National color raw owl

Chapter 1427 Palace

The emperor returned to Juxian Nave, full of evil fire in his heart. As Feng Yuanpo's puppet, he stayed in the nave day and night, claiming that the emperor was practicing in the nave, but the emperor knew that he was just a The bird that was only locked in a cage by Feng Yuanpo, although well-clothed and well-fed, has no other freedom.

After the emperor moved into the Immortal Palace, Feng Yuanpo also wanted to place his own manpower in the Immortal Palace, but the palace maids and eunuchs brought by the emperor this time were enough, and Feng Yuanpo had no reason to easily place his own staff in the Immortal Palace. People, finally with the help of Empress Snow Flower, slandered the eunuch in charge, Shui Lian, for not doing well, and drove him out from the fairy palace, and then promoted a new eunuch in charge. This eunuch in charge was placed next to the false emperor, and became It became the eyeliner to monitor the false emperor.

The fake emperor has nothing to do in this hall every day, the so-called fullness of warmth and lust, after a long time, I think that the east hall is a dignified and elegant queen, while the west hall is a charming and beautiful Snow Flower Empress, and the middle hall is because of cultivating Taoism in name , Not even a maid of honor stayed, how could the false emperor endure it.

He knew that the new eunuch in charge was Feng Yuanpo's eyeliner, but he didn't know that the biggest eyeliner was Empress Xuehua. For the benefit of the emperor, he seems to be loyal, but in fact he has been following the false emperor to monitor him.

The false emperor knew that if he wanted to go out, he had to get rid of the eunuch in charge first, after much deliberation, he came up with a way, using an excuse to say that the eunuch in charge was loyal, so he gave a large jar of imperial wine and ordered the eunuch in charge to kill him in public. After drinking a jar of wine, the eunuch in charge couldn't resist and disobeyed the order. After drinking half of the jar, he was already unconscious. The false emperor immediately ordered the eunuch in charge to be carried down. They couldn't even wake up, so they took the opportunity to leave the nave, and the first choice was to go to Empress Linxing first.

But he never imagined that good things would come true, and Xuanyuan Shao, who had no eyesight, suddenly appeared, babbling for a long time, and even invited a group of officials to come to see him, the fake emperor was naturally flustered, Feng Yuanpo was that I have repeatedly instructed that without his order, the fake emperor would only refuse to see any of his officials in the name of cultivating the Tao. If Xuanyuan Shao really wanted to call those officials over, he would sneak out of the nave to blaspheme the queen. If exposed, the consequences would be disastrous.

The false emperor had no choice but to take the elixir and hurried back to Juxian Zhongdian. Fortunately, the eunuch in charge was still asleep, and the others naturally did not dare to talk too much, so they felt at ease.

Bored and lazy, lying on the couch thinking about how to get close to the queen next time, the lazy and beautiful shadow of the queen circled in his mind, he suddenly heard hurried footsteps coming from outside, and soon, someone was outside. Report: "Report to Your Majesty, An Guogong seeks an audience!"

The false emperor was thinking about the queen's beauty and grace, and when he heard the report, he was almost out of his wits, and immediately climbed down from the couch, and said anxiously: "Quick... Hurry up...!"

When Feng Yuanpo entered the room, he still had an expression of awe, bowed his body, and looked respectful. After the false emperor signaled the eunuchs to retreat and closed the door, Feng Yuanpo straightened up instantly, but the false emperor dared not He went up and bowed immediately, just because behind Feng Yuanpo, there were actually two elders in long gowns and cloth caps. He knew that his identity was a big secret. He had never met these two people before, so he didn't dare reveal their identity.

"Where did your Majesty go today?" Feng Yuanpo didn't hesitate, and cut to the chase.

The false emperor's body trembled, seeing Feng Yuanpo's sharp eyes, and even faint killing intent, the false emperor panicked, and hurriedly said: "Mr. Zhong, you... why are you here? Zhen... I didn't go anywhere today ...!"

"Oh?" Feng Yuanpo sneered, stepped forward slowly, stared into the eyes of the fake emperor, and said with a sneer, "Are you really staying here?"

The fake emperor knew that since Feng Yuanpo asked such a question, he must have known something, and he had just returned from the East Hall of Immortals, and it hadn't been too long since Feng Yuanpo came here, so it might not be a coincidence.

"Mr. Zhongguo, I... I just remembered. Just... I went to visit the queen just now." Cold sweat broke out on the false emperor's forehead, and he hurriedly explained: "I heard that the queen is not in good health recently, I... I just went to visit Just a moment, lest... lest others say that I am unkind."

"So that's it." Feng Yuanpo showed a slight smile. Seeing Feng Yuanpo's smile, the fake emperor heaved a sigh of relief. It's a matter of course, and it would be strange not to visit. It seems that my excuse is reasonable.

"Mr. Zhongguo, who are these two?" The false emperor saw that the two elders who followed Feng Yuanpo were standing with their hands down, not saying a word. What was even more strange was that the two men had a pair of hands hanging on their shoulders. The boxes, at first glance, seem to be those doctors who are hanging pots to help the world.

"I heard that the holy dragon was ill, and the imperial doctor was helpless, so I specially found two doctors from Hexi." Feng Yuanpo said calmly, "These two people are from the Xinglin family in Hexi, and they have superb medical skills. Cure, if you invite these two people over today, you will definitely be able to get rid of the root of the disease, and you don’t have to worry about it anymore.”

The false emperor was taken aback, and couldn't help asking: "Loyalty... Zhong Guogong, but I don't know what's wrong with me?"

If it were someone else, it would be very surprising, the sick person didn't know what kind of disease he was, but the two Xinglin masters didn't change their faces, calm and composed.

"Please lie down." Feng Yuanpo pointed to the soft couch, "The two doctors are going to treat His Majesty now."

The fake emperor wanted to ask again, but seeing Feng Yuanpo's expression became serious again, he didn't dare to ask more, took off his coat and lay down, Feng Yuanpo looked back at the two doctors, nodded slightly, the two men Without saying much, he stepped forward, put down the medicine box, and one person actually took out a rope from the medicine box. The fake emperor became more and more surprised when he saw it. Don't move around, everything will be handled by these two doctors."

These two men are agile, although they are both over fifty years old, but they are shrewd and capable. The false emperor stared wide-eyed, watching the two doctors stretch his limbs apart and tie him up, looking at the posture, he fell like a five-horse corpse, fortunately The other end of the rope was only tied to the bed, and no horses appeared. Even so, an ominous premonition had struck the false emperor's heart.

After the limbs were tied, the doctor tied the false emperor's mouth with a rope, and there was a wooden ball in his mouth. The false emperor could only "woo woo woo" and could not make other sounds.

He looked at Feng Yuanpo, not only panic but also doubts in his eyes. Feng Yuanpo just looked at the fake emperor expressionlessly. When a doctor took out a sharp knife, the fake emperor's face had turned pale and he was struggling , but his limbs were tied tightly, he couldn't move, and he could only make a low "woo hoo" sound, which couldn't even reach the door.

Feng Yuanpo finally walked to the side of the fake emperor, put his hands behind his back, bent down, and leaned close to the ear of the fake emperor, and said lightly: "How did the governor tell you, you seem to have forgotten it, then the governor will repeat it again, the governor I told you, stay here, rich clothes, fine food, all you can enjoy, the only thing is that you can’t get close to women, not to mention the empress, even ordinary court ladies, you can’t take a second look, you still remember the words of the governor ?”

The fake emperor nodded vigorously, Feng Yuanpo sneered and said: "Since I remember, why did you go to the queen? Go to visit? You not only disobeyed my orders, but also slandered my wisdom. Is it true that I am in your eyes? Just your servants?"

The fake emperor's hands and feet were cold, and at this moment he saw those two people pulling down his pants.

"The governor thought about it, but I can't blame you for everything." Feng Yuanpo said slowly: "You are also a body of flesh and blood. It's human nature to look at a woman." Leaning close to the false emperor's ear, he said softly, "After much deliberation, there is only one way to stop your thoughts, lest you cause big trouble...!"

Speaking of this, and the fact that the two doctors had already started making preparations below, the fake emperor finally understood Feng Yuanpo's thoughts, his pupils constricted, and he was terrified.

Feng Yuanpo stood up, said nothing more, turned around, turned his back to the false emperor, and put his hands behind his back. Soon there was a low-pitched roar from behind, but Feng Yuanpo stood firm as a rock. Do not move.

As expected of a soldier, he stood upright and didn't move for a long time, his body didn't even sway. After an unknown amount of time, a voice came from behind: "Your Excellency, it's ready, and the medicine has been applied to the wound." , as long as you recuperate for a month, there will be no problem."

Feng Yuanpo finally turned around and saw that the false emperor's trousers had been put on, and the blood-stained scarves and silk gauze had all been tidied up, but the false emperor had obviously passed out.

"Well done." Feng Yuan said: "Back to Wuping, the governor will reward you a lot." He walked slowly to the side of the bed, staring at the fake emperor who passed out, and after a long time, the fake emperor Finally woke up slightly, Feng Yuanpo said softly: "This is the solution once and for all." Leaning closer, he whispered: "Don't forget what you are, your three children, six grandchildren, and Your son-in-law and daughter-in-law, add up to more than ten people, they are now eating hot food, drinking spicy food, and living a very good life, all this is thanks to you, if you do things well according to the governor, one day, your It’s not a problem for those descendants to become officials and nobles, I just hope you remember them, you can make them eat well, drink hot food, and eat well, but you can also destroy them in an instant.”

The false emperor's eyes were full of pain, but he still nodded. Feng Yuanpo reached out and touched the false emperor's forehead, and said with a smile: "Then take a good rest, I will send someone to take care of you every day, of course, during these times Day, of course you can’t see anyone, when you can get up, the governor wants you to summon a group of ministers, there is one thing to do.” Stretching out his hand to untie the rope that tied the fake emperor’s mouth, the fake emperor’s voice trembled and said in pain: “ The villain...the villain must listen to the governor, the villain...the villain is the governor's...the governor's dog, whatever you ask me, I...I will do it!"

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