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Chapter 160 Buddha Beads

Zhao Guangqing's face finally turned pale, and cold sweat even broke out on his forehead. Of course, he knew the weight of Wei Tianqing's words. If what Wei Tianqing said was true, then these weapons represented a terrifying evil intention, and there are so many of them The weapons are only a part of them that are too late to be transported away, so how many weapons will there be in all?

Under my own rule, I have such a huge evil intention, but I don't know anything about it. This is really an extremely incompetent event. If the court knows about this matter, there must be a snowflake of impeachment papers sent to the dragon case. There are not a few people in the court who want to put themselves to death.

Zhao Guangqing pondered for a while, with a dignified expression, he raised his hand and said, "Master Wei, come in and talk!"

Wei Tianqing thought for a while, finally nodded, turned around and said, "General Chu Wei, you come in together!" Chu Huan was standing not far behind him, and cupped his hands when he heard what he said.

Zhao Guangqing glanced at Chu Huan, did not say much, led Wei Tianqing into the warming room, divided the guests and hosts to sit down, and made the servants serve tea, and then all the servants who were serving him stepped back and asked Wei Tian Qing asked: "Master Wei, did you come to Tongzhou this time, did you not pass by here to go to Cangzhou, but to encircle and suppress Heishui Mountain?"

Wei Tianqing knew that Zhao Guangqing must have some opinions on this, but he still nodded and said: "Yes, I came here this time under the order of the governor to wipe out the Blackwater bandits. It's a pity...!" He clenched his fist , His bloodshot eyes were full of anger.

This battle was really useless, and it can be said that it was the battle that Wei Tianqing has worried about since he led the army.

Zhao Guangqing pondered for a moment before raising his hands and saying: "Two, please have some tea!" He reached out and picked up the sandalwood Buddha beads on the table next to him, and fiddled with them very flexibly, and said slowly: "Master Wei, these weapons... are really real weapons. Found it from Heishui Mountain?" There was still some doubt in his voice.

Wei Tianqing's complexion was not good-looking. Hearing this, he immediately lowered his face and said coldly: "Master Zhao, what do you mean by this? Do you still doubt what I said?"

"Master Wei misunderstood." Zhao Guangqing hurriedly said: "Master Wei, as far as I know, there are many mountains on the banks of the Heishui River, and there are quite a few ships passing by the Heishui River every year, but I have never heard of bandits in the mountains and rivers. Robbery of ships. Moreover, there is no news of banditry in the vicinity of Heishui Mountain... I am really negligent, I really didn't expect there to be thugs entrenched there, let alone so many weapons and equipment hidden there...!" Looking at Wei Tianqing, he asked softly, "Master Wei, can you catch him alive? This officer wants to have a trial. Where did they get these weapons from?"

"Live?" Wei Tianqing shook his head and said, "There are three corpses, but none of them survived."

"Three corpses?" Zhao Guangqing asked in surprise, "Could it be that there are only three bandits on the mountain?" He looked sincere, as if he didn't know the existence of Lin Daier's group in Heishui Mountain.

Wei Tianqing said: "That's not true. The attack on the mountain was originally extremely secretive, and no news was leaked beforehand...!"

Zhao Guangqing smiled and said: "Of course it's true. Master Wei is suppressing bandits in Tongzhou. As the magistrate of Tongzhou, I don't know anything about it. The news is of course very solid." Seeing Wei Tianqing frown, he immediately smiled and said: "Master Wei continued to speak. Master Wei led two thousand elite imperial guards this time, and the deployment was tight. He should have wiped out those gangsters, but why did he only get three corpses?"

Wei Tianqing ignored Zhao Guangqing's stabbed words, and said, "It's just that I didn't expect that the bandits in Heishuishan seem to have gotten the news a long time ago when they encircled and suppressed Heishuishan. They set up many traps on the mountain, And relying on the underground secret passage on the mountain to deal with us, more than 50 lives of my imperial guards were lost on the mountain...!" He clenched his fists tightly, "These three corpses were still killed in the underground secret passage. Kill one person, Chu Wei will kill another person, and another person was found in the underground secret passage, and he couldn't escape, and he was captured, but he had poison in his mouth, so he bit the poison and killed himself...!"

Zhao Guangqing hurriedly said, "Master Wei, do you mean that the other bandits are still in the underground secret passage?"

"If it's really trapped inside, that's fine." Wei Tianqing said bitterly: "Even if we dig three feet into the ground and turn Heishuishan upside down, my two thousand imperial guards will search them out, but it's a pity... ...!"

Zhao Guangqing frowned and said, "Master Wei, could it be that they all ran away?"

"That's right!" Wei Tianqing sighed, "The gangsters are very cunning, relying on secret underground passages to reach the Heishui River, and even crossed the Heishui River...!"

Zhao Guangqing turned pale and said, "Cross the river?" Leaning forward, "Master Wei, don't tell me... didn't you arrange someone to lie in ambush there?"

Chu Huan cupped his hands and said, "Master Zhao, Master Zhi has already thought that the bandits might escape from the back mountain, so he arranged for three hundred brothers to ambush there, but the bandits didn't escape from the ice, but from under the ice. Dive away."

"Under the ice?" Zhao Guangqing frowned: "In winter, the river is so cold, how can they escape from there?"

"That's true." Wei Tianqing said in a deep voice: "General Chu Wei is right. Those bandits escaped by diving under the river. If General Chu Wei hadn't thought of this, we might not understand it until now. How they escaped."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Guangqing sized Chu Huan a few times and asked, "Is it General Chu Wei who found them diving and fled?"

Chu Huan said: "It's just a random guess, but I didn't expect to be caught by the last general!"

"Young people are terrifying." Zhao Guangqing nodded slightly: "Since we know where they escaped from, can we send someone to chase them down?"

Wei Tianqing frowned and said, "Master Zhao, as the parent official of Tongzhou, naturally knows the terrain there. On the other side of the Heishui River, there is a lush forest. Not to mention the cold winter weather, it is difficult to travel even in normal seasons. General Guo Lang It's just that those bandits are more familiar with the forest than we are. After searching in the forest for half a day, not only can't find their traces, but they can't even find their footprints... This group of bandits He is cunning and cunning, and his advances and retreats are very methodical, and he is definitely not a bunch of mobs...!"

Zhao Guangqing fiddled with the Buddhist beads in his hand quickly, frowned, but did not speak.

Wei Tianqing continued: "We searched around in the secret underground passages. The roads inside are intricate and complicated. We tried various methods to open up the secret passages, and finally found eight stone chambers, five of which were empty. These wooden boxes were all found from the other three stone chambers. We have checked eight stone chambers, and each stone chamber has remnants of wood chips and iron filings. The weapon box, but because they knew in advance that a large army was about to encircle and suppress, the gang of bandits set up an ambush on the mountain while transferring those weapons... It's just that they probably didn't expect us to march overnight to encircle and suppress, so when transferring the last batch of weapons , just happened to be hit by us...!"

Zhao Guangqing nodded repeatedly and said: "Master Wei is justified, what he said is justified." He asked again: "Master Wei, this is my negligence of duty. I will write a note tonight and send it to the capital immediately to plead guilty to the Holy Majesty!"

Wei Tianqing said solemnly: "Master Zhao, the most urgent task is not to plead guilty, but to track down the whereabouts of those gangsters, and more importantly, to find out where the weapons are now hidden!" He said solemnly: "Master Zhao, You must know that if the estimate is correct, the number of those weapons is in the tens of thousands, not a small amount. This is a rebellion. Once these weapons fall into the hands of the rebels, have you thought about the consequences? How, you, Mr. Zhao, are also the highest officials in Tongzhou. If these weapons really cause a catastrophe, the court will pursue them, and you, Mr. Zhao...!" At this point, he didn't continue to talk, but it's better not to say it. More deterrent.

Zhao Guangqing's forehead was sweating again, and he said repeatedly: "Exactly. Master Wei, you...where do you say those weapons are hidden now? If they really fall into the hands of the rebels, the consequences...the consequences will be unimaginable!"

Although the Great Qin Empire has only been established for 20 years, the world has never been peaceful since the founding of the country. In the past, the eighteen princes who conquered the north and the south were conquered and destroyed. Although the world was unified, the remnants of these princes are still hidden among the people. In addition, in recent years, the government's taxes on the common people have increased again and again, and there are already complaints from the people in various ways, and there are often riots among the people.

Fortunately, at the beginning of the founding of the Qin Empire, in order to prevent civil unrest, many bans were issued. The control of knives and horses was very strict. Ordinary people could not use knives at all. Therefore, although there are riots in various places from time to time, the weapons of the rioting people are too backward to fight against the regular army. The imperial court is often able to quickly quell the riots with a small number of troops.

However, if a large number of refined weapons fall into the hands of the common people or rebels with ulterior motives, holding elite weapons can bring great danger to the court.

These remaining weapons not only have refined steel knives, but also have arrows and strong crossbows. These weapons and equipment have become a system, and they flow into the people, causing endless disasters.

Seeing Zhao Guangqing's flustered expression, Wei Tianqing frowned and said, "Master Zhao, this Tongzhou is your territory, you still have to ask me how to deal with it?"

Zhao Guangqing was stunned, and immediately came back to his senses, and said: "I understand, so I will send people to order the yamen at all levels, and send people to search for the whereabouts of the bandits and weapons."

Wei Tianqing said: "Master Zhao should immediately send people to block all the roads on the ground in Tongzhou and set up checkpoints. They have a huge number of weapons in their hands. If they want to transfer them, it is impossible to complete them in a short time. Roads, checkpoints, and passes must strictly check the vehicles passing by, and if you see suspicious people, you must take them down for interrogation... Mr. Zhao has been in Tongzhou for more than ten years, and he is familiar with the situation on the ground in Tongzhou. He should know how to intercept those bandits The road." Paused, and said: "It is not easy to hide a large number of weapons and equipment. On the one hand, Mr. Zhao can let people block the search in the open, and on the other hand, send people to investigate secretly. We must as soon as possible." Find the whereabouts of these weapons."

Hearing what Wei Tianqing said, Zhao Guangqing seemed to know what to do next, and immediately said: "Master Wei, don't worry, I will order the deployment." Standing up, he said: "Master Wei, General Chu Wei, you haven't eaten yet? The official sent someone to arrange the food and drinks...!"

Wei Tianqing got up and said: "It doesn't need to be like this, the official business is important." He cupped his hands and said: "Master Zhao, this matter is of great importance and must be carefully deployed. Our imperial guards will return to Yunshan Mansion after a two-day rest here. If there is something that can be used by my Imperial Guard, just ask!"

"I'm here to help you!" Zhao Guangqing hurriedly cupped his hands.

After sending it to the gate, Chu Huan suddenly asked with a smile, "Master Zhao believes in Buddhism?"

Zhao Guangqing was startled, and frowned, "Why did General Chu Wei say such a thing?"

Chu Huan pointed to the red sandalwood Buddhist beads in Zhao Guangqing's hand, and Zhao Guangqing immediately smiled and said, "I went to a temple two years ago, and this was given to me by the abbot of the temple, saying that taking it with me can turn bad luck into good fortune. This time, I really hope that it can help me save my life from danger!"

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