Qiu Junyu sternly shouted: "Lang Wuxu, you are so courageous. This is the hall of the Ministry of Punishment. As an official of the imperial court, you are so presumptuous in front of the Jian Guo and Fu Guo. Do you want to rebel?" Stretched out his hand, "Will the witness Bring it!"

At this time, an officer had already taken the yellow silk from Xiao Yanqiu's hand, and presented it to Qiu Junpao, who was about to open it, but stopped immediately, came down from the top, walked to the Prince's side, and offered the yellow silk with both hands.

The prince was calm and composed, holding the yellow silk in one hand, and slowly opened it, and soon everyone around the prince saw that there was a piece of jade pendant in the yellow silk, which was extremely delicate and extraordinary at first glance.

The prince held it in his hand, looked carefully for a few times, his expression soon became serious, he looked up at King Qi, thoughtfully, he covered the yellow silk, and said: "It's not a big deal, it's not a proof. thing!"

King Qi also saw at this time that what appeared in the yellow silk was suddenly his own jade pendant.

This jade pendant is unusual, it is an authentic royal item, whenever the emperor gives birth to a child, he will give many rewards immediately, and the most important one is the royal jade pendant.

People in the Central Plains regard jade as their beauty. Since ancient times, beautiful jade has symbolized purity. In the hearts of people in the Central Plains, jade can ward off evil spirits and is a superior thing. But jade is a must in the homes of high-ranking officials and nobles.

There are 24 prisons in the palace, each of which performs its own duties. Among them, the general supervisor is specially made for the palace to make gold, jade, jade, emerald, rhinoceros and elephant treasures. Inside are all first-class skilled craftsmen, and their craftsmanship also represents the highest level.

When a prince is born, he must prepare a jade pendant, which is beautifully made, and will be a prisoner. The emperor will present it to the new prince. This jade pendant, no matter its shape, size or weight, must be recorded like other utensils in the palace. In the archives, in fact, everything that will be produced by the supervisor is recorded, and the ins and outs are all recorded.

King Qi knew very well that the appearance of this jade pendant represented his complete failure. At this time, he felt his hands and feet were cold,

"Jianguo, this is evidence." The prince wanted to put away the jade pendant, but Qiu Junyu was so bold that he immediately stopped him, "Jianguo, forgive me for being presumptuous. This is a token of the person behind the scenes, and it has been presented as evidence in court. According to the rules of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, further investigation and verification of this evidence must be carried out, not to mention a piece of jade pendant, or even a needle, and the ins and outs of the evidence must be investigated."

The prince frowned, and said lightly: "I said before, this is not evidence...!"

"Jianguo!" Qiu Junyu suddenly fell to his knees and raised his hands, "I am in charge of the Ministry of Punishment. Everything must be carried out in accordance with the regulations. I will never be negligent. I implore Jianguo to return the evidence!"

Everyone was a little surprised, thinking to themselves that they had clearly taken out the evidence of the instigator behind the scenes, raised it up and put it away, and said that it was not evidence, but Qiu Junyu was just and awe-inspiring, as if he was not afraid of offending the prince, so he wanted to get it Evidence investigation continues.

The prince frowned, and Qiu Junhao said again: "Jianguo, if after investigation, this jade pendant is not evidence, the next official should plead guilty to Jianguo, but now the result is unknown, this jade pendant is related to the whole case. check!"

Lang Wuxu was pressed to the ground and said loudly: "Slander, it's all slander, these actors are talking nonsense, they're all slander...I don't know them...!"

Qiu Junyu was still kneeling on the ground, turned his head, and said with a sneer, "If you don't know them, why would you say that they stole things? If this jade pendant was not stolen from you, why are you so excited and dare to snatch it in court?"

These two words of his were powerful and resounding, and no one in the room doubted that Lang Wuxu must know these actors, and that jade pendant must have been stolen from Lang Wuxu by Duan Xiaolou and others.

Lang Wuxu tried every means to cover it up, but such a clumsy cover-up, on the contrary, proved that the matter was related to him.

The prince hesitated for a moment, and seeing Qiu Junao's firm gaze, he sighed, and handed the yellow silk to Qiu Junhao, who took it, held it in his hand, looked carefully, and immediately said: "This is... this is something from the palace. !"

The things in the palace are of course different from those outside. The most important thing is that most of the utensils in the palace are engraved with marks, indicating that they are made by Jiang Zuojian. Every utensil made by Jiang Zuojian will be engraved on it. The admiral used the unique mark of the prison to distinguish things inside and outside the palace, so as to prevent outsiders from confusing the real with the fake.

Naturally, the imperial jade pendant also left the mark of the general prisoner on it, so Qiu Junpu immediately recognized that the jade pendant was from the general prisoner, and this kind of jade pendant can only be owned by the prince.

Duan Xiaolou said loudly: "My lord, it is because of this that we believe in the words of Lord Lang. There are nobles in the palace who give us money to do things, we... of course we follow orders...!"

"Slander...!" Lang Wuxu still shouted, "It's all slander...!"

At this moment, King Qi sat slumped on the chair, his whole body was weak. At this moment, he actually regretted it. It was not that he regretted that he wanted to bring down Qiu Junyu, but that he entrusted him to someone who was wrong.

He originally thought that Lang Wuxu was a shrewd person, and it was for this reason that he gave the jade pendant to Lang Wuxu to win the trust of the so-called "Chen Guo couple", but he never expected that this jade pendant would fall on the into the hands of several actors.

He regretted it at this time, thinking that he had given the jade pendant to Lang Wuxu at that time, it was really stupid, and now he wanted to slap himself a few times, now that the jade pendant has become a fatal evidence, it is easy to kill I can find out that the owner of this jade pendant is myself.

When Lang Wuxu entered the hall, King Qi still had hope, thinking that Lang Wuxu could be eloquent and eloquent, so he might not be able to get rid of his involvement, but then he made fatal mistakes in succession, even if King Qi was immature Knowing that the general situation is over, this Qiu Junyu seized such an opportunity, it is impossible to give up.

"Lord Lang, this jade pendant belongs to you, so you don't have to argue anymore." Qiu Junyu walked up to Lang Wuxu's side, condescending, "I want to ask you, who is the owner of this jade pendant? The official may be able to give him a lighter sentence."

"Qiu Junyu, you are talking nonsense, this jade pendant has nothing to do with me." Lang Wuxu remained stubborn.

"Punishment!" Qiu Junpo snorted coldly and ordered.

Several yamen servants pressed him firmly on the ground, and then two servants with wooden sticks came forward, without saying a word, they swung them up and beat him. Lang Wuxu yelled a few times, but he was still stubborn: "You ...you abused lynching, Qiu Junyu...you abused lynching...!"

The prince said indifferently: "It is this palace who ordered him to use torture!"

Lang Wuxu had no choice but to beat him with more than a dozen sticks. King Qi saw that the skirt of Lang Wuxu's buttocks had been torn.

Qiu Junpin sneered and said: "Master Lang, you have the ability, just keep going, I have plenty of patience, even if you don't tell the truth, I can still find out the origin of this jade pendant from the general supervisor. Of course, if you feel that the stick If you are still not comfortable with the responsibility, I can change the punishment, which will always make you comfortable."

Lang Wuxu's buttocks were already stained with blood, and he howled in mourning. King Qi saw it, and he really couldn't bear it.

Although Lang Wuxu has done an errand, but in the final analysis, he is also doing it for himself. Now he is gritting his teeth and standing firm, which can be regarded as a bit of backbone, but if he continues to fight like this, he is afraid that people will die.

But the prince was calm and relaxed, with his eyes slightly closed, he didn't say a word.

After more than a dozen sticks, Lang Wuxu's yelling became quieter, and he finally said: "I said, this jade pendant... this jade pendant, they really stole it from me."

"Then whose jade pendant is it?"

"I stole it from Fuguo." Lang Wuxu said in a weak voice, "Qiu Junyu, you framed Zhongliang and killed so many people. Everyone wants to kill them quickly. I...I naturally can't tolerate you." , That's why I came up with this method to pull you down...I'm afraid I won't be able to win their trust, so...so I stole the jade pendant from Fuguo...!"

King Qi changed color slightly.

"Fuguo, is this really a property of Fuguo?" Qiu Junpin took the jade pendant and turned to look at King Qi.

King Qi looked terrified, and said nervously: "I... I don't know, it's just... It's just my jade pendant... My jade pendant is indeed missing...!"

Qiu Junhao nodded and asked Lang Wuxu: "You said that this was all arranged by you, so don't you know that pretending to be Chen Guo and falsely accusing Qiu Fang will soon find out the truth, don't you think the method is too despicable? ?”

"I was also deceived by them." Lang Wuxu said weakly: "These actors pretended to be members of the Chen family and sued me. I... I just believed their words...!"

"Lang Wuxu, you are still lying." Qiu Junpo sneered, "Come on, keep fighting!"

"Clap clap clap!"

King Qi saw that Lang Wuxu's whole body was covered in blood, and it seemed that he was going to die soon. He was nervous at first, but seeing Lang Wuxu's backbone in order to protect himself, a surge of blood rushed into his heart, and he stood up suddenly. Get up and say loudly, "Stop!"

The Xing Cha stopped immediately, raised the corners of his eyes to twitch slightly, raised his head, and looked at King Qi.

King Qi clenched his fists with a dignified look, took a deep breath, and finally said: "You don't need to go on trial, this matter is what this king wants. These opera actors have indeed deceived Lang Wuxu. This king knows that there is this unjust case , so hand over the jade pendant to Lang Wuxu, and let them boldly come to the Ministry of Punishments to appeal for grievances." Looking at Qiu Junpi coldly, "Qiu Junpi, it was the king who ordered Lang Wuxu to do this, and he has nothing to do with it."

Lang Wuxu raised his head, his eye circles were red, and he cried bitterly: "My lord...!"

The prince stared at King Qi, pondered for a moment, and finally asked: "Today, you asked me to come to the Ministry of Criminal Justice to watch the trial, not to investigate Qiu Shangshu's abuse of lynching, but to let me see someone coming to sue Qiu Fang?"

King Qi was full of blood, thinking that this person is responsible for everything, and there is nothing to hide until now. He nodded and said, "Yes, they sued Qiu Fang. Qiu Fang is Qiu Junhao's son. I am worried that Qiu Junhao will pervert the law for personal gain, so Please come and supervise with me."

"In this way, you knew in advance that they would come to sue today?" The prince's voice was still calm: "I asked you whether this matter is related to you. The answer you gave me is no."

King Qi didn't speak.

The prince glanced at Lang Wuxu, who was covered in blood, and waved his hand: "Put Lang Wuxu in prison. Duan Xiaolou and others falsely accused others, and put them in prison together."

Without saying a word, all the yamen rushed forward like wolves like tigers, dragging Lang Wuxu and others down in an instant.

Only then did the prince stare at King Qi again, and asked, "You said they were wronged again, but it turns out that they are falsely accusing Qiu Fang... Whether you know their plan or not, you are also involved in falsely accusing others, dignified Prince, the laws of the country are like child's play, Ying Ren, don't you know the consequences?"

King Qi opened his mouth, but still didn't say anything. At this time, he had nothing to say.

"The prince breaks the law, just like the common people." The prince said slowly: "Fuguo Yingren, who does not distinguish between loyalty and evil, right and wrong, uses the honor of the prince to instigate others to falsely accuse Qiu Fang. From now on, the Qi Palace will be placed under house arrest. Inquire about the court affairs, and wait for the Holy Majesty to return to Beijing before making a decision."

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