National color raw owl

Chapter 1359 Deception

The three roads in the northwest are all cold places. In comparison, Xiguan is the coldest, and the climate of Tianshan Road is much more suitable than the other two roads.Although many people say that the climate will become warmer after crossing the big snow mountain in Shazhou on the Tianshan Road, but the pass leading to the west of the sandbar has always been blocked.

Less than a hundred miles to the west of Daxue Mountain, there is another big desert. For the people of Central Plains, it is an unknown land. What will be seen later, but without exception, no one who has crossed the mountain will come back.

It was early in the morning, in the backyard of the Governor's Mansion in Mingsha City, Zhu Lingyue was wearing a gray toga, holding a long sword in his hand with golden tassels, his movements were not fast, but he was moving freely, opening and closing, very imposing .

Everyone in the world knew that Zhu Lingyue came from a literati background, and that martial arts were never on the table, but high-ranking officials and aristocrats have always regarded the sword as a symbol of dignity, and no matter whether they are interested in martial arts or not, they will pretend to learn a few sword skills.

Zhu Lingyue practiced swordsmanship, but mainly focused on fitness. Over the years, no matter how late he went to bed, he would wake up at a fixed time every morning, and then dance a set of swordsmanship.

When a guard entered the courtyard, he didn't come over immediately, but watched from a distance, not daring to disturb him.

After Zhu Lingyue had a set of swordsmanship incomparable, he handed the long sword to an attendant, and a servant girl next to him handed over a hot towel, Zhu Lingyue wiped his face, and the guard who was watching from a distance dared to come forward and knelt down on the ground , reported: "Report to the governor, Lord Fei, please see me!"

Zhu Lingyue dried his face, handed the hot towel to the maid, and asked, "Is it Fei Qing? Has he come back?"

"It's Master Fei Qing Fei!"

"Pass him in!"

Soon, Fei Qing, the head of the Tianshan Taoist Ritual Department, came over in a hurry, and was about to kneel down in front of Zhu Lingyue, Zhu Lingyue stretched out his hand to support him, and said with a smile: "Master Fei, you are old, and there are no people here, so you don't need these vain rituals. Bendu is looking forward to your return day and night, when did you return to Mingsha?"

"Back to your lord, I arrived at Mingsha City at midnight last night." Fei Qing bowed his body, "At first I wanted to come directly to see my lord, but I was worried that my lord had already rested, which disturbed my lord's rest, so I came here at dawn."

Seeing his tired face, Zhu Lingyue smiled and said, "Did you rest last night?"

"Stopped for a moment, not daring to delay the big event."

"Boss Fei has worked hard, haven't you had breakfast yet?" Zhu Lingyue held Fei Qing's arm with a friendly face, "Come on, I haven't eaten anything yet, let's eat something together."

Zhu Lingyue said to eat casually, but in fact he was never sloppy with his breakfast. For him, he followed the ancient teaching of three meals a day, eating well in the morning, full at noon, and less in the evening.

Zhu Lingyue pays great attention to his body, and he never makes do with breakfast. There is a special cook in the house who cooks breakfast. In addition to the delicious snacks, Zhu Lingyue will have a bowl of red date porridge and a bowl of red bean porridge for breakfast. A bowl of porridge is unshakable.

On the dining table, according to Zhu Lingyue's dim sum, Fei Qing was given an extra serving. Fei Qing was too old to eat too much, so he just prepared another serving of red bean porridge.

When eating, Zhu Lingyue never dealt with official business. Of course Fei Qing knew this, but he admired Zhu Lingyue's composure. An An ate breakfast in a down-to-earth manner. This kind of calmness is not something ordinary people can have.

After breakfast, two maidservants brought up silver trays filled with warm water. After Zhu Lingyue and Fei washed their hands and wiped them with warm towels, they sat down in the living room. The servants served tea, and Zhu Lingyue tasted it. After taking a sip of tea, he put down the teacup, looked at Fei Qing, and asked with a smile: "Master Fei, at Marquis Gan's side, when do you promise to send your sister over?"

Fei Qing was blowing the powdered tea. Hearing Zhu Lingyue's question, he hurriedly put down the teacup. He was a little surprised, but he still replied respectfully: "My lord, what General Gan means is that Miss Liu Gan will be in her last year. Miss Gan sent her here to marry the third master."

Zhu Lingyue smiled and said: "General Gan is a smart man...!" After calculating with his fingers, he said: "The year is only a few months away. After all, it is understandable that brothers and sisters depend on each other for life."

"My lord, how do you know that General Gan will definitely agree?"

"Boss Fei is eloquent and handles things properly. If you are sent there, the matter will be half successful." Zhu Lingyue smiled and said, "After you came in, there was no look of frustration on your brows, which naturally shows that things are going well."

Fei Qing sighed in admiration: "Zhu Du is really wise. Yes, this time we went secretly, pretending to be businessmen, and General Gan received him warmly in private. The humble officer told him Zhu Du's conditions. He looked very happy and said on the spot. Well, it is a great thing for the Zhu and Gan families to get married, and he said that Zhu Du can take a fancy to their Gan family, so of course they have no reason not to obey."

"That's good." Zhu Lingyue said with a smile: "Take Xiguan, hand over Yanshan to the Gan family for management, and the tax revenue from Jinhe and Hezhou belongs to the Northwest Army, of course he will not refuse."

Fei Qing leaned forward slightly, and asked, "Zhu Du, you mean that Marquis Gan will definitely send troops to help us?"

"We are still not completely sure what Marquis Gan is thinking." Zhu Lingyue stroked his beautiful beard, "As long as his sister really comes to Tianshan Mountain, then this matter will be considered a success."

Fei Qing excitedly said: "Zhu Du, as long as Marquis Gan sincerely submits to Your Excellency, then even if Beishan and Xilian join forces, they will definitely not be our opponents."

"Yes, you are passing through Xiguan, how is the situation there?"

"It seems that Chu Huan is really going to fight Xiao Huan to the death." Fei Qing said with a smile: "I heard that the main force of the Xiguan Army has been transferred to the southern front, and the two sides are preparing for the battle intensively. This battle is no accident. If not, it won’t be long before there will be a fight, and then we can sit back and watch them dog-eat-dog.”

"What about the western front?" Zhu Lingyue asked softly, "I heard that fortifications are being built in Hezhou, shouldn't it be true?"

"That's true." Fei Qing said: "I have also inquired about it. Pei Ji, who trained Chu Huan's imperial guards, has now arrived in Hezhou. Hezhou has recruited civilians to build fortifications. It seems that he is already wary of our Tianshan sending troops."

Zhu Lingyue said with a smile: "Chu Huan regards the governor as a thorn in his side. The southern line is tight. Of course he would think that we will take the opportunity to march from the western line. It's just a matter of common sense."

"Zhu Du, you said that Xiao Huanzhang is a cautious person, why did he act so violently this time?" Fei Qing frowned and said, "Is it true that Xiao Jingqian is really assassinated by Chu Huan for the sake of Xiao Jingqian's death? "

Zhu Lingyue pondered for a while before saying: "If there is no conclusive evidence, Xiao Huanzhang would not be so excited. Now it seems that Xiao Huanzhang has confirmed that Xiao Jingqian's death is related to Chu Huan, so he sent troops angrily. Xiao Huanzhang is old, only two Son, although Xiao Jingqian doesn't have much talent, he's not considered a mediocre man anyway, it's only natural for him to feel grief and resentment when his son dies and grows old and bereaved."

Fei Qingdao: "Xiao Jingsheng has always admired Zhu Du very much. I'm afraid he will also affect Xiao Huanzhang by sending troops this time. Xiao Jingsheng has always insisted on attacking Xiguan. This time, it happened that because of Xiao Jingqian's death, he contributed to the flames. Xiao Huanzhang was already in grief. Xiao Jingsheng fueled the flames and sent troops to Xiguan, that should be the case."

Zhu Lingyue nodded slightly, then frowned, and thoughtfully said: "It's just that the governor is a little strange. Why did Chu Huan do anything to Xiao Jingqian? This is really to provoke our relationship with Beishan? Chu Huan, the governor has Somewhat understood, everything was done without leaking, if Xiao Jingqian was really going to be assassinated, it must be carefully planned and done seamlessly, it was impossible to leave any flaws, but judging from the current situation, Xiao Huanzhang already knew that Chu Huan was the murderer, so Chu Huan this time There must be a loophole in the shouldn't be...!" He frowned thoughtfully, apparently he hadn't figured out what was wrong for a while.

"Zhu Du, no matter what, Beishan and Xiguan are already two armies facing each other." Fei Qing smiled and said, "This is a great thing for us." This is a great opportunity, shall we also prepare to send troops?"

"Preparation is of course necessary, but it's still too early to send troops." Zhu Lingyue stroked his beard and said, "Let them fight first, and even if they fight, we can't send troops easily...!"

"Zhu Du, if the Beishan Army wins consecutive battles, Xiao Huanzhang will take over a large area of ​​Xiguan." Fei Qing hurriedly said, "We can't let Xiao Huanzhang swallow Xiguan."

"The Beishan army is not that capable yet." Zhu Lingyue said with a faint smile, "Chu Huan is not a vegetarian...Even if they fight now, we have to wait...!"


"Wait until Marquis Gan brings his younger sister over." Zhu Lingyue said, "After Gan Yujiao arrives, we immediately ask Marquis Gan to send troops. At that time, it is the right time for us to send troops."

Fei Qing was startled, then smiled and said: "That's right, as long as Marquis Gan sends troops, the Tianshan Army plus the Northwest Army will definitely be invincible, and no one can stop them."

At this moment, I heard footsteps outside, and someone said: "Third Master, Master is discussing matters with Master Fei, look...!"

"Go away...!" Hearing a roar, there was a scream of "Ouch", it was obviously the third master who beat someone, Fei Qing frowned slightly, and soon, a person walked in outside the door. At the age of 30, his appearance can be regarded as handsome, and he broke into the house, glanced at Fei Qing, went forward, sat down, raised his head, and said loudly: "Brother, so you have been hiding it all the time. I."

"What?" Zhu Lingyue frowned, "Zhu Lingqi, do you have any rules? I didn't see that I was talking to Mr. Fei."

"I don't care." The third master Zhu Lingqi said indifferently: "I will never agree to that marriage. A stinky girl who wields knives and guns is full of rusticity. Whoever wants to marry someone can marry, anyway, she can't enter my door." .”

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