As the sun was setting, just as Lei Guheng expected, the Tianmen Taoists outside were obviously chilled by Lei Guheng, and they didn't dare to rush forward. Instead, it was Lei Guheng who waited until the sun went down and led his men again. Dozens of horsemen and horses rushed out like wolves and tigers. This time, the Taoists of Tianmen learned their lesson and did not go forward to surround and kill them. They just followed Lei Guheng's movement and the entire army formation followed. They seemed to know that Lei Guheng was not Not wanting to break out, Lei Guheng rushed around and killed a dozen people before returning to the Taoist temple.

Just as he was about to dismount and rest, he suddenly heard someone shouting in front of the door: "General, come and see!"

Lei Guheng hadn't dismounted yet, when he heard the sound, he turned his horse's head, and when he got to the gate, he saw that not far from the gate, torches had already been lit, and a group of Tianmen Dao cavalry with torches were slowly walking from the dense crowd Out of the crowd, there were about thirty or forty riders. Unlike the rabble of Tianmen Taoists, most of the Tianmen Taoists had different clothes, but this group of cavalry were all wearing black shorts, and they were all wrapped up. Turbans, mostly blue turbans, but there are also a few purple and white turbans, and two people wearing yellow turbans. Among the crowd, one person is very conspicuous. The towel is very special.

Lei Guheng and Tianmen Dao have been fighting in the southeast for so long, of course they know the weight of the red scarf, if there is no mistake, then the person with the red armor and helmet wearing the red scarf must be one of the seven generals.

I saw the red-armored general approaching slowly on horseback, the cavalry behind him wanted to keep up, the red-armored general raised his hand, the cavalry behind him stopped immediately, the red-armored general came forward slowly alone, Lei Guheng Shaking the horse's reins, the soldiers in front of the door obviously knew Lei Guheng very well. Someone moved some of the obstacles blocking the door. Lei Guheng urged the horse out of the door. The soldiers behind him wanted to follow. Lei Guheng also raised his hand to signal Don't have to follow.

The two war horses were walking slowly, far away from thinking twice, Lei Guheng and the red armored general reined in the horses at the same time, Lei Guheng saw that the red armored general not only had red armor and a red helmet all over his body, but also had a red helmet on his face. From the eyes down to the chin, half of the mask was also covered under the red mask, but it could be seen that the other party's eyes were radiant and extremely sharp.

"Six Dao of Tianmen, the Dao is the first, and the seven heroes of the Dao lead the world." The red-armored general stared at Lei Guheng, but he cupped his hands and said: "General, I am lucky to meet General Lei!"

Lei Guheng didn't show the slightest surprise, and said with a faint smile: "So you are one of the seven generals, the Japanese General? With the red armor on your body, it looks like you really want the sun to shine, but it's a pity that a mob can't make a big deal in the end .”

The red-armored general said indifferently: "The matter has come to this, the general has no way out, I don't know what choice the general is going to make?"

"Oh?" Lei Guheng smiled and said, "I still have a choice?"

General Ri nodded and said: "General Lei is famous all over the world. Although I met you for the first time today, I have admired the prestige of General for a long time. In my opinion, General Lei has been well-informed and wise. He must be able to understand The general trend of the world...!"

Before he could finish speaking, Lei Guheng raised his hand to stop and said, "Since you call yourself a general, you don't need to talk nonsense. What you want is the life of this general, and you just want to kill this general." It won't be easy."

The Japanese general nodded and said: "The general is brave, going deep into the army formation, as if entering the land of no one, what the world says is true, I admire the general very much."

"Tianmen Daoists are just bewitched by your coquettishness. In the final analysis, they are all ordinary people." Lei Guheng said slowly: "Although this general has killed countless people in his life, there is no reason to kill these people again. Ben will be able to hand over his head, but you have to agree to one condition."

The Japanese general raised his hand and said, "General, please speak!"

"Since you claim to be Taoists, you should pay more attention to the so-called origin of the same clan." Lei Guheng said indifferently: "You have killed all the way, and your lives have been ruined. Since you keep saying that you are for the people of the world, why bother to kill more? There is also a Taoist temple behind the general, and there are still many people in the Taoist temple, they are unarmed, the general only hopes that you will restrain your subordinates, and stop killing these unarmed people."

The Japanese general stared at Lei Guheng with sharp eyes, and sighed: "At this moment, the general, are you still thinking about those common people? But your emperor has always been nothing but them."

"Don't talk nonsense." Lei Guheng said in a deep voice, "If you agreed, I would have fulfilled you."

The Japanese general pondered for a while, and finally said: "General Lei has ruled the world for decades, and he has been invincible. Today, it is not that the general is incompetent, but that Qin is helpless. I have great admiration for the general's reputation, and it is also for the general's use of troops." I yearn for it, I can promise the general that no one in the Taoist temple will be hurt, but I also have a request for the general."

"Oh?" Lei Guheng stroked his beard and smiled, "What request do you have from this general?"

"I heard that the general also hated the incompetence of the government back then, so he gathered thousands of people to join the army. These people followed the general from Cangling, and later defected to Ying Yuan with the general. They made great military exploits and became famous all over the world. "The Japanese general stared at Lei Guheng, "Not only is the general's reputation spread far and wide, but the five hundred Thunder Riders under the general's command are also invincible, and they are well-trained and admirable."

Lei Guheng just looked at General Ri indifferently, without saying a word.

"And I also know that the five hundred Jinglei riders are almost all the children of Cangling. They were trained by General Lei himself. The father died and the son died, and the brothers will last forever. They are loyal to the general." The Japanese general said slowly: "Back then General Lei attacked the Tianshu Kingdom, led by five hundred thunder cavalry, and defeated the [-] army of the Tianshu Kingdom, shocking the world, so I really want to see the demeanor of the thunder cavalry back then."

Lei Guheng frowned and said, "What exactly do you want to say?"

"Your Majesty has already set up the Ten Wind Formation." The Japanese General raised his hand and pointed back, "It is just five miles ahead, and it is ready. I would like to see the General lead the Thunder Riders to a battle. As long as the General is willing to fight, whether it is victory or death Defeated, I will do nothing to Quanyang Dao Guanqiu, as long as they are inside, regardless of officials or civilians, I will never harm them."

Lei Guheng smiled and said: "I will agree to you."

The Japanese general cupped his hands and said solemnly: "Thank you, General!" Without further words, he turned his horse's head and galloped back. Lei Guheng had also turned his horse's head, and the flying horse galloped into the Taoist temple.

Everyone saw Lei Guheng and the red armor talking alone, but they didn't know what they said. Lei Guheng hurried his horse to the courtyard, only to see his subordinates gathered around him, and many people also appeared in all directions. , They all looked at Lei Guheng with a terrified expression. Everyone knows that there are thousands of Taoist priests outside the Taoist temple. It is the god who came down to earth, and in this case, it is impossible to be outnumbered.

Lei Guheng was their last reliance, and everyone believed that as long as the Taoists from the Tianmen invaded the Taoist temple, there would be no dog or dog left inside the Taoist temple.

Lei Guheng clearly felt the panic and despair of this group of people. He took off his helmet and looked around. Under the firelight, he was riding a horse, still standing upright like an iron tower, without the slightest hunched state. Said in a deep voice: "Fathers and folks, I am ashamed. As a general of the empire, I can't protect everyone and let everyone suffer from the chaos of war. I apologize to everyone!" Someone in the crowd was already choking up.

"They have promised me that as long as I go to break the formation, none of you will be hurt." Lei Guheng said loudly, "Where is Chunyangzi?"

The master of the Taoist temple, Chun Yangzi, had already stepped forward and said, "Old general, here is the poor Taoist. What orders does the general have?" Although he is a disciple of the Xuanzhen Taoist sect, the local officials don't pay much attention to him, but Lei Guheng He is the general of the empire, the founding father of the country, even if he has some thoughts in his heart, he would not dare to slight or offend Lei Guheng in the slightest.

"Ben will know that there must be a lot of food stored in your Taoist temple." Lei Guheng said indifferently: "All the food in the Taoist temple is given to these common people. Before the Tiger Guard City settles down, everyone stays here , don’t go out for the time being, and save all the food you allocate, or you can stick to it until the end...!”

Liang Chunyangzi's eyelids twitched, Lei Guheng said in a deep voice, "Can you hear that?"

With the roar of the tiger, Chun Yangzi felt chills, and hurriedly said: "Don't worry, General, Pindao will definitely take out all the stored food and distribute it to everyone."

Lei Guheng nodded, looked at the soldiers, and said: "You all stay here, in case Tianmen Dao doesn't keep its promise, I will go to break the formation alone."

As soon as the words came out, everyone was shocked, but they saw dozens of cavalrymen mount their horses one after another without saying a word, holding knives in their hands, and said nothing, but their expressions and eyes were extremely firm.

Lei Guheng said angrily: "What are you doing? Are you going to disobey this general's order? This general governs the army strictly. You have followed this general for many years and know his temper. Anyone who disobeys will be killed without mercy!"

A cavalryman looked at Lei Guheng. He was over [-] years old, with firm eyes, and said: "General, I have followed the general since I was ten years old, and fought south and north. Every time the general went to battle, I followed him. I have never missed one time, and I will never let the general go alone today." In fact, everyone knows that Lei Guheng's words clearly reveal that he has reached an agreement with Tianmen Dao, although he does not know why Tianmen Dao is so generous. But obviously, as long as they stay in the Taoist temple, the Taoists of Tianmen will not harm them.

Lei Guheng went alone, obviously he wanted to die alone, and he really wanted to save the lives of these people.

Lei Guheng sneered and said: "Tie Zhongheng, since you have followed this general for many years, you should know his temperament even more. If you dare to disobey, this general will be the first to kill you."

Tie Zhongheng smiled and said: "General, I have never been absent in all battles, but today he wants to leave me, life would be worse than death." He raised his hand suddenly, before everyone could react, the knife light flashed, and he was already cut off Blood spurted out of his throat, Tie Zhongheng looked at Lei Guheng with his eyes, and said with all his strength: "General... Take care...!" The man had already fallen off the horse.

Lei Guheng was stunned for a moment, got off his horse, hugged Tie Zhongheng, his eyes were already red, and said sharply: "Tie Zhongheng, you are so bold, dare to disobey your orders, you will not be allowed to die, why are you... ...Why do you dare to die?" At this time, Tie Zhongheng was already breathless, blood pooled, Lei Guheng held him in his arms, trembling all over, he was crying, his voice was hoarse, and he suddenly sang: "Fuck Wu Ge wears rhinoceros armor, carts go wrong and soldiers meet short-handed... The sun is covered by the sun, the enemy is like a cloud, and the arrows are falling, the soldiers are fighting for the first...!"

At this time, the Thunder Riding warriors around him had already sang in chorus: "...I can't go in and out, I can't go back, and the plains are so far away...Bring a long sword and hold a Qin bow, and leave without punishment...!"

Hundreds of people sang in unison.

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