The prince's team left quickly before the refugees rushed to Nancheng. The car drove like wind along the way. When they arrived at the prince's mansion, the sky was already slightly bright. the tranquility.

Along the way, the crown prince continued to issue orders, and Nancheng was attacked. At this time, it was extremely difficult to organize the soldiers and horses of the various departments of Wujingwei in Nancheng. He hoped that Nancheng Wujingwei could stop the refugees. He only hoped that Nancheng Wujingwei would not give up resistance and resist with all his strength to buy time for the capital's manpower mobilization.

Recently, the prince's main energy has been on the front line. Although he is in the capital, he controls the deployment of Qin Shui's troops and horses, and tries his best to ensure the logistics supply of the front line. In his plan, even if Qin Shui is cut off The bridge and the Tianmen way will not retreat easily. They will definitely build ships on the south bank to cross the river. The battle of Qinshui is bound to be a protracted battle.

It is also because of this that although the prince is also wary of the turmoil in Beijing, his main energy is in the front.

He did not expect that the refugees outside the city turned out to be the biggest threat to the capital in the end, and the refugees outside the capital turned back before Tianmendao came.

There are a large number of refugees outside the west city. The prince is preparing to use the strategy of first inside and then outside. When preventing the refugees from entering the city, first cut off the rebellious party in the city, and then come forward to appease the people outside the city. It is nothing more than opening the granary at that time. But I didn't expect that the other party had a plan long ago. Now that I think about it, the refugees outside the west city are obviously just a cover-up to attract the attention of the capital to the direction of the west city, while the other party's breakthrough point is in the south city.

The refugees outside the South City had already been organized under the instigation of people with ulterior motives, and then cooperated with the inside and outside, and broke through the South Gate in one fell swoop. The guards at the South Gate were not strong, and most of the Wujing Guards were scattered among the squares. Be wary of rebellious parties in the interior and scattered troops. Now that the south city gate is broken, it is difficult for the Wujing guards to gather quickly. They can only fight on their own, unable to form a strong fighting force.

Refugees rushed into the city like a flood. Under the anger, most people have lost their minds. At this time, it is impossible for them to hear any advice. If they want to make them retreat, they can only use military force Suppression, but what makes the crown prince troublesome is that there are very few troops in his hands that can be mobilized now.

Except for Wu Jingwei who guarded the capital, all the garrison guards that could be mobilized were transferred to Qinshui to block the offensive of Tianmen Dao and keep the capital. Originally, the empire set up [-] garrison guards. The soldiers and horses of the guard army, when their strength was at its peak, once reached more than one hundred thousand people, they were all well-equipped, elite soldiers and strong generals, and at one time represented the mighty force of the empire.

However, in the Hebei Rebellion, Han Santong took some away, and in the Southeast Rebellion, Lei Guheng took away another part. The soldiers and horses guarding the capital gradually dispersed. The doorway, the guards guarding the capital, can be said to be completely emptied, and even the most elite royal guards guarding the imperial city, the main force was taken away because of the emperor's northern tour, leaving only a thousand soldiers for use. To guard the imperial city, not to mention the protection of the entire capital, even the protection of an imperial city is already stretched, so it is absolutely impossible to deploy a single soldier.

On the one hand, the prince sent people to order the gates of other cities to close the gates and strengthen their defenses, so as not to allow refugees from other gates to rush in; The refugees who rushed into the capital, although he knew that even if Wu Jingwei gathered the whole city, there would be only a few thousand people, but this Wu Jingwei was already the only soldier he could mobilize.

The prince had just entered the mansion, but a group of officials had already greeted him. The first person was Shen Keqiu, the imperial envoy of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, who was also the core figure of the princeling party. Ke Qiu has already stepped forward and clasped his hands and said anxiously: "Jianguo, the southern city gate was broken, refugees flooded into the city, murdered and set fire, does Jianguo know?"

The prince said: "You all already know?"

"Jian Guo, what should we do now?" Shen Keqiu said anxiously, "There are no troops outside the city to mobilize, and there are tens of thousands of refugees outside the city. If all of them rush into the city, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Even if they didn't all rush in, it would be unimaginable." The prince said with a stern expression, "I have mobilized Wu Jingwei to organize the suppression, but the strength is still weak...!"

An official behind Shen Keqiu said: "Your Highness, the refugees have rushed to Nancheng. Now Nancheng is in chaos. I am worried that the Hyogo in Nancheng will soon fall into their hands. If so...!"

The prince frowned even more tightly.

The three major arsenals in the capital all store weapons and equipment. The "weapons" in the hands of the refugees who rushed into the city are very simple now, but once they really occupy the arsenal in the south city, open the arsenal and take out the weapons stored inside. Weapons, then a group of refugees will have elite weapons in their hands, even if they are a mob, their destructive power is still incredible.

"For the current plan, there is only one way." The prince said in a deep voice: "Master Shen, you are ready to set off immediately, go to the east city and the north city, gather your manpower, open the warehouse, and suppress the rebellion."

"Assemble the manpower?" Shen Keqiu was taken aback.

The prince frowned and said, "Most of the East City is mansions with countless officials. They all have house slaves in their houses. You should come forward in person now and go tell them to let them organize all the house slaves in your mansion, and then go to Go to the arsenal to get the weapons, and after you get the weapons, hand them over to the Wujing Guard Department in each square for command."

When Shen Keqiu and the others heard the words, their eyes lit up immediately, "Your Highness is saying that you want to stop the slaves and guards and use it to suppress those rioters?"

"That's right." The prince nodded and said, "Now only these people can be used. You tell them that the refugees outside the city kill people and set fire to them, and kill anyone they see. If they have to shrink back one by one at this time, then they won't What is the end, you say it is the order of this palace, as long as you repel the refugees and make military exploits, this palace will definitely reward you a lot."

Shen Keqiu knew that it was not too late, cupped his hands and said: "I will lead people to split up the matter." He took his leave immediately and left the Prince's Mansion, quickly gaining the limelight, and went to organize people to prepare for resistance.

When Shen Keqiu and others retreated, Zhao Quan immediately ordered the guards, "Close all doors tightly, mobilize everyone to guard all parts of the mansion, if there is any abnormality, report it immediately." Then he pushed the prince into the hall.

As soon as he entered the hall, Liuli had already greeted him. Seeing that the prince was safe and sound, he breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately asked someone to bring hot water to help the prince wash his face. Then he said softly: "Your Highness, is there something serious going on in the city? The sky in the direction is fiery red, and there seems to be a big fire over there."

The prince tried his best to look calm, and said with a faint smile: "Don't worry, it's just some rioters who are making trouble. My palace has sent people to suppress it, and it will calm down soon."

"Your Highness, you haven't eaten all day, so I'm going to get you some food...!"

The prince shook his head, turned the wheelchair, faced the door, stared at the door, and muttered to himself: "This it really impossible to keep it?"

Dawn has not yet come, and the twilight before dawn spills into the house through the window lattice. This is a very ordinary house in the middle of Beijing. It is deserted and deserted. It is located in a remote place in the middle of Beijing. , the heavy-backed golden gun general entered the house with a golden gun in his hand, and then the rather embarrassed Han Wang Yingping followed into the house with a big knife in his hand.

Behind him, Tian Hou and three or four of his subordinates were about to follow into the house, but the golden gun looked over and said coldly: "Yingping stay here, everyone else get out...!"

His voice was cold and harsh, Han Wang, Tian Hou and the others were startled, Yingping's eyes twitched, Tian Hou slightly clenched his fist with one hand, but finally pushed out the door.

The furnishings in the room were extremely simple, with only one wooden table and one chair. The golden gun sat down on the chair, glanced at Yingping, and said calmly, "Close the door!"

His tone was like an irresistible order, Yingping frowned, and did not close the door, but said indifferently: "This king is very grateful for your rescue, are not qualified to give orders to this king!"

"call out!"

When the strong wind moved, the golden gun was like lightning, and the cold and sharp tip of the spear was already on Yingping's throat. Yingping's face changed slightly, but he still forced a sneer and said, "You want to kill me, my lord?"

"In front of this general, don't call yourself the king anymore." The golden gun general said coldly: "Since you have made an oath to break with the Qin royal family, from now on you will only obey the orders of the Lord of Heaven, so you are no longer The King of Han of the Qin State, this title is no longer necessary. If you want to kill you, if necessary, I will use this golden spear to kill anyone, including you of course."

"My lord... as I said before, I am cooperating with you, not your subordinates." Yingping's cheekbones protruded, "I and your Tiangong are just a cooperative relationship, not his subordinates, let alone obey his orders." .”

"You are a smart man." Golden Gun General said indifferently: "Cooperation is just a nice rhetoric. Without us, you are just a poor bastard pretending to be crazy, and you will never have a chance to make a comeback. You are a smart man. You have something to say, everyone If you understand the meaning, there is no need to pretend to be confused."

The corners of Yingping's eyes twitched, he pondered for a moment, and then said: "Even if I really want to act according to the plan you set, it can only act according to your God's will, and you have no right to order me."

"The general now represents Tiangong." The golden gun general said coldly: "I will ask you, why did you assassinate Yingxiang tonight? The task I will give you is to let you contact all the manpower that can be used in the city, and wait until you are killed." The general gave an order and cooperated with the inside and the outside, and the general deployed outside the city... You acted without authorization to organize this assassination, and did not report to the general in advance, are you guilty?"

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