National color raw owl

Chapter 1303 Defeat like a mountain

Luo'an, the capital of the Qin Kingdom, has also been shrouded in white snow. Snowflakes are floating in the sky, but the streets are still full of people and cars.

The chaos of Tianmen Dao in the southeast affected many people. As Tianmen Dao became more and more powerful in the south, many merchants and gentry in the southeast had moved to the capital with their families.

It's just that this didn't increase the population burden of the capital.

Those who retreated from the southeast to the capital were mainly rich merchants and the family members of some officials. Although the Jianghuai Road and Dongkai Road in the southeast were in full swing, there was no sign of a large number of refugees fleeing towards the capital. On the contrary, many people joined The rebels of Tianmendao.

For the imperial court, King Qingtian of Hebei is certainly a headache, but the way of pacifying Tianmen in the southeast is the top priority. The collected materials were transported to the southeast.

On the road from the capital to the southeast front line, the recent transportation of materials seems to have increased a lot. From grain and grass to equipment, the long line seems to have no breaks. It is quite different from before. People along the way feel very strange. It was rumored that the national treasury was empty, and the imperial court could no longer provide money to support the war in the southeast. However, after the crown prince supervised the country, various signs showed that the imperial court seemed to have regained its strength.

Ordinary people naturally don't know the truth of this weird situation, but the dignitaries in the capital are well aware of it.

The root cause of this abnormal phenomenon, in the final analysis, is still due to party struggle.

After the emperor left the capital, the power of the empire temporarily fell into the hands of the prince, and after the prince came to power, the princelings immediately launched an attack on the royal party.

The memorials for the impeachment of Qi Royal Party officials were like snowflakes. The criminal department headed by Qiu Junhao became the sharpest knife of the prince. This knife was flying in the capital, and countless Qi Royal Party officials fell under this knife.

For the fallen Qi Royal Party officials, the Ministry of Punishment has fully developed their ability to torture. As long as the Qi Royal Party officials are caught in the yamen of the Criminal Ministry, the final result is almost all ransacking their homes.

In the bloody storm, a large amount of property belonging to officials of the Qi royal party was fined and confiscated. This huge amount of wealth is really astonishing. The crown prince is extremely strict about confiscating the property.

For a long time, whenever the house was ransacked, it was usually jointly dispatched by officials from the Ministry of Criminal Justice and the Ministry of Household Affairs. It has also become a practice. If you can turn over [-]% of the national treasury, you are already doing your duty.

Ma Hong, Minister of the Household Department, accompanied him on a north tour, and the matter of confiscating the house could only fall on the head of Lang Wuxu, the servant of the Household Department. He ordered the officials of the Ministry of Households to search the houses of the officials of the Qi Royal Party, and sometimes even go out in person to confiscate all the property, not only the property in the capital, but also the property of the criminal officials' hometown.

The prince is well aware of the practice of ransacking the house, but this time he has issued an explicit order, but there are those who are greedy for money and property during the raid, and they will be killed without mercy. At the beginning, many officials still acted as princes. Confiscated the house, because of corruption, beheaded several officials, including officials of the princeling party, so everyone knew that the prince was real.

The confiscated property was filled into the national treasury, and the amount was quite a lot. To a certain extent, it really solved the problem of the emptiness of the treasury. Fighting on the front line, whether it is food, supplies or military pay, requires a lot of expenses. The prince is in the southeast and Hebei In the two wars, there is no doubt that the southeast first and then Hebei, the confiscated property, except for the military pay sent to the front line to the soldiers, most of it was used to purchase food and make equipment.

Although there is no food in the treasury, it does not mean that the empire has no food. The capital of Luo'an is located on Yuling Road, which is the richest place in the empire. Next to it is Jinling Road, which is full of rich people. In this place, there is a lot of grain in the warehouses of the wealthy and gentry, and the imperial court has money, so it is not difficult to buy grain.

As one of the four great generals of the empire, Lei Guheng has experienced hundreds of battles and spent half his life as a soldier. His ability to lead the army in combat is definitely a top figure in the world, but it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. There is no way to talk about it. Without military pay, the morale of the soldiers is naturally in a slump.

Previously, Lei Guheng was already under tremendous pressure under the pressure of Tianmen Dao, and the entire battle line had been continuously shrinking back. At the most dangerous time, the battle line was only two hundred miles away from Yuling Dao where the capital was located.

It is also because of this that a large number of gentry and tycoons withdrew to the capital one after another, and even after withdrawing to the capital, they were not at ease. According to the situation in the southeast battlefield, the Tianmen Dao may not be able to advance to the capital.

However, the prince used the confiscated property to quickly send it to the front line. With the support of the logistics, Lei Guheng and the southeast officers and soldiers immediately had their morale shaken, and the whole exhibition moved forward a lot.

It's just that in the deep winter, many places have been blocked by snow, and the Tianmen Road has not continued to advance, and the counterattack momentum of the officers and soldiers has also been contained. The two sides are still in a stalemate, and even the whole winter will be in a stalemate. Moderately spent.

Although the prince used the confiscated property to temporarily stabilize the situation in the southeast, for the Qi royal party, Qiu Junyu became a thorn in their side, and all members of the Qi royal party wanted to kill him quickly.

For this reason, the members of Qi Wang's party tried their best to counterattack in the predicament, and even hired assassins to assassinate Qiu Junyu. The appointment and removal of officials is not within the scope of his power, and he must ask the emperor for instructions.

In the view of the Qi Royal Party, killing Qiu Junyu is equivalent to destroying the prince's murder knife. Once this knife is damaged, the predicament facing the Qi Royal Party will be greatly changed, and the new candidate for the Ministry of Punishment is also very important. The prince alone can make the decision, and the Qi royal party will be able to compete with the princeling party for the vacancy of the minister of the Ministry of punishment.

It's just that such a plan, because of the consecutive defeats in the assassination, also came to naught.

As the Secretary of the Ministry of Justice, Qiu Junyu's hands are covered with blood, and there are countless enemies. There are countless enemies who want to kill him and then quickly. Qiu Junyu knows this well, and naturally it is impossible to give the opponent a chance.

When he went in and out, there were at least eight guards by his side, and he rarely went in and out of crowded places. Qiu Junpin seldom set foot in the Lefang Teahouse where many people frequented. Even if he went, he would make careful arrangements in advance.

As the criminal yamen of the empire, the Ministry of Punishment must have some powerful people, and they are naturally alert to the methods of tracking and lurking, so it is not an easy task to assassinate Qiu Junyu.

When Qiu Junyu assisted the princelings to purge the Qi royal party, Qiu Junyu became the most important figure in the princelings, and his safety was naturally paid more attention to.

The several officials of the Qi Royal Party who failed to assassinate, not only failed to achieve their wishes, but were caught by Qiu Junyu and took the opportunity to backhand him, so a group of Qi Royal Party officials were arrested.

Less than three months after the emperor left Beijing, the Qi royal party was completely defeated by the princelings, and they had no strength to fight back.

The King of Qi Party transformed from the King of Han Dynasty was once considered to be a glorious moment. When the King of Han was in power, the King of Han’s Party had An Guogong Huang Ju as its core, and there were many party members in the ruling and opposition parties. The King of Han was both civil and military. Finance, the Hanwang party headed by Hanwang and Huang Ju, has a strong cohesion, and the princelings were once suppressed and impenetrable.

But today, under the fierce attack of the princelings, everyone in the royal party of Qi finally understands that the king of Qi is not the king of Han. When the fight was over, the members of the Qi royal party were looking forward to turning things around, but in fact, Qi Wang had no ability to counter the fierce attack of the princelings.

Therefore, after the loss of soldiers and generals, many Qi royal party officials began to resign voluntarily, hoping to resign from their official positions and stay away from the court. Although losing their official positions, it is better than losing their lives.

What's more, they began to contact the princelings in private, spending a lot of money, hoping to transfer to the prince's family, and the capital was filled with smoke for a while.

King Qi's pressure is getting heavier and heavier.

Of course he knew that the King Qi Party was already falling apart, and people were panicking. At the beginning, officials from the King Qi Party came to King Qi's mansion every day, looking for countermeasures that King Qi could discuss.

However, in the midst of disputes among the officials, the Qi royal party was helpless in the face of the prince's offensive.

Ever since Wu Tangchun, the Shaoqing of the Taipu Temple, was taken away from the Qi Palace by the officials of the Ministry of Justice in full view, fewer and fewer officials visited the Qi Palace. The Qi King understood that those officials obviously felt that the Qi King was no longer reliable. Keenly aware that the prince's thunderous means may not be aimed at dealing with the entire Qi royal party, but the main goal may be aimed at the Qi king.

Many Qi royal party officials want to switch to the prince's sect, which makes them not want to have anything to do with Qi king, and it is even more impossible to visit the Qi prince's mansion.

Before the emperor made his northern tour, the Princeling Party and the Qi Royal Party were fighting against each other. It seemed that their strengths were equal, but now people suddenly realized that the strength of the two parties was not at the same level. The current Qi Royal Party is like a sheep , while the princelings are a fierce tiger, and the tigers of the princelings are devouring the sheep bit by bit with gusto.

The glory of the Qi Royal Party is gone forever. Few officials of the Qi Royal Party are willing to admit that they are the Qi Royal Party.

Qi Wang Yingren knew everything that happened, but he was helpless.

He knew that with his current strength, he was no match for the prince at all, but he was not reconciled. The officials of the Ministry of punishment went to the mansion to arrest people, and they didn't pay attention to him, a majestic prince. King Qi felt deeply humiliated.

He stayed behind closed doors, but the resentment in his heart grew deeper day by day. At this point, he didn't expect to bring down the prince, but he gritted his teeth and wanted to bring down Qiu Junyu at all costs.

He is the prince, the majestic King Qi of the empire, and the auxiliary state.

But he was going to be ridiculed by the Ministry of Punishment, which made him unbearable in his heart.

If you don't overthrow Qiu Junyu, how can you be worthy of the noble blood flowing in your body?King Qi had always thought this way in his heart, so he was waiting for an opportunity, and he must find an opportunity to kill Qiu Jun.

And this opportunity must rest on Lang Wuxu.

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