King Qi had never felt that time was so difficult. The night was dark and windy, and the sky was freezing. Including King Qi, Lu Haosheng, Ma Zhongheng and Mo Lingshuang were already in armor.

For Ling Shuang, the armor on her body was too heavy, and she was slender, so the armor was not suitable for her.

In addition to bringing some necessary entanglements on the road, everyone did not bring any cumbersome things. As time passed, King Qi tried his best to calm himself down. Arriving at the West Gate is a race against time and life.

In comparison, Qiu Ruxue seemed unusually calm. He had been through the rivers and lakes for a long time, had seen too many things, and experienced countless moments of life and death.

With the sound of footsteps, King Qi stood up from the chair first. Soon, everyone saw Wang Fu walking over quickly. Several people rushed forward immediately. Wang Fu looked serious and said, "My lord, the time has come. get ready?"

"Wang Shutou, we are all ready and ready to go at any time." King Qi said immediately.

Wang Fu glanced at the crowd, stared at Ling Shuang, and said: "After going out, you guys put the girl in the middle to cover him up. After going out, don't care about other things around you. Follow me. After walking out of this street , Hero Qiu, the next thing is all up to you."

Qiu Ruxue nodded, Wang Fu didn't say any more, just waved his hand, turned around and left, the people behind looked at each other, and followed without hesitation.

A group of people walked quickly, and soon came to the door on the right, Wang Fu raised his hand to signal everyone to stop, and then said to Qiu Ruxue in a low voice: "Hero Qiu, you wait here for a while, I will go out and kill the people from the north." Turn it on, listen to my voice, and go out immediately."

Qiu Ruxue nodded solemnly.

When Wang Fu went out, King Qi and the others held their breath and waited, when they heard a voice from outside, and after a while, they heard Wang Fu's voice from outside the door, "My lord, you can go!"

The side door opened, and Ma Zhongheng was the first to go out with a big knife in his hand, followed by Ling Shuang, King Qi was on the left, Lu Haosheng was on the right, and after Qiu Ruxue was cut off, a group of people came out and heard a figure flashing from the south. Going to the south, knowing that it was Wang Fu who transferred him, Wang Fu didn't say much, drew his sword in his hand, and led the crowd to the north quickly, Qiu Ruxue pulled the gate behind him, and then followed closely.

The sound of the wind whistled, and the sound of the armor rubbing was covered by the sound of the wind. Wang Fu's feet were flying fast. Everyone behind him knew that this was a moment of life and death, and they tried their best to keep up.

This alley was not short, and after a while, he reached the end of the alley, and Wang Fu turned to another alley. The surroundings were pitch black, extremely dim, and there were no traces of people.

Walking along the alley to the end, Wang Fu finally stopped, turned around, and handed something to Qiu Ruxue, who took it over, and Wang Fu said softly, "Hero Qiu, this is the token of the head of the Ximen Department." , there may not be patrols on the road, with this token, it may be of little use...!" He cupped his hands and said to everyone: "Everyone, you have left the palace, go forward along this street, and go to the second street. Turn off and go south, I have checked this road, and there is no obstacle, I can no longer accompany you on the road behind, everyone, take care all the way!"

Everyone knew in their hearts that after this farewell, perhaps there would be no future, King Qi surrendered first, and Lu Haosheng and others also surrendered. Ling Shuang understood even more that Wang Fu was giving up his life for righteousness. Ruxue stepped forward quickly, hugged Wang Fu in his arms, and said in a deep voice, "You can't die, we'll wait for you in the northwest!"

Wang Fu smiled and nodded. Qiu Ruxue also knew that he could not delay, so he waved his hand and led the way first. The crowd followed behind and took a few steps. Everyone looked back, only to see that Wang Fu had already turned around, behind him. Alone, walking back.

Wang Fu's footsteps were very fast, with a dignified expression, he returned to the long street, and before he reached the door on the right, he saw several soldiers from the Ximen Department heading south coming towards him.

"Wang Tou, there is no movement, are you dazzled?" A soldier couldn't help asking when he saw Wang Fu, "We went to the street, but we didn't see anyone suspicious!"

Wang Fu rubbed his eyes, and said: "I'm afraid it's because I've been staying up late for a while and my spirits are not good. Forget it, you each keep your own positions... Oh, by the way, the brothers inside are exhausted, why don't you go in and take turns?" Give them a break, too?"

As soon as he finished speaking, several Wujing guards scattered away and returned to their respective positions, fearing that they would be pulled in by Wang Fu to work as coolies.

Wang Fu walked to the door, sat on the threshold, looked up at the black sky, his expression was relaxed at this moment.



Qiu Ruxue led the crowd along the long street to the second corner, and according to what Wang Fu said, they turned and headed south, and they really didn't meet anyone along the way.

This is Xicheng District, where court officials are concentrated, mainly the mansions of court officials. Qi Wangfu is close to the imperial city gate, in the center of Xicheng. The further you go out, the smaller the officials' positions.

It's just that this is a key area, and the people gathered are court officials, so defense has always been attached great importance to. Even in the cold winter months, no matter day or night, patrol soldiers will suddenly appear.

Qiu Ruxue was extremely cautious, and used himself as a scout, keeping a certain distance between King Qi and others, and scouting the way ahead, but if he found something, he could remind everyone behind that if the distance was too close, King Qi and Ling Shuang would be afraid After all, apart from Ma Zhongheng who was born in the army, Lu Haosheng and Ling Shuang had no martial arts background, so the reaction was naturally not as fast as those who practiced martial arts. Even though King Qi had also practiced martial arts, he was almost It's all about flamboyant fists and embroidered legs, and there is no actual combat. When encountering unexpected situations, their reactions may not be much better than Lu Haosheng and Ling Shuang.

The capital of Luo'an has gone through three dynasties, and it is truly the largest capital in the Central Plains. There are nearly a million officials and people in the city, which is unparalleled. Even if it starts from the Qi Palace in Xicheng, it is a long distance to the gate of Xicheng. There are squares within squares, criss-crossing, if there is a slight error, you will get lost, and you have to avoid the most frequently inspected places, so you can only find some remote roads.

Even people who live in the Xicheng District of the capital may not be able to know the roads of each square in the West City, let alone several squares connected to each other. For a long time, in order to show the situation and order of the imperial capital, the planning of each square is very similar. It's like Eryuanfang and Dayuanfang, which belong to completely different areas, and Dayuanfang is much more prosperous and lively than Eryuanfang, but at night, when the lights are off and walking on the street, it is difficult to distinguish who is in the same place. Dayuanfang is still Eryuanfang, and Qiu Ruxue and his party will rush to the west city gate quietly. In order not to attract attention, they cannot light a fire, and can only advance in the winter night.

Fortunately, Qiu Ruxue memorized the retreat route in his mind in advance, and led everyone forward with the help of memory, but in the midst of criss-crossing neighborhoods, sometimes even Qiu Ruxue had to stop and think carefully .

King Qi has always been very nervous. He is very clear that leaving the Prince Qi's mansion does not mean safety. On the contrary, as long as he leaves the West City Gate for a moment, danger will strike at any time.

Although Wang Fu stayed there, no one can guarantee that Wu Jingwei will not find any flaws, and there is no guarantee that Wang Fu's side will be safe. Whether it is Wang Fu's side or this side, as long as there is a slight omission, all efforts will Will go down the drain.

Wearing cold armor and walking through the criss-crossing streets, Ma Zhongheng and Qiu Ruxue were fine, but the other three were wearing heavy armor, and it was a bit difficult, especially Ling Shuang, who was just a weak woman, and the armor on her body did not fit her body well. It was very uncomfortable, and coupled with the weight of the armor, it made Ling Shuang even more strenuous, but she knew that tonight was unusual, so no matter what, she had to grit her teeth and persevere.

As expected of Qiu Ruxue's rich experience, he encountered patrols twice along the way. Fortunately, Qiu Ruxue heard the movement early and led a few people to hide. If he hesitated, the patrols would probably find the signs .

Once the patrol found any signs, even if Qiu Ruxue had the token of the Ximen Office, it would be useless. After all, Ma Zhongheng looked like a man from the army, but no matter whether King Qi or Lu Haosheng, they were not from the army. In addition, if a delicate girl is wearing armor and is discovered by the patrol team, there must be something wrong with it. Such a few people, wearing armor and sneaking on the street in the middle of the night, the patrol team will naturally have to interrogate them carefully. , will definitely attract more patrolling soldiers, then it will be impossible to escape.

As time passed, several people shuttled back and forth in the alleys, Qiu Ruxue led the way, and everyone didn't ask much. After walking around for half a day, King Qi no longer knew where he was, let alone how far away he was from the city gate. How far, but he estimated the time, and before he knew it, more than an hour had passed.

"It's almost there!" Qiu Ruxue led a few people to an alley, and saw a flagpole erected in front of him, with a white flag hanging on it, and he couldn't see what was written on it for a moment.

"Ah?" King Qi was overjoyed, he didn't expect it to be so smooth, he estimated that the time would be less than two hours, and it was much smoother than he expected to arrive at the west gate, "The gate is coming soon? "

Qiu Ruxue turned his head, shook his head and said: "It's still far from the west city gate, we've circled around for a long time, just bypassed the heavily patrolled place, and returned to the route we planned, if it wasn't for this detour, we only need half a day You can get here in time...!"

King Qi was startled, a little frustrated.

Ma Zhongheng asked softly: "Hero Qiu, there should be a long way from here to the city gate, there are only three hours left, we must speed up."

He has served as the general banner of the West City for not long, but he also knows that it was just going around in circles before, and it was still far from the city gate.

"One more street, there will be people who will meet us." Qiu Ruxue said with a smile: "If we connect with them, our speed will be much faster." Without saying a word, he led the people to move on, and after a while, we turned into a road The alley was dark and extremely dim. After walking for a short while, a voice came from the front: "Who is it?"

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