National color raw owl

Chapter 1356 Puppet

Zhou Ting frowned slightly, and was about to speak when the emperor said, "I am rich all over the world, and all the people in the world are my subjects. Since the barbarians want to be loyal to me, I will naturally give them a chance...!"

"My lord...!" Zhou Ting wanted to speak again, but the emperor had already interrupted: "Zhou Aiqing, I want to use troops to suppress bandits, do you have soldiers and horses for me?"

"My lord, my minister...!" Zhou Ting was speechless for a moment, the thieves were rampant, in the final analysis, the treasury was empty, and there were no soldiers at hand, but it was no small matter for the barbarians to enter the customs, Zhou Ting really didn't know the emperor Why are you so confused and want to lure wolves into the house, but you can only make the last effort, "I think that although the Qingtian bandits are not small, they are a mob after all. , Hexi Road mobilized some troops, and at the same time mobilized some troops from Xishan and Anyi, and Xishan, Anyi, and Hexi troops were combined into one place to attack Hebei, and the two sides attacked. It may not be impossible to wipe out the Qingtian bandits."

Feng Yuanpo smiled and said, "Zhou Nayan, you are still not sure about the word 'not necessarily'. The holy order is to suppress the bandits, that is to ask soldiers to eliminate the bandits, how can you be vague? What's more, the guards in Xishan and Anyi Most of the army has been transferred to the northwest, and their imperial guards and state troops are still used to guard the main road. Tongzhou in the west mountain has always been uneasy. Whether there are still Tianmen Dao and the remnants of the Huang family in Anyi is unknown. It’s not clear, even if they can mobilize some soldiers and horses there, it’s a drop in the bucket...!”

Zhou Ting knew that the father and son of the Feng family were originally from leading troops. When it comes to military affairs, he is definitely not Feng Yuanpo's opponent. Moreover, seeing what the emperor meant, he seemed very interested in Feng Yuanpo's suggestion, so he hesitated for a while and could only retreat. And secondly, "Holy Majesty, even if you want to transfer barbarian soldiers, the number should be small, and strict constraints must be imposed, and they must not be allowed to cause trouble."

"What Zhou Nayan said is very true." Feng Yuanpo smiled and said, "So the thirteen barbarian tribes sent 4000 soldiers from each tribe...!"

"No." Before finishing speaking, Zhou Ting immediately said: "Each tribe has 4000 people, [-] tribes, only [-] barbarian soldiers, this is absolutely impossible."

Xue Huai'an hurriedly said: "[-] barbarian soldiers are no small matter, too many troops."

Several other Beijing officials also knew very well that it was no small matter for barbarian soldiers to enter the customs. Every barbarian soldier was a wolf. No one knew what they would do after entering the customs. The more people there were, the greater the danger. The bigger it is, the more officials have to come out one after another, saying that there are too many troops and they must not agree.

The emperor frowned, seeing that the officials in the capital were filled with righteous indignation, and their voices were extremely loud, he immediately seemed extremely hesitant, looking at Feng Yuanpo, Feng Yuanpo immediately asked: "Zhou Nayan, in your opinion, how many barbarians should be mobilized?" ?”

"Since the barbarians are good at recruiting and fighting, it is already great to have 8000 soldiers." Zhou Ting said: "My lord, I think that if it is really necessary to transfer troops from the barbarians, 700 people from a tribe will add up to nearly [-] people." Ten thousand people, and then it is enough to separate the nearly ten thousand barbarian soldiers."

"Zhou Nayan, do you know how many troops the Qingtian bandits have?" Feng Yuanpo sighed, "As far as I know, Qingtian King has 20 to 2000 troops and is still recruiting. There are no less than [-] people, and less than [-] barbarian soldiers, even if they can recruit and fight well, what is the use?" He stepped forward and said to the emperor: "My lord, I think that at least [-] troops should be dispatched from each tribe. , [-] barbarian soldiers are already the minimum, otherwise the troops are weak and will not be able to play any role at all."

Zhou Ting still wanted to argue, but the emperor raised his hand and said, "Don't fight any more, I'm a little tired. Loyal to the Duke, pass on my will, order the thirteen tribes of the barbarians to send 2000 horses from each tribe, and make up [-] people. Thousands of soldiers and horses must be reorganized before the beginning of spring, and immediately go south to Hebei after the beginning of spring. Order to pass on my order, Liaodong Chi will refine electricity, after the beginning of spring, troops will go out to Fuhai Road, and the two groups of soldiers and horses will attack the Qingtian bandits...!"

"Your Majesty...!" Zhou Ting looked worried, and before he finished speaking, the emperor said: "That's it for today, I'm going to rest, Duke Zhong, is there a bedroom for me in this fairy palace?"

Feng Yuanpo hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, on the left side of the Tiandao Hall is the Laojun Hall, and on the right is the Juxian Hall. The Holy Majesty can rest in the Juxian Hall. There should be everything there. The empress and empress' bedrooms are also placed there. .”

"It's so good." The emperor looked around at the two beautiful beauties beside him, and stood up, "All the lovers are tired, and you should rest first, Duke Zhong, take me to Juxian Palace. "

All the ministers looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling in their hearts that it was too hasty for the emperor to order the barbarians to enter the customs so easily, but the emperor had even issued the order, and the emperor could not take it back.

Less than half of the 36 halls of the Immortal Palace have been completed, and the Beijing officials who came with them are also arranged to live in other palaces of the Immortal Palace. Seeing that Feng Yuanpo led the emperor away, the officials had no choice but to retreat Go, Zhou Ting looked at the retreating figure with a worried expression on his face, Xue Huai'an, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, stepped forward and said with a wry smile: "Lord Zhou, this is the end of the matter, the Holy Majesty has issued a decree, and we have nothing to do."

Zhou Ting shook his head and sighed: "Don't you know that the barbarians enter the pass to lure wolves into the house, and it's better if nothing happens. If something happens, the consequences will be disastrous. The barbarians drink blood like hair, and their soldiers are also cruel and easy to kill. Feng Yuanpo didn't say a word Wrong, the barbarians are very powerful in combat, they are not brave, but a group of desperadoes, if something happens, people will die...!"

"Since Feng Yuanpo keeps saying that there will be no problems with the barbarians, he must have a way to control the barbarians." Xue Huai'an could only comfort him, "I just hope that with the help of the barbarians, we can wipe out King Qingtian and send these tigers and wolves out as soon as possible." Inside the pass."

Zhou Ting thought for a while, and finally lowered his voice and said: "Xue Butang, although His Majesty is obsessed with cultivating Taoism, he is not confused. Why did he make such a stupid decision this time?"

Xue Huai'an could only say: "The Holy Majesty is also old, not as old as before, and the Qingtian bandits are becoming more and more powerful. The Holy Majesty doesn't say anything, but he must be anxious in his heart. He wants to wipe out the Qingtian bandits as soon as possible. Now that the barbarians are taking the initiative to ask for a fight, the Holy Majesty may not be there for a while. Only after you figured it out, did you agree, or maybe the Holy Majesty had other plans in mind, this is not something you and my servants can guess."

"I hope the Holy One is confident." Zhou Ting smiled wryly and shook his head, "We won't be able to return to Beijing for a while, Mr. Xue, what do you think?"

"How can you think?" Xue Huai'an said helplessly: "I can only follow the holy will, and hope that the Holy One can reach the Nascent Soul as soon as possible, and then return to Beijing to govern... Forget it, Mr. Zhou, suddenly want to drink, why don't you find a place, How many cups do you and I drink?"

Zhou Ting shook his head and said: "Who is in the mood to drink alcohol? After much deliberation, it is still not right. Looking for opportunities, I still have to speak to the Holy One." He clasped his hands and said, "Master Xue, go down first."

Feng Yuanpo led the emperor to Juxian Palace, which is naturally luxurious and magnificent. Juxian Palace is divided into two halls: the middle hall and the east and west halls. The middle hall is naturally the emperor's bedroom, while the east hall is the queen's residence, and the west hall is the snowflake. Empress' bedroom.

The Empress and Empress Xuehua arrived at Juxian Hall, surrounded by maids of honor, and went to their own sleeping halls. The emperor, led by Feng Yuanpo, entered the middle hall, Xuanyuan Shao set up defenses outside the hall, Feng Yuanpo and the emperor entered Inside the hall, after entering a luxurious dormitory, Feng Yuanpo immediately turned around and closed the door. Turning around, he saw the emperor standing with his hands down. He stepped forward and kicked the emperor's waist. The emperor let out an "ouch" and collapsed. He fell to the ground with a look of panic, "Master, villain...!"

"Do you think you have performed well?" Feng Yuanpo walked to a chair, Da Ma Jindao sat down, and said with a sneer, "I have repeatedly told you to be careful in every word and deed, and not to be sloppy. , Do you think those Beijing officials are all vegetarians? But there is a slight flaw, if they see it, do you still want it with your head?"

The emperor knelt on the ground with a mournful face, and moved in front of Feng Yuanpo, "It was a villain's negligence, and I will never do it again next time. My lord, calm down!"

Feng Yuanpo stared at the emperor's eyes, the eyes were like a poisonous snake with a cold light, the emperor didn't dare to look at Feng Yuanpo, and lowered his head, Feng Yuanpo said: "I can give you glory and wealth, and I can also make you smash to pieces. One thing, you'd better remember clearly. Hexi is my territory, as long as you are honest and obedient, there will be more benefits in the future... Well, your overall performance today is not bad, and it will be of great use if you pay more attention in the future. "

"Thank you sir, thank you sir!" The emperor hurriedly said, after thinking for a while, he said softly: "My lord, that Zhou Ting and a few Beijing officials don't seem to be very obedient, look...!"

"These things are not for you to worry about, and you don't need to think too much about them." Feng Yuanpo said indifferently: "Stay honestly in this fairy palace and be your emperor."

"Yes Yes Yes……!"

Feng Yuanpo leaned forward slightly, "I know what's going on in your heart, but you'd better give up your mind. You can wear silk and satin, and you can enjoy delicacies from mountains and seas, but you don't have to think about enjoying women, especially women. Queen and Elisa, don’t talk about touching them, even if talking, try to talk to them as little as possible.”

The emperor's eyes immediately showed frustration, and asked: "My lord, since this... villain is pretending to be the emperor, how can he avoid the queen and Empress Xuehua? This... Will this make people suspicious?"

"If you get close to them, you will make mistakes." Feng Yuanpo said: "It's okay for Eliza, she is one of us, but the queen is very smart, as long as you show a flaw, you will be discovered immediately, even Your usual clothes are impeccable, once you take off your clothes, she can see everything. Remember, those eunuchs around you, I will arrange to replace them as soon as possible, especially the water ripples, which cannot be left behind. By your side... You are in the name of cultivating the Tao, tabooing women, don't touch any women...!"

The emperor nodded bitterly and said, "The villain understands."

Feng Yuanpo got up, said no more, turned and left, the middle hall connected with the east and west halls, Feng Yuan broke through the middle hall and entered the west hall, there was a maid guarding outside the bedroom of Empress Snow Flower, Feng Yuanpo went forward and said: "The Holy Majesty ordered me to come and see the empress, and ask the empress if she needs anything else." After entering the dormitory, he closed the door and walked over lightly, bypassing the screen, only to see Empress Xuehua leaning on the brocade couch , the sexy figure is exquisitely undulating, with a brocade handkerchief hooked on her finger, eyes closed, one arm propped on her jade cheek, as if she was thinking about something, Feng Yuanpo approached her quietly, she didn't seem to feel it at all. .

Feng Yuanpo stretched out his hand, and lightly touched the arm that looked like jade Saixue, Empress Snow Flower trembled, her face paled, she opened her eyes, and seeing Feng Yuanpo, she breathed a sigh of relief, patted her chest, her chest trembled, and lowered her chest. The voice said coquettishly: "My lord, why are you here?"

"When I sent you to Beijing, I told you that you would return to me in a short time." Feng Yuan smiled and said, "Eliza, have you been missing me?"

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