Overcast and rainy, the sky and the earth are dark. Since the third day of the Lunar New Year, the Northwest has been raining continuously. This rainy weather makes people feel very depressed.

After the big wedding, Chu Huan has been very hard these past few days. During the day, he has to deal with many official duties. On the one hand, he has to prepare the war supplies to be transported to the front line, and on the other hand, he has to prepare for the farming after the spring. Although the war has not yet started, victory or defeat is difficult. However, Chu Huan knew in his heart that no matter what the final result was, the spring plowing in Xiguan could not be delayed. Once the seeds were not planted in the season, Xiguan would inevitably fail this year. Much higher.

The orders issued by Chu Huan a while ago were strictly implemented by the officials of the household department headed by Wei Wuji. Although the strategy of borrowing grain and subletting, to a certain extent, did harm the interests of the gentry and wealthy families at present, the seven surnames of Xiguan took the lead. Support, this originally very difficult matter, but it has been carried out.

Of course, it is impossible to transport all the grain borrowed from the gentry and nobles to Shuoquan City for storage. From the very beginning, these grains were sub-leased to the people for farming. Distributing and transporting back and forth will inevitably increase costs and losses. Therefore, from the very beginning, the Department of Household Affairs has issued an order that the grain of the gentry in each county should be paid to the county treasury of each county, registered and counted, and then Then the Department of Household Affairs will make unified deployment and planning.

Many officials were dispatched from Shuoquan Household Division to each county. The household department officials and local county magistrates counted the grain together, and then closed the granary. Without the order of the Household Division, the granary was not allowed to open.

The list from the local counties is overwhelming, and they are all submitted to the Department of Household Affairs. The workload of the Department of Household Department is naturally huge. Not only must the population and land of each prefecture and county be coordinated, but also the quality of the land must be investigated and dealt with. According to the amount of food that has been counted, it is distributed according to the proportion. Originally, this work went very smoothly at the beginning, but because of Beishan, many things became much more difficult.

Just like the grain in stock, it was prepared to be used as grain seed at the beginning, but because war breaks out at any time, it is necessary to ensure the supply of grain and grass ahead. There is not much grain in the official warehouse in Xiguan. It is necessary to embezzle the grain borrowed and sub-leased, but these grains cannot be used arbitrarily. After all, the government has clearly issued a clear document before that these grains are to be distributed to the people for farming, and the people have already gone to the government to rent grain. If there is no food available at that time, let alone the prestige of the government, among the people of Xiguan, it is natural that some people will jump out.

Moreover, the grain paid by the gentry and wealthy family was transferred by the government in the name of borrowing grain and subletting it. Many local gentry were very dissatisfied, but because of the toughness of the government and the seven surnames of Xiguan as an example, they reluctantly paid up. However, once the government embezzles a large amount of this batch of grain as military rations, some people will naturally jump out. If the local gentry and ordinary people make trouble at the same time because of this matter, plus foreign aggression, it will be even worse for Xiguan.

Chu Huan could only discuss with Wei Wuji, the head of the Ministry of Household Affairs, that it was unavoidable to transfer food, otherwise the soldiers on the front lines would not be allowed to fight hungry. It was just that the food used had to be allocated a certain amount, which could be accepted by the gentry That's right, after all, the war is just around the corner, and there is no food for the army, so it is unreasonable to barely feed the soldiers on the front line.

These matters were overwhelming. Chu Huan felt his scalp tingle after dealing with the people from the Department of Household Affairs for two days. He admired Wei Wuji, Du Fugong, and Su Linlang in his heart. He thought to himself that these messy accounts were really a headache. These people who deal with logistical affairs are probably more difficult than those who are on the front line.

In fact, Chu Huan knew in his heart that in the final analysis, the reason why he made himself so difficult was because Xiguan's background was too weak.

The land in Xiguan was already barren, and the food produced was not much. In addition, just after the war, when he took over Xiguan, there was almost no food in the official warehouse.

If it weren't for the weak foundation and sufficient food, Chu Huan wouldn't have to worry about logistics. He would have enough soldiers and food, and he could just focus on the frontline war.

Sometimes I think in my heart, if this is the area in the south of the Yangtze River, I am afraid that if the grain is requisitioned, there is no need to worry about the army grain. In the rich and prosperous south of the Yangtze River, which wealthy gentry has no grain in the warehouse, as long as each household expropriates a little, it is enough to deal with the army grain. But in the northwest, there was nothing he could do. The gentry of the wealthy Xiguan family could really be described as a beggar if compared with the gentry in the south of the Yangtze River.

There are many opportunities in the day, and the battle will continue at night. The newlyweds welcome four women at once, and they must not neglect any of them.

Sitting on the four beauties is certainly a blessing for everyone, but if it really falls on any man, it may not be a particularly beautiful thing.

During this period of newlyweds, it is unavoidable to gallop back and forth across several courtyards.

Fortunately, Chu Huan is a smart person. After two nights, he has already concluded a route. First, go to Dai'er's room. Because of the child, it is natural that the consumption is the least, and then go to Linlang's room. Lin Lang is a beautiful young woman, and she is Chu Huan's beloved. Naturally, her body will consume a lot. Wait until this time, and then go to Su Niang's room.

The biggest advantage of being gentle with Su Niang is that not only will it not consume physical energy, but it will also restore energy and physical strength. This is also an extremely rare boudoir fun.

When Su Niang is satisfied, Master Chu's energy and physical strength have also been greatly recovered. At this time, he will reload and go to deal with Mei Niang who is charming to the bone. response.

Chu Huan was very tired from business affairs during the day and love affairs at night, and he still had to wait for military reports from the southern and western fronts every day, especially the southern front, paying attention to Xiao Huanzhang's actions.

Although Chu Huan talked and laughed with his wives, he knew in his heart that this kind of time together might not last forever. Once the war broke out, he would have more things to do, and he even had to personally deal with them. Rushing to the front line, he must not be with them all the time, so before the war broke out, while handling official duties, he spent as much time as possible with them.

On the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, several consecutive news reports came out within one day, but it made Chu Huan both happy and worried.

The first military report was sent from the southern line. Xuanyuan Sheng explained in the military report that on the third day of the Lunar New Year, at the other end of Beishan Road, officials went to Qingtang City to ask for accountability. Beishan accused the Xiguan Army of Three soldiers crossed the border and entered the territory of Beishan, where they did something appalling. The three soldiers not only raped a Beishan village woman, but also killed two villagers, and even hacked to death an old sow. .

After the incident, the three soldiers were besieged by the villagers and were beaten to death when they failed to escape. Beishan officials not only brought the bodies of the three soldiers to Qingtang, but even brought the witnesses.

It was only after the letter that Xuanyuan Sheng directly expressed his point of view. Of course, this incident was deliberately created by Beishan, and its purpose was nothing more than to find an excuse to start a war.

Those three soldiers, after investigation, were indeed from the Xiguan Army.

Although Chu Huan and Xiao Heng planned to order Xuanyuan Sheng to withdraw the Xiguan Army to Qingtang, they still sent people to patrol near the Liangzi River, otherwise it would be too strange to withdraw the whole line.

Those three Xiguan soldiers were scouts sent by the Xiguan Army to patrol near the Liangzi River. They disappeared suddenly on New Year's Eve, and on the third day of the Lunar New Year, the other party sent officials to Qingtang City to ask for accountability.

From Yuchang City to Qingtang City, it is impossible to get there in three days, so the official obviously made preparations in Danyang City in advance.

According to Xuanyuan Shengcai's speculation, the three soldiers were apparently captured and killed by the Beishan people while they were on patrol, and then made up a so-called crime, and then went to Xiguan to Xingshi for questioning. As for that case, it must be true It exists, but it was definitely not done by soldiers of the Xiguan Army, but created by Beishan people.

When Chu Huan received this letter, he sneered in his heart.

He threatened Beishan back then to launch an attack on Beishan, and he told the other party very bluntly that it is not difficult to find a reason to start the war. He only needs to sacrifice a few people and rely on the other party to start the war. Unexpectedly, the other party also used this hand.

As soon as this incident happened, Chu Huan knew that Beishan was definitely ready to go to war. Perhaps when he received this letter, the Beishan army had already crossed the Liangzi River and was marching towards Qingtang City. .

That is to say, on the same day, two more letters were sent at the same time. One was sent from the trading field outside Yanmen Pass. The letter stated that the people of Xiliang had crossed the desert and brought thousands of war horses. The trade field almost thought that the Xiliang Army had killed them, and the Northwest Army even dispatched troops to prepare to meet the enemy, but it soon became clear that the leader of the team this time was still Gusa Heiyun, the great ceremony officer of Xiliang. According to statistics, more than [-] war horses were brought over.

He even explained in his heart that Xiliang originally sent [-] horses to trade this time, but in the desert, there was a big storm and many horses were lost.

This was also the only thing that excited Chu Huan recently.

Although the number of three thousand war horses does not seem to be large, it is very different from the number of Tianshan Heifengqi or Liaodong cavalry, but as an individual, three thousand war horses are really a great number, and this is the first This transaction does not mean that this is the last time. What is more important is that everyone in the world knows that Xiliang war horses are famous all over the world. Not to mention that Zhu Lingyue Heifeng's northwest horse is Chiliandian's Liaodong horse. Not on the Xiliang war horse.

But the next letter that arrived less than an hour later surprised Chu Huan, and the content of the letter also made Chu Huan worry about whether the transaction with the Xiliang people could be successfully completed.

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