National color raw owl

Chapter 1353 Duke Zhong

On the left side of the Heavenly Dao Hall is the Laojun Hall, which is naturally not as grand as the Tiandao Hall, but in the design of the Immortal Palace, this is the place where the emperor gets close to his courtiers.

The Immortal Palace focuses on cultivating Taoism, and the Tiandao Hall is its center. Of course, not everyone can enter, and the Laojun Hall is a place specially used by the emperor to call his courtiers to discuss matters.

The Laojun Palace is almost a small Guangming Palace, luxurious and magnificent, but still has the air of a Taoist fairyland. After seeing the emperor coming out of the Tiandao Palace, the officials did not stay too long, but went to the Laojun Palace, accompanied by Beijing officials and officials of Hexi Road, big and small, received the emperor's order and went to Laojun Hall one after another. Even the dozen or so barbarian chiefs who participated in the entrance ceremony also received the emperor's order to visit Laojun Hall.

Laojun Palace also has a big golden chair, but it cannot be compared with the dragon chair in Jinluan Palace in the capital. There is only one golden dragon throne in the whole world, and that can only be in Guangming Palace.

On the left and right of the big golden chair, there were actually two chairs, which were not as imposing as the big golden chair. The emperor boarded the big golden chair and sat down, and ordered the queen and Empress Xuehua to sit down on the left and the right.

The Beijing officials are on the left, the Hexi officials are on the right, and the barbarian chiefs stand at the end of the Hexi officials. Although these chiefs are the respected tribes in the barbarians, in the eyes of the Qin people, they are just uneducated barbarians. It is already a great face to let them enter the palace specially.

"Your Majesty, the beauty of the Immortal Palace is beyond my expectations. You have made outstanding contributions. Tell me, what reward do you want me to give you?" The emperor sat on the dragon chair and asked with a smile.

Feng Yuanpo immediately went out and knelt down on the ground, "My lord, this is the duty I should fulfill as a minister. My lord can come from the capital to hold the entrance ceremony for the Temple of Heaven regardless of hard work. I am so grateful, being able to see the sky is already the best reward the Holy Majesty has given me...!"

The emperor laughed out loud, the empress sat on the left, with a dignified appearance, it was obviously the first time for Empress Snow Flower to experience such a big occasion, and her pair of winking eyes wandered around.

"I have clear rewards and punishments, and those who have merit will be rewarded." The emperor stroked his beard and said, "You didn't ask the court for a penny for such a huge project of the Immortal Palace, and it was successfully built in less than three years. I have to reward you." After thinking for a while, he said, "You are still a marquis now, so I can make you... the Duke of Zhongguo, what do you think?"

As soon as this remark came out, the Beijing officials were shocked, but the Hexi officials were all happy.

The empire's rewards for titles have always been regarded as stingy. Since the founding of the country, the only real dukes with different surnames are An Guogong Huang Ju and Yiguo Gong Xuanyuan Pingzhang.

In any case, these two men contributed a lot to the establishment of the empire.

Since then, in the more than 20 years since the founding of the country, there has been no third Duke with a different surname. Everyone thought that there would never be a third Duke with a different surname in the emperor's lifetime.

But no one thought that today the emperor unexpectedly granted Feng Yuanpo the Duke of Loyalty, it was really beyond everyone's expectations.

Feng Yuanpo said gratefully: "Your Majesty, I don't dare to accept this title because of my humble merits, and I hope that my Majesty will take back the holy will."

"Since we know that it is a holy will, of course there is no reason to take it back." The emperor glanced at the officials and said slowly: "Mr. Zhong, although you have made great contributions to the completion of the Immortal Palace, but I know that with your own strength, naturally you will not be able to do so." It is possible that the construction of such a huge project, the officials of Hexi, of course, all have credit for it, especially the officials of the Department of Household Department and Department of Industry of Hexi Road, who have contributed a lot?"

"Reporting to the Holy Majesty, the words of the Holy Majesty are really a lesson. In order to build the Immortal Palace, the officials of various departments worked tirelessly day and night. Compared with them, this humble official is only a grain of rice." Feng Yuanpo said loudly.

"In this way, you prepare a booklet and report all the meritorious ministers. I... well, I will go through it myself and reward you based on your merits."

Feng Yuanpo raised his head and glanced at the emperor, then said: "I obey the order. Your Majesty, I have something else to do. Please tell me your Majesty!"


"The Immortal Palace has been completed, and the Holy Majesty has seen it with his own eyes. It is filled with aura, and I hope that the Holy Majesty will stay in the Immortal Palace to practice Taoism...!"

Before Feng Yuan broke his words, Zhou Ting said in a deep voice, "Duke Zhong, the Holy Majesty may not be able to stay in Hexi for a long time. Now that the state affairs are heavy, the Holy Majesty came to Hexi for the ceremony of entering the palace, and the ceremony has been completed. , naturally can't continue to stay in Hexi...!"

Before Zhou Ting could finish speaking, the emperor raised his hand and said, "Zhou Aiqing, I plan to stay here for a while."

"My lord...!" Zhou Ting came out and was about to persuade, when the emperor said: "The Immortal Palace is full of aura, I am only one step away from cultivating into Yuanying, and I will live forever from then on. The blood in the capital is too heavy, and the aura It's not as far as here, I plan to practice temporarily in this Immortal Palace, and return to Beijing after breaking through the Nascent Soul Stage. Ruojing's Chinese affairs will be handled by the prince and the great scholar...!"

Many of the Beijing officials changed their colors slightly.

Lin Yuanfang, Minister of the Ministry of Officials rolled his eyes, but he had already stepped out and knelt down: "The sage is wise. I came to this fairy palace today with my car, and I also feel that I am as light as a swallow, with fresh breath, and I am dull. I don't know if this is true or not. It is caused by spiritual energy, but it does make people feel refreshed and healthy. The Holy Majesty's cultivation is a major event, if the spiritual energy here is full, it will help the Holy Majesty to cultivate the Tao, and I am willing to serve the Holy Majesty by serving tea and water!"

Ma Hong, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, also hurriedly came out, "Your Majesty is wise. I just asked about it. It is said that this place is an extremely blessed place, and I am willing to serve you at His Majesty's side."

When these two people came out, other Beijing officials looked at each other, and immediately many people came out, saying that the emperor is wise, this is a blessed place, a holy site for cultivating Taoism, and they are willing to serve you. Some officials are actually not happy in their hearts. The climate in northern Xinjiang is far and far inferior to the capital city of Luo'an in the south. The most important thing is that none of these people's family members came with them. Many family members stayed in the capital. No one knows how long it will take to go down to the Nascent Soul Stage after cultivating the Dao. If it takes three to two months or even half a year, then you can just bear it and pass it. Stay here for three to five years?

But everyone knows that the emperor is obsessed with cultivating Taoism. As long as anyone expresses the slightest different opinions on cultivating Taoism, the emperor will never show mercy. Not long ago, the bloody facts were still imprinted in the minds of many people. If objections were raised at this time, the emperor would not mind beheading a few more heads.

All of a sudden, a large group of officials came out one after another, expressing their willingness to serve the emperor, but a small group still felt that something was wrong. If the emperor directly said that he would stay here for a year or so, and be specific, then it would be easy to say, But the emperor's words were very vague, which made some mature and prudent officials still dare not deal with it too much.

The emperor was supposed to sit in the capital. If he was practicing Taoism in the capital, no one would dare to take care of it. But now the cultivation of Taoism has to go to the frontiers, leaving the capital alone. At such an extraordinary time, this is really a bit of nonsense. When the world is in chaos, many officials feel that it is wrong to leave the capital and come to Hexi to support the so-called palace entrance ceremony, but they dare not say anything more. The Temple of Heaven is also related to the matter of cultivating Taoism, but it is unacceptable to come to Hexi and not plan to return.

Xue Huai'an, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, frowned slightly, seeing that more than half of the courtiers had already come out, he hesitated for a while, but there were only a dozen or so officials who hadn't come out, and only himself hadn't gone out, he and Xue Madam has a very good relationship, if she really can't return to the capital, it will be very embarrassing.

It's just that he was cautious as an official, and although he was extremely embarrassed, he didn't dare to force himself to stand out.

"Your Majesty, I have a book to play!" Zhou Ting obviously hesitated again and again, and finally gritted his teeth and knelt down on the ground.

The voices in the surroundings suddenly fell silent, and they all looked at Zhou Ting.

"Oh, Zhou Aiqing, what do you want to play?" The emperor leaned forward slightly, "Do you think I shouldn't stay?"

"I don't dare." Zhou Ting hurriedly said: "My sage's practice of Taoism is also for the long-term stability of the empire. His sage is originally a god from heaven who descended into the world. He repaired the Dao and was included in the class of immortals. Naturally, it is something that the people of the world hope for." Pause , then solemnly said: "It's just that the war in the southeast is still pending. The Qingtian King of Hebei's rioters have entered the territory of Fuhai Road. The battle in Central Sichuan is also fierce. There are many state affairs. My minister... I implore the emperor to issue an order to order the six halls to return to the capital. , dealing with political affairs...!"

As soon as this remark came out, many Beijing officials felt joy in their hearts.

The capital is singing and dancing, and the climate is pleasant. No one wants to stay in this bitter and cold place.

Moreover, all the officials knew very well that this Hexi Road was Feng Yuanpo's territory. For those who have nothing to do to eat, if the emperor stays here to practice Taoism and the officials return to the capital, that would be a good idea.

"Zhou Aiqing, you mean to let all my subjects come to the capital...!" The emperor looked at Zhou Ting coldly, "Could it be that you, Zhou Nayan, don't want to stay by my side to serve you?"

"I don't dare...!" Zhou Ting's face changed suddenly, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Feng Yuanpo finally said: "Your Majesty, Zhou Nayan is also doing things for the country, and I believe that he must be willing to stay by His Majesty's side in his heart. To be by His Majesty's side is a blessing for ten lifetimes...!" He paused and frowned. Frowning, he said solemnly: "It's just that Zhou Nayan's words are not unreasonable. There is General Lei Guheng in the southeast, and it is only a matter of time before the Tianmen Dao is wiped out. It's just...Hebei Qingtian King deceives the people and confuses people's hearts. 10,000+ mobs have messed up Hebei, and now they have entered Fuhai, Hebei is separated from Hexi by a river, and Hebei bandits are becoming more and more powerful, and they are only a few hundred miles away from the Immortal Palace. I think that these Hebei bandits should be eradicated as soon as possible!"

"I naturally want to eradicate the troubles in Hebei." The emperor looked at Feng Yuanpo and asked, "Han Santong has been defeated in a row and is extremely incompetent. Loyalty, what can you do to eradicate the bandits in Hebei?"


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