National color raw owl

Chapter 1305 Tiangulong

The snow has stopped, and the snow accumulated on the street has been cleared out of the road. The snow in front of the office of the Ministry of Justice has been shoveled up and transported to other places.

Today, Qiu Junyu, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishments, personally appeared to try Song Shanhe, the order of the Stables Department of Taipu Temple.

In fact, this case is not complicated. The Department of Stables is responsible for the provision of horses. Song Shanhe is responsible for his actions, filling his own pockets, and was found to be feeding the official horses with low-quality horse feed. The court testified, and provided sufficient evidence. In the Department of Stables, several officials also came out to testify.

The Ministry of Criminal Justice has tried many such cases with solid evidence recently.

Although Qiu Junyu's strikes were fierce, what people have to admire is that before the Ministry of Criminal Justice arrests people, they must have grasped sufficient criminal evidence from the criminal officer. Whether it is personal or physical evidence, they can be brought up in court at any time. The evidence is as solid as a mountain, and there is no rebuttal room for.

In a case like this, generally speaking, once the witnesses and physical evidence are revealed, the criminal officer has nothing to say, signs and pledges, and then puts him in death row, and the questioner is executed every few days, which is very smooth.

It's just that today is a little different.

In the lobby of the Ministry of Justice, although Qiu Junyu was still sitting in the presiding judge's seat, he looked very reserved. On the first left and right sides of the lobby, sat the two princes of Daqin.

On the left is the prince of the current dynasty in a red brocade attire, who is also the current supervisor of the state, holding great power, while at the right is King Yingren of Qi in a dark purple brocade attire, with a brocade attire and a jade belt, full of jewels.

The prince is still sitting in a wheelchair, and behind him is Tian Hou, the commander of the prince's residence guards.

The prince was calm and relaxed, Tian Hou was expressionless, although Qi Wang Yingren tried his best to calm himself down, but his eyes looked out of the hall from time to time.

The trial of this case has come to an end. At the beginning, Song Shanhe saw King Qi coming. As a member of King Qi's party, he had hoped that King Qi would be able to save himself from the knife today. rescued.

But from the beginning to the end, King Qi didn't say much. The most important thing is that the evidence provided by the Ministry of Punishment is so ironclad that it cannot be overthrown at all. In the end, Song Shanhe had no choice but to sign the crime.

After the officials of the Ministry of Criminal Justice dragged Song Shanhe down, the prince looked at King Qi and said with a smile: "Yingren, you witnessed the trial today, so you have no doubts in your mind? Don't believe what those young people say, they Let me tell you that Qiu Shangshu tried the case unfairly and tortured to extract confession, just because they are afraid of Qiu Shangshu's impartiality and integrity. In today's torture hall, Qiu Shangshu's words and deeds are experienced, well-founded, and he has never treated the criminal officials. With the slightest bit of sexual injury, the so-called torture to extract a confession will be self-defeating."

Qiu Junpi looked upright, and got up and said: "Jianguo, Fuguo, the lower officials receive the grace of the Holy One, and manage the Ministry of Punishment. They only want to maintain the law and order and eliminate the scum hidden in the court. The lower officials must have all the witnesses and evidences. According to the torture The procedures are careful and careful, and I dare not be sloppy in the slightest, if there is any mistake in the lower officials, I will ask Jian Guo and Fu Guo to come down!"

The prince waved his hands and said with a smile: "Qiu Shangshu enforces the law impartially, and this palace sees it, so why are you guilty?" He asked the king of Qi, "Yingren, what do you think?"

King Qi stood up, cupped his hands to the prince, and said, "Brother Prince is talking nonsense. Inviting Brother Prince to come to watch the trial today just clears up the rumors that Qiu Shangshu's trial was unfair."

"That's very good." The crown prince nodded and said, "Father, the emperor, made a northern tour and entrusted you and me with the affairs of the court, but the state affairs are overwhelming. How can you and I handle them all? In the end, we still have to rely on Qiu Shangshu to do this." The pillars and pillars of the imperial court support us, they are all seasoned seekers of the country, and they are dedicated to the public, and it is not incomprehensible for those young people to be afraid and slander us behind the scenes, Yingren, do you think so?"

"Brother Prince's words are very true." King Qi said hurriedly, but his heart was burning with anxiety. It was already noon, but the big drum of vindictiveness outside the Ministry of Punishment still hadn't sounded.

The big drum placed outside the Ministry of Punishment is called the Heavenly Drum. It is due to the great grievances of the heavens, and the drum should not be played lightly. As soon as the drum sounds, the Ministry of Punishment must also start the trial immediately.

The prince smiled slightly, and then said: "It's already noon, and there are still many things to deal with, Tianhou, let's go back to the mansion first. Yingren, there are many affairs in the court, you also go to the various government offices to have a look."

When King Qi saw that the prince was leaving, he was very anxious. Once the prince left, the next good show would not be successful. He thought to himself, could there be some mistakes?

Seeing that Tianhou was already pushing his wheelchair to leave, Qiu Junyu and other officials from the Ministry of Punishment also bowed to see him off, King Qi was anxious and couldn't help saying: "Brother Prince, wait a minute...!"

The wheelchair stopped, and the prince turned around, "What else is there?"

"That...!" King Qi's heart was flustered, but fortunately he was not stupid, and hurriedly said: "The court affairs are cumbersome, and the prince's brother has a lot of affairs to deal with every day, so you need to take care of your health."

The prince smiled gently, and said: "You should also take care of your body, don't be too tired, you have lost a lot of weight these days, but don't wait for the father and mother to return to Beijing, see you lose weight, you have to blame me Take good care of you."

King Qi forced a smile, he hadn't heard the sound of the drum yet, he just felt that something must have happened, this great opportunity can only be lost by goodbye.

Tian Hou pushed the wheelchair forward again, and when he was approaching the main entrance of the lobby, he suddenly heard the sound of "Boom... Boom... Boom..." The sound of drums sounded, and King Qi's disappointment and frustration disappeared immediately, and he said in a low voice: "Drums! ……drum……!"

The crown prince frowned, and Qiu Junyu had already stepped forward, and said to King Qi: "Fuguo, that's the Tiangu, someone complained of grievances, and when the Tiangu rang, a trial must be held...!"

"Since that's the case, we won't bother you." The prince said, "Yingren, let's go, don't delay Qiu Shangshu's trial!"

King Qi walked quickly to the prince, tried his best to calm himself down, and said, "Brother prince, I heard that the heavenly drum should not be struck lightly this day. When the heavenly drum is struck, there must be great grievances. It happens to be here today, why don't we Also stay here to see what Tianda's grievance is?"

"Do you want to stay and watch the trial?"

"Brother Prince, if it's really a big grievance, brother Prince, as the supervisor of the country, may be able to avenge their grievances." King Qi said: "Brother Prince, the sound of the drum is rare, look...!"

The prince stared at Yingren, pondered for a while, and said: "Yingren, there are many state affairs, and the criminal department has its own criminal department to deal with. If we have to do everything by ourselves, not only will we not be able to be considerate, but it will also make it difficult for the officials of the various departments...!"

"Brother Prince, if it were normal, we wouldn't come here to hear the trial, but since we are here now, and we have a huge injustice to go to the court for trial, why not listen to what's going on?"

The prince stared at Yingren, and asked again: "Do you really want to hear the trial?"

"Everything is up to the prince's elder brother!" King Qi couldn't hide his remaining attitude between his brows.

The prince sighed, turned his head, and signaled Tian Hou to push the wheelchair back and continue the hearing.

The crown prince and King Qi returned to their seats, and Qiu Junyu bowed his hands to the two princes, with a calm expression, and sat back in the presiding judge's position. Bring it on!"

After a while, I saw several government servants bringing two people over. The two were a man and a woman. The man was 23 or [-] years old and looked very ordinary, but the woman had a slender waist and long legs, with very fair skin and a plump nose. Lips are quite pretty.

The clothes of both of them were very ordinary. King Qi only took one look and guessed that this couple was probably Chen Guo and his wife. I knew him. I squinted at Qiu Jun's expression, only to see Qiu Jun's eyes wide open, with a serious face, and he was indeed staring at Chen Guo and his wife, but there was no surprise on his face.

King Qi frowned slightly, thinking to himself why Qiu Junpu didn't change his face when he saw the daughter-in-law of the Chen family.

But soon he was relieved. According to Lang Wuxu, Qiu Fang was only interested in Chen's daughter-in-law for a while. Not only did he want to keep it a secret from the court, but he naturally didn't dare to let Qiu Junhao know about it. If the Chen family's daughter-in-law is definitely hiding in the mansion, it is impossible for Qiu Junhao to know about it. In addition, Qiu Junhao is in the capital all the year round, and it is rare for him to return to his hometown once a year. Naturally, I have never seen the Chen family's daughter-in-law.

Chen Guo and his wife entered the lobby. They first looked around, and the gavel sounded. Qiu Junhao had already shouted in a deep voice, "Who is in the hall? Still not kneeling?"

Chen Guo and his wife looked at each other, hesitated for a moment, but still knelt down.

"You guys sounded the drum?" Qiu Junpin asked in a deep voice.

"Yes!" the man said loudly.

Qiu Junyu nodded, and asked again: "What is your grievance? Why did you beat the drum?"

"I have been wronged so much that I have to beat him." The man raised his head, "Chen Guo, a grassroots man, is a native of Qiuhu County, Jinling Road. This is a lowly woman from a grassroots family, Chen Tian!"

King Qi's heart relaxed, he thought to himself that this is really Chen Guo and his wife, the time was really well timed, it was not too late, so he immediately cheered up and sat upright.

"That's weird. You said she was your wife, isn't she now?" Qiu Junpu frowned.

The man Chen Guolang said in a loud voice: "Caomin has always been her wife, but on the day Caomin got married, she...!" He paused for a while with an angry look on his face, but he didn't continue.

The woman, Chen Tianshi, had already lowered her head, her body trembling slightly.

"If you have a grievance, just say it. I am a fair and honest official. If there is a grievance, I will definitely make the decision for you and give you justice." Qiu Junhao said in a solemn voice with awe-inspiring righteousness.

Chen Guo hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "On the day when the grass people got married, the wife was forcibly defiled by someone, and then forcibly robbed her away. My father went to Beijing to sue for justice, but was The murder is on the halfway path...the hatred of killing the father, the hatred of taking the wife, the injustice of the sky, can only go to Beijing to appeal!"


With a crisp sound of the gavel, Qiu Jun said sharply: "Huanghuang Tianri, how can such an unspeakable crime be lightly tolerated? If this matter is serious, I will definitely decide for you? Chen Guo, the evil person you mentioned , who is it? Where is this person now?"


ps: Before the start of the game, there are still a few hundred words to finish writing a chapter. The game has started, so I can only stop first, take a halftime break, and quickly code it out, quack quack quack.

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