Han Ying had just been appointed General Zuo, and she was in a good mood. She stood up and cupped her hands and said, "Chu Du, the general is willing to lead troops into Tianshan Mountain. Give me a month, and the general will definitely take down all the cities on Tianshan Road."

"I'm afraid it's not right." As soon as Han Ying finished speaking, Huang Yutan immediately shook his head and said.

Han Ying looked at Huang Yutan. He and Huang Yutan guarded Hezhou together, and they had a good relationship with each other. When Huang Yutan said this, Han Ying frowned and asked, "Master Huang, You don't believe that I can take Tianshan?"

"That's not true." Huang Yutan stood up with a smile, cupped his hands to Chu Huan and said, "Chu Du, before discussing the matter of Tianshan, I would like to ask, what should I do with the Tianshan prisoners captured this time?"

It was only then that everyone remembered that there were still 2 Tianshan captives outside the city. When the Xiguan Army came to Hezhou City from the racecourse, they drove all the [-] captives all the way. A piece of land was drawn and a large number of captives were temporarily placed there.

"Not only the captives, but also the Tianshan peasants who were blocked halfway." Xu Shao said suddenly: "When we caught up halfway, those peasants were scattered and fled, but later gathered them and asked them to transport food, grass and equipment here. Come on, although many people have been defeated, there are still tens of thousands of civilians waiting outside the city, Governor Chu, how should we deal with these people?"

Chu Huan thought for a while, and then said: "Those peasants are easy to deal with. Give each of them a ration, which can support them to return to their hometown. In addition, each of them will be given a catty of salt, which is regarded as wages." What do you guys think about how to deal with the [-] Tianshan Army?"

"Zhu Lingyue hasn't been found yet. I don't know if he has fled back to Tianshan." Han Ying said: "If these soldiers are sent back to their hometown, they will be worried that they will be wicked and Zhu Lingyue will gather them again to cause chaos... But if they are confined like this, That's not a solution, not to mention that we have to mobilize some troops to take care of them, even if these 2 people eat, drink and scatter every day, that is also a big problem. Give them a part...!"

Fat Liu said: "You can't let them go, you can't keep them, then...you can't kill these people, right?" As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Han coughed, signaling him not to talk nonsense.

Everyone looked at each other and at Chu Huan.

Huang Yutan suddenly smiled and said: "Chu Du, how to deal with the 2 Tianshan Army is also directly related to how to deal with the Tianshan issue. To deal with the [-] people, the officials think that the matter of Tianshan should be easy to solve." There are many."

"What does Master Huang mean?" Chu Huan stared at Huang Yutan.

Huang Yutan said solemnly: "With the current military strength in the hands of Governor Chu, it is easy to take down the Tianshan Road by force, and it will not take too much trouble, but have you ever thought that if our soldiers and horses enter Tianshan, resist Who will be the worst ones?"

Everyone looked at each other, but Xu Shao had already said: "It should be Zhu Lingyue's remnant party. They used to have a close relationship with Zhu Lingyue. They are afraid that Governor Chu will not let them go, and they will definitely resist desperately!"

"That's right." Huang Yutan said with a smile: "The soldiers and horses entered Tianshan not to deal with the common people there. Although there are some bandits in Tianshan taking advantage of the chaos, the Northwest Army is enough to deal with those bandits. Our soldiers and horses going there are nothing more than It's just to deal with Zhu Lingyue's remnants."

Everyone nodded.

"It's just that if our soldiers and horses really enter Tianshan, the people of Tianshan will feel a little disgusted in their hearts." Huang Yutan said slowly: "Tianshan should be stable. In the final analysis, people's hearts are stable. When soldiers and horses go, the people's hearts are uneasy. , On the contrary, it is counterproductive, the so-called subduing the enemy without fighting, if our soldiers do not have to enter the Tianshan Mountains, but can restore the stability of the Tianshan Mountains, that is the best policy."

Han Ying nodded and said: "Master Huang, what you said is true, but if the soldiers don't go, there are still more than a dozen cities in Tianshan. If those cities are still controlled by Zhu Lingyue's remnant party, Tianshan will not be peaceful."

"So if we can calm down the hearts of Tianshan officials, things will be much easier." Huang Yutan said seriously: "Stable Tianshan is nothing more than to stabilize the hearts of the three people, the hearts of officials and gentry, and the hearts of soldiers and horses in Tianshan. And the most important thing is the hearts of the people in Tianshan, as long as a proper strategy can be formulated, the lower officials believe that it is not difficult to stabilize Tianshan without fighting."

Seeing that Huang Yutan was quite confident, Chu Huan said happily, "If it is really unnecessary to use bloodshed to solve this problem, then of course it is the best strategy. Master Huang, what good strategy do you have?"

"Chu Du, why are the Tianshan officials and gentry feeling uneasy? In the final analysis, it's not because of Zhu Lingyue." Huang Yutan said: "Most of the officials in the prefectures and counties of Tianshan Mountain are officials promoted by Zhu Lingyue. Now that Zhu Lingyue has been defeated, no trace can be found. Naturally, the Tianshan officials were panicked. Zhu Lingyue sent troops to Xiguan to fight against Chu Du. Everyone would feel that Chu Du and Zhu Lingyue were incompatible. With such a mind, they will certainly not be caught without a fight, and they will resist with all their might."

"Exactly." Chu Huan nodded.

Huang Yutan thought for a while, and then said: "That's why the lower officials think that if Governor Chu issues an order to tell the Tianshan officials that they are all just being coerced by Zhu Lingyue, there is no serious fault. As long as they reform their mistakes, Governor Chu will not punish them. Punishment, their lives and property can be guaranteed, so the subordinate officials think that they will definitely not resist desperately."

Xu Shao frowned and said: "Master Huang, although this is a strategy, it can also resolve their resistance, but they are Zhu Lingyue's henchmen after all. If we let them go, and let them continue to hold official positions, I am afraid that there will be endless troubles. Once there is an opportunity, those people are afraid that there will be chaos again."

"Xu Tongzhi's worries are of course justified." Huang Yutan said: "Actually, there is no need to worry about it. Let's rest assured that their lives are safe, and their fighting spirit can be eliminated. When the Tianshan Mountains are stabilized, the officials think that they can carry out The evaluation of officials is just like what Master Chu Gongsun, the magistrate of Yuezhou, did to evaluate the management within his jurisdiction. Those who are capable can continue to serve, otherwise they will be dismissed and promoted separately. That's okay. Although Zhu Lingyue is crony, As far as I know, among the officials in Tianshan Mountain, there is no shortage of capable officials. If all the officials from the prefectures and counties of Tianshan Mountain are dismissed at this time, hundreds of positions will be vacated, and it is impossible for us to fill these vacancies in a short period of time. Make up all of them, and in this way, the political affairs of the entire Tianshan will be paralyzed, and the consequences will be even more serious."

Pei Ji nodded and said: "Master Huang is right, Governor Chu, this is what Lao Cheng said. If it is true that all officials are dismissed because Zhu Lingyue promoted them, the consequences will be even more serious. If only the chief culprit is ordered to be removed, the others will be killed." Waiting for the past to pass by will not only reassure the officials of Tianshan, but also allow Tianshan's government affairs to continue to operate, and in this way, the governor of Chu is magnanimous, and many of them will be grateful. This may not be a bad thing. Wait until Tianshan Once it has completely stabilized, then the official assessment will be carried out, and no one will have anything to say."

Chu Huan said with a smile: "Master Huang really has a plan in mind, so I will do as you said, and the governor can give the order to Tianshan." He asked again: "How will the soldiers and horses of Tianshan and the people of Tianshan respond?"

"Chu Du, my officer said just now that if the 2 Tianshan soldiers outside the city are handled well, the matter of the Tianshan Mountains will be resolved." Huang Yutan said: "As far as I know, the [-] soldiers and horses outside the city Except for a very small number, most of them are recruits recruited by Zhu Lingyue in the past few years. Many of them were even forced into the army. A few years ago, they were just ordinary people. , If you are willing to return to your hometown to work in agriculture, you can cancel his military status and let him return to your hometown to work in agriculture. If there are still people who are willing to stay and serve as soldiers, then they will be screened and assessed. Those who are qualified to stay can continue to serve as soldiers, otherwise they will still have to return to their hometown Farming... At this time, Chu Du's land equalization order will come in handy...!"

"Juntian order?"

"Exactly." Huang Yutan said solemnly: "Throughout the past and present, people all over the world regard the land as their life. This can be seen from the land equalization reform carried out in Xiguan. If this land equalization order continues to be extended to Tianshan, The officials thought that they would definitely get the support of the people in Tianshan, even the [-] soldiers outside the city. I believe that after knowing this, most of them would be willing to return to their hometowns to farm. Xiguan implemented an order to equalize land and carry out rent regulation. And within three years, the common people only need to pay [-]% of the tax, and these policies can also be implemented in Tianshan, and they must be wishing for it."

When everyone heard the words, they all nodded slightly.

Qi Hong has been by Chu Huan's side all the time, so he has a better understanding of the specific content of the Land Equalization Order. At this time, he couldn't help but ask: "Master Huang, the Land Equalization Order is certainly a good policy for benefiting the people, but the implementation of the Equalization Order in Xiguan The field order, it is due to the environment...!" Glancing at Chu Huan, he said: "Chu Duan also said that the most fundamental point for the smooth implementation of the Xiguan order is that Xiguan used to have a lot of barren land. Fields, these barren fields are huge in number, and when they are reclaimed, there will be enough land resources. Tianshan Mountain is probably not as good as Xiguan. To implement the order of land equalization, we need fields that can be allocated. How can there be so many fields in Tianshan Mountain?"

Huang Yutan smiled and said: "Good question, this is actually the most critical point in the implementation of the Tianshan Equalization Order. The implementation of the Tianshan Equalization Order requires firstly manpower and secondly land. In terms of manpower, Tianshan naturally has no shortage. In fact, in fact, Tianshan There is also a solution to the land where the land equalization order is implemented.”

"Oh?" Chu Huan said with great interest: "Master Huang, where does the land that is under the Tianshan Equalization Order come from?"

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