Chu Huan naturally paid attention to the formation. Except for the archers at the front, those who led the battle behind the archers were almost all the people Chu Huan brought from Shuoquan.

Although fortifications were urgently built in the past two days, compared with the soldiers and horses withdrawn from Hezhou, the soldiers from Shuoquan had more energy and physical strength.

Although not everyone in the Xiguan Army knows how to shoot arrows, the proportion who can use bows is not small. All soldiers who can use bows and arrows are arranged at the front, using wooden fences and earth walls as barriers to prepare for counterattacks against incoming enemies.

Although the soldiers and horses who came back from Hezhou brought all the materials they brought as much as possible, the bloody battle in Hezhou had already consumed a lot of materials. Except for weapons and equipment, there were actually not many arrows left. Some of them were brought out, even small catapults would affect the speed of marching, and there were no boulders as weapons, so the catapults were just a pile of waste. Before retreating, Pei Ji had ordered them all to be destroyed.

Fortunately, after Chu Huan garrisoned the racecourse, he planned to focus on defense from the very beginning. Facing the enemy cavalry, in addition to building fortifications as a barrier, the best defensive weapon is of course bows and arrows, so some of them were mobilized in the past two days. People use local materials to manufacture bows and arrows. Although the bows and arrows produced are very rough and the destructive power is far from being comparable to those from the weapon workshop, they are a supplement after all, better than nothing.

Gu Liangchen's cavalry had been waiting for a long time. After the order to attack was issued, they couldn't wait to charge over here. The Xiguan saber was unsheathed and the bow was stringed. They were already in full swing.

The Tianshan cavalry galloped, and the ground trembled, looking unstoppable.

A dozen meters away from the outer base was a ditch. Because the time was too urgent, the ditch had to be as wide as possible. The excavation was not deep, and the width was as wide as possible so that the opponent's horses could not easily cross over.

In that ditch, wooden stakes were buried, with sharp wooden thorns combed on them. Once they fell into it, it was very difficult to escape.

During the charge, Gu Liangchen suddenly raised his saber, made several movements in a row, and saw the Tianshan cavalry quickly lined up in a row, with hundreds of cavalry in a row, lined up, followed by a row of soldiers and horses, the first row Still charging, but the speed of the second row of cavalry has slowed down, and the speed of each row of cavalry behind has slowed down. The distance between them has been widened.

Chu Huan could see clearly from the sentry tower, and frowned slightly. Although he had heard the name of the Tianshan cavalry for a long time, and once felt that the Tianshan cavalry had no experience, they might be mighty, but they might be worthy of their name. The dispatch of the Tianshan cavalry is extremely unified. Following the military order, the Tianshan cavalry can quickly act in formation according to the military order. When charging, they can line up while charging, and the soldiers in each row can control the speed and distance. It is definitely not something that can be trained in three to five months.

Although the combat effectiveness of the Tianshan cavalry is unknown, Chu Huan has to admit that the Tianshan cavalry is indeed well-trained, and the riding skills of individual soldiers are not weak, and the cooperation between the companions is also very tacit. Starting with the way of training soldiers, in the final analysis, the real training of soldiers consists of two points, one is to practice the combat skills of individual soldiers, and the other is to train soldiers' discipline.

Although the so-called discipline includes moral discipline, the most important thing is the discipline of cooperation between soldiers. Only when discipline is strict can soldiers be able to issue orders, and soldiers can cooperate with each other tacitly. The tense moment on the battlefield is during the usual drills. It is not an easy task for the soldiers to be able to coordinate and unite, and the orders are up and down. What's more, compared with the infantry, the cavalry needs to control their own horses, which is even more difficult. Unusual.

If a well-trained cavalry is commanded by a skilled general, even if its combat experience is not very experienced, the tactical command of the general and the tacit cooperation among the soldiers are enough to make up for all these shortcomings.

The cavalry that appeared in front of Chu Huan at this time is undoubtedly a well-trained soldier, and just after charging, Chu Huan knew that the general who commanded the northern cavalry was indeed a soldier. A guy who can fight.

The cavalry array separated and opened up the distance. Chu Huan guessed the opponent's mind in an instant.

If the opponent's cavalry is crowded together and there is no distance between the front and back, then the first row of cavalry may cross the ditch with the momentum of sprinting, but the rear cavalry will not have enough time to prepare. When soldiers are in a hurry, they will definitely be implicated by their comrades in front, and all the way they will be turned on their backs.

But once the distance is opened, after the first row of cavalry crosses the trench, no matter whether they succeed or not, the companions behind will have sufficient time to respond. It will immediately slow down, whether it is to protect yourself or rescue the companions who fell into the trap, there will be sufficient preparation time.

Chu Huan hoped to see the other party rush over, but the other party's strategy obviously disappointed him.

But at this moment, he also knew that the Tianshan cavalry had a good reputation, but it also had its reasons. They were definitely not a mob.

The first row of Tianshan cavalry was like a tiger descending the mountain, aggressive and obviously full of confidence.

Seeing that he had rushed to a distance of only a few meters from the trench, and had already entered the shooting range, Chu Huan did not immediately order to release the arrow, but frowned, staring at the Tianshan cavalry rushing aggressively.

When the Tianshan cavalry saw the trench in front of them, they were ready, shook the reins, and prepared for the final sprint. The faster the speed, the farther the distance would be when the horses crossed. The trench not far in front of them , doesn't look like an insurmountable obstacle at all.

At this moment, a shocking change occurred!

Those cavalry who were making the final sprint, when they kept their formation and rushed forward, suddenly turned their backs on their backs, and the horses neighed miserably. Countless horses fell over one after another as if they were possessed by an evil spirit. On the trench not far away, never expected an accident.

At this moment, after the wall was built, there were roars everywhere, and although the Xiguan soldiers behind the wooden fence and earth wall did not shoot arrows, they cheered for a while.

Gu Liangchen was not listed in the first row, but between the first row and the second row of cavalry. After all, a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, and the first row of charging cavalry is the most dangerous. For nothing, with Mulan Tuqiang as a barrier, when the arrows are fired at once, they will definitely cause a lot of damage to the cavalry charging in front. He is the commander of the cavalry on the northern wing. The results will be catastrophic.

The first column of cavalry in front suddenly changed. Wherever they saw, their own soldiers and horsemen turned their backs on their backs and screamed together. They were shocked and slowed down quickly. At this time, they could already see clearly that the Xiguan army was in the Daoming trench. In front, another dark pit was dug, but this dark pit was cleverly concealed, and it looked like a flat grassland. Although there were still some traces of concealment in many places, under the high-speed charge of the cavalry, pay attention All his strength was concentrated on the open trench, but he never expected to be tested by a dark pit first.

The horse farm uses wooden fences and earth walls as the main fortifications. The trenches are open, but they are supplemented by dark pits. No matter how skilled the cavalry in Tianshan is, how can they react? More than half of the cavalry fell into the dark pit. Naturally, sharp wooden stakes are indispensable inside, falling into them, piercing the bodies of people and horses, dripping with blood, people shouting and neighing, many fell into it, both people and horses were seriously injured, stuck in it, unable to get out.

Although Chu Huan has suddenly emerged, and it took only a few years for him to change from a white man to a border official, he is a person with excellent adaptability to the environment.

When he arrived in the northwest and saw the situation in the northwest clearly, he knew that on the land of the northwest, he had to use the sword.

If you want to survive, you can never rely on others, you can only arm yourself and make yourself stronger. Chu Huan has understood this truth a long time ago, so after coming to the Northwest, as long as he has spare time, he will seize every minute and every day. One second, practicing martial arts, studying military books hard, is when you rest at night, unless Su Niang can't support it, otherwise you can go to Su Niang's room as much as possible. In addition to enjoying the joy of fish and water between husband and wife, you can also use Su Niang Mother's body, practice martial arts, and maintain your energy.

Throughout the ages, every dynasty has been built through countless wars, fighting from east to west, conquering from south to north, and every battle will leave valuable experience for future generations. Throughout the ages, there are many famous generals, many of them The generation with both civil and military skills left behind precious books on the art of war. Chu Huan has an excellent comprehension, and he has benefited a lot from the books on the art of war left by his predecessors.

In the art of war, it has been mentioned repeatedly that the false is the real, and the real is the false. In the eyes of many famous generals, no matter what kind of geographical environment they are in, as long as they are good at discovering, they can always find factors that can be used.

Chu Huan knew that there were many soldiers in Tianshan Mountain, but he also knew that the opponent was inexperienced. He could easily deceive the opponent by setting up a dark pit by himself. He dug a pit on the outer base. In fact, it is in the dark pit. In order to let the opponent dare to rush over, the clear trench was not dug too wide. In this way, the opponent's cavalry can also estimate that they can cross the clear trench. As long as they aim to cross the clear trench, they are naturally cavalry If you charge at full speed, you will inevitably fall into the trap of a dark pit.

To Chu Huan's disappointment, the columns of Tianshan cavalry kept their distance. Although hundreds of cavalry in the first column fell into a dark pit, the cavalry behind discovered the danger in time and had enough time to stop. To make such preparations, but to charge all the cavalry as a whole, the losses will be even greater.

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