Lin Daier frowned and said, "Did they notice something?"

"Do you know how the king of Xitang was killed in the end?" the white giant asked.

Lin Dai'er hesitated for a moment, and asked back, "How did the king of Xitang be killed?"

The white giant sneered and said: "The king of Xitang was involved in a treason case. Not many people knew about that case. It was just an insignificant dispute, but the king of Xitang was not dead, and the dog thief Yingyuan was uneasy. , so he took the opportunity to expand the case into a crime of treason, and then involved the king of the Western Tang Dynasty, who was detained and imprisoned.

Lin Dai'er was clearly aware of this matter, her eyebrows were tightly furrowed, hatred flashed across her beautiful eyes, and she just let out a soft "oh".

"After that case happened, Yingyuan used the excuse that he wanted to see the great general's treasured sword, and ordered the general to bring the sword into the palace, and he has never returned since then...!"

Lin Dai'er naturally knew about this. After Lin Qingyuan brought a knife into the palace, the family members were naturally extremely worried and waited for Lin Qingyuan to return safely.

But later, it was not Lin Qingyuan who came back, but Wu Jingwei of the capital city. The Lin family suffered a catastrophe, and Lin Daier escaped from death. But since then, there has been no news about Lin Qingyuan. To this day, no one even knows about it. Whether Lin Qingyuan is dead or alive is an old case many years ago, and no one mentions it except the criminal department may have a case file.

Lin Dai'er heard that Giant White knew a lot about this extremely secret past, but at this moment she wanted to know what happened after Lin Qingyuan entered the palace, and immediately asked: "What happened after General Lin entered the palace? What?"

The white giant shook his head, "That may always be a mystery. Since then, we have also lost contact with the general. Later, we heard that the dog thief Yingyuan slandered the general for assassinating him with a knife. Dang even captured the general and executed him in secret. ...It's just that no one knows the truth of the matter..."

Lin Daier was speechless, but the white giant continued: "However, we did not give up on the investigation of this matter. After our investigation, although it is impossible to know how the general was killed, regarding the case involving the King of Xiliang, We found some clues."

"Clue?" Lin Dai'er's eyes lit up.

The white giant nodded slightly, "We only found out later that the general's plan to make a comeback has actually been picked up by Shenyiwei. Shenyiwei wanted to take advantage of our contact with the general to catch us all, but the general seemed to have something to do with it." I noticed that although Shenyi Yinggou is cunning, the general must be careful, and they are hard to find traces. The general is worried that our morale will be frustrated, so Shenyi Yinggou knew the news of the restoration of the country and did not tell us, but tried his best to protect us. At the beginning At that time, we could contact once every two months, but in the year when the general was killed, we only found the opportunity to contact in half a year."

Lin Daier said: "West Tang King and General Lin were killed, the reason is that Shenyi Yinggou found signs of riots?"

The white giant sighed: "Ying Yuan has always wanted to kill the king of the Western Tang Dynasty, but the King of the Western Tang Dynasty has always been careful and was not caught by them. Moreover, there were still many old troops of the Western Tang Dynasty in the army at that time, and there were also former Western Tang troops in the court. Tang Jiuchen, Yingyuan's hypocrisy and hypocrisy, naturally cannot eradicate these thorns in the flesh. The so-called snake can't do without a head. Yingyuan's purpose is to find an opportunity to kill the king and general of the Western Tang Dynasty. The power will crumble."

"Yingyuan knew about General Lin's plan for an uprising, so he used that case to attack the King of Xitang?" Lin Daier asked coldly.

The white giant nodded and said: "That's it, first killed the king of Xitang, and then killed General Lin... Since then, our plan to revolt has been greatly frustrated. For so many years, we can only hide in the dark. Waiting for the opportunity, not only to restore Xitang, but also to avenge the king of Xitang and General Lin." Speaking of this, the white giant clenched his fists, his face was already full of resentment.

Lin Dai'er pondered for a moment, and finally asked: "Then you are really planning to start an incident?"

The white giant sneered and said: "Actually, the time has come, the dog thief Yingyuan is stupid and violent, the Qin State is already on the verge of collapse, the people are in dire straits, there is already a Tianmen way in the southeast, there is a Qingtian king in Hebei, and the rebel armies of other ways are also rising one after another. Taking the opportunity to restore the country and fulfill General Lin's long-cherished wish, I am afraid that there will be no chance."

Lin Daier frowned and said, "Then when are you going to start the incident?"

The white giant did not speak, and walked out the door slowly. It was already pitch black outside. He stood outside the door with a burly figure like an iron tower. There are many old tribes in the Western Tang Dynasty. Everyone thought that the restoration of the country would throw their heads and blood, but... the restoration of the country cannot be achieved only by blood. We need soldiers, equipment, food, and horses... and all of these , in the final analysis, there are only two words... silver!"

"Silver?" Lin Dai'er wondered: "You said earlier that before the collapse of the Western Tang Dynasty, General Lin had already made preparations. You transferred the Western Tang's treasury. Could it be that you don't know the whereabouts of the treasury?"

The white giant shook his head and said: "We have always known where the treasury is, and we have been preparing for it. As soon as the time comes, we will open the treasury and use it to revive Xitang...!"

"Since there is a treasury, why is there no silver?"

The white giant turned his head. In the darkness, his eyes were shining brightly. "I said earlier that the hidden vault was designed by the public transporter, and the most important design is the entrance."

Lin Daier suddenly seemed to understand something.

"The public transmission person has long since disappeared, and he may have passed away. We have also looked for him since the death of General Lin, but we have not found any clues for so many years." The white giant said slowly: " We can no longer go this way. The treasury we designed back then has only two ways to go, one is public transportation, and this way is no longer feasible, so we can only take another way.”

"Another way?"

"That's right." The white giant nodded and said: "Gongshu Chuanren designed the mechanism. Besides him, we naturally have a way to open the mechanism, but the method of opening the mechanism is very complicated...!"

Lin Daier let out an "oh".

The white giant pondered for a while, and then slowly said: "The six dragons gather troops, and the Bodhisattva opens the door...!"

Lin Dai'er's delicate body trembled, and she lost her voice and said, "Six...six dragons gathered together, Bodhisattva...Bodhisattva will open the door?"

The white giant was stunned, his face suddenly showed surprise, his expression became serious again, and he asked: "Girl, could it be... have you heard of this sentence?"

Lin Dai'er didn't answer, but asked instead: "What does this sentence mean?"

The white giant thought for a while, and then said: "This is a sentence left by Gongshu's successor. This sentence is related to six stones!"

"Stone?" Lin Dai'er remembered the red stone that her father gave her back then.

For a long time, Lin Dai'er has never known what the stone does. When Lin Qingyuan handed it to her, she just said "six dragons gather soldiers, and the Bodhisattva opens the door". Lin Dai'er has never understood this obscure word Got it, don't even think the phrase has anything to do with stones.

For a long time, she regarded the stone as her father's relic and kept it close to her body, just thinking that every time she saw the stone, she would think of her father.

It's just that the stone is no longer on her body. When Qiao Mingtang's wife was kidnapped, she fought with Chu Huan underwater in the river, and has disappeared since then.

She also thought about getting the stone back, and suspected that Chu Huan had taken the stone, but since then, she has never seen the stone again, and she also suspected that the stone fell into the river, but the river was very deep. Wanting to find stones in the river is undoubtedly a fool's dream.

The white giant said: "Exactly, no one in the world can break the mechanism designed by Gongshu Chuanren. Except for him, the only way to enter the vault is to rely on the key."


"The key is in this sentence." The white giant said: "The gathering of six dragons actually refers to six stones. As long as the six stones are gathered together, it will be the key to open the treasury."

"Then how do you explain the Bodhisattva opening the door?"

"Just because of revitalizing the Western Tang Dynasty, it is to let the common people live a good life." The white giant explained: "Gongshu's successor has high morality. He hopes that one day we can use six stones as keys to open the treasury, gather soldiers and horses, and use The common people in the world are mindful, and have the heart of a Bodhisattva."

Lin Dai'er pondered for a while, and asked, "You didn't open the vault because you didn't find the key?"

The white giant sighed: "Six stones, we still need the last one."

"So you already have five stones?"

The white giant said: "Yes, to open the key to the treasury, you need to collect six stones. The public transporter gave the six stones to General Lin. For safety, General Lin separated the six stones and put them under the protection of six people. Thank you The general held a high regard and gave me a stone. After the general was killed, we collected five stones, but the last stone has never been found, and the last stone is in the general's hand."

"Since General Lin was killed, I'm afraid we will never find that stone again." Lin Dai'er said softly.

The white giant shook his head and said: "We have thought about it, the general is a cautious person, and there must be arrangements for that stone. As far as we know, although the general was killed all over the family, it is not without survivors...!"

Lin Dai'er's delicate body trembled slightly, but her expression was still very calm.

"The general has a lady. When the Lin family was killed, the lady escaped from death, but she disappeared later." The white giant said slowly: "We have been looking for the lady for these years. General, my mother is the princess of Xitang and the only royal bloodline of Xitang, we must find Miss and let her lead us to open the treasury and revive Xitang!" While speaking, he stared at Lin Daier, as if to See through Lin Daier's heart.

Lin Daier asked: "So you haven't found that Miss Lin so far?"

The white giant said slowly: "We have been searching for many years, but we have never heard of Miss, and we have prepared for the worst, thinking that Miss has already encountered an accident, but the important task of revitalizing Xitang must be led by Miss, that is. There is only the slimmest hope, and we will not give up." He took two steps back, then suddenly knelt on one knee on the ground, lowered his head, and said word by word: "The emperor pays off, years of searching finally came to fruition. Miss Pan puts the overall situation first, and she came out to lead the old troops of the Western Tang Dynasty to revive the Western Tang Dynasty, avenge the king of the Western Tang Dynasty, General Lin, and countless subjects and people who died tragically in the Western Tang Dynasty!"

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