National color raw owl

Chapter 1382 Hell

The solitary lamp swayed in the wind, and General Jin's shadow was cast on the ground. As the lamp swayed, the shadow seemed to be dancing in a strange dance.

The imperial court tried its best to suppress Tianmen Dao, but General Jin of Tianmen Dao was in the capital, at the foot of the emperor, and in the palace of the majestic Prince Qin. in front of you.

There was a faint smile on General Jin's sallow face, "Ghost Saber Tianhou, I would have heard of this name a long time ago, but it's a pity that when I saw it, it was no longer Ghost Saber...! "Shaking his head, sighed.

"Since I'm a useless person, why did you come to me?" Tian Hou knew in his heart that the King of Han and General Jin were looking for him, of course not for reminiscing about the old days.

When his life was hanging by a thread, General Jin came to his rescue. There was no doubt that they had already set their sights on him.

"Tian Hou, this king asks you, do you want to change back into a ghost sword? The crown prince treats you like a dog, drives you out, and even kills you. Do you want to vent your hatred?" King Han stared at Tian Hou Eyes and pupils, hands behind their backs, "Or, do you want to live forever?"

In Tian Hou's view, the so-called Tianmen Dao disciples can enjoy eternal life is just a rumor that Tianmen Dao confuses the people, but when he thought about the scene when he was expelled from the palace, he seemed to think of the harsh laughter of Zhao Quan's dry guard, He even thought of the two shining cold knives in that alley. He had served the prince for many years and thought he was the most trusted person of the prince, but once his arm was broken, he was ruthlessly expelled like a dog, and he was even about to be killed. Silently, those marks of humiliation were engraved in his heart, turning into deep-seated hatred.

Thinking of that beautiful figure that is as elegant as a fairy, he was expelled from the Prince's Mansion, and maybe he will never see that peerless figure that made his heart throbbing again. His only remaining hand has already clenched his fist.

"What do you want me to do?" Tian Hou stared at King Han, "What else can I do now?"

The King of Han finally showed a smile, "You have been by the prince's side for many years, of course you understand why he wants to kill you tonight? In fact, you should have thought about this a long time ago. If you go back to Beijing with your arm broken, you are destined to die."

Tian Hou sneered and said: "I understand. I have followed him for many years. I have known too many things about him. The moment I returned to Beijing, he was already murderous. Of course he doesn't want to know that too many of his secrets are revealed by others." Know."

"I admire my elder brother very much." The King of Han's eyes showed resentment, "The princelings have existed since the founding of the country. I have been fighting with him for many years. Until today, I still don't even know the true details of the princelings. ...!" Staring at Tian Hou, "But you should know, as far as I know, you have been with the prince for almost ten years!"

"Ten years and seven months is a difference of four days." Tian Hou closed his eyes, the veins on his forehead popped out because of resentment, "but it's not as good as an arm."

"He won't trust anyone. If it were someone else, he would kill him if there is nothing else available." The King of Han said indifferently: "It's just that you have been by his side for so many years, and you can always know many secrets. One question, is his leg disease real or fake?"

Tian Hou was taken aback, then frowned and asked, "The King of Han thinks his leg ailment is fake?"

"Only you can give me the answer to this."

"There will be no fakes." Tian Hou shook his head and said: "In the past few years, Madam Liuli has been treating his leg problems. I have been by his side for so many years. If he really pretends to be leg problems, he will always show his flaws."

"Since he has a leg problem, how can he communicate with those confidantes of the princeling party?" Although King Han was dressed in rags, his whole body was filled with a coldness to the bone.

Tian Hou understood something, and finally smiled and said: "So you want to use me to find out the context of the princelings."

"If you want to get something, you have to give something." The King of Han said lightly: "You can doubt, but you will soon know that what you get is far more than what you paid for."

Tian Hou seemed to be too tired, so he sat cross-legged on the ground. When he was stabbed, he was stabbed in the waist, and then he just dealt with it casually. The wound seemed to be congested, but his clothes were covered with blood.

"That's right, among the government and the opposition, many members of the princeling party don't show off their mountains or rivers." Tian Hou said slowly: "The prince has always been cautious in doing things, and he likes to stay behind. If the prince really puts out all his wealth to fight with the prince, the prince may not have gained any advantage. But what the prince took out was only some bright people, and many princelings were hidden by him, and he issued orders, Don't act rashly, Qiu Junyu, Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice, the King of Han naturally remembers that Qiu Junyu has always seemed to be a loner and does not get involved in party disputes, but he was already a member of the princelings a long time ago, and now he only shows up when he needs to use it. Out of the real body."

The king of Han laughed and said, "The prince's deep scheming really amazes me. The timing of Qiu Jun's jumping out is just right. He has been hiding for many years, and when it's time to use the blade, he uses it just right."

"Ma Zhongheng, the guard commander of Prince Qi's Mansion, was already a member of the princeling party the day he came to the capital from Liaodong." Tian Hou said slowly: "These two hidden nails have already jumped out. Except for these two people, the prince is hiding in the There are quite a few blades in the scabbard."

"Apart from Lei Guheng and Chi Liandian, those blades hidden in scabbards are the main force of the princeling party." King Han squatted down and stared into Tian Hou's eyes, "If you want to get rid of the prince, even if you really have a chance Killing him with a knife will not solve the hatred in my heart. If he is a big tree, all his branches and leaves will be cut off, and only a single trunk will be left in the end...!" He raised his head With a light wave of his hand, "At that time, cutting down the tree trunk with a knife will be the most wonderful thing and the most exciting moment...!" He closed his eyes, and his face showed a look of intoxication.

"What does the lord want to do?" Tian Hou asked.

The King of Han looked at Tian Hou and smiled strangely, "The prince thought that the capital was already his world, so we would cut open his chest one by one in his stomach...Tian Hou, tell me everything you know, This king asks you to make Ghost Saber again."

"I knew that the essence of your saber technique should be concentrated in your left arm. If you break your left arm, the ghost sword will lose its power." General Jin took out a strange knife at some point and threw it in Tianhou. "Although you don't have a left arm, the essence of Ghost Saber has not disappeared. It is still in your heart. It will help you practice a new set of sword techniques. This set of sword techniques is unique in the Central Plains... ...!"

Tian Hou looked at the knife at his feet. It had a strange shape. He had seen countless knives, but this was the first time he had seen this strange knife.

"This knife can only be used by those who are full of hatred in their hearts. The more hatred in the heart of this set of knife skills, the faster you will learn, and the stronger the power it will display." General Jin smiled faintly. , "Because this knife is called hate knife, and the name of this set of knife skills is also very simple, it is called hell!"

Tian Hou stretched out his single arm and was about to pick up the knife, but General Jin shook his head and said, "Wait a minute!"

Tian Hou raised his head and asked, "Do you regret it?"

"Hell Saber Technique is about finding a suitable swordsman, and you are the most suitable candidate." General Jin said calmly: "However, not everyone can learn Hell Saber Technique. , to pass it on to you."

"You want me to join Tianmen Dao?"

"Could it be that you have a better choice now?" The King of Han sneered, "Do you really think that anyone is eligible to enter the Dao Sect?"

Although General Jin's skin is weird, his tone of speech has always been very calm, even with a hint of gentleness, "Your Highness is right, everyone thinks that the disciples of the Heavenly Sect are all over the world. disciples, but not all disciples of Tianmen Daoist are Laojun’s disciples. Laojun came to the world, and in this world of mortals, there are only 64 people who are blessed to become Laojun’s disciples!”

Tian Hou was stunned, and said in surprise: "You mean that out of the hundreds of thousands of disciples of the Heavenly Sect, only 64 of them have truly become Laojun's disciples?"

"That's right." General Jin said solemnly, "These 64 people were selected by God in the world. On the day Laojun came into the world, 64 disciples of Laojun will go to greet them. At that time, Laojun will bestow 64 disciples. The Taoist immortal body, the disciples who get the body from Laojun will enjoy eternal life!" Staring at Tian Hou, "Before Laojun came to the world, God will select 64 people on his behalf, and those who are selected as Laojun's disciples must wholeheartedly welcome them. Prepare for Laojun's birth. Although there are 64 places, after becoming Laojun's disciples, once the Dao heart is dishonest, God can expel him from the Taoist sect. If any disciple dies for some reason, the vacant places will be found New disciples to fill...!"

"In this way, Tiangong commanded hundreds of thousands of people, and the 64 Laojun disciples are the real core of Tianmen Dao. The so-called enjoying eternal life, not all Tianmen Dao disciples can enjoy it?" Tian Hou knew Tianmen Dao This big secret was also a surprise in his heart. He knew that the slogan of Tianmen Dao was to make the common people believe that the Supreme Lord came to the world. After the king came to the world, he lived forever. Now it seems that hundreds of thousands of people are just pawns of Tianmen Dao, and the real disciples of Tianmen Dao are only 64 people.

"So you are very lucky." General Jin said slowly: "We have been paying attention to you for a long time, because God thinks that you are qualified to be Laojun's disciple!"

"Where is Tian Gong?" Tian Hou pondered for a moment, and finally asked: "Who is Tian Gong?"

General Jin smiled and said: "Tiangong is everywhere, Tiangong is Tiangong, maybe you will see Tiangong one day... Tianhou, I will ask you for the last time, would you like to enter my Taoist sect and become one of the 64 disciples of Laojun?" ?”


ps: Here, I would like to thank the two good friends of Romantic Fish and Pianiaowu. For a long time, the two friends have joined in occasionally. Although the number is not large, they have been encouraging the desert every now and then.Desert doesn't like or is embarrassed to ask everyone for support. After all, subscription is already everyone's greatest support. If you ask for more support, it will be difficult for others.However, including the above two and many good brothers and sisters, they often support the desert. Although the desert did not say much, they are really grateful in their hearts. It is a great affirmation of the desert, whether it is one piece or ten. It's heart-warming.

Here, I would like to sincerely say thank you to every brother and sister who gave a reward to the desert. The desert will do its best and will not let you down.

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