National color raw owl

Chapter 1477 Fatal Vulnerability

When Zhu Lingyue learned about Hou Jingang's battle report, he was in a better mood, but when he saw the rocket appearing in the night sky ahead, he was puzzled, and quickly raised his heart.

Although Sheng Xuantong speculated that the Xiguan Army used the rocket as a signal to issue an order, but under the circumstances of being surrounded on three sides, it was difficult for Zhu Lingyue to think of any new tricks for the Xiguan Army.

Although he is not good at military affairs, he is scheming and cunning. He frowned and said in a deep voice, "No, the rocket will never be so simple... The signal is good, this signal...!"

"Zhu Du, what's the matter?" Seeing that Zhu Lingyue's face was already a little ugly, Sheng Xuantong also faintly felt that something was wrong.

"Could it be that the Xiguan army still has reinforcements? There are still ambushes outside?" Zhu Lingyue muttered to himself, but shook his head: "It's absolutely impossible. The soldiers and horses here are already the main force of Chu Huan. He himself is the reinforcements, so why come here?" Other reinforcements?"

Sheng Xuantong hurriedly said: "Mr. Zhu, Chu Huan has no reinforcements. We know the strength in his hands. The Jinzhou soldiers have been blocked in Hechuan, and now they may have been wiped out by Chang Huan's men under Marquis Gan. Besides, there are only Jiazhou soldiers and horses, but... do they not care about Jiazhou, and there are not many soldiers and horses there, even if they come here, it will be useless...!"

"Hechuan...Chang Huan...!" Zhu Lingyue frowned, thoughtfully, suddenly turned his horse's head, and looked behind him. Behind him was a black crowd of more than 1 infantry.

Zhu Lingyue sent a lot of troops this time, the main force of which was 3000 cavalry and [-] infantry. In order to strengthen the offensive of the north and south wings, Zhu Lingyue mobilized [-] troops, including frog soldiers, to the north and south wings, and there were six to seven thousand infantry. Deployed to the north and south wings, behind him, there are still tens of thousands of infantry waiting in line.

The dark crowd blocked Zhu Lingyue's sight. Even though Zhu Lingyue was riding on a horse, he still couldn't see very far.

"Xuantong, Marquis Gan is behind us?" Zhu Lingyue's eyes twitched.

Sheng Xuantong was a little puzzled, thinking to himself that Zhu Lingyue knew the positions of the various ministries very well, and the more than 1 soldiers and horses of Marquis Gan were deployed in the rear, why did Zhu Lingyue ask knowingly?

But his body shook suddenly, as if thinking of something, he said in surprise: "Zhu Du, do you mean?"

But Zhu Lingyue shook his head and said: "Impossible, absolutely impossible, there is no reason... there is no reason, unless... unless he is crazy...!"

Of course Sheng Xuantong understood what Zhu Lingyue meant, and immediately said: "Zhu Du, it's absolutely impossible, as you said, it doesn't make sense, and...and his sister is in our hands, so he wants to kill his sister...! "

"Xuantong, order the entire army to turn around and change the rear team to the front team, just in case." Zhu Lingyue felt his soles feel a little cold. Although he also knew that Marquis Gan would never attack from behind, but once he really In such a situation, the consequences would be unimaginable. At this moment, he already felt that he was really negligent. In the face of absolute superiority, he still showed negligence. The elite Northwest Army deployed in their rear.

He even felt a chill down his spine.

"Zhu Du, do you really want to do this?" Sheng Xuantong didn't send an order immediately, but worried: "If the rear team changes to the front team, and the blade faces Ganhou, what will Ganhou think? Will he... !"

Although he didn't go on, of course Zhu Lingyue understood what Sheng Xuantong meant.

If Marquis Gan had no other intentions, but at this time let the Tianshan Army point their blades at Marquis Gan behind, it would be a great shame to Marquis Gan and the Northwest Army, not only would it make Marquis Gan and the Northwest Army feel that Zhu Lingyue didn't trust them, Beware of them, and it can easily cause other things to happen.

The alliance between Zhu Lingyue and Marquis Gan has always been very sincere. At least on the bright side, they have attached great importance to Marquis Gan, and even obeyed his words. This also makes the alliance between the two parties appear to be solid.

And Zhu Lingyue's efforts are to make Marquis Gan trust the Tianshan Army, and believe that Tianshan has already regarded the Northwest Army as his own family. This is also the basis of the alliance between Tianshan and the Northwest Army.

But once the blades meet, everything before will collapse in an instant. This move directly and clearly tells Zhu Lingyue how much he doesn't trust the Northwest Army.

Not to mention the two armies, even two ordinary people, if they point their swords at each other, it will make people feel full of hostility.

Zhu Lingyue was stunned for a moment. Although he was cautious, just in case, if he judged that there was a threat to Marquis Gan's troops just because of the rockets that appeared in the racecourse, and turned to be on guard, what if Marquis Gan and the Northwest Army didn't have such thoughts at all, This is like forcing Marquis Gan and the Northwest Army to be enemies.Who can guarantee that Marquis Gan will not be angered when he sees the Tianshan Army turning around and slashing their swords. Since the Tianshan Army is so wary of the Northwest Army, the foundation of cooperation between the two sides will be severely tested. It is not impossible to do impulsive things in anger.

Zhu Lingyue was really in a dilemma at this time, and couldn't help but angrily said: "Why did you let Marquis Gan deploy to the rear of our army?"

Seeing that Zhu Lingyue was already angry, Sheng Xuantong was a little nervous, so he could only say: "When we were chasing the Xiguan Army from Hezhou, the troops left by the Northwest Army were stationed in Hezhou City. , has been marching behind us, and when we got here, our army set up an formation, and Marquis Gan's men arrived, and they set up formation behind us...!" But he didn't continue, thinking that you already knew about it, There was no response at the time, but why is he suddenly annoyed now.

Zhu Lingyue frowned, thoughtful, restless, and said: "Send someone to find Marquis Gan, and watch their movements. If Marquis Gan asks about it, send an order directly to let the Northwest Army move to the north wing and assist Gu Liangchen with all his strength." Attack the northern line of defense of the Xiguan Army."

Sheng Xuantong hurriedly said: "Zunling, Zhu Du, I will go there in person at the end!"

"Alright!" Zhu Lingyue nodded, and Sheng Xuan shook the reins together, and galloped away.

As soon as Sheng Xuantong left, Zhu Lingyue heard a roar from behind the infantry, and then heard continuous screams.

"Not good...!" Zhu Lingyue's face paled instantly, his body swayed, and he almost fell off the horse's back, his eyes burst into anger, and there was an expression of shock and disbelief in his eyes, "Gan Hou... Hou Ganhou really turned his back, this... How is this possible, how is it possible...!" The soldiers in front of the formation saw Zhu Lingyue staggering on his horse, as if he was about to fall off the horse, they were all taken aback , someone rushed forward and said in surprise: "Zhu Du, you...!"

Zhu Lingyue barely stabilized his figure, and said sharply: "From the back... Marquis Gan attacked from behind, from the back...!" He raised his finger to the back, but felt weak all over and dizzy.

The general who grabbed him was Ming Ji, another infantry general under Zhu Lingyue's command. He was low-key and always taciturn. He was called a "dumb general" in Tianshan privately. He never spoke easily. Every meeting, the other generals expressed their opinions At that time, Ming Ji did not utter half a word, unless Zhu Lingyue asked personally, Ming Ji would cherish words like gold and say a few words.

This man was originally a Lang general of the Tianshan Imperial Guard Army. In the early years, under Zhu Lingyue's command, Dongfang Xin was in command of the Imperial Guard Army. The two generals were Sheng Xuantong and Ming Ji. Dongfang Xin later presided over the Pingxi Army and was recommended by Zhu Lingyue as the Pingxi General. Sheng Xuantong succeeded Zhu Lingyue and became the commander of the imperial guards, while Ming Ji was still the general.

But no one dared to underestimate this dumb general in Tianshan Mountain. Due to the lack of supplies, Tianshan Mountain suffered from natural disasters for several years, which led to bandits. At that time, the imperial guards sent Ming Ji to suppress the bandits. He is well-known in Tianshan, but because he is low-key, his connections are not as good as Sheng Xuantong's, and Sheng Xuantong's family belongs to a wealthy family in Tianshan, so Sheng Xuantong stepped on his head.

After the conflict between the cavalry and infantry, Sheng Xuantong led the infantry group to fight against the rising stars of the cavalry, such as Hou Jingang. He didn't succeed, so although Ming Ji behaved extremely low-key in the world, he was respected by the infantry group, even the generals of the cavalry group, and he was treated with three points of courtesy.

At this moment, Ming Ji already knew that the rear team was attacked, but he didn't show any signs of panic. He said sharply, "Fang Can, you lead your troops to defend Zhu Du. The whole army should be transferred immediately to meet the Northwest Army!" In the meantime, he got on his horse, pulled out his saber, and sternly shouted: "Soldiers, listen to the order, don't panic, the general's cavalry is about to break through the racecourse, the Xiguan Army is no longer a threat, you don't have to be afraid of the Northwest Army, they are no more than us , maintain a good formation, the archers retreat, the shieldmen rush forward, and the spearmen are behind...!"

Although the Tianshan infantry rear was in disarray, and many soldiers were panicked, Ming Ji shouted loudly, but the infantry Xing Xing did not immediately collapse. Hearing Ming Ji's order, the archers immediately retreated from the formation, and the shields The hands have quickly rushed to the rear team. These infantry are based on the Imperial Guard Army, supplemented by the Tianshan Two Prefecture Army as a team, and expanded. Although there are recruits recruited most of the time, there are also thousands of them who were originally A soldier of the Tianshan Imperial Guard.

The combat literacy of the Tianshan Imperial Guard Army is not weak. In critical moments, the infantry originally affiliated with the Tianshan Imperial Guard Army remained calm and responded quickly under Ming Ji's command.

It's just that the archers retreated, the shield soldiers moved to the rear, and the formation reorganized, and there was still a chaotic situation. On the battlefield, it is not easy to change the original formation, and between changes, it is inevitable. There will be confusion and even serious flaws. Ming Ji has already tried his best to respond, but the Northwest Army deliberately deployed in the rear of the Tianshan infantry from the very beginning, and they killed all fronts without making a sound, and the rear screamed The sound became one piece, and many Tianshan infantrymen were killed by chaotic knives and spears before they could react to what was going on.

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