National color raw owl

Chapter 1395 Raid

The Beishan generals became even more excited when they heard the words, and someone said: "Duke Xiao has planned a strategy, and with the command of the commander, our battle is bound to be a success in one fell swoop."

"Master Commander, when are we going to leave?" Someone had already asked: "It's already You hour, and there is no movement in the city, should we send someone over to watch them?"

"You don't need to worry, the general has already sent people there." Luo Dingxi said solemnly: "There is no movement in the city, which is the biggest problem. Our army is overwhelming, how can there be no movement in the city? I'm afraid they have secretly assembled the army and are about to withdraw. gone."

A rough general immediately said: "Master Commander, since we already know that the Xiguan Army is going to retreat overnight, are we going to outflank it now, lest they escape at night?"

"Don't startle them." Luo Dingxi said in a deep voice, "Even if they go out of the city, we can't attack immediately."


"When they first left the city, their fighting spirit didn't completely dissipate." Luo Dingxi said: "If my guess is correct, when they retreat from Qingtang City, their formation will naturally remain very complete and will not be scattered, and they may not be without Watch out for us, so we must not attack while they are out of town."

"What your lord said is very true." A general nodded and said, "They just left the city, and we launched an attack immediately. Even if we win, the loss must be not small."

Luo Dingxi said: "One is enough, then it declines, and three are exhausted. When they first retreated, their morale was high, but as soon as they withdrew for a certain distance and found that we did not launch an attack, their vigilance would naturally weaken. And the farther you retreat, the weaker your morale will be, according to the general's estimate, after [-] miles of withdrawal, their slackness will appear...!" Sitting on the horsewhip, he drew a few pictures on the ground, "Blue Thirty miles north of Tang City, that is the Pingchuan area, the most suitable cavalry assault, so I decided to launch a full-scale attack on them [-] miles north of Qingtang City."

All the generals nodded when they heard the words.

"When the Xiguan army retreated to thirty miles away, our cavalry took the lead in rushing up from behind, launched an assault, and broke up their formation. We had 2 cavalry in our hands, and we put all of them into it. Their soldiers and horses were less than [-] Ten thousand people, five thousand cavalry are enough to make their formation completely messy, and at that time, the left and right wings will rush out and defeat the Xiguan army in one fell swoop."

"My lord, are there our soldiers and horses on the two wings?"

Luo Dingxi smiled and said: "Not yet, I will be dispatched now." He drew a topographical map on the ground continuously, "Their retreat route must be this way, and the area covered by the Xiguan Army must also be this way." This area, here, and here, are their two wings, which are difficult to cover. Li Hu, you lead the headquarters with 5000 troops, set off immediately, turn off the lights, and order everyone to keep quiet, detour to the left wing, and take the lead before the Xiguan army leaves the city. Arrive at the place where the left flank was ambushed. Zhao Bo, you lead your headquarters with 5000 troops, set out at the same time as Li Hu, and lay an ambush on the right flank before the Xiguan army arrives."

The two generals immediately handed over their hands, "The last general obeys the order!"

"Don't delay. Dispatch troops and start now. Remember, you must be quiet along the way, so as not to be noticed by the Xiguan Army." Luo Dingxi said solemnly.

The two immediately said yes, retreated, assembled the soldiers and horses of the headquarters, and followed Luo Dingxi's instructions, and quickly circled around the two wings of Qingtang City.

When the two generals left, Luo Dingxi ordered again: "Song Youde, the cavalry is in your hands. Calculate the time so that when the Xiguan Army arrives at the ambush, your five thousand cavalry have also arrived. It's time to launch an assault on them immediately, I will lead the infantry to cover up and kill them from behind, when the time comes, come out with both wings, attack from three sides, the Xiguan army will definitely be defeated."

The eyes of all the generals flickered, excited.

"Pu Cunrui, lead your headquarters with 4000 troops. After the Xiguan Army withdraws, immediately capture Qingtang City and garrison Qingtang City. If there is no order from the general, you must guard Qingtang tightly."

The general named Pu Cunrui immediately showed disappointment, and couldn't help but said: "Sir, didn't you say that our goal is Koshu City, if the Xiguan Army withdraws from Qingtang, then Qingtang City has no strategic significance, why bother?" Keep people stationed here? The Xiguan Army also has more than 1 people, all of whom have experienced battles. Our army should concentrate all our troops and horses, and defeat them in one go...!"

Luo Dingxi frowned, and said: "I will use troops, don't you understand? When will I throw all the cards in my hand, it will be considered a safe war, and I will leave some soldiers and horses as backup."

Pu Cunrui could only clasp his hands and say: "The humble job takes orders!"

Luo Dingxi dispatched his troops carefully again. The two troops of Li Hu and Zhao Bo had already quietly withdrawn from the main formation. Without any surprise, they divided their wings and quickly advanced to the expected location before the Xiguan army withdrew.

When the assignment was completed, all the generals returned to their own formations. Luo Dingxi looked at Qingtang City in the distance under the shady scene with a stern expression.

As time passed, the Beishan generals were gearing up. Although it was only an hour from Youshi to Shushi, the Beishan generals seemed to have waited for 1000 years.

Luo Dingxi could hold his breath, just after the garrison time, a scout came to report quickly: "Report to your lord, the north gate of Qingtang City has opened, and soldiers and horses have withdrawn from the north gate!"

Luo Dingxi was originally sitting on the ground, but when he heard the words, he stood up suddenly, his eyes flashed cold and stern, and an accompanying general beside him said happily: "Master Zhi, the Xiguan Army has indeed withdrawn. Your lord is really predictable."

Luo Dingxi held the whip and stared at Qingtang City.

"My lord, shall we catch up?"

Luo Dingxi shook his head, and said: "The whole army should not act rashly, there is still time... send the order, and the whole army will prepare on the spot."

After a while, another scout came to report: "Report, the Xiguan Army has withdrawn a large group of troops. They didn't light a torch, and they planned to escape at night."

"Explore again, and see when all the Xiguan Army will withdraw? Also, ask, can the Xiguan Army have any troops left in the city?"

Half an hour later, the scouts reported again: "Report, the Xiguan army has all withdrawn, the north gate has been closed, we climbed the wall and entered the city, the city was silent, there was no soldier on the top of the city, and the gate was unguarded. The people shut their doors tightly."

Luo Dingxi said in a deep voice: "Okay." He ordered: "The whole army should not bring a single torch, and all the torches should stay where they are. Immediately go out into battle, lightly dressed, no one is allowed to make a sound, cavalry and horses, horseshoes wrapped in cloth, and horses' mouths covered, no matter whether it is a man or a horse, but anyone who makes a sound will be killed on the spot!"

The night was gloomy and the cold wind was biting. Under the command of Luo Dingxi, five thousand cavalry and tens of thousands of infantry in Beishan moved slowly to the north like a ghost army in the dark night.

There was already a murderous aura in the air.

In order to be sure, Luo Dingxi sent a large number of scouts to pay attention to the movements of the Xiguan Army in the front and report the situation of the retreating Xiguan Army to the rear at any time.

The Beishan army bypassed both sides of Qingtang City, and the city was silent, deathly silent. Under the shady curtain, the city was like a dead city, with a somewhat gloomy atmosphere.

It had just rained a few times on Qingtang's side two days ago, and the ground was still muddy. Luo Dingxi was at the front of the team, watching the footprints of the Xiguan army's withdrawal everywhere on the road. Although there were many footprints, judging from the traces of the footprints, Xiguan When the army retreated, it still maintained a relatively complete formation, not a mess.

When it was fifteen miles away from Qingtang City, Luo Dingxi was still observing the footprints of the Xiguan Army, but found that the formation of the Xiguan Army had begun to show a slight movement. The signs of a messy shape are already quite obvious. Countless footprints are stacked together, trampling the ground to a muddy state, and there are even many things left behind.

"My lord, there are still ten miles away, which is the ambush site." The general at the side reminded: "Can we send cavalry to charge up and launch an assault?"

Luo Dingxi pondered for a moment, knowing that the cavalry would stop chasing the infantry in a blink of an eye, and the Xiguan army should have retreated to about [-] miles north of Qingtang City. Knowing that the time had come, he said in a deep voice without hesitation: "Command Song Youde, the cavalry Get on your horse, catch up immediately, retreat and completely break up the formation of the Xiguan Army."

Although the cavalry was also quietly pursuing them, the cavalry soldiers were not riding on horseback. Before launching an attack, in order to save the energy of the horses, the cavalry all led their horses on foot.

General Luo Dingxi passed it on, and the long-awaited cavalry troops mounted their horses without hesitation. Song Youde held a saber in his hand, and the cavalry lined up. For a while, tonight is a great opportunity for you to make contributions. In front of you is the retreating Xiguan Army. Come with me and break up their formation. Remember, the first task is not to take their heads, but to completely destroy their formation. Scatter." Raise the saber, "After this battle, Governor Xiao will naturally reward you." Turning the horse's head, swiping the saber, he rushed to the front of the team first, and the [-] cavalry behind him were the real trump card of the Beishan Army , followed behind Song Youde, like a wolf like a tiger, sweeping forward like a huge wave.

These [-] cavalry were the result of Xiao Huanzhang's painstaking effort. They were strong and strong, and they galloped like a tide. This was a thorough surprise attack. With the ferocity of the tide, the horse's sprinting potential was stimulated.

They knew that the Xiguan Army was not far ahead, and the cavalry rushed up, and they could catch up in a blink of an eye. All the cavalry had sabers in their hands. Song Youde said that the main purpose was to break up the enemy's formation, and he didn't want to beheaded for the time being, but Amidst this momentum, during the assault, it is what this group of cavalry would like to see if they could chop off a few heads and show off the prestige of the Beishan cavalry.

Luo Dingxi led tens of thousands of infantry, following closely behind the cavalry, the infantry naturally did not have the speed of the cavalry, all the Beishan infantry, under Luo Dingxi's order, with swords and guns in hand, spread their legs, and galloped like horses.

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