National color raw owl

Chapter 1459 The Pack of Wolves

At noon, when the sun was shining in the sky, Luo Dingxi finally passed down the military order, ordering the whole army to set off. The first person to enter the Eagle's Nest Stream was Ci Xiu, Luo Dingxi's confidant.

Cixiu was in armor, with a saber and a whip in his hand, and led the way. Behind him, nearly four thousand cavalrymen followed one after another and entered the narrow passage like a sheep's intestines. In this situation, all the cavalry had nothing on their bodies except a saber.

Because this road has been cleared of obstacles in advance, although it is narrow, the passage is very smooth. These four thousand cavalry were carefully selected by Luo Dingxi, and their military discipline is quite good.

I just know that so far, these thousands of soldiers and horses don't know the real purpose of this trip. The above is just a military order. Because of the defeat in the Koshu War, the Beishan Army must be strengthened, especially the Beishan cavalry. The trump card needs more rigorous training. Few of the cavalry know that there is such a passage in Longshan. Since the order from above is to be trained, it is natural to obey the order.

After repeated discussions between Luo Dingxi and Cixiu, although the narrow passage has been cleared, it can only accommodate a single rider passing by. This also shows that if the first person arrives at the exit, the last cavalry may even pass by. If they didn't enter the narrow passage, if they waited until dark to exit the mountain stream, then even in the middle of the night, all these thousands of people would not be able to go out.

Luo Dingxi wanted two things in this raid, one was secrecy, and the other was speed. The secret work has been done very comprehensively now. If he wants to be fast, there should be no delay. He must rush to Shuoquan City overnight to initiate Raid.

After deliberation, it was finally decided that when the soldiers and horses in front arrived at the exit, they would send out a few cavalry to check the surroundings. If it was confirmed that there were no traces of people, the cavalry would walk out of the ravine one by one and hide in the forest.

Ridge Mountain is the junction of Xiguan and Beishan. To the south of Ridge Mountain is Beishan, and to the north is Xiguan. This mountain has always been an insurmountable curse.

The ridge mountain area in Xiguan is also densely shaded, enough to hide soldiers and horses on the mountain.

Cixiu walked through the twenty-mile-long Eagle's Nest narrow road. Although he walked very carefully, it only took him more than an hour. He was the first to reach the mouth of the ravine. It is enough to ride two rides together, but just in case, the dead vines at the exit were not completely removed, but left there as a cover.

Cixiu pulled his horse aside and signaled the cavalry behind to go forward and remove the dead vines and weeds, but the dead vines and weeds were only fifty or sixty paces away. The soldiers in front cut off the weeds and threw them to the back, while the soldiers in the back came to pick them up, cleaned them up and spread them on the ground.

The soldiers who cleared the obstacles were all prepared in advance. The sabers they wore were extremely sharp. Although the ancient vines were hard, cutting them down with the saber was like cutting tofu with a knife. It was very easy to clean up. It didn't take too long. The stream was actually very dark. As we walked forward, the eyes gradually brightened up. When the last weeds were cleared and the sunlight was fully projected in, the soldiers seemed to have walked out of the gate of hell. Come out and take a deep breath.

Cixiu had already galloped forward with a serious expression. He walked to the mouth of the stream and looked forward. There was a flat river in front of him. As an ordinary person, go out on horseback to inquire about the situation first, and ride out on a flying horse a few times to inquire about the front and left and right sides.

They didn't go out of the ravine, so the cavalry in the narrow passage behind could only stop, one after another. The narrow passage was dark and oppressive, and the stone walls on both sides gave people an extremely oppressive feeling. I'm not used to it, I just hope to go ahead quickly and get out of this damn narrow road earlier.

Not long after, the sent cavalry came back one after another. The distance they searched was within ten miles. The soldiers who went to the front and the right said that they saw no trace of people, but the soldiers who came back from the left told them that they were less than ten miles away. There, I saw five or six men dressed like hunters preparing to go up the mountain, as if they were going to hunt in the mountain.

Cixiu didn't hesitate, and immediately dispatched a small group of cavalry, but a small group of ten, ordered them to quickly deal with the hunters, and then ordered other soldiers to go out of the ravine, and then quickly entered the mountain forest to hide. When the whole army came out, Do it again.

The cavalry came out of the ravine one by one, and then quickly separated to the two sides, turned around and went up the mountain to hide. If they sent out to deal with the hunters, they would come back soon and report that they had found those hunters and killed them all. , buried the body.

After the sky gradually darkened, the mountain was full of Beishan cavalry hiding in it, and Luo Dingxi, who was behind, finally came out of the ravine. Cixiu reported the situation, including the situation of the hunters. Luo Dingxi praised Cixiu for his decisiveness in killing and attacking, and looked at the sky. The afterglow of the setting sun was still in the sky, and he sent an order to let the soldiers eat the dry food they carried with them, rest for a while, wait for the military order, and set off at any time.

At the time of You, the sky was completely dark and the land was peaceful. Luo Dingxi issued a military order again, ordering all the cavalry to tie their horseshoes with cotton cloth so as not to make any noise while running. By this time, the cavalry had already sensed the situation. Something is wrong, and many people have already understood that this time is obviously not an easy military training.

When a cold crescent moon rose from the sky, Luo Dingxi finally ordered the whole army to go down the mountain.

The Beishan cavalry came down the mountain and assembled at the foot of the mountain. There was no sound, and the horses were covered with their mouths, and they couldn't make any movement. They could only kick their hooves uneasily.

Holding the saber in his hand, Luo Dingxi galloped back and forth in front of the formation, then reined in the horses right in front of the team, and said loudly: "Boys of Beishan, tonight, I was going to take you to do something that can shine in the annals of history." Big thing, you are the warriors who will be carefully selected, and only you are qualified to complete this operation!"

He was full of spirit and his voice was rough. With the help of the night wind, his voice spread, and most of the soldiers could hear what Luo Dingxi said.

All the cavalry looked at each other, puzzled.

"In the battle of Jiazhou, countless of our brothers died on the battlefield. This is what I hate in my heart." Luo Dingxi looked solemn, "Many of the brothers who died in the battle have followed the general for many years. They died in the battlefield, and the general will feel distressed. Like a knife, the reputation of my Beishan Army was almost lost in that battle, so I will take you back to our dignity and avenge our brothers who died in the battle!"

After Luo Dingxi said these few words, even the stupidest soldier finally understood that this operation was really not some special training, but a special operation against Xiguan.

"After we set off, we will rush across the night to take Xiguan Shuoquan City and take Xiguanfu City in one fell swoop." Luo Dingxi's black armor shone coldly under the moonlight at night, "Shuoquan City now has less than two The thousands of defenders are weak, and this general can tell you now that he has already spent a lot of money to buy the internal response in Shuoquan City. As soon as we reach the city gate, the city gate will be opened, and the brothers can rush into the city."

Cixiu was originally behind Luo Dingxi, but at this time he urged his horse forward and said loudly: "This raid is of great importance, and it is also related to the future of the brothers. The general said that as long as Shuoquan City is captured, every brother will be punished." There are many rewards, and when Shuoquan City is under control, as long as the brothers like women, they can keep them for themselves!"

When the cavalry heard this, their eyes flickered.

A soldier couldn't help asking: "General, although we have 4000 people, Shuoquan City is the capital of Xiguan. Leaving aside the defenders in the city, if Shuoquan City is really captured, will the officers and soldiers of other ministries in Xiguan come to the rescue?" ? At that time, we will not have enough soldiers and horses, I am afraid it will be difficult to resist!"

"Good question." Luo Dingxi smiled and said, "I will tell you that the main force of the Xiguan Army has been transferred to Hezhou, where they are fighting fiercely with Zhu Lingyue's Tianshan Army, not only most of Shuoquan's defenders have been transferred. , even the troops of Xuanyuan Shengcai in Jiazhou have been transferred, and there are not many left. After we take Shuoquan City tonight, the Beishan Army stationed in Qingzhou will immediately send troops to regain it and it will be taken by the Xiguan people after receiving the order from this general. The three counties of Qingzhou will then drive straight in and attack Kozhou. Behind us, the main infantry force of our Beishan Army is coming. We only need to defend Shuoquan City for one day, and the reinforcements will arrive later, and then we can Completely control Shuoquan."

At first, the cavalrymen were still a little nervous. After all, in the Battle of Koshu, the Beishan Army was really beaten by the Xiguan Army. The fear of the Xiguan Army has left a shadow until now. Taking advantage of his unpreparedness to launch a surprise attack, the cavalrymen were still a little nervous.

But after Luo Dingxi said these words, everyone knew that Luo Dingxi had already made arrangements, and immediately relaxed.

"Now I will issue a military order. After capturing Shuoquan and controlling the garrison of Shuoquan, our troops will be divided into several small teams." Luo Dingxi said solemnly: "General Zheng Huai and Zheng Wei will lead [-] troops to block the north gate. , Yang Kaihe led [-] soldiers to block the east gate, An Sheng led [-] soldiers to block the west gate, Wu Kuan led [-] soldiers to block the south gate, after you control the four city gates, close the city gates, and the main infantry behind you Before arriving, no one is allowed to leave the city, and no one is allowed to enter the city, but anyone who dares to approach the city gate will be killed without mercy!"

The four generals came out together, cupped their hands and said: "The last general obeys!"

"Cixiu, Song Anlu, Yao Yun, Cheng Yihuai, the four of you each lead 300 troops, and immediately go to control the Su, Qian, Fu, and Hong families in the city. You must control the heads of these four families. Of course, don't They lost their manners." Luo Dingxi looked coldly, "But if someone dares to resist, we must teach them a little lesson, so that they can behave themselves!"

"Follow your orders!"

"Lu Fan, Mark Shuang, each of you will lead three hundred soldiers and horses, and immediately arrest the officials of the six yamen in the city. There must be no mistake." Luo Dingxi said in a deep voice, "I will personally lead the remaining soldiers and horses to attack The Governor’s Mansion, if we control the Governor’s Mansion, we will be able to control the entire core of Shuoquan, as long as Chu Huan’s family is in our hands, Shuoquan City will be pacified!”

All the generals obeyed their orders, almost all of these generals were Luo Dingxi's subordinates in the Beishan Imperial Guard Army, and all of them were cultivated and promoted by him.

"Everyone, take revenge and restore the reputation of our Beishan Army. Once you succeed, every brother who is here tonight will never treat you badly, and you will definitely be rewarded heavily. Although there is no such thing as Shuoquan City How rich, but filling the pockets of each of you is easy." Luo Dingxi turned his horse's head, swung his long knife forward, and said loudly: "Let's go!"

Under the moonlight, the four thousand cavalry, like a group of wolves who saw their prey, swept towards Shuoquan like a torrent under the leadership of Luo Dingxi, a wolf.

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