National color raw owl

Chapter 1543 Old confused

When Chu Huan and Lin Lang arrived at the Su Mansion, there was still a sunset in the sky. After receiving the report, Su Zhongyan had already rushed over. When he saw Chu Huan, he immediately knelt down to salute, but Chu Huan had already stopped him, and said with a smile: "Seven Uncle, there are no outsiders, they are all from our own family, don't be like this. When I came back yesterday, I wanted to come to see my uncle, but something delayed me, so I can spare time to come with Lin Lang today."

Su Zhongyan is respectful and afraid of Chu Huan now, and said: "Then I will tell my father right now, Chu Du...!"

"Just call me Chu Huan." Chu Huan said with a smile.

Su Zhongyan waved his hands and said with a smile: "Don't dare. Dude Chu, it seems that father is in the backyard. I'll invite you right away. By the way, Lin Lang, you go to the living room for tea...!" He called someone to order: "Hurry up and prepare for the dinner."

Chu Huan also had the intention of having dinner here, so he just said, "You don't need to invite uncle, Lin Lang and I will meet you in the backyard."

Now Su Zhongyan led the way and came to the backyard, which was a small garden. From a distance, he could see the old man sitting on a bamboo chair with a book in his hand.

"Father, Governor Chu and Lin Lang have come to visit you." Su Zhongyan called out from afar when he saw Grandpa.

The old man glanced this way, stood up, but did not put down his book, when Chu Huan and Lin Lang came over, and was about to salute, the old man had already smiled and said: "No need." Then said: "It's quiet here, Just sit here for a while?"

Chu Huan naturally nodded in agreement, and Su Zhongyan ordered two chairs to be brought over to handle the dinner by himself. Then the old man sat down, looked at Chu Huan, and said with a smile: "The battle is successful, and the Northwest is invincible. It's gratifying Congratulations."

Chu Huan said with a smile: "It's all thanks to my uncle."

"It's not like that." The old man said with a smile, "I'm so old that one foot is buried in the ground, I can't count on it, it's all your own ability...!"

"What book did uncle read?" Lin Lang asked with a smile, "It seems to be fascinated."

"Oh?" The old man said with a smile: "A book of "Historical Records", I always like to flip through it when I have nothing to do. Just now I saw the family of Goujian, the king of Yue, and I felt a little bit addicted to it."

Linlang Bingxue is smart, the old man said so specifically, she knew that the old man might have something to say to Chu Huan, so she got up and said, "Uncle, I'll go visit my aunt and the others first, you two should chat here."

"Alright." The old man nodded and said, "I just wanted to say a few words to Chu Du, but you, a woman, don't want to listen."

Lin Lang covered her teeth with a smile and backed away, and then Chu Huan asked with a smile, "Uncle, what do you think?"

Only then did the old man put down the book and sighed: "It's just a sigh of Fan Li."


"Goujian tried his best to achieve great things. He was able to defeat the state of Wu. In the final analysis, I am afraid that he alone would not be able to achieve success. Without the loyal assistance of Wen Zhong Fan Li and others, he may not be able to achieve success."

Chu Huan nodded and said, "That's right, a good guy with three gangs, if he wants to fight alone in the world with bare hands, it will be easy to be smashed to pieces in the end."

The old man sighed, "It's a pity that it's the last...!" Shaking his head, "The cunning rabbit dies, the lackey cooks, the birds are exhausted, and the good bow is hidden. Although Gou Jian has amazing perseverance, he is in trouble, but he cannot share wealth. , Fan Li is shrewd in killing Wenzhong, otherwise he will surely end up dead...!"

Chu Huan didn't change his face, and said with a smile: "So Goujian has been criticized for killing loyal ministers."

"What's the use of that, it's just for future generations to talk about after dinner." The old man smiled and said, "But for Wen Zhong, it's heartbreaking... Occasionally, the old man thinks of Wen Zhong's mood before he died, and then I feel a little heavy, and it’s sad to be loyal to others, but to end up like this in the end.”

Chu Huan smiled and said, "Did uncle point something out?"

"Ah?" The old man waved his hands and said with a smile: "It's just that I feel emotional occasionally, doesn't Chu Du like to hear it?"

"Of course not." Chu Huan said with a smile: "I have always hoped to get advice from my uncle. By the way, this time I thwarted the conspiracy of Beishan soldiers and horses and captured Shuoquan. Uncle stepped forward and I came to thank you."

The old man laughed and said: "You don't have to thank me. If Shuoquan falls, what will happen to us Xiguan gentry? Oh, if you want to say thank you, His Royal Highness Qi Wang sent someone to post an invitation Let's go to his palace to celebrate...!"

"I heard that uncle didn't go to the banquet?"

The old man leaned back slowly, leaning on the chair, looking old-fashioned, but his eyes were full of wisdom accumulated over the years, "Going to the banquet? Why are you going to the banquet?"

Chu Huan was taken aback, and the old man said leisurely: "The reason why we organized people to help defend the city is because you sent a letter. We did it according to your wishes. To put it more directly, it is to help you guard this acre. The land is also helping me to protect my family property...!" Raising his hand, stroking his beard, "Chu Du, before we defended the city, we didn't know that there was a King Qi in the city, and it was not defending the city for King Qi... oh , I’m not the only one saying this, everyone is saying the same thing.”

Chu Huan didn't expect the old man to say it so directly, and he didn't know how to say it.

"Chu Du, the old man is dim-sighted now, and sometimes his brain is confused, so some of the words are not right, you just treat the old man as an old fool and talking nonsense." Guang, "Yesterday Qian Boyi came to my house, and when he was talking, he suddenly asked me what day was in Qin Li yesterday, but I was so confused that I suddenly forgot, not only that, but I couldn't even remember who it was today. "

Chu Huan's eyebrows twitched slightly.

"I said I was old and confused, but Qian Boyi also said that he couldn't remember." The old man sighed: "Chu Du, you said that the people in the northwest, how many people still remember Qin Li?"

Knowing that the old man said this, Chu Huan was quite straightforward, and sighed: "Uncle, you mean that the common people don't remember the Qin calendar?"

The old man smiled slightly, "Those who live in the deep mountains and old forests probably don't know that there is Qin Li... Well, I still counted Qin Li in the first few years, but now I can't remember it. It seems that this Qin Li has been used for more than 20 years... ...For more than 20 years, with a flick of a finger, this northwest is too remote, and some people don't know the Qin calendar, but it is really unusual...!"

Chu Huan said "Oh", before the old man slowly said: "Northwest people cherish the past, and whoever treats them well, they will remember who... Well, the Hua Dynasty has been passed down for hundreds of years, and the people in the Northwest know that there is a In the Hua Dynasty, later all the heroes came together, and there were five kingdoms in the three provinces in the northwest. Today you beat me, and tomorrow I beat you. Fight back and forth. However, the common people don’t remember China, they still remember the Hua Dynasty... After fighting for so many years, there were scars all over the northwest. I know, but I don’t even know who the emperor on top of my head is... Life was difficult at first, and after more than ten years of hard work, I finally regained some vitality, and suddenly there were heavy taxes. Cultivating Taoism requires building palaces, so the common people have to give up their belongings...the wives and children starved to death, with no clothes to cover their bodies, and no food to eat. Wives and children are scattered, families are ruined, people are in exile, thinking about paying money to the top every year, soldiers can't beat foreigners, it's fine, but a large number of people starve to death, the emperor on top of him can't just watch the common people alive because of the construction of the palace Are you all starving to death? So everyone is waiting, waiting for some food to come down, don’t be full, as long as you can fill your stomach, it doesn’t matter if you starve to death, don’t let your wife and children starve to death... Wait, wait, watch My family members starved to death one by one, but not a single grain came...!"

The old man's voice was low, like an old man babbling about family affairs, his wrinkled face was full of vicissitudes, but his expression was extremely dignified.

Chu Huan's eyebrows were furrowed, and the corners of his eyes twitched slightly.

"Chu Du, tell me, what do these people think in their hearts?" The old man stared at Chu Huan with a pair of insightful eyes, "You said they should kneel down and worship the emperor who practiced Taoism above their heads, hoping that he would live forever. Are you old, or do you hide a knife in your heart, thinking that one day you will seek justice for your wife and children?"

Chu Huan sighed, and said, "Uncle, I understand what you mean. You mean that people in Northwest hate Qin in their hearts."

"They may not know what Qin State is or is not, but they never want to suffer such a disaster." The old man said slowly: "Suddenly one day, a man came, thinking about the common people, distributing land, distributing seeds, Taxation, thinking of them living a good life, even those bandits who were forced to rebel returned to their hometowns to farm, so they had hope in their hearts. It's hot on the kang, the wife lives a peaceful life, and this person leads them to live a good life, what do you think they think?"

Chu Huan knew that he was the person the old man was talking about, and said with a wry smile, "I thought about this kind of life before, so I would like the common people to live like this."

"That's right." The old man nodded and said, "So everyone is willing to work hard, thinking of the person who will lead them to live a good life, but if one day, this person suddenly says that he must obey the orders of the cultivating emperor above him, If you want to serve the emperor who practiced Taoism, what do you think the common people think?" Before Chu Huan could speak, the old man had already shook his head and said: "No one wants to lose what they have got. The emperor above his head ruined their family, and there is no favor at all. Shi Yu, when the emperor was mentioned, they were first afraid and then angry. When they knew that the person who led them to live a good life wanted to listen to the emperor, they felt that their hope of living a good life was shattered, so even the Those who lead them to live a good life will not be respected and loved by them...!" At this point, he paused, leaned back on the chair, stared at Chu Huan for a while, and then said: "When that time comes, I'm afraid you won't even have a foothold in the northwest."

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