National color raw owl

Chapter 1695 The Burial Secret

The corpse of Xuanyuan Pingzhang, Duke of Yi, was lying quietly on the wooden couch, and three imperial doctors knelt beside the couch, their faces full of panic.

The emperor's northern tour was accompanied by these three imperial physicians, one was the envoy of the imperial hospital, one was judged by the left court, and the judge by the right court stayed in Beijing to guard the imperial hospital, and the other, although only an imperial physician, , but in the Tai Hospital, he is recognized as a master of Xinglin.

The medical skills of these three people, looking at the world, are all top experts.

Xuanyuan Shao's face was a little pale, the prince was sitting in a wheelchair, staring at Xuanyuan Pingzhang's corpse in a daze, the officials behind him looked at each other without saying a word.

After a long time, the crown prince finally said: "Envoy Xu!"

Kneeling in front of the imperial hospital with white beard and hair, the envoy moved his knees anxiously: "The old minister is here!"

"I remember that you just said not long ago that although Duke An is seriously injured, he is not in danger of life." The prince said slowly: "Although it is difficult to wake up in ten days and a half months, as long as you treat carefully, you can recover. survive."

"Yes!" Xu Yuan made cold sweat break out on his forehead, but he didn't dare to raise his hand to wipe the sweat away, and said tremblingly, "Old minister... the old minister has indeed diagnosed that although the Duke's injuries are serious, there is no danger of his life...!"

"Then why is the Duke dead now?" The prince looked sternly, "You three, one is the court envoy, the other is the court judge, and the other is the holy hand of the imperial hospital. Not long ago, the three of you claimed the life of the Duke together. Worry-free, did the three of you make a wrong judgment?"

The three imperial doctors knew very well that this matter was no small matter. The three great medical masters of the imperial hospital all made mistakes in diagnosis, which was a matter of losing their heads.

At this moment, the envoy's mind was blank, and he lay softly on the ground. The judge from the left court was also out of his wits, but the imperial doctor knew that life and death were hanging by a thread, so he boldly said: "Report...Report to Your Highness, the minister and the three of you When I was ordered to diagnose the Duke, although the Duke's heartbeat was weak, it was still alive, and the pulse of the Duke was still normal...!"


The judge of the left court raised his head and said hurriedly: "Your Highness, the ministers have indeed repeatedly diagnosed that the Duke is a martial arts practitioner, and unlike ordinary people, there is true energy flowing in his body. Although he was seriously injured, the true energy was protected. The heart, lungs and internal organs, although the internal organs are also seriously injured, but they are not life-threatening. The ministers and others have also prepared prescriptions and took good care of them. If there is no accident, they should recover in three to five months...!"

But Xuanyuan Shao had already walked to the side of the couch, bent down, and said softly: "Grandfather, I'm sorry." He opened Xuanyuan Pingzhang's eyelids with his hand, and everyone couldn't understand what he meant.

Xuanyuan Shao checked Xuanyuan Pingzhang's two pupils, turned around abruptly, and asked, "Is there anyone guarding here?"

Everyone was stunned, and the envoy Xu hurriedly said: "The Duke is injured, the cleaner the better, we will leave immediately after the diagnosis, but... there are guards outside the door."

Xuanyuan Shao said in a deep voice, "Who is guarding here?"

Not far away, a guard soldier came forward, cupped his hands and said, "It's a humble guard!"

"Have you ever left here?" Xuanyuan Shao looked stern.

The samurai immediately said: "Since the imperial physicians left, I have been guarding the door. I guarantee that no one will approach, let alone enter the house."

Xuanyuan Shao looked around, it was not a spacious hut, after the crown prince had seen Xuanyuan Pingzhang before, he ordered Xuanyuan Pingzhang to be transferred here, and the imperial doctor came to treat him.

The furnishings in the house were very simple, Xuanyuan Shao turned around, and finally stopped by a window.

The window was closed tightly, and the window was bolted from the inside. There was also a long table of pear blossom wood beside the window, and there were two flower porcelain placed on the table.

Xuanyuan Shao squatted down to make it flush with the table. Seeing this, other people looked at each other in blank dismay. Some people thought in their hearts, could it be that Xuanyuan Shao found something wrong with the window?

The window bolt is fastened from the inside, so it is naturally difficult to enter.

Xuanyuan Shao stood up and ordered the warrior, "Pull the table away!"

The warrior immediately stepped forward and carefully pulled the pear blossom wooden table away, Xuanyuan Shao walked to the base of the wall, lowered his body, but got closer to the window bolt, soon, Xuanyuan Shao turned around, with a stern expression, and said: "Your Highness, Someone has come in here!"

"What?" The prince frowned, "You mean, someone came in through the window?"

"Yes." Xuanyuan Shao nodded and said, "Although the window bolt doesn't seem to have been touched, there is a small trace under the window bolt, which is difficult to find... But it is certain that someone picked the window bolt and opened it through the window. Come in, and then leave through the window...!" As he spoke, he had already opened the window, and outside the window was a long corridor, very dark, empty, and dead silent.

The prince rolled the wheelchair and reached the bed, but Xuanyuan Shao jumped out of the window lightly, and then squatted on the ground as if checking the footprints on the ground. He moved forward cautiously for a few meters, and finally stood up. With murderous intent in his eyes, he turned around and walked to the window, the prince asked, "What did General Xuanyuan find?"

"Your Highness, no one has walked this corridor for a long time, so there is a layer of floating dust on the ground." The prince said softly: "The footprints of that person are left here, but it can be judged that the person is very careful and has a very good lightness kung fu."

"Can you see what's wrong with the footprints?"

Xuanyuan Shao said: "Your servant asks the crown prince to summon Shenyiwei. Shenyiwei is very good at tracking and identifying. They may be able to draw some clues from the footprints."

The prince immediately ordered someone to summon Shen Yiwei.

There are more than 20 people in the Shenyiwei who accompanied the northern tour. In addition to Qinglong Xuanwu, there are hundreds of households in the Shenyiwei. Now some of the Shenyiwei are still cracking the mechanism in the Temple of Heaven and rescuing the prisoners in the dungeon. Xuanwu Qianhu in the book.

On the side of Juxian Palace, for the safety of the crown prince, there are also several Shenyi Baihu and school captains protecting it. Soon, Shenyi Baihu and Qian Chouniu rushed over.

Although he is called Qian Chouniu, he is not ugly at all. He doesn't look as strong and mighty as a bull, but has delicate features. After the prince ordered a few words, Qian Chouniu turned over and walked out of the window. In the corridor, everyone knew that the matter was of great importance, so they kept silent, but Qian Chouniu actually had a tape measure in his hand, he found the footprints, and measured carefully.

After a while, Qian Chouniu finally returned to the house, cupped his hands and said, "Reporting to Your Highness, the footprints show that the person who came was wearing official boots, and the footprints are very shallow. It should be that the other party did not use force when performing light kung fu, and the other party must be worried that we will find out." Flaws, so when he left, he touched the ground with his toes and did not have a complete footprint. Judging from the distance of the other party's footprints, there are two lightness skills that may be relatively strong. Both kinds of kung fu are very common kung fu in the Jianghu world, but when practiced to the extreme, they are both extremely brilliant light kung fu."

Many people were horrified when they heard the words. In fact, among the people present, there were really few people who had dealt with Shenyiwei. From the footprints, we can draw such a conclusion. In my heart, I think that Shenyiwei is indeed the number one dark yamen in the empire, and he has a deep understanding of the way of tracking and identification.

Xuanyuan Shao asked: "Can you tell where the other party came from?"

Qian Chouniu shook his head and said: "Whether it is eight-step chasing the moon or flying in the clouds, they are the most common light kungfu in the world. There are not many people who can reach this level. And the other party is wearing official boots. If there is no accident , This was done on purpose!" Looking at all the people present, Xue Huai'an, Lin Yuanfang and others were all wearing official boots, but they couldn't help shrinking their feet, but they were worried that they would be implicated by the official boots.

"If there is no accident, the other party should be a man, at least 30 years old." Qian Chouniu said respectfully.

"A man wearing official boots!" The prince frowned, "Then can you tell how long this footprint has existed?"

"Two hours at most." Qian Chouniu said with certainty.

The envoy of Xu Yuan hurriedly said: "I waited for two hours to finish the diagnosis for the Duke of the state. Just now I wanted to come over again for a diagnosis. After entering the door, I found out...!" and did not continue.

The prince said: "That is to say, the Duke was transferred here. After you had treated the Duke, not long after leaving the house, the other party came in through the window...!" He frowned and said, "Could it be that the Duke was murdered by someone who came? "

The envoy of Xu Yuan said: "I have checked by the humble officer, and the Duke still has the old injuries from before. After the minister's diagnosis, there will be no new injuries on the Duke...!" After hesitating for a while, he said: "Someone broke in through the window, maybe There are other plans...!"

"No!" The crown prince shook his head and said, "The three of you have diagnosed before. Although the Duke's injury is serious, it is not enough to kill the Duke. However, someone broke through the window and the Duke died unexpectedly. The fact that there are no wounds does not mean that the Duke was not murdered by someone...!" Asked Xuanyuan Shao: "Commander Xuanyuan, you just looked at the eyes of the Duke, but what did you find? Through the window?"

Xuanyuan Shao's face was a little pale, and he cupped his hands and said, "I have checked my grandfather's pupils. My grandfather's pupils are loose, but the pupils are dilated. If there is no accident, my grandfather must have been terrified when he died...Grandfather has seen all kinds of wind and waves. If it is It would not be such a shock to die from an injury, so I suspect that grandfather must have been greatly frightened before he died!" Having said this, Xuanyuan Shao clenched his fists, clenched his teeth, and murderous intent appeared in his pupils.

The prince said: "You don't have to be too sad, just mourning." Then he said: "You mean, before the Duke died, he was greatly frightened? But... what kind of things can make the Duke suffer so much?" Scared?"

Xue Huai'an also frowned and said: "The Duke has experienced as many storms as a cow's hair in his life, and he has experienced the predicament of a narrow escape. His old man has always been calm and calm. Even if the sky falls, he will deal with it calmly...!" Suddenly thinking of something, he lost his voice. : "Could it be... Could it be related to that word?"

"What word?" Xuanyuan Shao asked immediately.

Xue Huai'an looked at the crown prince, and the crown prince said: "Duke had something to say before, but he couldn't make it out, so he wrote a word with his finger, but before he finished it, he fell into a coma...!" Pen, "We still don't know what the Duke wants to write. We wanted to wait for the Duke to wake up and then ask carefully. Now it seems that we may never know what the Duke wants to say."

Xuanyuan Shao's face turned cold, and he said: "Your Highness, maybe it was because of that word that grandfather was murdered... That person must not want grandfather to reveal that secret!"

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