National color raw owl

Chapter 1351 True Dragon Emperor

Xuanzhen Daozong praised and said: "Jing Zhonghou has worked so hard for the real king's dojo. I have been cultivating Taoism for many years. I have heard people say that there was once a heavenly dragon in the sky. That year, it was the real king who raised his troops, which heralded the truth. The dragon came to the world. However, I am not good enough, I have never witnessed the shape of a dragon with my own eyes, but today I am going to open my eyes."

"The keel is here. It's really mysterious. No wonder those onmyojis said that this place is full of spiritual energy when we chose the site." Feng Yuanpo respectfully bowed his body slightly from the beginning to the end, "My lord, as far as I know , In this world, there are ten caves, 36 small caves, and 72 blessed lands... Those ten caves are all the ashrams of true Bodhisattvas. According to where we are today, according to them, they are no less than the ten caves. It is a unique dojo that is uniquely blessed to enshrine great gods."

Xuanzhen Daozong stroked his beard and said: "When I entered the hall, I really felt that the altar was clear and clear, without the turbidity of the world...Pin Dao used to travel around the world, but he also went to the blessed land of the cave and saw the wonderful place of spiritual light. It’s really not a trivial matter... Your Majesty, this place makes the altar so clear, I’m afraid it’s really related to the underground keel, if it’s true, there really isn’t a place in the whole world more suitable for cultivating Taoism than this Heavenly Dao Hall.”

The emperor smiled and said: "If it is true, there is a keel to lay the foundation, and the loyalty and dedication have contributed a lot. I have found such a wonderful place for cultivating Taoism. I will definitely reward you heavily."

Feng Yuanpo hurriedly thanked him, and took the lead to enter the Gate of Fine Steel. He took every step carefully, with the emperor in the middle, Xuanzhen Daozong followed behind the emperor, and the three of them filed down the stairs.

The emperor followed Feng Yuanpo's footsteps, and Xuanzhen Daozong followed the emperor's footsteps. Both sides of the wall were very smooth, and the light of the night pearl radiated and reflected from the smooth wall, so the road looked quite bright.

"My lord, there are a total of 36 steps going down." Feng Yuanpo said softly: "Together with the number of 72 Tiangang and [-] Disha, the aura of this keel is too strong. I have discussed with the Onmyoji, and only the Tiangang Only the number of earth evil spirits can suppress the spiritual energy of the keel, and prevent the spiritual energy from floating away from here."

"Jingzhong Hou also knows the art of suppressing Qi?" Xuanzhen Daozong was a little surprised.

"Taozong is joking." Feng Yuanpo said with a chuckle, "I'm a rough person. Apart from killing pigs and sheep, I can only kill people and eliminate enemies for the Holy One. I don't know anything about this art of suppressing Qi. They only knew about this method from their mouths, this is the Holy Majesty's dojo, there must be no sloppyness, let alone let the aura here leak out, so they built one hundred and eight steps to suppress the aura of the keel."

The three of them went all the way down the stairs. The stairs did not go straight down in a straight line, but went around in circles. Feng Yuanpo said that there were many organs inside, but at first glance, there was nothing special about it, but the emperor It is very clear that the real trick is that people cannot see it. If it is easily seen as a trick, it is the worst trick.

The one hundred and eight steps are not short, nor are they long. Although the emperor looked very old, he walked down the steps without panting, as if his body was still old and strong.

Walking down the stairs, the emperor raised his eyes and looked forward, only to see a long and narrow passage in front of him. On both sides of the passage, there are white marble walls, and the floor is covered with marble. The night pearls on both sides of the wall illuminate the passage as bright as day. At the end of the passage, there is another door of fine steel. Feng Yuanpo turned his head, pointed at the door of fine steel at the end, and said softly: "My lord, there is a secret room specially built for placing keels, and the keels are now in the In the secret room."

The emperor nodded slightly, Feng Yuanpo led the way, and led the two of them to the gate of fine steel. The gate of fine steel was black in color. In the dark, I heard the sound of "swiping", and a piece of fine steel on the door flashed, revealing a square opening, the size of a person's fist, "My lord, you can see the keel inside from here... ...!"

The emperor said "Oh", his eyes were full of interest, he moved closer to the edge of the hole, one eye moved closer, and looked inside, he could vaguely see the light shining inside, the room was very spacious, and a small jade platform was built On the jade platform, there is something covered with golden brocade. Although it is impossible to see what is under the golden brocade, it looks like a long snake from the outside.

"Under the brocade, is the keel?" The emperor glanced at Feng Yuanpo.

Feng Yuanpo bowed his body and said cautiously: "Exactly!"

"What is the rust on the brocade?"

"It's the gods and Buddhas of the heavens." Feng Yuanpo said: "The gods and Buddhas restrain the dragon energy so that the spirit energy will not leak out...!"

"Open the door, I'm going to see what this keel looks like."

"I obey the decree!" Feng Yuanpo cupped his hands, and then he pressed the switch, the door of fine steel opened slowly, Feng Yuanpo took the lead to enter the door, and then the emperor entered inside, only to see that the room was empty , except for the jade platform and the keel covered by brocade on the jade platform, there is nothing else.

The emperor walked slowly to the edge of the jade platform, which was four or five meters long, and the long brocade was indeed embroidered with portraits of gods and immortals. Feng Yuanpo walked to the far left and said respectfully: " Your Majesty, this is the dragon tailbone, and it is also the best preserved place."

The emperor moved to the tailbone of the dragon, stretched out his hand, and gently lifted the brocade. When it was lifted, a mist sprayed out from inside and floated onto the emperor's face.

The emperor took a breath, only felt that there was a strange smell in the mist, and was about to ask, when suddenly he felt dizzy, his body was shaking, one couldn't stand stably, and one hand was already on the ground. On the jade platform, Feng Yuanpo was already asking: "My lord, what's wrong with you? But you are not feeling well?"

The emperor felt dizzy, turned his head to look, and saw Feng Yuanpo and Xuanzhen Daozong standing not far from him, but at this moment the figures of the two were blurred.

"I... I'm not feeling well...!" The emperor took a breath, feeling a tightness in his chest, even more dizzy, staggering, almost fell, leaning on the jade platform, stretched out his hand, "Quick, help me out, Pass the imperial physician...!"

"Holy Majesty, this is dragon energy. You are the emperor of the real dragon. Could it be that you can't even resist the dragon energy?" Feng Yuanpo didn't intend to come forward, but stared at the emperor, "The emperor of the real dragon is not afraid of the dragon energy. ...Aren't you the real Dragon Emperor?"

The emperor frowned, and said angrily: "Feng Yuanpo, what are you talking about?"

Feng Yuanpo sighed, and said: "I have always been loyal to the Son of Heaven, the son of heaven, I should try my best to be loyal, but if it is not the son of the real dragon, what should I do?" Turning to look at Xuanzhen Daozong , with a perplexed look on his face, "Daozong, Feng is a secular fool. If there is a problem, I can't explain it myself. I always thought that the one I am loyal to is the real dragon emperor, but if one day I find out that the real dragon emperor I am loyal to is just a fake, It's cheating, so... what should I do?"

Xuanzhen Daozong was calm and relaxed, still with the spirit of immortality, smiled slightly, and sang a Taoist slogan: "Wuliang Tianzun, Jing Zhonghou, there is a word'loyalty' in your title, which is of course a must." Those who are loyal to the True Dragon Emperor, since the True Dragon Emperor in front of him is cheating the world and stealing his name, is a fake, then naturally we must look for the real True Dragon Emperor."

"True Dragon Emperor?" Feng Yuanpo showed confusion on his face, "Zhenzong, where is the True Dragon Emperor?"

"Since there is a keel here, of course there is the Emperor of the True Dragon." Xuanzhen Daozong smiled slightly, and pointed to the jade platform, "Honor Jingzhong, the Emperor of the True Dragon, isn't it right there?"

The emperor, whose body was shaking, managed to calm down his breath at this time, and the scene in front of him became clearer, but his whole body was weak, his head was still dizzy, his face was ashen, and he looked in the direction of Xuanzhen Daozong's finger, and saw On the far right side of the jade platform, at the position of the dragon's head bone, the golden brocade was lifted by itself. Soon, the emperor's eyes showed horror. After the brocade was lifted, a figure sat up. When the man came down from the jade platform, the emperor squinted his eyes to let himself see clearly. When he saw the appearance and attire of the man, the emperor trembled all over and his pupils contracted.

I saw that the person who came down from the jade platform was also wearing a dragon robe and walked over with his hands behind his back. The figure of that person was exactly the same as that of the emperor, and his appearance and attire were as carved out of a mold. He was the emperor. The black and white hair on the head fell behind the head, and there is no difference between this person.

The emperor's chest felt as if he had been hit hard by a hammer. He suddenly looked at Feng Yuanpo, raised his finger to hold it, and said sharply, "Feng Yuanpo, wolf, want to rebel?"

"Rebellion?" Feng Yuanpo shook his head and said, "Where does this start? Everyone knows that I, Feng Yuanpo, serve the country faithfully and loyally to the Emperor Zhenlong. There is a word 'loyalty' in the middle...!" Looking at the dragon robe man who suddenly appeared, he asked, "My lord, do you think this subject is going to rebel?"

The face of the dragon-robed man actually showed fear, and said respectfully: "Jing... Jing Zhonghou is loyal, villain... I think that there is no such... loyal minister like Jing Zhonghou in the whole world. !"

Feng Yuanpo's expression changed immediately, and he said coldly, "What did you say?"

The dragon robed man fell to his knees with a "Putong" and said in a trembling voice: "Waiting for loyalty, villain...!"

Feng Yuanpo stepped forward, reached out and grabbed the dragon robe man's neck, his eyes flashed coldly, "Say it again, what do you call yourself?"

The man in dragon robe was stunned, obviously understood something, his expression of fear immediately became serious, and he said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, why did you grab my throat?"

Only then did Feng Yuanpo show a smile, let go of his hands, knelt down on the ground, and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, I want to help you up, please forgive me!"

The man in the dragon robe slowly got up, with his hands behind his back, and when he entered in an attitude of fear before, he was actually majestic and majestic. , get flat!"

Feng Yuanpo kowtowed respectfully, then got up, and stood next to the dragon robe man with his hands down.

The emperor's face twitched, and he said sharply: " are so brave, you dare to find someone to impersonate me...!" Looking at Xuanzhen Daozong, "Xuanzhen Daozong, don't tell want to plot rebellion too?"

Xuanzhen Daozong, like a god who does not eat the world, shook off the floating dust and said indifferently: "The poor Taoist can't take the words of treason. The poor Taoist is still loyal to the true emperor." Frowning slightly, he looked at the emperor and asked He said: "Who are you? How dare you wear a dragon robe? Don't tell me you want to rebel?"


ps: I sincerely ask for a monthly ticket, and I implore everyone to help, go ahead, thank you very much!

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