After Gongsun Chu left, Chu Huan sat alone in the side hall, contemplated for a long time, finally got up and left the side hall, thought for a while, and finally went to Su Niang's room, where he slept all night.Vertex Fiction

In the early morning of the next day, because of Chu Huan's triumphant return, all the officials in Shuoquan City came to congratulate him. All the officials were full. Chu Huan naturally thanked everyone for keeping their positions in the rear and for their efforts to suppress the bandits. Contribution, in addition, I told Gongsun Chu on the spot that officials who have made meritorious service in defending the city this time will be rewarded heavily. Hundreds of households.

The other officials have their own praises, those who should be promoted, the merchants who belong to the merchant, and the group is happy. Only after Xuanyuan Shengcai pacified Luodingxi, he led the officers and soldiers back to Jiazhou to guard. Although he was not present, Chu Huan still remained Send someone to send a commendation.

The original head of the household department was Wei Wuji. Now that Wei Wuji has gone to Tianshan, the post of head of the household department has become vacant. Chu Huan consulted the officials on the spot for candidates, and finally everyone unanimously elected Shan Chengyuan, the commander of the household department, to take charge of the household. Division, this Shan Chengyuan was originally promoted by Gongsun Chu early, and he has been working in the household division, shrewd and capable, but because of Gongsun Chubo, he was almost dragged to the execution ground by Dongfangxin. After Chu Huan rescued him, he was still in the department. The Department of Household Affairs was on duty, and later helped Wei Wuji handle the affairs of the Household Department. During the implementation of the Land Equalization Order, he also spared no effort and contributed a lot.

This is a talented person. It stands to reason that Wei Wuji needs some capable officials to go with him when he goes to Tianshan Mountain. However, he thinks that although the Land Equalization Order has been implemented, there are still many inspections to be done later, and Shan Chengyuan is also aware of the Land Equalization Order. One of the officials in the chest, if all the capable officials of the household department were taken away, it would be difficult to operate here, so Wei Wuji specially kept Shan Chengyuan.

At today's meeting, everyone expected it. Under the recommendation of everyone, Chu Huan ordered Shan Chengyuan to be the head of the household department on the spot.

When all the officials left, Chu Huan specifically kept all the officials of the Ministry of War. The position of the chief of the Ministry of War was originally a member of the Zhu Party when Dongfangxin was in charge. Later, he was eliminated by Chu Huan. After that, with the assistance of Gongsun Chu In addition, the vacancies in each department's yamen were filled as much as possible, except that Chu Huan, the head of the Ministry of War, had never arranged manpower, and Chu Huan, the head of the Ministry of War, mostly took care of himself.

Leaving the officials of the Ministry of War is actually discussing the next issue of the military system.

According to the normal situation, the armies of various provinces in Daqin are mainly composed of three soldiers and horses, one is the governor's imperial guards, the other is the state troops of each state, and the third is the guards stationed in the guards.

It’s just that because of the war in the northwest, after the invasion of Xiliang, the military system has changed. Assemble, at that time there were all kinds of soldiers and horses under his command, and there was even a specially formed township militia, without a unified name, all under the command of Yu Buqu. The army was used to stabilize the situation in Xiguan. Except for Gan Hou who led a unit to continue guarding the border, Xiguan had only the Pingxi Army at that time.

After Chu Huan arrived, he got rid of the Xiguan Zhu Party headed by Dongfangxin and took control of the Pingxi Army. Afterwards, he instructed Pei Ji to form the Imperial Guard Army. The current Xiguan Army is actually composed of the Pingxi Army and the Imperial Guard Army. The formation of the Imperial Guard Army is still short. Although Chu Huan allocated the most sophisticated equipment as possible, it is still difficult to compare with the Eighth Battalion of the Pingxi Army. The army was transferred out to conduct actual combat training on the battlefield.

In the past, due to the lack of a large number of war horses, no matter the Pingxi Army or the Imperial Guard, the number of cavalry was limited, and it was impossible to truly form a real cavalry army. However, the battle against Tianshan not only eliminated powerful enemies, but most importantly captured The spoils of war made Chu Huan from a poor man with a small pocket, to an upstart who wore gold and silver all of a sudden.

There are 2 black wind cavalry in Tianshan Mountain. Although many horses died on the battlefield after the bitter battle, there are still more than [-] horses. These are all cavalry carefully crafted by Zhu Lingyue. Although many cavalry escaped and many war horses scattered away from the battlefield, they still captured tens of thousands of war horses. With so many war horses, no matter where they are placed, they can form an extremely powerful army. An attacking cavalry corps, and Chu Huan immediately put this time on the agenda after the battle, and after discussing with Pei Ji, it was confirmed that there could only be one cavalry corps in the northwest, and this cavalry corps also It can only be controlled by Xiguan. Whether it is Beishan or Tianshan, the cavalry system will be cancelled, and all cavalry will be uniformly organized by Xu Shao.

Not only will Xu Shao continue to search for lost horses in the northwest, but he will also unify the entire northwest cavalry with the assistance of Hou Jingang, Gu Liangchen and other cavalry generals.

The Tianshan cavalry has been selected to stay in the team, and on the Xiguan side, the cavalry of the "Fengzi Battalion" led by Xu Shao, as well as the cavalry masters in the battalions of the Pingxi Army, will naturally be organized into the cavalry regiment. Form a unified cavalry system, receive the same training, and facilitate unified command.

And Xu Shao will of course have to recruit the cavalry from Beishan in the future. There are also thousands of cavalry in Beishan. Naturally, all these cavalry will be incorporated into the cavalry regiment. Huan's bottom line is that apart from Xu Shao's cavalry, there is no other independent cavalry regiment in the northwest.

The cavalry system has already begun to be established, and Chu Huan will naturally have to restructure the infantry next. The main body of the infantry is the Eighth Battalion of the Pingxi Army.

Before this, Chu Huan had already had in-depth conversations and plans with Pei Ji. Today, he was with the officials of the Ministry of War to discuss the reorganization of the Pingxi Army. In the end, Chu Huan did not want the army under his command to have serious factions In other words, although factions are indispensable for a huge army, Chu Huan hopes to reduce this faction dispute to a minimum. The Pingxi Eight Battalions are divided into eight battalions. In fact, there are conflicts between the battalions controlled by Dongfangxin's cronies and the others, and the distribution and quality of equipment are different.

After Chu Huan took control of the Pingxi Army, the gap between the Pingxi Eighth Battalions actually still existed, but it hadn't been revealed yet because of their respective transfers.

Chu Huan still understands the battle of cavalry and infantry in Tianshan, and naturally hopes to avoid going down the old path. The conflict between the Pingxi Eighth Battalion must also be resolved as soon as possible, and the way to solve it is naturally to carry out a new reorganization and restructuring, no matter in name or in reality The establishment of the Pingxi Army will be comprehensively reformed. The name of the Eighth Battalion of the Pingxi Army itself has factions, so Chu Huan discussed with the officials of the Ministry of War. Yu Buqun formed the Pingxi Army in the first place to quell the banditry and rebellion in the northwest. Now Xiao Huanzhang and Zhu Lingyue's two major rebel parties have been eliminated, and after the implementation of the land equalization order, the so-called bandits have also been greatly reduced. Although there are still a few bandits in the northwest, they are no longer a serious problem. Naturally, the three characters do not need to be used anymore. Today's Northwest soldiers and horses are mainly used to shock the bandits in the Northwest, so it is more appropriate to call it "Zhenxi Army".

All the officials of the Ministry of War fully agree with the new name, but just changing the name is of course not a reform of the military system. For specific reforms, the officials of the Ministry of War have many suggestions, and the most important thing for Chu Huan is to cancel it. The eight battalions are divided, and all officers and soldiers belong to the "Zhenxi Army". Although the governor of the empire has always had the right to control the imperial guards, the situation in the northwest is different, and Chu Huan has repeatedly told everyone that he came here When Xiguan took office, the emperor once said that he could act according to circumstances, and he had the right to respond randomly in Xiguan. Therefore, before the northwest is completely stabilized, the "Zhenxi Army" will be directly ordered by the governor of Xiguan, and Pei Ji, as a general, will directly command "Zhenxi Army".

The "Zhenxi Army" is not just the reorganized Pingxi Army's bugle number, but the bugle number of all soldiers and horses in Xiguan, including the cavalry regiment that Xu Shao prepared to build, which will also be one of the components of the "Zhenxi Army".

According to Chu Huan's vision, the cavalry corps will be led by Xu Shao, and Hou Jingang, Gu Liangchen, and Lang Wazi will serve as deputy commanders of the cavalry. The restructured infantry will be led by Xuanyuan Shengcai, Lu Cunxiao, Fang Rushui, Han Ying, Ming Ji And others will be responsible for commanding the infantry as the core generals of the infantry.

The specific reorganization measures are naturally given by Chu Huan in the general direction, and the specific operation plan will be discussed by the Department of Military Affairs. It is a "Zhenxi Army" composed of powerful cavalry and elite infantry but integrated into one. This army will have a strict military system, and the promotion of generals will follow Chu Huan's usual practice. Look at talent.

Chu Huan was taught by Pei Ji that in order to train a combat-capable army, he must follow strict military management, discuss meritorious service, and punish those who have done wrong.

Discussed with the officials of the Ministry of War for several hours. At noon, they had dinner at the Governor's Mansion, and they talked while eating. The amount of salary, the specific implementation method of the reward and punishment system, the distribution of soldiers' equipment, the promotion system of soldiers, etc., can only be discussed in a rough outline temporarily, and the specific details are left to the officials of the Ministry of War for detailed formulation.

In fact, Chu Huan always feels that sometimes very simple problems are artificially complicated, especially because of the special interests and specialization of some people, which leads to various problems and conflicts.

To make the common people live in peace, let them have enough food and clothing to satisfy them. They don’t ask for much, and as parents and officials, they should lead their subjects to eat and clothing. For soldiers who join the army, it is also In one sentence, there are clear rewards and punishments, so that they have the opportunity to strive for higher status and rewards through their own efforts, and those who dare to defy military orders and specialize will be punished mercilessly. , the army will naturally maintain extremely high morale and strong combat effectiveness.

The problems in the army are nothing more than those who should be rewarded but not what they should have, and those who should be punished cannot be severely punished because of their special background. As a result, the morale of the army is naturally low and it is difficult to form a cohesive force. He secretly swears that at least he can't let the army under his command become such an army, with clear rewards and punishments, and it must be the bottom line of Zhenxi Army's persistence to the end.


ps: The real tough battle is behind, so some things that must be accounted for must be accounted for. No matter the military or the economy, they must be normalized before they can be strong, so don’t say I’m stupid... Long live the understanding.

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