us here...!"

Zhao Feng said: "General, keep the green hills here, don't be afraid that there will be no firewood, the officers and soldiers have already prepared for this time, we have fallen into their trap, the hope of turning defeat into victory is already very slim, the general should break out now , as long as the general is safe, Huluzhai will surely make a comeback one day."

Although Lu Cunxiao exhausted a lot of physical strength after a hard fight and looked exhausted, he still held his battle ax tightly and said: "General, the mountain road is difficult to pass, so let's rush down from the Sunset Village. There are thousands of soldiers on our side." Brother, even if there are many officers and soldiers at the foot of the mountain, the subordinates must kill a bloody path and escort the general to rush out."

"That's right, general, the officers and soldiers are powerful, and they have already taken the initiative. For the current plan, we can only take advantage of the situation and rush down." Everyone on the side urged.

Master Zhao Feng said with a stern expression: "General, the armory and grain depot are not in the Sunset Peak. If we are trapped in the Sunset Peak, we won't be able to last long. Now the main force of the officers and soldiers is attacking other peaks. This is a great opportunity. If the officers and soldiers Take down the entire Calabash Village, and then increase the number of troops under the Sunset Peak, when they have a large number of troops, it will be even more difficult to break through the siege."

General Qiu clenched his fists, hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "What you said is very true, but...we can't all leave, there are thousands of officers and soldiers at the foot of the mountain, and we may not be able to break through the siege in one battle. However, the officers and soldiers took the opportunity to attack from the Rising Sun Village, and the officers and soldiers will attack from both sides, and if we lose the Sunset Village, there will be no way out."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, knowing that General Qiu's words were very reasonable.

The purpose of the officers and soldiers blocking the mountain road at this moment is to trap the bandits to death and prevent them from passing through, but once all the bandits in the Sunset Village go down to the Sunset Village to break through and the Sunset Village is empty, the officers and soldiers cannot stand still, they will definitely take advantage of the situation to kill In the Sunset Village, once they occupy the Sunset Village, and the bandits cannot break through the officers and soldiers under the Sunset Village, then if the officers and soldiers actually make rice dumplings, they will be enemies head to tail, and there is no way to return to heaven.

"General, my subordinates stay here." Lu Cunxiao said in a deep voice, "The mountain road is narrow, officers and soldiers can block us from going to the Rising Sun Village, or we can set up obstacles on the mountain road to prevent them from attacking the Sunset Village. The subordinates still carry their hands The hundreds of brothers below are guarding the mountain road, the general led the crowd to break through, as long as the subordinates are alive, they will not let a single officer and soldier enter the sunset village through the road."

Zhao Fengzhu frowned and said: "Lu Fengzhu, if we really break out, then you can only be trapped here to die, and then you...!" sighed softly.

If the main force of the bandits in Calabash Village really broke out from the bottom of the mountain, the officers and soldiers would naturally pursue them all the way, and it would be impossible for the bandits to turn back to rescue their companions on the mountain.

Lu Cunxiao stayed behind in the Sunset Village. If the main force could not break through, the bandits would still be trapped on the mountain. If they broke through, only a few hundred bandits would be left to fight alone in the Sunset Village. No matter how brave Lu Cunxiao was in the face of tens of thousands of officers and soldiers, then Also to no avail.

General Qiu shook his head and said: "This time, it was my fault that I fell into the trick. Master Lu, you are extremely brave, and you are the number one general in our Calabash Village. You will lead everyone to break through from the bottom of the mountain. I will stay here to stop the officers and soldiers." ...!"

Before he finished speaking, Lu Cunxiao said resolutely: "General, don't do this. Even if your subordinates can really break out, what can you do? General is wise and brave. Only under your leadership can we make a comeback in the future and resist Tyranny, general, this subordinate begs the general for an order, let this subordinate lead the people to guard here."

General Qiu seemed to be still hesitating, but Zhao Fengzhu had already said: "General, there is no time to delay, don't hesitate, if we want to break through, we must attack now. The troops of other peaks are weak, and the officers and soldiers are strong. If they are captured by the officers and soldiers, they will definitely increase their troops under the Sunset Peak, and it will be even more difficult for us to leave at that time."

General Qiu didn't hesitate any longer, stretched out his hand to pat Lu Cunxiao's shoulder, and said, "Brother Lu, this general led the crowd to break through, no matter what, you and I will meet each other alive."

Lu Cunxiao grinned, cupped his hands and said, "General, take care of yourself. When he breaks through the Qin capital and captures the dog emperor, he will light a stick of incense for you brothers and tell you that Tyranny has been overthrown." Wiping the bloody face, the blood was not wiped off, and the bloody face was even more frightening. He gripped the battle ax tightly, and said in a deep voice: "Brothers in Xiangyun Village, follow me." Turned around and left, When he got down to the side of the mountain, he looked back and saw that General Qiu was staring at him, and he cupped his hands again, and then he led hundreds of minions to that mountain road.

Seeing Lu Cunxiao lead the crowd to leave, General Qiu asked, "Where is Mr. Hei?"

Master Zhao Feng hurriedly said: "Mr. Hei has been in the village, and he hasn't come out since the war broke out."

"Tell him, we're going down the mountain to break through." General Qiu said, "Bring my oolong over, gather the soldiers and horses, and let's go down the mountain to break through."

Under the Sunset Village, thousands of officers and soldiers were waiting in formation. Two wooden fences had been erected in front, and stones were piled underneath. Behind the fences, the soldiers were silent.

The moonlight is faint, and it is slowly sinking to the west. It won't be long before dawn will come.

Pei Ji sat on a chair, calm and relaxed, living in the army, he could clearly see the rugged mountain road leading down from the Sunset Village, his eyes were calm, and he looked up at the bright moon in the sky from time to time.

Chu Huan led the main force to attack the Xuri Village, while Pei Ji led the so-called "ambush" and set up defenses under the Sunset Village, waiting for the bandits to throw themselves into the net.

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