Qiu Junyu sneered and said: "Since you are going to Beijing to make a living, why do you pretend to be the son of the county magistrate and come to the lobby of the Ministry of Punishment to complain about your grievances?"

Duan Xiaolou and Xiao Yanqiu looked at each other, and finally said: "My lord, actually... In fact, since we came to the capital, we haven't been able to get a job. Even if there are theaters in the capital, there are no We wanted famous actors from all over the world, and they didn’t give us the chance to be on stage. We spent almost the same amount of money we brought with us in the capital for a few months. We thought it would be impossible and we had to go back to Jinling, but just as we were about to leave At that time, a nobleman found us and asked us to help him with one thing, as long as we can do it, there will be a great reward...!"

Qiu Junpo said in a deep voice, "What are you doing?"

"It's just...just impersonating Chen Guo and falsely accusing Qiu Fang." Duan Xiaolou's face turned pale, "We have never even seen Chen Guo, and we have never heard of this unjust case in Jinling Road, so we didn't want to get involved in it." , but we are so cash-strapped that even if we want to go back to Jinling, we have to spend it on our bodies. Moreover, the noble man who ordered us to do things is very generous, and promised us that as long as the matter is completed, he will give us 500 taels of gold... 500 taels of gold is enough We set up our own troupe in the capital, which can also guarantee us a worry-free life for the rest of our lives, so...!"

"It's really people who make money and birds who die for food." Qiu Junyu sneered, "You are really very courageous, 500 taels of gold will fascinate your eyes, don't you think that once this matter is revealed, you will still pay attention to it." Can you save your life?"

"We are also worried about this, but... But the nobleman said that this matter has been arranged. As long as we enter the office of the Ministry of Criminal Justice and sue Qiu Fang according to what he said, then the task will be completed, and they will handle other matters. , we will never take any responsibility." Duan Xiaolou said: "We got guarantees and promises, so... that's why we took the risk."

"Can you get away with false accusations?" Qiu Jun snorted coldly, "You are really whimsical, the sky is beautiful, you are careless, and you entered the Ministry of Criminal Affairs to falsely accuse others. Do you think it is so easy for me to believe your words? The capital of the country is here, even if the official makes a mistake, can't the supervisor and the auxiliary country see the flaws?" He patted the gavel, and said in a deep voice: "You said that all this was ordered by someone, and the official asked you, but you Who is it?"

Duan Xiaolou and Xiao Yanqiu looked at each other and shook their heads.

"At this moment, you are still not telling the truth?" Qiu Junyu said in a deep voice: "I judge the case and rarely use punishment, but you have already falsely accused others of framing others, and now you refuse to tell the truth. It's done." Got up and bowed to the crown prince and King Qi each, and said respectfully: "Jianguo, Fuguo, and the yamen of the Ministry of Punishment don't dare to abuse the criminal law before they are sure that the person who intervened is guilty, but once they are convicted, they don't Confess the facts of the crime frankly, and the subordinate officials will still use torture."

The prince nodded slightly and said: "The torture book is also a kind of case trial. Although it cannot be abused, it must be used when changing the use of those stubborn criminals."

"Thank you Jian Guo for your understanding!" Qiu Junyu bowed deeply, slapped the gavel, and shouted in a deep voice: "Come here, use torture!"

The servants next to him shouted, and Duan Xiaolou and the others lost their souls, and lost their voices: "My lord, we really don't know the identity of the person who contacted us, but... his appearance reminds us to remember clearly, the villain is willing to be in the courtroom." Draw his form."

"Take a pen and paper!" Qiu Junhao said without hesitation.

There are scribes in the hall, who send paper and pens, and Duan Xiaolou starts to write and paint in the hall.

At this time, King Qi just stared blankly at Duan Xiaolou who was working hard to paint, his chest was still suffocating, and what happened after the sound of the drum sounded in King Qi's mind over and over again.

His body was already cold at this time.

The way to bring down Qiu Jun'ao is to first involve Qiu Jun'ao in the case of Chen Guo, and then use the letter obtained by Chen Tian's family as the final ultimate move, a fatal blow.

Everything was originally perfect, but now earth-shaking changes have taken place.

Chen Lan in Qiuhu County appeared in court, Chen Lan was not dead, then the case about Chen Guo was overthrown in an instant, Chen Guo was not Chen Guo, and Chen Tian was not Chen Tian, ​​then the hatred of killing his father and taking his wife Naturally, it didn't exist, even if the letter sent secretly by Qiu's father and son was used as a fatal blow, it naturally didn't exist either.

Not only is it impossible to form a fatal attack on Qiu Junhao now, but the case will inevitably lead to more serious consequences in the future.

Duan Xiaolou and the others are just actors, and low-level actors, of course, would not pretend to be the sons of officials to falsely accuse Qiu Fang for no reason.

Of course King Qi knew that the real person behind the scenes was himself.

The person who had direct contact with Duan Xiaolou and others was Hubu Shangshu Lang Wuxu. King Qi did not directly contact Duan Xiaolou, an actor, and because of this, Duan Xiaolou and others could not testify in court. Instigated by King Qi.

But there is no doubt that Lang Wuxu will surface soon.

As long as Lang Wuxu surfaced, King Qi knew that he was in danger. Although it was Lang Wuxu's own design behind the plan to bring down Qiu Junyu, it was King Qi's approval.

King Qi really didn't understand what went wrong.

Lang Wuxu assured himself that this case has been investigated in detail, the evidence is solid, and the arrangement is very rigorous, otherwise he would not dare to take it out and challenge Qiu Junyu.

Could it be that something went wrong with Lang Wuxu?

Lang Wuxu is the core of the Qi royal party, and is the key target of the princelings. Could it be that Lang Wuxu has been targeted long ago, and the plan he secretly planned was clearly known to the princelings?Could it be that Lang Wuxu fell into a trap carefully arranged by the princelings for no apparent reason? Lang Wuxu sent people to Qiuhu County to inquire about this case, but Lang Wuxu did not go there in person. The spies sent by Lang Wuxu were controlled by the princelings, so they reported the non-existent injustice to Lang Wuxu, and then under the planning of the princelings, they used actors to pretend to be Chen Guo and his wife and witnesses?

In the hall of the Ministry of Punishment today, I thought everything was in my own hands, but what happened now can only make King Qi doubt all his plans, which have already been clearly known by the princelings. Look at people like a clown, maybe in the eyes of everyone, you look like a clown.

Duan Xiaolou's transformation has been completed. Although it is not brilliant, the eyebrows and facial contours are all drawn vividly, even the body shape is also very particular.

A clerk had been beside Duan Xiaolou all the time. Seeing that the painting was completed, he couldn't help saying: "This...isn't this Mr. Lang Wuxulang, the Minister of the Household Department?"

Hearing this, King Qi's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

The scribe first presented the painting to the prince. The prince took a look at the painting, and then ordered: "Come here, go and spread the word!" Then he handed the painting to the clerk and said, "Give it to the king of Qi." look!"

King Qi took over the painting, and his face turned even paler. The character on the painting is none other than Lang Wuxu. Although this small building is an actor, the painter is really not bad. The characters on it are quite different from Lang Wuxu. There is no false similarity.

When the painting was in Qiu Jun's hands, Qiu Jun's glanced at it, and immediately said in a deep voice: "Duan Xiaolou, don't make the same mistakes again and again. You have slandered Qiu Fang before, and now you are framing Mr. Lang, the servant of the household department. You are really brave." .”

"My lord, the villain never made any false accusations." Duan Xiaolou said with a mournful face: "The villain is just an actor. He came to the capital not long ago, not to mention the servant of the household department, even ordinary people don't know many people. The person who asked us to do business is indeed a painting. He asked us to pretend to be Chen Guo and his family to sue Qiu Fang at the Yamen of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and promised to give us 500 taels of gold, 50 taels of gold had already been paid in advance... The villain really doesn’t know that this is the servant of the household department. , with the lowliness of a villain, how can I meet such high-ranking officials and nobles without any connections in the capital?"

Qiu Junpin frowned, looked sternly, looked at the prince, and said: "Jianguo, Duan Xiaolou's words are not unreasonable. He is just a low-level actor. He came to the capital not long ago, and he didn't even have a chance to play in the theater. There may be a chance to meet Lang Wuxu...!"

The prince looked calm, and asked Duan Xiaolou, "Duan Xiaolou, are you sure you didn't draw the wrong person?"

Xiao Yanqiu said from the side: "My lord, the women have seen it before. Duan Xiaolou did not make a mistake in the painting, but the one we falsely accused Qiu Fang was the person in this painting, but we didn't know that he was the servant of the household department...! "

The prince pondered for a while, and said to Qiu Jun: "Qiu Shangshu, it's already past noon, you send someone to prepare some food in the back hall, my palace and Fuguo will have meals." After a pause, he said: "After Lang Wuxu arrives, , let him wait in the hall, and continue the trial in the afternoon!"

In the back hall, a table of wine and food had already been set up. The crown prince was sitting in a wheelchair, staring at King Qi, who was very embarrassed, and asked, "Yingren, you seem a little nervous. Is there something on your mind?"


The prince pondered for a while, and finally said: "Yingren, you are my brother. Recently, there has been a sudden turmoil in Beijing. In your opinion, do you think I intend to suppress you?"

King Qi didn't expect the prince to be so direct, he hurriedly said: "Brother prince, I...!"

The prince waved his hand and said solemnly: "You should be aware of the situation of Daqin. There are smoldering fires everywhere and the world is in turmoil. If this continues, Daqin will probably perish."

King Qi's face changed slightly, but he was cautious at this time, not daring to say much.

"The Great Qin Dynasty laid down by the emperor, as princes, we can't just watch it collapse." The prince looked solemn, "This country is already dying, and we must do our best to rescue him. We need a new deal, we need reform, and we need to change a country. First of all, we must change people. Don’t think that I am suppressing the Qi royal party, and don’t think that I have great ambitions. There are too many moths in the court. It is these moths that threaten the safety of our empire. Tianmen Road in the southeast, Hebei’s King Qingtian, Zheng Taicheng in Sichuan, Qu Matong, and Lan Wu in Fuhai, these disasters are not the biggest enemy that threatens our empire, but the real threat to the safety of the empire is the moth in the court. If the moth is not eliminated, the world is really going to be chaotic , Jiangshan is really coming to an end!"

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