Although the Sunset Village has not been finally captured, the other villages in Hulu Mountain are all under the control of officers and soldiers. In addition to the prisoners who fell into bandits, there are hundreds of bandit family members in each village.

These family members are mainly the family members of big and small bosses, but they are old and weak, women and children. Naturally, Chu Huan will not embarrass these people and make them settle temporarily, and they will be resettled later. As for the captured bandits, they will be encircled. The prisoners were guarded by officers and soldiers. There were not many people left behind in each village, and many died in the battle. The other villages captured only four to five hundred people alive. However, in the next battle at Sunset Village, a large number of prisoners were captured.

On the one hand, Chu Huan asked people to control the prisoners of war, and on the other hand, he divided his troops to search for the supplies stored in Gourd Village. Chu Huan had thought before that no matter how rich a bandit den is, it would not have many things. When the collected supplies were transported down the mountain Only then did Chu Huan realize that the materials stored in Gourd Village far exceeded his imagination.

In addition to armaments and horses, there is actually a mountain of grain stored on the mountain.

There are many kinds of armaments, such as long spears and short knives, armor and bows, and piles of arrows, which are piled up at the foot of the mountain like a mountain. Thinking of such a harvest, Chu Huan was extremely pleasantly surprised. Seeing the mountain of supplies found at the bottom of the mountain, Chu Huan was not happy but surprised.

If it is said that gold, silver, property, food and grass can be looted everywhere, where did so many weapons and horses come from?

The ordnance and equipment of Gourd Village are enough to equip tens of thousands of people. This is certainly a big gain, but it is also a big evil. If Gourd Village was not wiped out this time, in a year and a half, the momentum of Gourd Village would be huge. Even more massive, with such a wealth of strategic materials, the government is afraid that it will exhaust its efforts just to deal with such a force.

Everything in front of him was shocking, and Chu Huan couldn't help feeling a chill, thinking that this time was really a fluke, using Fu Gang's pawn to design and take down the gourd village, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

He was checking supplies with everyone when he suddenly heard a fast horse galloping towards him, and one of them got off the horse. Chu Huan saw that it was Xu Shao, and when he saw Xu Shao walking quickly, he cupped his hands and said, "My lord!"

Chu Huan asked: "Have all the villages been searched, but is there any place that has not been searched?"

"Still searching." Xu Shao said: "My lord, I will take you to meet someone at the end."

"A person?" Chu Huan asked curiously, "Who?"

"Your Excellency will definitely be interested." Xu Shao's eyes flashed with excitement.

The first time Chu Huan saw the person Xu Shao wanted to meet, he was a little puzzled. The person Xu Shao brought over was not a burly man, nor a graceful scholar, nor a beautiful woman with a moon and flowers, but an old woman. .

The old woman was dressed plainly and had gray hair. She seemed to be over sixty years old, and her forehead was full of vicissitudes. When the old woman saw Chu Huan, she was not afraid and was very calm.

Chu Huan was a little confused, but Xu Shao whispered in Chu Huan's ear, "My lord, this is Lu Cunxiao's mother."

Chu Huan was startled, and took a few glances at the old woman. Although she was old, Chu Huan could tell that the old woman had a big frame, and she must have been a strong woman when she was young.

It's just that Chu Huan vaguely felt that this old woman was different from ordinary old women, and she didn't look like ordinary old women when she walked. She looked very educated, and she didn't seem to come from a small family.

"Old man, I am Chu Huan, governor of Xiguan Road." Chu Huan said with a pleasant smile, "I surprised you."

Mother Lu looked at Chu Huan, and said in an old voice, "Everyone says you are a good official, but why do you help the court to harm people?"

This sentence was inexplicable, Chu Huan smiled lightly, and asked, "Why did the old man say that?"

"The emperor didn't let the common people live. Either they died in the war, or they were tortured by those corrupt officials, and some of them starved to death...!" Mother Lu said slowly: "They all said that after Governor Chu came to Xiguan, he did a lot. Good thing, but...why did you attack Calabash Mountain, these are all righteous men who resisted Tyranny...!"

"Resist Tyranny?" Chu Huan frowned slightly, "Old man, do you mean that the people in Hulu Mountain are all righteous men who resisted the imperial court?"

Mother Lu said without hesitation: "Of course it is. Our village was exploited by corrupt officials in the past, and the taxes became heavier every year. Later, we took away the young and strong to fight. How many people never returned and lost the battle? When Liang people came in, where did the court go? We endured exploitation and wanted to live, but when Xiliang people came in, the soldiers did not protect us, and we were displaced. Officials said that the court would send us away soon. The food will not let us starve to death, but in the end... how many people died of starvation?"

Chu Huan let out a long sigh and asked, "Old man, why did you go up the mountain?"

"The imperial court doesn't let us live, we always want to live." Mother Lu and Chu Huan looked at each other, "General Qiu resisted Qin, and he was very kind to the people. People in several of our villages will starve to death. It was General Qiu who sent people to give us food, and he wanted to overthrow Tyranny, so Xiaoer and the young and middle-aged people who were still alive in several nearby villages all came up the mountain to help General Qiu fight the court."

Chu Huan let out an "oh" and asked back, "The old man thinks General Qiu is a good person?"

Mother Lu smiled lightly and said, "In your eyes, he is of course a bad person."

Chu Huan hesitated for a while, and finally said: "Old man, do you know that General Qiu escaped alone regardless of his brothers, and now your son Lu Cunxiao is leading thousands of people to guard the Sunset Village, and they can't last long."

Mother Lu seemed to think of something, and said with a smile, "You want to use me as a hostage to threaten Xiao'er to surrender?" She shook her head, "You don't have to think about it. Although Xiao'er is filial, he also knows what is right and what is wrong. You will fight to the end, and you will never surrender because of me."

Chu Huan smiled wryly and said: "The old man seems to have a lot of prejudice against the government, but don't worry, I still disdain such lowly things. If you want, I can let you see Lu Cunxiao right now."

Mother Lu was taken aback, obviously she didn't expect Chu Huan to say that.

"But before that, I want to take the old man to a place first." Chu Huan said solemnly, "The old man is a person who knows right and wrong. I think you will know what is right and wrong after you have seen it."

Mother Lu was a little puzzled.

Chu Huan personally brought Lu's mother to Piaoxiang Peak. Lu's mother was over [-] years old, and naturally it was impossible to climb the mountain, so Chu Huan specially asked a few strong soldiers to carry chairs up the mountain.

Mother Lu didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Chu Huan's gourd for a while, and although she had doubts, she was not afraid.

Outside the grotto, Chu Huan made people put down his son, and personally helped Lu's mother into the cave, "Old man, I shouldn't have brought you to see these, but if you want to talk about right and wrong, I can only take you." Come here, let you see what you said the good General Qiu has done."



Sunset village.

Although trapped to death in Sunset Peak, Lu Cunxiao did not compromise, and never thought of surrendering to the officers and soldiers. The bandits who failed to break through the siege returned to Sunset Peak, and Lu Cunxiao immediately divided the bandits into two groups. On the other side of the wall, the other group is sticking to the mountain road.

Sunset Village has a small armory, which stores a lot of weapons, but there is no grain depot. There is not much grain left on the mountain. Nearly [-] people need to eat, and the grain on the mountain cannot last for a few days.

Hearing that General Qiu had already broken out, Lu Cunxiao did not blame General Qiu for leaving everyone alone, but felt that General Qiu would have a chance to make a comeback if he could break through.

Zhao Fengzhu of Sunset Village was originally a capable general under General Qiu, but when he broke through the siege, he took the lead and died in battle. General Qiu was no longer there, and the dragons had no leader. Lu Cunxiao took the responsibility of leading the people.

Of the six peak masters, the whole peak master was hacked to death by Qiu Ruxue. Zhao Feng master and another peak master died in the breakout battle. Except for Lu Cunxiao, the other two peak masters returned to the Sunset Village alive. Leading the crowd is no different. At this time, just asking for life, commanding the bandits can only be stressful and not beneficial.

Moreover, Lu Cunxiao was the number one general in Calabash Village other than General Qiu, so it was only natural for him to replace General Qiu to lead the people.

All the weapons in the arsenal were moved out, ready to go to the stone wall and mountain road, Lu Cunxiao was determined to fight to the last moment, even if he was really trapped and starved to death in the end, he would have to last until the last moment.

The wounds on his body have already undergone simple treatment and bandaging. Although he lost a lot of blood and was exhausted, he still deployed defenses himself, and even inspected the wounded and bandaged them.

The officers and soldiers have never attacked. On the tower of the Sunset Village, he can even see the officers and soldiers transporting supplies from the mountain to the downhill. In the open space at the foot of the mountain, the supplies are piled up like a mountain. The material reserves are now seized by officers and soldiers, and the road to resist Tyranny will be even more difficult.

After two days of support, he was really sleepy. Lu Cunxiao found a free time, leaned against a big rock by the side of the narrow mountain road, and squinted his eyes to rest for a while.

Maybe it was because he was too tired, and he didn't know how long he had slept in this sleep. He didn't wake up from the dream until someone called out softly. Like a conditioned reflex, he grabbed his big knife, stood up suddenly, and asked, "What's the matter? It's the officers and soldiers." Killed it?"

That guy hurriedly shook his head and said, "It's not officers and soldiers, it' old man...!"

Lu Cunxiao was slightly relieved when he heard that officers and soldiers had not killed him, and then he regained his composure and asked in surprise, "Old man? What old man?"

"Feng Master Lu, there is a person coming from the officers and soldiers." Minoru replied, "It's an old woman with white hair, coming from that side to this side, I don't know what to do."

Holding a big knife, Lu Cunxiao strode over, turned around a small road, and came to the edge of the mountain road. On this side of the mountain road, the bandits had already imitated the officers and soldiers, and built a half-person-high barrier with stones on the road. They were all guarding behind the barrier, and when they saw Lu Cunxiao approaching, the gangsters got out of the way, and a few gangsters in front turned around and saw Lu Cunxiao, and immediately shouted: "Boss Lu, it's... your mother!"

These people all went up the mountain with Lu Cunxiao, and they were together before going up the mountain, and they came from the same village, so they were very familiar with Lu Cunxiao's mother and son.

Lu Cunxiao had already walked to the edge of the barrier at this time, and saw an old woman with coarse clothes and white hair walking slowly towards this side on the mountain road. The figure was very familiar, and she cried out: "Mother...!"

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