Hou Jingang looked around and asked, "What do you think Chu Huan is up to?"

The other three looked at each other. Ming Ji had always been taciturn, so naturally he didn't say a word. Sun Can sneered and said, "No matter what the hell is going on, what do we have to worry about? There's no need to send us to the execution ground after this meal." Worry."

Gu Liangchen frowned and said, "I'm afraid it's not that simple. If you want to be sent to the execution ground, why bother?"

"It's just hypocrisy." Sun Can said indifferently: "It's just pretending to be open-minded."

Gu Liangchen thought about it, but at this moment, he heard footsteps coming from the yard outside. The four of them thought it was Chu Huan's arrival, so they didn't get up, but suddenly heard a voice: "What the hell are you trying to do?"

When the voice came over, the expressions of the four people in the room changed slightly, and Hou Jingang was the first to say: "It seems to be... Zhu Du's voice!"

"That's right." Sun Can also said, "It's Zhu Du's voice, there's nothing wrong with it, so... Zhu Du also fell into their hands?"

Gu Liangchen smiled wryly and said: "The Northwest Army and the Xiguan Army are colluding. The entire Northwest is already their world. It's no surprise that Zhu Du fell into their hands." But Hou Jingang had already got up and walked quickly to the door He didn't open the door immediately, but looked out through the crack of the door, and saw several soldiers escorting Zhu Lingyue in the courtyard.

Seeing this, Hou Jingang was about to open the door to go out, but his arm was grabbed. He turned his head and saw that Gu Liangchen had also come over.

"doing what?"

"If Zhu Du is also coming to the banquet, we'll just wait here. If not, what can we say when we go out and want to see each other?" Gu Liangchen said with a wry smile: "It's better not to see each other at this time."

Hou Jingang was startled, but he withdrew the hand that opened the door, but did not retreat. Looking out through the crack of the door, he saw several soldiers escorting Zhu Lingyue to the next door, frowned, and said, "Zhu Du didn't come here."

Soon, I heard a voice from the side: "Ganhou, you despicable villain, do you still have the face to see the governor?" It was Zhu Lingyue's voice coming from the next door, Zhu Lingyue's voice may not be loud, but From here, I could clearly hear that Gu Liangchen and the others frowned, thinking that Marquis Gan was next door.

On the other side of the wall, Zhu Lingyue had a sneer on his face at this time. There was also a small square table with wine and vegetables in the room. Ganhou, who was in armor, was sitting by the table at this time, and looked up at Zhu Lingyue. Not getting up, he just said indifferently: "Winners and losers, everyone is their master, you don't have to shout here. Soldiers are not tired of deceit. Since you are in command of tens of thousands of troops, you don't even understand this truth?"

Zhu Lingyue smiled coldly, but straightened his clothes, walked forward, took a look at Ganhou, sat down, stared at Ganhou and said: "In this case, why do you still want to meet the Governor?"

"You can be regarded as a hero for a while, but it's a pity that you haven't hidden the world's bearing yet." Gan Hou sat on the chair and met Zhu Lingyue's eyes, "Zhu Lingyue, if you win this battle and dominate the northwest, what will happen next?" ?”

Zhu Lingyue sneered and said, "The governor doesn't understand what you mean."

"You understand." Gan Hou said lightly: "Get rid of Chu Huan, and of course I will be next. You have always ruled out dissidents, and you have no heart to tolerate the world, so naturally you will not tolerate me. You win me over, form an alliance with me, It's just because Chu Huan is still there, Chu Huan is gone, you and I both understand why Asuka is doing his best."

Zhu Lingyue laughed loudly and said, "Ganhou, do you think you know this governor like the back of your hand?"

"Don't you admit it?" Marquis Gan said coldly: "Of course you know Huang Zhu. These people escorted all the way from the battlefield and are loyal, but how do you treat them? They don't have the heart of rebellion, otherwise you wouldn't You will escort them along the way regardless of your life, but when you meet the people from the Anti-Crafting Hall, you immediately become murderous towards them, and kill them to silence them, Zhu Lingyue, it’s really impressive that you can do such an ungrateful thing with ease."

Zhu Lingyue was annoyed in his heart, but this was the truth, no matter how thick-skinned he was, he couldn't argue with it, so he could only sneer and say: "Small size is not a gentleman, non-poisonous and not a husband, but they are just a few lowly people. Why care about their lives? They should be ready to sacrifice their lives for the governor at any time."

Ganhou clapped his hands and laughed, "Well said, once you say this, you will feel like a hero for a while."

At this time, Gu Liangchen and others next door couldn't help frowning when they heard what Zhu Lingyue said.

"Ganhou, what kind of medicine are you selling in the gourd?" Zhu Lingyue frowned, "Being the king or defeating the enemy, I have nothing to say to the governor. If you want to kill, you have to scrape it. Give me a good word."

"Sure enough, death is like home." Ganhou said with a smile: "If you are on the battlefield, you Zhu Du can do the same, and the Tianshan Army may not lose so badly. Fleeing before the battle, regardless of the lives and deaths of tens of thousands of soldiers under his command, Zhu Du, would have been very happy." I want to ask, what were you thinking at the time? Don't you know that if you stay on the battlefield, the Tianshan Army may not collapse instantly, and maybe there will be a turnaround, but the situation on the battlefield has changed slightly , you feel fear in your heart and run away in a hurry, your words are beautiful, but the things you do are really not very good."


Zhu Lingyue got up abruptly, slapped the table with a slap, and said sharply, "Honor Gan, although Ben Du is defeated, I cannot tolerate you mocking Ben Du here."

Ganhou laughed and said: "A person who wants to become an emperor, can't even stand these few words? Zhu Lingyue, I always thought you were a scholar, and your demeanor was different from that of us rough warriors, but I didn't expect that a defeat , You showed your temperament and said bluntly, your defeat today is entirely your own fault, with your temperament and ability, how can you plan the world?"

Zhu Lingyue sat down slowly, instead of being angry, he smiled, "You are a warrior, and you can say these words, which really impresses the governor. It seems that the governor still doesn't know enough about you after all these years."

"I don't study much, and I don't understand any major principles, but grievances and grievances are clear." Ganhou said lightly: "When the Xiliang people invaded the pass, you used the name of resisting foreign enemies, but what you did was shameful. You brought As the Tianshan Army came to Xiguan, it seemed menacing. The officials and people of Xiguan thought you were leading troops to fight against the enemy. Our Northwest Army also misunderstood you as a person at that time. I really thought you were a hero who stepped forward, so I was willing to be driven by you. The generals and soldiers of the Northwest Army are being resisted by you at the front line as human walls and human shields, but your Tianshan soldiers and horses are doing banditry in the rear. Tianshan even used the materials appropriated by the imperial court to fill their own pockets and take it for themselves... As a soldier, he returned his body wrapped in horse leather and killed the enemy on the front line. There is nothing to say, but countless soldiers in the Northwest froze to death To starve to death, their enmity must be repaid on their behalf, and since this general is now the commander of the Northwest Army, this debt, of course, will be demanded by the governor from you."

"So that's how it is." Zhu Lingyue sighed, "Mr. Gan, you turned your back on the battlefield, is it because of those soldiers in the Northwest? When the governor gathered supplies at the beginning, it wasn't to fill his own pockets. It was just that the people of Xiliang were invincible at that time. Your Northwest Army There is no way to stop it, but the governor wants to transfer supplies and hoard the Tianshan Mountains, even if the Xiliang people occupy Xiguan, the governor can still use the danger of the Tianshan Mountains to fight against the Xiliang people to the end."

Marquis Gan laughed and said, "Now that things have come to an end, you can say these things to yourself."

"Forget it." Zhu Lingyue picked up the wine glass on the table, which was empty, picked up the jug, poured a glass of wine for himself, and drank it down, "I don't want to waste time with you now. Since you To seek justice for those Northwest soldiers, whether this is the reason why you betrayed the governor, the governor is not willing to think about it, you can kill the governor with one knife now." Throwing the wine glass in your hand on the table, he said lightly: " Did you do it yourself, or did someone else do it for you?"

Marquis Gan gave a thumbs up and said with a smile: "Zhu Lingyue, it seems that you still have some backbone. But you are still the local governor, the great official of the Great Qin Dynasty, and the court has not issued an order, so it is not easy for the general to kill you."

"Oh?" Zhu Lingyue laughed loudly when he heard the words, "Is this your words, or Chu Huan's words? It's absurd to say that it's all about the Qin court."

"You don't see Daqin in your eyes, but it doesn't mean everyone doesn't see Daqin in their eyes." Gan Hou said slowly: "I wanted to kill you with a knife, but Chu Du has scruples, so I have this drink."

Zhu Lingyue frowned, pondered for a moment, and then asked, "What the hell is Chu Huan trying to do?"

"Chu Du just wants you to make a choice." Ganhou picked up his glass and drank it down, "You have already been defeated in the racecourse, and you can't pose a threat to Chu Huan. Chu Du didn't want to kill you, and you The clansmen are now in Chu Du's hands, so... if you want to live with your clansmen, it's not impossible, but there are two conditions."

"Conditions?" Zhu Lingyue couldn't help asking, "What conditions?"

"First, you and your family must leave the northwest from now on, and you must not set foot on the three roads in the northwest again." Ganhou said slowly: "To put it more bluntly, within the stipulated time limit, all of your clansmen in Zhu Lingyue must Leave, or there will only be a dead end."

Zhu Lingyue frowned. He didn't expect that Chu Huan would let him go. Ants still steal their lives. If there was a chance to escape from death, Zhu Lingyue would naturally wish for it. However, he still remained calm and asked, "What about the second one?" ?”

"To let you go, of course you need an excuse." Marquis Gan said solemnly: "Although the court has no intention of rebelling against you, the world knows it. If the governor of Chu let you go easily, the court will pursue it. I'm afraid there will be no small consequences. Trouble, so an excuse is always needed...do you understand what I mean?"

"A traitor?" Zhu Lingyue smiled lightly without arguing, "What do you mean by excuse?"

"You are a literati." Marquis Gan stared into Zhu Lingyue's eyes, "For many people, literati are well-read poetry and books, and will not rebel easily, but rough warriors, who gather troops on the spur of the moment, so... Tianshan soldiers Ma's rebellion, who's heart came from, of course, you can talk about it. If you, Zhu Lingyue, wanted to rebel, no one would be able to save you, but... if it was someone else, you, Governor Zhu, have made military exploits after all, so it's not impossible To avoid death...!"


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