Seeing that Zhu Lingyue was still hesitating, Zhang He got off his horse, stepped forward, and knelt down on one knee: "Zhu Du, victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs. We still have Tianshan in our hands, so we haven't completely lost to Chu Huan. The chapter will be updated as soon as possible." The general is still leading the army to fight, he can resist for a while, and the infantry can last for a while, but it won't last long, our soldiers and horses will soon be disintegrated, Zhu Du, who is withdrawing at this time At the best time, if you don't leave, it will be too late, and when they really all gather around, you can leave if you want to."

Zhu Lingyue's face twitched.

This attack on Xiguan, he can be said to have resorted to a big deal, and almost all of Tianshan's capital was brought into his hands. What Zhang He meant was obviously that Zhu Lingyue took advantage of the fact that the infantry and cavalry were still fighting, and the Northwest Army and Xiguan Army had not yet Before forming a real encirclement of the Tianshan Army, take the opportunity to escape.

Of course he understood the reason why he would not have to worry about firewood if he stayed in the green hills, but if he withdrew now, his years of hard work would be ruined. Even if he fled back to Tianshan, he would have almost no money on hand to compete with Chu Huan.

He is ambitious, to occupy the Northwest first, and then map the world, but after this battle, it is impossible to occupy the Northwest, not to mention the world, and he has worked hard for many years, and it was all in vain.

"Liu Quan, you lead the cavalry and escort Zhu Du to go around from the south and retreat to Tianshan." Zhang He turned his head and said to a subordinate behind him: "In any case, you must escort Zhu Du to return safely." He stepped forward and grabbed Zhu Lingyue "Zhu Du, don't hesitate any longer, otherwise it will be too late, the world is changing, hold on to Tianshan, take it easy...!"

Zhu Lingyue saw that many of his infantry had already retreated, and many of them had begun to disperse. Knowing that the situation was over, Zhu Lingyue said: "Zhang He, you go with the governor!"

"Zhu Du, General Hou sent the last general here for another reason." Zhang He had already taken off his armor, "Zhu Du, please exchange the battle armor with the last general!"

Zhu Lingyue was startled.

"General Hou is only worried that after Zhu Du leaves, the morale of the army will collapse in an instant. The final general will be about the same size as Zhu Du. He will put on Zhu Du's armor and stay here. Firstly, he can stabilize the army's morale, and secondly, he can attract the attention of the enemy soldiers. The governor led the cavalry to detour from the south, that side has not been sealed, it is the only gap now...!"

Zhu Lingyue's heart was gloomy. He had planned for half his life, but in the end he was sternly slapped by Ganhou. The anger in his heart can be imagined. Now that the general situation is gone, Wang Tu's hegemony can only be a dream, and he has a disheartened heart , let out a long sigh, and said: "The governor has put all his hard work in vain for many years, so what can he do even if he returns to Tianshan Mountain? Forget it, the governor and the soldiers will advance and retreat together and fight to the end!"

"Zhu Du, Gan Hou stabbed a knife in the back, disregarding his faith, such a treacherous person, Zhu Du is going to let him go?" Zhang He urged: "His sister is still in our hands, even if they really kill Tianshan , let Marquis Gan watch his sister be buried in his hands!"

"Yes!" Zhu Lingyue sneered, "Even if the governor is defeated, Marquis Gan will have to pay the price." He got off his horse, looked at Zhang He, and said, "Although the governor was defeated, there are all of you who are so loyal. It’s not in vain for the generals in the army to work hard.”

Zhang He didn't say much, and ordered Zhu Lingyue to take off Zhu Lingyue's battle armor and put it on quickly. He was about the same size as Zhu Lingyue, and now he was wearing Zhu Lingyue's battle armor. At first glance, it was really hard to tell the difference.

Zhang He didn't say any more, turned onto Zhu Lingyue's war horse, and said in a deep voice: "Liu Quan, Zhu Du will leave it to you!" The Tianshan infantry shouted loudly: "Soldiers, General Hou has led the cavalry into the racecourse, and immediately sent troops to help. Everyone will fight to the end. The governor will advance and retreat with you and will never give in!"

At this time, Zhu Lingyue had already been put on his horse by Liu Quan and others, and then he led thousands of cavalry and galloped towards the south.

Zhu Lingyue had only left for a moment, and the Tianshan Infantry Army had obviously been chilled by the Northwest Army. Although many generals shouted loudly and ordered to fight to the end, many soldiers still scattered and fled.

In the darkness, many soldiers were fighting in chaos, they could not figure out their direction, they ran towards the east, and soon saw a row of cavalry in front of them, they were the law enforcement team sent by Hou Jingang on the slope, Seeing the rout soldiers approaching, these cavalry didn't speak, as long as there were rout soldiers approaching, they would immediately swing their knives and kill them. In just a moment, dozens of people were hacked to death by the law enforcement team.

Seeing that the road was blocked, the broken soldiers could only flee in other directions like headless chickens.

The human heart is like a dam, if there is no gap, it can still be stable, but once one person starts to flee, it is like an ant's nest. The embankment of a thousand miles is destroyed by an ant's nest, and then there will be second and third people, a group of people, the second The third group of people, when the morale of the army collapses, will inevitably face a big rout. The fleeing soldiers have no fighting spirit at all, but desperately looking for a gap to escape from the chaotic army.

Although the Tianshan infantry once fought hard and wanted to resist the Northwest Army, they still couldn't hold on and formed a large-scale collapse. Just as the Tianshan infantry collapsed rapidly, there was another low-pitched horn sound from the horse farm. One time, it was not the sound of one horn, but more than a dozen horns sounded in unison. To the Tianshan soldiers, the sound of the horn was full of the breath of death.

In the sound of the horn, Marquis Gan led the frontal infantry to defeat the Tianshan infantry, with corpses strewn across the field and blood flowing into rivers. The Northwest Army still maintained its formation and did not pursue the defeated army. The remnants of the infantry retreated, and thousands of Tianshan infantry who had no fighting spirit were forced to retreat to the horse training valley. When the law enforcement team saw a large number of defeated troops retreating, they all shouted: "Don't retreat, kill them. Kill it...!" The saber slashed wildly, beheading many people again.

The Tianshan infantry and the cavalry already had a rift. At this time, the law enforcement team swung their knives to enforce the law, which angered the retreating infantry. They had no fighting spirit to fight with the Northwest Army. They swung their knives and rushed to kill them. How could the hundreds of cavalry resist the retreating infantry that was as dense as a dark cloud? Dozens of cavalry were killed immediately. head, rushed down to the breakthrough, but within the breakthrough at this time, people shouted and neighed, and there was a mess. The infantry rushed to the edge of the breakthrough and looked down, only to find that the Xiguan Army had already rushed out from behind the wooden fence. In the horse training valley, there are people everywhere, the sounds of horses neighing, screaming, fighting with swords, scolding, and roaring are all mixed together, making it very lively.

Suddenly, I heard cheers from the Northwest Army of Marquis Gan from behind, and then I heard a loud shout: "Zhu Lingyue's leader is here, if you don't surrender, you won't kill those who surrender!"

The voices shouted together, and many people saw the fire on the side of the Northwest Army, and only saw a Northwest Army on horseback holding a long spear, with a head hanging from the spear, still wearing a battle helmet, the fire was shining, It was as bright as daylight, and the outline of the battle helmet could be seen clearly. Many people recognized the helmet of Governor Zhu Lingyue at a glance.

Naturally, not many people knew at this time that Zhu Lingyue had fled the battlefield under the escort of the cavalry, and the head on the spear was Li Daitao's stiff Zhang He's head. Zhang He wanted to lead the infantry to resist the Northwest Army, but the Tianshan infantry broke up too quickly. , and the Northwest Army quickly rushed up. Zhu Lingyue was wearing a battle armor and helmet with distinctive features. When the Northwest Army saw it, they naturally desperately wanted to kill Zhang He first. Zhang He couldn't escape. The head is hung on the spear.

The group of dragons had no leader, and the infantry who had retreated to the edge of the horse-taming valley had no way to retreat. They heard shouts to surrender and not to kill. At this time, the front and back were blocked, and many people had dropped their weapons and squatted on the ground.

The news of Zhu Lingyue's killing quickly spread throughout the battlefield amid the shouts of the Northwest Army. The cavalrymen who were caught in a hard fight in the horse training valley were all cold. The enemy was attacked before and after, and what was even worse was that the Northwest Army had already been killed on the north wing. At this time, not only heard the news that Zhu Lingyue was killed, but also heard that the enemy army was also killed from the direction of the south wing. It really fell into the predicament of being surrounded on all sides. .

At this time, no matter how stupid the soldiers were, they also knew that the general situation was over and the defeat was certain. The infantry dropped their weapons and surrendered one after another, but the cavalry had their own horses, and the squads broke through the encirclement separately.

Pei Ji was sitting on the grass at this time, with a tired face, looked up at the sky, the overall situation was settled, he breathed a sigh of relief, stood up slowly, and sighed softly: "The victory was hard, but the defeat was tragic... ...!" Shaking his head, he looked quite emotional.

In the early morning, when the sun rose again, the Qingyuan Racecourse was covered with a faint golden layer.

After a night of frenzied fighting, the wooden fence walls around the racecourse, except for the east side which was safe and sound, the other three sides were already riddled with holes and dilapidated.

Whether it is the Xiguan Army or the Tianshan Army, after a night of fierce fighting, they all suffered heavy losses.

Under the rising sun, inside and outside the racecourse, there was blood, and corpses were strewn all over the field. The sun shone on the corpses everywhere, casting a faint golden light, but it was full of desolation and desolation.

The battlefield is in a mess everywhere, with corpses, broken guns, broken flags, and broken armor everywhere.

The dewdrops in the early morning hang on the objects that can be attached, crystal clear, like tears of sadness, or like the heavens weeping with joy. Some soldiers knelt down, and some soldiers lay down on the ground, regardless of the corpses around them.

From the suppression of life and death to temporary relief, the relief and ease have made the soldiers unwilling to think about other things.

Under the rising sun, a roar was suddenly heard: "We won!"

"we won!"

"we won!"

Waves of cheers finally came to mind on the vast land, and many soldiers who were sitting and lying on the ground also stood up at this time, raised their weapons and shouted.

At that moment, everyone began to release the emotions in their hearts, smiling with tears, and tears with laughter. Overnight, they paid a heavy price and finally won the final victory.

In the Battle of Qingyuan Racecourse, the Tianshan Army was defeated, and the number of casualties was nearly 2. Although many Tianshan Army took advantage of the chaos and fled, they left five or six thousand corpses and more than 2 prisoners. However, less than [-] people were able to escape from the battlefield, and they fled in all directions, their morale and fighting spirit completely collapsed.

Among them were [-] cavalry, deployed in the east, originally used to contain the Xiguan army in the east, but when they got the news, they simply fled the battlefield, bypassed the racecourse, and fled to the west. Although the Xiguan army won a big victory, But the three thousand cavalry retreated, and the Xiguan Army did not have enough cavalry to pursue them, so they could only let them escape.

At this time, Chu Huan's expression was very solemn. In the horse training valley, where the corpses of people and horses were piled up, he reached out and caressed the face of one person. It was the corpse of a Xiguan army. He looked less than 20 years old. His face still looked very immature, his eyes were not closed, and his whole body was covered with scars and bloodstains, but he still held a broken knife tightly in his hand.

Tightly, without letting go, until the moment of death, he obviously has not forgotten that he is fighting.

Chu Huan helped him close his eyes, and said softly: "I said I would take you to grab the braised pork so that you would all survive, but you... didn't keep your promise...!" Standing up slowly, the soldiers following him , I have already seen that there seemed to be tears in the corners of Chu Huan's eyes, and everyone was silent, watching Chu Huan.

The ground can no longer be seen in the horse training valley, and as far as the eye can see, it is covered by any mother's corpse, broken flag, broken knife, and broken gun.

"The order goes on. After this battle, every brother who died in the battle must be registered in the register. Even if they sell everything, they must take good care of their families." Chu Huan said slowly: "They died in the battle, and the whole army is ordered After cleaning up the battlefield, the corpses of the Xiguan Army and the Northwest Army were buried in the east of the Horse Training Valley, and the Tianshan Army... buried all of their people in the west of the Horse Training Valley. From then on, the Horse Training Valley was renamed and no longer called Horse Training Valley, called... Valley of the Warriors!"

"Chu Du, do you want to bury the corpses of the Tianshan Army?"

"Everyone is their own master. They are not guilty, they are just performing their duties as soldiers." Chu Huan said calmly: "The strong men died in battle, we can't let them not even have a place to bury them!"

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