Luo Dingxi was waiting for Chu Huan to go to war, but Chu Huan was waiting for the opinions of the officials in Xiguan.

Marquis Gan's Northwest Army has already deployed in Fuguiling, and according to the newly obtained military report, Zhu Lingyue of Tianshan finally dispatched troops and entered the territory of Xiguan. , to contain the Langwazi's troops stationed on Calabash Mountain, and the main force of its army drove straight in.

The officials of Shuoquan were all summoned to the governor's mansion, and there was a crowd, and no one spoke.

Chu Huan glanced at everyone, cleared his throat, and finally said: "Everyone knows the situation facing Xiguan, and I came here today to discuss with you. What should I do next in Xiguan?"

Gongsun Chu, the magistrate of Yuezhou, glanced at Chu Huan, but did not speak immediately. Han Hai, the director of the Ministry of Industry, was the first to say: "Chu Du, Zhu Lingyue has sent troops to Xiguan, and we have no choice but to go with Zhu Lingyue." life or death."

"Is what Master Han said is everyone's opinion?" Chu Huan glanced at the crowd, "There are some things that I have to say clearly first. Zhu Lingyue and Ganhou have two troops with more than [-] troops. I have all the troops in Xiguan. Not even half of them. In addition, Zhu Lingyue mobilized all of his [-] Black Wind Cavalry. The combat power of the Black Wind Cavalry, the Governor does not need to go into details. It's not that big...!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and someone had already approached and whispered.

"The current situation is nothing more than two paths, either war or peace." Chu Huan said slowly: "Whether it is war or peace, the Governor cannot be arbitrary. We need to discuss it together. Everyone can express their opinions."

After a moment of silence, an official finally said cautiously: "Chu Du, what you said is indeed reasonable. If it's just Zhu Lingyue, I in Xiguan might as well give it a try, but... now Zhu Lingyue has colluded with Marquis Gan and went out together. , we hardly have any chances of winning in Xiguan...!" After a pause, he said softly: "When the war breaks out, people will be killed and injured, and when the time comes...!" But he didn't continue.

As soon as this person spoke, several people nodded slightly, but most of them remained calm.

"Chu Du, even if you want to make peace, you can't just make peace." Another official couldn't help but said: "Let's send someone to Zhu Lingyue and have a good talk with him first. If the conditions are too harsh, we can't just make peace easily." promise."

"That's right, we need to negotiate terms with them." Someone immediately echoed, "We can't just say what they say. We still have tens of thousands of soldiers and horses. Even if we negotiate a peace, it can't be an alliance under the city."

Immediately, some people in the hall were whispering and discussing.

Chu Huan sat on the chair with a calm expression, scanning the crowd, but was not in a hurry to speak.

"Chu Governor, it's actually war or peace, there's no need to discuss it." Gongsun Chu was silent for a moment, and finally said: "Zhu Lingyue is ambitious, and everyone knows that he has always wanted to dominate the Northwest and be a veritable king of the Northwest." In the final analysis, he is a rebel with great ambitions. Now that we are colluding with Ganhou and intending to annex Xiguan, we naturally have no reason to surrender without a fight. War and peace, we only want the result. With Zhu Lingyue as a person, if we do not fight However, if he is allowed to fight without bloodshed, the land equalization order that Xiguan just implemented will soon be abolished. Xiguan has finally embarked on a road to rest with the people, and it will be destroyed in the blink of an eye. This is not beneficial to the people. Glancing at the officials present, he said slowly: "As for us, I think you should still remember that Zhu Lingyun promoted his confidant Dongfang Xin to the position of General Pingxi and used Dongfang Xin to control Xiguan. Remember how Dongfangxin treated us?"

The crowd fell silent for a moment, and the expressions on the faces of many people instantly became dignified.

"Zhu Lingyue has always been a nepotism, and what he did in Xiguan back then can be seen." Gongsun Chu said indifferently: "If Zhu Lingyue surrenders this time without a fight and Xiguan is swallowed up by Zhu Lingyue, do you think you can still keep your current future? Zhu Lingyue has a large group of people who want to be promoted to the ranks, they follow Zhu Lingyue to rebel, what is their purpose?"

Everyone immediately frowned.

Everyone here is not a fool, after Gongsun Chu said a few words, they immediately realized an important issue, that is their own future.

It is obvious to all that Zhu Lingyue appoints cronies. He guards the Tianshan Mountain, and almost all of his cronies are from the Tianshan family. Once Zhu Lingyue occupies Xiguan, there is no doubt that the entire Xiguan will soon be full of Zhu Lingyue's people.

Originally, some officials were still thinking that Zhu Lingyue was too powerful, and if he fought recklessly, it would be better to negotiate peace.

But after Gongsun Chu said a few words, everyone knew that when Dongfangxin controlled Xiguan, it wanted to exclude dissidents. If Zhu Lingyue took control of Xiguan himself, none of the Xiguan officials present would end well. .

Negotiating a peace agreement will never end well. If you fight to the death, although the possibility of winning is very small, you still have a chance of survival after all.

After a period of silence, someone finally said loudly: "Chu Du, what Master Gongsun said is very true. The land equalization order is being implemented, and the people are rejoicing. This is a great cause for the benefit of the country and the people. Zhu Lingyue wants to annex the land for his own ambition. Xiguan, the Land Equalization Order will inevitably suffer serious damage, for the sake of the people of Xiguan, this battle is also imperative!"

"Exactly!" Someone stood up and said loudly: "Chu Du, the officials are willing to live and die with Chu Du, and swear to defend Xiguan to the death, and never let Tianshan cavalry trample on my Xiguan!"

Everyone was filled with righteous indignation at this time, and expressed that they would never back down in this battle with Tianshan.

At this moment, Chu Huan finally raised his hand, stood up slowly, glanced at everyone, and asked, "Do you all mean this? Does anyone still want to negotiate peace with Tianshan?"

Everyone looked at each other, but no one spoke.

"Okay!" Chu Huan clenched his fists, "The governor is still hesitating, but everyone is so determined to fight, so the governor can only do good. Since everyone doesn't want to give in, he is determined to protect the people of Xiguan, and Zhu Lingyue will fight to the death, so the governor naturally has no reason to back down." He paused, his voice was low, and he said slowly: "Our Xiguan officials are clean and the people live in peace. Zhu Zhi, from today onwards, Xiguan and Zhu Lingyue are at odds with each other... This governor's order, from now on, Xiguan and Tianshan will enter a state of full-scale war, Xiguan will fight against the enemy, unite as one, and suppress the rebels...!" He suddenly pulled up He took out the blood saber from his waist, "From now on, the battle with Tianshan will never stop, but someone will bring up peace talks...!" The knife flashed, and after the knife flashed, the corner of the table was chopped off Together, his voice was also abnormally cold: "Whoever seeks peace, take this as a warning!"



The spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, which is a good time, but Shuoquan's army is already gold and iron horses, well-armored, and ready to go out.

Zhu Lingyue's wolfish ambition and open rebellion, everyone will be punished, Chu Huan, governor of Xiguan, ordered all the soldiers and civilians of Xiguan to unite as one, occupy the bandits, and Chu Huan personally led Shuoquan troops to help Hezhou.

There was no fighting on the southern front. Xuanyuan Shengcai led [-] soldiers to garrison Jinzhou, and another [-] soldiers were dispatched to settle in the three counties obtained from Beishan.

Chu Huan had already mobilized a large number of troops from Jinzhou to help Hezhou. Hezhou now has nearly 2 troops, but facing the [-] coalition forces of Marquis Gan and Zhu Lingyue, [-] troops are not enough to withstand the coalition forces.

Chu Huan could only personally mention Shuoquan soldiers and horses, and went to reinforce them. Shuoquan had more than 1 soldiers and horses. Chu Huan left 2000 troops to guard Shuoquan City, and the remaining 1 people rushed to Hezhou.

The dawn is fading, the red sun is rising, and the warm morning light falls on the cold iron armor with a faint cold light. Under the sun, there are many soldiers with spears like clouds.

Shuoquan soldiers and horses gathered and set off from the imperial guard barracks outside the city. At this time, tens of thousands of soldiers and horses were already ready to go.

Under the sunlight, the faces of the soldiers and generals were all resolute, and countless gazes were focused on one man, who was riding a fiery red horse and wearing a brown wolf armor and helmet, standing in the morning breeze. Among them, mountains are like mountains.

Chu Huan was on the horse, and the ear protectors of his helmet almost covered half of his face, but they couldn't block his radiant eyes. Facing the neatly lined up Xiguan soldiers, there was a clang, clearer and louder, like the sound of a phoenix , such as dragon chant.

The whole army was awe-inspiring, and there was no sound. The morning wind blew, and the blowing battle flags whirred, boosting Shengwei. The sound was like a bell, and the whole army could hear it.

"Today's expedition is only for the folks of Xiguan, this battle must be won!" Chu Huan raised his saber high and said sharply: "Xiguan must win!"

The entire army heard Chu Huan's solemn shout, but their hearts were agitated for a moment. All the soldiers drew their swords in their hands, pointed them at the sky, and shouted in unison: "Xiguan must win, Xiguan must win...!"

The light of the sword was bleak and cold, and the light shone on the cold sword. For a moment, the sky and the earth were filled with dazzling bright colors, making it hard to tell whether it was the sun or the cold sword.

"This time, the whole army will take me as the banner!" Chu Huan once again shouted loudly: "This governor is like entering, if someone retreats, there will be no mercy for killing, if this governor abandons everyone and retreats, everyone can kill them !"

The soldiers were all taken aback.

Chu Huan didn't say much, sheathed the knife, raised his arm, "Let's go!"

With two simple words and powerful force, the generals of the whole army immediately passed it on one after another. There are more than ten thousand troops, and there is only one voice at this time.


The voice was loud and clear, the three armies were in order, without any confusion, the sound of footsteps sounded, the vanguard went first, the horseshoes rumbled, the front army set off, and the soldiers, one after another, moved in orderly and firm steps towards the west, like a long dragon.

The team was well-arranged, not in a hurry, spreading to the west, and the people in the distance were watching from afar. It was already rumored that Zhu Lingyue rebelled and wanted to kill Xiguan. , full of expectations for the future, Zhu Lingyue's sudden attack made the people of Xiguan angry. Now, in order to protect the interests of the people of Xiguan, the Governor leads troops to meet the enemy. All the people are praying to God in their hearts. I hope that in this battle, Xiguan Erlang can return triumphantly.

Chu Huan rode on the horse and looked at the marching army with a dignified expression. He didn't know how many people would come back alive after this trip.

The army was like a dragon, firm, dignified, and without hesitation, Chu Huan urged the horse to go, staring at the distant mountains, clouds, and the Gobi Gobi. For some reason, there was a rush of blood in his heart.

He turned his head, and under the sunlight, Shuoquan City stood majestically. There were his family and relatives in the city. Before he left, he did not bid farewell to his wives at home, because he knew that the more he talked, the more difficult he would be to let go. This time of conquest and killing, he was close to death, no matter what the outcome was, this was the path he had to take.

A man should walk firmly on the path he should take, even if the thorns are like a forest, but he should not hesitate.

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