Feng Tianxiao looked at Hongxia in the sky, and soon heard the sound of rumbling horseshoes, the corners of his eyes twitched, and the look of horror was already showing in his eyes, he lost his voice: "No...impossible...!"

The attendants beside him had also seen the redness in the sky at this time.

Everyone's complexion changed suddenly, because everyone could see that the red glow in the sky, just like the rising sun, was rapidly floating up, and like an ocean wave, it was rolling towards this side quickly.

The horseshoe is rumbling, and the red armor is like blood.

Of course they already knew that it was a group of Chibei Tuqi who galloped from the south, and they quickly judged that there were at least five hundred Chibei Tuqi riding here.

"Young commander...!" Someone beside him exclaimed.

The muscles on Feng Tian's smiling face twitched, and he clenched his fists: "Damn... Chi Bei, they... They cheated... Tan Lu, why did that idiot Tan Lu let them go over the mountain?"

The attendant at the side said in a low voice: "Young Commander, these Chibeis, could it be... did they come here from Fanmen City?"

"Apart from Fanmen City, where else is Chibei?" Feng Tianxiao clenched his fists and said, "Wu Xuan, a shameless person, actually deceived this young commander. It turns out...it turns out that he has already prepared a way out. , the Chibei behind has already followed...!"

"Young Marshal, I'm afraid Wu Xuan and the others have left clues and traces for Chi Bei behind." The attendant was also horrified: "Once Chi Bei's cavalry charged up, the soldiers and horses of Fanmen Mountain would have no time to stop it... Moreover, Tan Qianhu was preparing to launch an attack on Fanmen City at night, so he certainly did not expect that the gang of Chi Bei would suddenly kill him...!"

"They are looking for their own death." Feng Tianxiao sneered, "If they rush over Fanmen Mountain, the way back will be cut off."

"That's right, Tan Qianhu must have known that they were rushing from the mountain, and must have set up an interception behind them." The entourage said: "Chi Bei can make it through, and if he wants to go out again, I'm afraid it will be even more difficult. "

Another attendant said: "Wei Qianhu is mobilizing soldiers and horses to come towards Fanmen. As soon as Wei Qianhu's soldiers and horses arrive and surround them, let alone [-] Chibei, even [-], what can we do?" ?”

Feng Tianxiao obviously didn't have such strong self-confidence. He glanced at the man and said with a sneer, "Eight thousand? If Chi Liandian really has eight thousand red equipment, the world would already belong to him, that is, all his three thousand red equipment will be counted." Come here, we may not be able to resist...!"

Hundreds of red cavalry were really coming like a whirlwind, and the barbarian cavalry naturally noticed the sound of horseshoes coming from the south. Many people looked to the south and saw row after row of red cavalry rushing like mountains and seas. Apparently, compared to the barbarian cavalry's previous charge, Chibei was much quieter. Except for the sound of rumbling horseshoes, no one yelled, but Chibei was silent, which was more frightening than the barbarian cavalry's previous roar.

Seeing that Chi Bei's main force had arrived, Wu Xuan fought with his eyebrows. At this time, his armor was already blood-stained, but his armor was originally red, and the blood stained the armor, blending into one.

Twenty Chibei soldiers were under the fierce siege of the barbarians. At this moment, six of them were killed. After six people were killed in battle, the barbarian cavalry rushed forward and frantically snatched their heads. A few people even wielded knives at each other because of the fight for the head. Many barbarian cavalry didn't notice that Chi Bei attacked.

At this time, the barbarian generals were already shouting loudly among the crowd, the sound was like rainbow thunder, and the barbarian soldiers realized that there was an enemy attack. At this moment, the Chibei was getting closer and closer to the barbarian cavalry, and the galloping Chibei all The longbow was already in hand, and the longbow was slanted towards the sky, and as they were galloping, they heard the sound of orders, and hundreds of Chibei let go of their hands and let go of their arrows. The arrows rained down on the barbarian cavalry formation.

"Puff puff!"

The sound of arrows being shot into the body continued to be heard, followed by continuous screams. The barbarian cavalry, who were already in a mess, fell into chaos at this moment. The barbarian cavalry brandished their sabers, obviously He ordered the barbarian cavalry to form a formation, but it was a pity that although the barbarian cavalry was fierce and aggressive, their discipline was really poor. At this moment, the Achilles' heel of slow response with unfamiliarity was fully revealed.

Continuous arrows shot and killed many barbarian cavalry, roaring like thunder and howling like ghosts for a while, but Chi Bei quickly retracted his bow, with a long knife in his hand, and the horse roared and rushed forward.

The distance was getting closer and closer, and when the sound of the horn was heard, the chibei cavalry who were rushing forward suddenly pulled apart quickly on both sides, and the middle still rushed forward, while hundreds of cavalry were separated from each side, like a trident, He stabbed fiercely at the barbarian cavalry.

Although the barbarian cavalry were ferocious and brave, many of them had already changed color in the face of the uniform and thunderous Chibei.

The Chibei dashing cavalry was like a burning red meteorite, which slammed into the formation of the barbarian cavalry while roaring, and the sound of people turning their backs on their backs and howling ghosts and wolves filled the whole field.

The Chibei assault cavalry is like the Nether Legion from hell, burning with the flames of hell, their sabers are long and sharp, after piercing into the formation of barbarian cavalry, under the setting sun, the sabers flicker with cold light, and they slash and kill indulgently.

The horses hissed sadly, and the voices of people roared.

Chibei, who had outflanked the two wings, had also closed in from the left and right, like pincers. The barbarian cavalry surrounded them on all sides before, and wanted to round up Wuxuan and others, but now they were surrounded by Chibei on three sides.

In fact, the number of barbarian cavalry at this moment is not lower than that of Chibei, and there are even a lot more, but the situation on the battlefield seems to be that Chibei has thousands of troops and horses to round up the barbarian cavalry.

Blood filled the air, the long knife passed, and the head fell to the ground.

The barbarian cavalry panicked, and many of them were separated before they had time to swing their knives.

The barbarian generals roared and roared, and the wildness in the barbarian blood was finally stimulated. They howled like wild animals. Although the team was in chaos, they still fought hard.

Above the wilderness, the cavalry of both sides fought together, but the barbarian cavalry almost fought independently, while Chibei not only maintained their formation in the battle formation, but also tried their best to protect their companions around them. In fact, his companions are completely trustworthy, and he can completely trust his back to his comrades.

In a short while, the battlefield was already covered with corpses, and the barbarians often had to pay the price of ten people to kill a Chibei.

Their bodies are bigger than Chibei's, but their movements are obviously not as flexible as Chibei's. The horses under Chibei's crotch are not only carefully selected horses, but their swords are also made of fine steel, which are extremely sharp. Compared with the weapons of the barbarians, it obviously has the upper hand.

Feng Tianxiao's face turned blue.

He really didn't expect that the situation on the battlefield would change drastically in this moment. He thought that his plan of diverting the tiger away from the mountain had completely succeeded. He believed that his performance in Fanmen City was realistic and exciting enough, but in the end he still Calculated by the other party.

Seeing the red cavalry galloping across the wilderness, watching the barbarian cavalry fall one after another in a pool of blood, Feng Tianxiao knew that these hundreds of barbarian cavalry had become the prey of Chi Bei. Among the barbarian fighters, they are all elite soldiers, but facing Chi Bei, it is obviously difficult to resist.

Although the barbarian cavalry suffered heavy losses, these visitors from the north still showed a strong fighting spirit in the face of adversity. Although their fighting discipline was weak, they did not retreat when they fought against the enemy. Red prepares to fight together.

"Young commander...!" The attendant saw the barbarian cavalry being frantically slaughtered by Chi Bei, and was shocked. "The barbarians can't stop us, we... we have to withdraw...!"

Feng Tianxiao clenched his teeth, he also has a bloody spirit, he really wanted to raise his saber and rush into the battle formation, but he knew better that by rushing forward at this time, he was nothing more than giving Chibei more prey.

"Young commander, it's not good, look...!" A person beside him exclaimed.

Feng Tianxiao has already seen that a team of Chi Bei rushed out from the battle formation and galloped towards him, the person in front of him was Wu Xuan.

Although Feng Tianxiao had no lack of courage, he was surprised to see Wu Xuan rushing over like cheetahs with more than a dozen Chibei. He knew that he must be standing on the hillside, very conspicuous. Only then did Xuan bring people out to capture the thief first and capture the king first.

Feng Tianxiao didn't hesitate at all, turned his horse's head, and immediately walked to the north, all the attendants around him also knew that the situation was critical, they all drew their swords and followed behind.

Feng Tianxiao's horse is of course a good horse. After running for several miles, he has already left his subordinates behind, while Chibei's horses are full of stamina, gradually closing the distance, Wu Xuan draws his sword and bow, behind him Chi Bei also bowed his bow and set his arrows, and the arrows fired continuously, and the attendants who were left behind by Feng Tianxiao fell off their horses one after another.

Feng Tianxiao was in a mess right now, he had never been in such a mess in his life.

After running for more than ten miles, he heard the sound of horseshoes behind him. He leaned on the horse and turned his head, but saw more than a dozen red figures biting tightly, and all the red figures were holding longbows. hand.

Feng Tianxiao's forehead was already dripping with cold sweat.

After running for several miles, he suddenly heard a sad hiss from his horse under his crotch, and then felt his body sink. Feng Tianxiao knew that something was wrong, so he stepped on his stirrups and leaped into the air, holding a saber in his hand, waiting for him When he landed, his horse had already fallen to the ground, and seeing a feathered arrow behind the horse's buttocks, he knew that Chi Bei had shot his horse.

Chi Bei came galloping like the wind, more than a dozen Chi Bei surrounded Feng Tianxiao in an instant, their sabers were sharp, and the eyes under the iron face were as cold as ice.

Wu Xuan had put away his longbow, held the saber in his hand, pointed the blade at Feng Tianxiao, and said calmly: "Isn't Young Marshal Feng going to take us to the Heavenly Palace?" Looking up at the sky, he said: "There is still some time before the wedding banquet, let's Hurry up and get there, don't let the Holy Master wait in a hurry!"

Feng Tianxiao clenched the saber in his hand, his expression was stern, showing no sign of fear, he sneered and said, "Wu Xuan, you are so tricky, don't even let me be fooled by you...!"

"It's not that I'm easy to plan." Wu Xuan said lightly: "Before Dianshuai left, he had ordered that if someone came to summon him with an imperial decree, he must be rebellious, and he can use his tricks...!"

Feng Tianxiao was taken aback, "You...what did you say?"

"Everything is only in Dian Shuai's expectation." Wu Xuan stared at Feng Tianxiao with cold eyes under his iron face, "Occupying Fanmen City, you feel uneasy, and if you are not sure, you will be transferred from the mountain, and we, too. I never thought about defending Fanmen City, if someone really came to invite us with an imperial decree, of course we would obey the decree." He took out the imperial decree from his bosom, "This is the imperial decree from you, we have this According to the imperial decree, we can naturally go to the Heavenly Palace, no matter who blocks us, it is treason."

"You...you are going to Tiangong from the beginning?" Feng Tianxiao said in surprise, "Are you waiting?"

Wu Xuan smiled lightly and said: "Babai Chibei was originally going to the Heavenly Palace. Without this imperial decree, the name is not justified. The Dian Shuai said that if the imperial decree does not come, there is no need for us to go to the Heavenly Palace. Everything is fine. But if someone really wants to transfer us out of Fanmen City, then there must be something strange, the Chibei dashing horse will definitely enter the Heavenly Palace!"


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