National color raw owl

Chapter 1322 Armor

The restaurant Wang Fu chose was really not big. At dusk, there were not many customers, and the facade looked very ordinary. The soldiers of Wu Jingwei didn't care much. It was already very rare for Wang Fu to treat guests. It was very rare to be able to go to this kind of restaurant. It's already amazing, but if you want to go to those high-end restaurants, it's something that would never happen in your dreams.

There is a special room in the restaurant, with charcoal fire in it, the decoration is not too bad, it is very clean, Wang Fu led the crowd in, and took off his armor first, other people saw this, also felt that they were eating in military uniform It was inconvenient, so they took off their armors one after another and piled them in the corner of the room. After sitting down, Wang Fu said: "It's rare to treat you to a meal today. You can eat as much as you can. There is no such shop after passing this village. But Let me be clear first, I have to be on duty at night, this drink...!"

Immediately someone stopped and said: "Wangtou, this is boring. You said it yourself, it's rare to ask the brothers to rub a meal, you can't keep everyone from drinking, right? It's cold, you always have to eat when you come out Have some wine to warm you up."

As soon as this person said it, other people booed one after another, saying that they didn't even eat wine, what kind of guests did they invite.

There are very few people in the army who are not good at drinking, and they are reluctant to buy alcohol on weekdays. Today, they finally have this opportunity, so naturally they must not let it go. If everyone speaks to each other, Wang Fu has no choice but to He smiled wryly and said: "Then let's make an agreement. Everyone has a little wine, but they must not get drunk. They have to be on duty at night. When the time comes, the higher-ups will find out that everyone is drunk. Of course, I will punish you. One of you will run away." No."

Everyone laughed and said, "That's natural, we all have our own measure."

Although this restaurant is small, the bowls and plates for serving dishes are very large, and even the wine bowls for drinking are huge. Wang Fu asked the shop assistant to bring up smaller ones with a bitter face, but the shop assistant only said that there are only such big ones in the restaurant. As for the wine bowl, all the soldiers still felt that the wine bowl was too small, so no matter how they wanted to change it, they all said that they would just let it go, and then the shop assistant brought over two jars of wine, everyone was happy, only Wang Fu had a bitter face.

The cups were mixed, and someone had already asked: "Wang Tou, how long will the Qi Palace be guarded? We can't just do this every day from now on, can we?"

"It's over when it says it's over." Wang Fu said, "Let's follow orders, don't talk so much nonsense."

Everyone has wine and meat in front of them, so naturally they don't pay much attention to these things, you come and go, everyone is a master of wine, it seems that even Wang Fu's advice has been forgotten, it is Wang Fu himself, two bowls of wine, It also seems to let go of alcohol.

In less than a quarter of an hour, someone was lying on the wine table, unconscious, and the others were jostling and jostling.

Just a moment later, there were people lying on the table in succession, even Wang Fu, who also fell headlong on the table. Before the two altars of wine were finished, even Wang Fu, a total of seven people, all passed out drunk in the room. I don't know.

The originally noisy room quickly became silent.

The door curtain was lifted, and the shop assistant who was serving just now peeped inside, then entered the room, stretched out his hand and pushed one by one a few times, everyone in the Ximen Office seemed to be dead except for breathing, and their personnel were unknown.

At this moment, the door curtain was lifted again, and a white blind man wearing a blindfold on his left eye suddenly appeared in front of the door. The shop clerk looked up at the white blind man and nodded slightly. Immediately got up and went out, in a short while, brought a bowl of water in, supported Wang Fu, and poured the bowl of soup into Wang Fu's mouth.

After a while, Wang Fu coughed, opened his eyes, saw the white blind man in front of him, and immediately turned over, feeling a little dizzy, but there was no discomfort in his body, he glanced and saw the man following him. The six subordinates were lying on the ground in disarray, they frowned first, then asked with a wry smile, "Brother Bai, what should we do next?"

The white blind man smiled and said: "Wang Shutou, you really live up to Chu Du's expectations. If Chu Du knows that you have put in so much effort, you will definitely be rewarded a lot!"

"Don't talk about rewards or not." Wang Fu smiled wryly, "As long as Governor Chu keeps his promise and cures the child's illness, Wang Fu's life can be handed over to Governor Chu at any time."

"Of course Governor Chu won't want Wang Shutou's life." The blind man said seriously: "Before setting off from the northwest, Chu Governor repeatedly explained that Wang Shutou's righteousness is not as good as Yuntian. If there is anything that needs Wang Shutou's help, Shutou will definitely Will help out, it seems that Chu Du still knows Wang Shutou very well. Don't worry, Chu Du has sent people to Shutou's hometown to take all Shutou's family members to the northwest. When they know they have arrived in the northwest safely, they can immediately Get treatment."

Wang Fu nodded helplessly, and said softly, "Brother Bai, is this restaurant safe? Will the news here leak out?"

"Don't worry, nothing will go wrong." The blind man said softly, "This restaurant's business is not good on weekdays. We sent someone to exchange it. It's only been a few days. No one even knows that this restaurant has been exchanged by us."

"Then... what about them?" Wang Fu pointed to the soldiers of the Ximen Department lying on the ground in disorder, "You promised not to hurt them at all."

Bai Xiazi sighed: "Wang Shutou is paranoid. We are here to save people, not to kill people. These brothers are innocent people, we will not hurt them." Some perspiration medicines are a bit heavy, but they are not life-threatening, they have to sleep for twelve hours, and at this time tomorrow, they will wake up by themselves."

"That's good, that's good." Wang Fu heaved a sigh of relief, "Brother Bai, what are you going to do next?"

"The few brothers who have been fascinated by the sweat medicine can only be wronged to stay here for now." The white blind man smiled, and while speaking, he saw the shop assistant walk to the wall, reach into the ground, and pull a piece of paper. There was a hole under the wooden plank. The shop clerk rolled up his sleeves, went out, and summoned another person to come in. Afterwards, the two men carefully carried the drunk six soldiers into the burrow.

"Why is there such a cave here?" Wang Fu was surprised.

Bai Xiazi smiled and said: "This is a temporary excavation, just to let these brothers have a shelter. During the planning and operation process, they will not be able to show up again. Don't worry, Wang Shutou, although it is dark here, it will not Life is in danger...!" Walking to the corner, he stretched out his hand to pull the armor piled there, then raised his head and said with a smile: "There are six sets of Wujing Guard armor here, and the number is just right."

Wang Fu frowned. In order to save his son's life, Wang Fu actively cooperated with the blind man from the beginning to the end, and acted according to the blind man's orders, but he didn't know the specific plan of the action, and he didn't bother to ask. It was very clear in their hearts that the white blind and the others would never disclose such an important matter easily, and they would not say it when they asked themselves, which would be embarrassing instead.

"Okay, Chief Wang, I have a few important questions to ask you now." The blind man turned serious, "First, when is your Ximen Office on duty? There must be no mistakes."

"Before the garrison hour at night, you must arrive." Wang Fu said solemnly: "Before the morning hour, you must be on duty."

The white blind man nodded, and asked again: "The inspectors, how many times do they inspect at night?"

"Twice!" Wang Fu immediately replied: "Twice in one night, nothing can be shaken, but it was before midnight, and inspections are rare in the second half of the night, but this is not certain, if there is a sudden inspection, we will not know in advance. "

The white blind man was thoughtful, and said: "That is to say, normally, there will be no patrols in the second half of the night?"


"Your Ximen Department is in charge of the right door. Is there a regulation on the number of soldiers?"

"At least fourteen people." Wang Fu said: "The main thing is to guard the side door, but at night, they will patrol the long street by the side door to prevent anyone from entering the long street without permission."

"Understood." The blind man nodded and said, "It's still more than half an hour before you are on duty. Apart from you, there are naturally other people rushing to Prince Qi's mansion."

"They will arrive before the garrison time, and the handover will only take place as long as all the personnel arrive."

"The people on duty, do you know you?"

"I wasn't familiar with it before." Wang Fu said, "It should look familiar now...!"

The blind man rubbed his chin, pondered for a moment, and finally said: "Wang Shutou, if this is the case, the rest of us have to go to the Qi Palace first."



At the right door of Prince Qi's Mansion, the time for the garrison duty is getting closer and closer. The soldiers of the Qinglang Department guarding this long street are already exhausted, and they only hope that the time will pass quickly.

Guarding the palace is boring, but he has to stay honest.

Zhang Shao, the head of the Qinglang Department, stretched his waist and looked at the end of the long street, but he didn't find the figure of Wu Jingwei from the Ximen Department.


After a sound, the side door was suddenly opened, Zhang Shao's nerves tensed, like a conditioned reflex, one hand was already holding the handle of his saber, and when he turned his head, he saw the tall and burly Ma Zhongheng who opened the side door and was standing there forward.

"Commander Ma!" Zhang Shao smiled and asked, "Are you going out?"

Ma Zhongheng glanced at it, and said: "Bring a few people in, the prince needs to move things, there are not enough people!"

"Insufficient manpower?" Zhang Shao wondered: "Commander Ma, we are only responsible for guarding the safety of the prince here, not...!"

"What do you mean?" Ma Zhongheng said coldly, "Are you saying that the prince can't order you?"

Zhang Shao showed a look of embarrassment, he knew in his heart that King Qi was under house arrest, but in the final analysis, the prince is a prince, the emperor of the royal family, and he is just a small official of Wu Jingwei, a mung bean-like figure. It's really hard to refuse.

He didn't expect King Qi to use someone on him, so he had no choice but to ask: "Commander Ma, what does the prince want to move?"

"There is a rockery that the prince doesn't like, and he wants to move it to another yard. Come in." Ma Zhongheng said, "Pick four or five that are stronger, and after moving things, the prince will reward you!"

Zhang Shao hesitated for a moment before saying: "Commander Ma, can you let the prince wait for a while, humble... I will report...!"

"Hehe, the lord wants to use a small sign and report to the higher authorities. What do you think of the lord?" Ma Zhongheng's eyes were sharp, "Forget it, I don't need you...!" Turning around to enter the door, Zhang Shao hurriedly apologized and smiled: " Commander Ma calm down... You, you, and the two of you, come with me, you stay outside first...!"

Although Zhang Shao knew that King Qi was under house arrest by the prince, he naturally didn't know what would happen next. Who knew whether King Qi would make a comeback after the emperor returned to Beijing?If you offend King Qi today, you will have no good fruit for yourself in the future.

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