National color raw owl

Chapter 1613 False Emperor

Inside the Tiangong, there are already 500 people in the square. Although the number of people is quite large, it does not seem crowded in the empty square in front of the hall. , had already seen Chi Liandian, and nodded towards Chi Liandian on the gossip stage, but Chi Liandian also cupped his hands, and the two sides did not talk.

Xuanzhen Daozong didn't mean to stop either. The Taoist priests went up the steps and walked to the front of the Temple of Heaven. Someone had already opened the gate of the Hall of Heavenly Dao. A group of Taoist priests carried Xuanzhen Daozong into the Hall of Heaven.

"Your Majesty hasn't entered the palace yet, but this old Taoist priest is older than His Majesty." Yuan Chongshang sneered, "The Taoist priests of the Tao of Longevity are becoming more and more outrageous now."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw more than a dozen Taoist priests coming out of the hall again. These dozens of Taoist priests worked together to lift out a copper tripod. His strength is obviously not small.

Immediately, several people brought a long golden table and placed it behind the bronze tripod on the square. Many people were watching the performance of the art troupe on the eight platforms, and they saw the movement in front of the gate of the Temple of Heaven , They all looked sideways one after another, and many people thought in their hearts that this table setting must be for the purpose of offering sacrifices to heaven.

At this moment, a commotion was heard again, and the crowd was dizzy and turned around again, only to see another group of people coming from outside the palace, and someone had already sang loudly: "His Royal Highness is here!"

The people present heard the voice and looked at each other, many of them were surprised. Although everyone knew that the emperor was in Hexi, few people knew that the crown prince had also come to Hexi and would appear at this time.

The crown prince is the crown prince of the empire. Hearing that the crown prince arrived, no one dared to neglect. The people in the square had already knelt down and bowed their heads. Kneel down to the prince.

Zhao Quan was dressed in vigorous attire at this time, pushing the prince's wheelchair. The prince was dressed in formal attire, wearing a crown hat, with clear eyebrows, not angry and majestic. Beside the wheelchair was Liuli wearing a pink cloak and wearing a palace bun. , under the cloak, she was wearing a blue dress. Her steps were light, like a cloud floating beside the prince, graceful and graceful. On this grand and grand square, she looked even more beautiful, graceful and noble.

At this time, Chu Huan also saw the prince and Liuli who suddenly appeared by the window. After the prince arrived in Hexi, his whereabouts were very secret and were not made public. Chu Huan did not expect the prince to come. Slightly frowning, at this time, it wasn't because of the previous bond with Liuli, but because of a sudden thought, this birthday ceremony, everyone who should come and who should not come, this birthday ceremony seems to be full of joy, but there is an undercurrent He has already keenly felt that today's birthday ceremony may not be completed smoothly.

Seeing the prince coming, Chi Liandian had already greeted him with Yuan Chongshang, and Mei Long, the governor of Hujin Road, also suddenly appeared at this time, coming towards the prince.

The three governors came to the prince and saluted together, the prince already smiled and said: "Today's grand ceremony, the three governors gathered together, and many state affairs can be easily solved this time." Looking at Chi Liandian, he said: "The commander-in-chief also finally reached."

"Your Majesty's order has been received, and I shall follow it." Chi Liandian cupped his hands and said, "How is Your Highness?"

The prince smiled and said: "There is nothing in the palace, but Dian Shuai is stationed in Liaodong, and he has experienced many hardships...!" He sighed: "I haven't seen Dian Shuai for many years, and Dian Shuai seems to be getting old."

Chi Lian smiled and said: "Your Highness, I'm already fifty, and I'm over half a century old. I can't allow you to stay young."

The prince nodded slightly, and said with a wry smile: "There are not many veterans who followed the father to conquer the Great Qin Dynasty, and now there are very few left. I am the top four generals of the Great Qin Dynasty, and now only Dianshuai is left."

"I have already heard about General Lei." Chi Liandian said solemnly, "The old general is loyal to the country, and he is a model for all the ministers in the world."

The prince didn't say much, and said: "Let's talk about it after entering the palace." Looking around, he asked: "Has the father already entered the palace?"

"I haven't seen Shengjia yet." Yuan Chongshang said hurriedly.

The crown prince frowned slightly, and looked towards Juxian Palace, "Father, the dragon is slightly ill, is it possible that he hasn't recovered yet?"

The prince was in the square, and no one dared to stand up. The prince, surrounded by several governors, walked slowly towards the Tiandao Hall.

At noon, with the sound of string music, there was finally movement from the direction of Juxian Hall. I saw the guard of honor walking in front holding the canopy, and a golden car was slowly approaching the Tiandao Hall. Beside the golden car, one left and one right On the left is Xuanyuan Shao with white hair like snow, who is also the only one carrying a weapon, and on the right is Feng Yuanpo, Governor of Hexi.

After the golden chariot, followed by the eunuchs and maids, six pure white horses pulled the golden chariot. On the seat of the chariot were the Emperor Qin with a crown and dragon robe and the queen in a phoenix robe.

When the golden car arrived, the people in the square had already lined up to welcome them. One team was for officials, and the other was for gentry. According to their status, they stood on both sides of the road paved with white marble from front to back. The official sang loudly: "His Majesty the Emperor and Empress Empress have arrived...!"

Hundreds of people had already knelt down, kneeling on both sides of the road, and shouted in unison: "Long live my emperor, long live long live, long live the empress!"

At this time, the prince has also come out of the Tiandao Hall, including Xuanzhen Daozong and Chi Liandian, who have already reached the bottom of the steps, standing in a row, and waiting for the golden chariot to come, they also came forward to pay homage. Sitting in a wheelchair and saluting, he looked at the emperor on the golden chariot, and saw that the emperor's complexion was not very good, his face was a little pale, and his eyes flickered slightly, but the queen was calm and poised, but when the prince's eyes fell on the queen's face, The queen didn't look at him.

The queen is already in her 40s, but she looks like she is in her early thirties, without any signs of aging, and has a luxurious temperament. She has real imperial blood flowing in her body. The most honorable woman, and her appearance perfectly matches such honor.

The emperor glanced at everyone, then looked at the stage in the square, finally stood up slowly, and said to the crowd in front of the golden car with a smile: "I... have been feeling unwell recently. It’s recovery, I’m very pleased that all my loves have worked so hard to sacrifice to heaven’s birthday, and I hope to have your loves with me on my birthday.”

Everyone is thankful.

At this time the queen had also stood up, the emperor stretched out his hand, the queen hesitated for a moment, and finally gave it out, allowing the emperor to hold it, the emperor held the queen's catkins tightly, and walked to the side of the car ladder, eunuchs and court ladies came forward , the emperor frowned and said: "Back off, I'm not old enough to need someone to help me!"

Feng Yuanpo heard it from the side of the golden car, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Of course he knew that this was a fake emperor. He had been staying in the Immortal Palace before and had no contact with people, so it was not a big deal. But today is the birthday ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven, so the emperor will naturally come out to accept the congratulations. If someone sees a flaw, the consequences will be very bad. He was a little bit worried at first, but now he was slightly relieved to see the fake emperor reacting like this.

Feng Yuanpo had to admit that although the fake emperor was a puppet and similar in appearance to the real emperor, the abilities of the two were worlds apart, but in terms of acting alone, the fake emperor was not weak. The emperor also knew very well that his family members were in the hands of Feng Yuanpo, if there was any negligence, those family members would die, so naturally there should be no negligence in the slightest.

The emperor took the queen's hand and got out of the golden chariot. Although he was old, his aura remained undiminished. He walked slowly to the prince and looked him over. Still being held by the emperor, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, but he still cupped his hands and said, "I have seen my father!"

The emperor just said indifferently: "I didn't expect that you would be able to come for the birthday ceremony!"

"My son is here to plead guilty to the emperor himself." The prince respectfully said: "I have failed my father's expectations and lost the capital. I am extremely incompetent. Please punish my father. I also implore my father to call a group of ministers immediately. , Discuss the matter of suppressing bandits, dispatch troops as soon as possible, and wipe out the bandits."

The emperor frowned and said: "I heard that the fall of the capital was not caused by Tianmen rebels, but a group of mobs broke into the city. Is there such a thing?"

Feng Yuan thought to himself that he had never told the false emperor about the fall of the capital. The false emperor probably knew about it from the palace population. The news of the fall of the capital had naturally spread to Hexi. On the other hand, the court officials who followed the emperor naturally knew that there were so many people, and it was not surprising that things spread to the palace.

It's just that the puppet emperor is pretending at this time, and actually questioned the crown prince. Feng Yuan pouted and twitched slightly. Although he was worried that the puppet emperor would be at a loss, he was also worried that acting too much would be counterproductive. Not a shrewd person, he hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, the auspicious time is approaching, and I ask you to discuss the matter of the capital later!"

He bowed his body and looked very humble. In the eyes of others, he seemed to be helping the prince out of trouble.

The emperor didn't say much, and led the empress to continue walking, passing by the glass, but the empress stopped, looked down, and then said softly: "Raise your head!"

Liuli raised her head, and a face of an alluring character suddenly appeared in front of everyone, but the emperor couldn't help but look at it, but the queen said softly, "You are the Liuli who helped the prince diagnose and treat leg problems?"

Liuli's voice was soft: "Reporting to the empress, this concubine is Liuli!"

"Liuli...!" The emperor murmured to himself, a smile suddenly appeared on his wrinkled face, and he said to the queen, "Queen, I suddenly found that she looks like a person!"


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