The [-] cavalry led by Song Youde were as energetic as a rainbow and galloping like thunder. In the blink of an eye, they saw the messy figures in front of them. The dense figures were quickly retreating northward in the dark night.

Song Youde's eyes sparkled, of course he knew that the team ahead was naturally the Xiguan Army that had withdrawn from Qingtang City.

Seeing the enemy's figure, the morale of the five thousand cavalry was like a rainbow, as if they saw fleeing sheep. At this moment, they certainly felt that they were tigers devouring the sheep.

The cavalry had already formed their formation. Under such a sudden rush, Song Youde believed that maybe just a surprise attack could completely disperse the Xiguan Army. He held the saber tightly, thinking that the saber would hit the enemy soldier's neck The feeling that he has been excited.

The rumbling cavalry team was getting closer and closer to the enemy ahead.

Suddenly, the horse hissed sadly, Song Youde only felt his body sinking downwards, before he could react, he had already flew out of the horse, and when he flew out, he had already seen the Beishan cavalry following him sprinting. As if seeing a ghost, countless horses stumbled, and countless cavalry flew out of the horses.

The moment Song Youde landed, he was already terrified. He really didn't know why such an accident happened. When he landed hard and looked up, he found that his horse was trampling on a ditch, and the ditch jumped on it. There was a layer of mud, which couldn't be seen at first glance, but the horse stepped on it and immediately sank, and even the horse and man would naturally fall into the mud.

Song Youde soon knew that his luck was considered good. After many cavalry flew out, when they landed, their bodies were still sunken, but they fell into a trap, which was covered with sharpened bamboos, and they fell on it. , the sharp bamboo pierces through the body, it is extremely miserable, there is absolutely no reason to live.

The Beishan cavalry was sprinting in an all-round way, and they were not at all wary that there would be a trap dug here. The cavalry in front fell into the trench one after another, and the cavalry behind continued to come, colliding with their fallen companions. People also screamed. Some cavalry seemed to be lucky. They rushed past their companions, seeming to avoid the traps and trenches, but they rushed straight forward for only ten steps, and countless cavalry turned their backs. Five thousand cavalry were originally The majestic and morale was like a rainbow, but several trenches suddenly appeared, and the thundering cavalry regiment was horrible for a while. In a flash, hundreds of people had fallen into the trap and were stabbed to death by sharp bamboos.

Countless companions turned their backs on their backs in front of them, and the cavalry who had no time to rein in their horses could only follow in the footsteps of their companions. Thousands of cavalry were originally the magic weapon for victory in this battle, just like the tip of a spear and the arrow of an arrow, but all of a sudden, the tip of the spear was broken and the arrow was damaged. It seemed that they wanted to climb up from the trench. Those cavalrymen who fell into the trap were pierced by sharp bamboos. Some of them were not dead for a while, and howled. Countless howls pierced the sky, making the silent night more miserable Terrifying, these voices reached the ears of the companions behind them, and many of them were already pale.

A few unexpected trenches easily killed hundreds of Beishan people. The Beishan cavalry came aggressively, but they had to stop in front of the trench and lost hundreds of cavalry. Not to mention beheading a Xiguan army, it was Even the face of a Xiguan soldier was never seen clearly.

Not far away, the Xiguan army, which was originally a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, had quickly turned around at this time, and the rear team became the front team.

They had already lined up for battle, but they didn't come over immediately. Instead, they kept their formation, and there was a murderous aura in the silence.

Xuanyuan Shengcai held the saber in his hand, and the cavalry came to the front, watching the Beishan cavalry struggling and howling, the cavalry behind did not dare to come forward any more, with indifferent expressions on their faces.

Of course he knew why the scene in front of him happened. In fact, this scene had been planned long ago. Before Chu Huan came to Qingtang and took King Qi away, he had already made careful arrangements for this battle. .

Chu Huan finally reached an agreement with Beishan on the face of it, agreeing to withdraw troops from Liangzihe, and when the Beishan army hits Qingtang City, the Xiguan army will continue to withdraw troops and jointly lure Zhu Lingyue out.

Chu Huan [-]% suspected that Xiao Huanzhang had ulterior motives, but he still gave Xiao Huanzhang a [-]% chance.

If the Beishan Army had reached Qingtang City and the Xiguan Army withdrew, but the Beishan Army had not pursued but stayed in Qingtang, then Xiao Huanzhang might really have joined hands with Xiguan to deal with Tianshan.

But as long as Xiao Huanzhang pursued the retreating Xiguan Army from behind, his sinister intentions would naturally be revealed.

Undoubtedly, unless Xiao Huanzhang really wanted to form an alliance with Xiguan, he would never let go of such a great opportunity to defeat the main force on the southern line of Xiguan.

Chu Huan even expected that if the Beishan army wanted to pursue the Xiguan army, they would definitely use his ace cavalry to take the lead in attacking the Xiguan army, causing the Xiguan army to fall into chaos, and then the Beishan infantry would take advantage of the situation to attack.

Regardless of Xiao Huanzhang's intentions, Xiguan must plan for the worst.

Once the Beishan army really pursues from behind, the biggest threat to the Xiguan army is still these thousands of cavalry. From Qingtang City to Jiazhou City, the distance of nearly a hundred miles is almost a flat river. In such a terrain, cavalry The power of the army is of course astonishing. If there is no way to deal with it, the threat of the Beishan cavalry to the Xiguan army will be fatal.

Chu Huan, Xuanyuan Shengcai and others studied for many days, and finally calculated that even if the Beishan Army pursued, they would not launch an attack immediately after the Xiguan Army withdrew from the city. Although the road from Qingtang to Jiazhou City is almost smooth, But if we say that the best place to attack is thirty miles north of Qingtang City, there is no barrier here, and it is most suitable for cavalry to attack.

Although it is predicted that the Beishan Army will launch an attack here, Xiguan cannot be sure whether Beishan is really the case, and it can only be a risky gamble.

The Xiguan Army did not have any effective weapons to deal with the cavalry. Sometimes the simplest method was the most effective method. Once the enemy pursued them, they would naturally charge forward bravely. Might work wonders.

But digging trenches, once too much action is taken and the enemy finds out, then it will be useless, and Chu Huan is very clear that although the Beishan Army did not enter the Xiguan territory in a large scale, there must be spies from Beishan watching near Qingtang City The movement of Qingtang City, digging a trench to the north of Qingtang City, must avoid the eyes and ears of the opponent.

Fortunately, this is not a difficult problem to solve.

On the Qingtang City side, it is natural not to act rashly, but if soldiers and horses go out of the city, they will be easily detected by the other side. Fortunately, there are more than 1000 garrisons left in Jiazhou City, so Xuanyuan Sheng secretly mobilized [-] soldiers from Jiazhou City , dressed up in disguise, and hid in a village not more than ten miles away from the excavation site. .

After Chu Huan left from Qingtang, these three hundred soldiers would bring digging tools and rush here quietly every night. When the night was dark and the wind was high, they would dig trenches here. Staggered, after all, if all the trenches are dug out, when the Xiguan Army withdraws, it will cause trouble for its own troops. There will be a part of the space between the two trenches, which will not be excavated, and people can pass through. Soldiers who dig the trenches Naturally, marks will be made to indicate where you can pass.

Five trenches were dug in a row, well arranged, traps were set up, and soil was spread on them to cover them up.

The Beishan Army launched an attack tonight. Some people fell into the trenches, but some people could pass through the side. It is precisely because the trenches are not thorough, but section by section, but passing through the first line may not necessarily pass through the second line. Passing through the second line, The third, fourth, and even fifth roads lay ahead, and the Beishan army came here in high spirits, full of murderous aura. Naturally, they didn't expect that the preparations were already made here, just waiting for them to rush over.

The Beishan cavalry were dumbfounded, Song Youde fell from his horse, and heard wailing all around, struggling to get up, suddenly heard the sound of "whoosh, whoosh, whoosh", but a group of archers from the Xiguan army on the opposite side had come out, bowed their bows Arrows, arrows rained down. Some of the soldiers trapped in the trenches escaped the disaster of the trenches, but they couldn't escape the bad luck of the arrows. Song Youde swung a knife to resist, but the arrows of the Xiguan Army rained down like rain, "Puff puff puff" several times in a row There was a sound, and in just a moment, Song Youde was hit by more than ten arrows, several arrows hit the vital point, he knelt down with his legs, looked at the black shadow like a ghost in front of him, lowered his head slumped, and died.

The most horrified person at this time was Luo Dingxi.

The cavalry charged forward, while Luo Dingxi led the infantry to catch up from behind. Tens of thousands of infantry were ready, and when the cavalry rushed over to disrupt the opponent's formation, they charged forward and joined forces with the cavalry to defeat the Xiguan army. The development was completely beyond his expectation. He watched the cavalry in front of him sprint bravely, but in a short while, he heard a series of mournful howls, the sad hiss of the horses and the howls of the soldiers. After a while, they knew that something had changed, and then saw that the formation of the cavalry was completely chaotic, and some of the cavalry even turned their horses and wanted to run back.

He galloped forward, rushed past the cavalry formation, and saw the horrified scene in front of him. Four or five hundred cavalry, men and horses, were trapped in the trench, and then the Xiguan Army was raining arrows, approaching the trench trap. The cavalry retreated one after another, but the cavalry and horses in the trap now had few survivors in the rain of arrows, and it completely turned into a massacre of archers against cavalry.

He looked across and saw Xiguan Army archers shooting arrows in front of them, while figures behind them were moving. He knew in his heart that the Xiguan Army was forming a formation, and when the archers retreated, the infantry might come to kill them.

He clenched his fists, and the Beishan Army, which had a huge advantage, was now in a very serious situation.

It should be noted that the individual combat experience of the Beishan Army is weaker than that of the Xiguan Army. Although the Beishan Army now has an advantage in terms of strength, and the cavalry has not suffered complete heavy losses, it is impossible to retreat at this time. At this time, they turned around and retreated towards Qingtang City. The Xiguan Army was chasing after them, and the Beishan Army was bound to face a complete defeat. At this moment, the two sides could only carry out a decisive battle.

Although the cavalry is an extremely powerful unit, if there is not enough space to sprint, it will not be able to display the characteristics of the cavalry. Now that the trench is in front, and the Xiguan Army has not given the cavalry any space to sprint, the power of the cavalry has been reduced to a minimum. degree.

At this moment, he only thinks about the ambush soldiers on the left and right wings. If there is no accident, the ambush soldiers on the two wings should have arrived at the designated location. The movement on the side, since the movement has been made, the two wings will naturally rush out from the left and right. As long as the ambush soldiers on the two wings come out, then the side will organize a frontal attack. Under the attack from three sides, there is still a [-]% certainty that the Xiguan army will be defeated.

But at the moment there was no movement on the two wings, Luo Dingxi did not dare to advance lightly, and he did not dare to retreat, it was really a dilemma.

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ps: I will leave for Hefei tomorrow morning. There may be a lot of things during the day, but after finishing the work, I will definitely update the code when I arrive at the hotel. There will be an update tomorrow, and it will be later. Let me tell you here first, and forgive me.

Please also ask for a monthly ticket, and thank you brothers and sisters who voted for monthly tickets these days, and thank you good friends who have given rewards!

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