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Chapter 1697 King Kong is not bad

At the foot of Beili Mountain, more than a dozen big men in casual clothes hid in the forest, all of them looked very serious, the sun was high in the sky, but the forest was very shady, and the sun shone in from the branches and leaves, shining golden light. + Vertex Fiction,

A group of people were hiding in the forest and did not move, until a few figures flashed into the forest, and then everyone clenched their weapons tightly. The one who came was the first to put on a strong outfit. Before these people came forward, they had already said in a deep voice : "Shenyiwei Baihu Zhou Chenlong!"

Everyone hurried forward, and one of them cupped his hands and said, "I've seen Lord Baihu!"

"Are you sure they fled here?" Zhou Chenlong asked in a deep voice.

The first person said: "We found the place where the horseshoe prints changed, and then found the footprints. If there is no accident, they should have hid on the mountain."

Zhou Chenlong looked up at the towering mountain, and said with a sneer, "This is really unexpected. Everyone thought they had fled long ago, but they were still hiding on the mountain near Tiangong." He said in a deep voice, "Send it to them!"

A few figures followed behind, came forward, carrying the box on their backs, placed the box on the ground, opened it, but there were exquisite arrows and crossbows inside.

"One per person." Zhou Chenlong said: "They are not weak in martial arts. If there are too many people, it is easy for them to spot them. The Beili Mountain is rolling and rolling. Once you escape, it is difficult to find it in the mountains. Let's take a look. See When you see them, you don’t need to say much, shoot them immediately, His Highness has ordered to arrest Chu Huan, don’t care about life and death.”

Everyone was holding arrows and crossbows at the moment.

"Be careful. These crossbows are coated with medicine. Once you hit the arrow, you will die immediately. There is a sky pavilion in Tianyou Peak. Since Chu Huan hid here, it is very likely that it is in the sky pavilion. Let's go up first." Zhou Chenlong, a hundred-year-old householder, ordered: "Your Highness said, as long as you win Chu Huan, you will be rewarded!" Without hesitation, he waved: "Follow me!"

Apart from a few Shenyi Guards, most of these people are the elite of the Imperial Guards, they do not follow the right path up the mountain, but instead climb through the forest for the sake of privacy. , is even more difficult.

After a lot of effort, he finally climbed to the top of the mountain and hid in the forest. Zhou Huachen signaled everyone not to act rashly. He went behind a rock by the forest alone, looked at the Tiange, and saw a dead silence inside the Tiange. At the main entrance of the Tiange, there was a huge boulder as tall as a person. The huge boulder blocked the main entrance like General Shi.

Zhou Chenlong frowned, followed by several captains in Shenyi, holding arrows and crossbows, aiming at the main gate of the Tiange. , there seems to be writing on that stone!"

"My lord, there is no movement in the house. It seems... that no one is here." Another Shenyi captain frowned and said, "Could it be that they have already found us and slipped away long ago?"

Zhou Chenlong also frowned, and after a while, his figure flickered, and he had already rushed out of the forest. Behind him, several captains in Shenyi were like spirit apes, holding the arrows and crossbows, and jumped out.

Before Zhou Chenlong got to the boulder, he saw handwriting carved with a knife on the boulder.

The handwriting is flamboyant and majestic.

"Prince, thank you for sending someone to see you off. We have already left. When we parted, we left half a word. Summer melts, rivers overflow, people may be fish and turtles, and future generations will comment on the merits and crimes of thousands of years. The sky, the sky, who The Lord is ups and downs, and he wishes to meet the king to hunt the battlefield."

Zhou Chenlong clenched his fists tightly, and his eyes were as cold as knives.



The Shiguo Canal runs from Pingcheng to the southwest, and it flows not far from Hujin Songzhou. To the west of Songzhou City, there is a very ordinary village called Qingliu Village. There are few bandits, and the folk customs are simple.

There is an earth temple at the head of the village. Not far from the earth temple, there are two dilapidated rammed earth houses, which have long been uninhabited. However, some messy things in the village are piled up in these rammed earth houses.

Hujin Road is one of the smallest places among the sixteen roads of the empire. It governs two prefectures, but it is a strategically important place. It borders Hexi on the north, Hebei on the east, and borders Yuling Road on the south.

The commerce of Hujin Road is not well developed, and the agriculture is far behind that of neighboring Hebei. However, Hujin is mountainous, rich in minerals, and contains a lot of gold and silver mines. Therefore, the imperial court also set up a mining office here, which is responsible for management Ore is mined in Hujin, and most of the people in Hujin are mining all year round.

Only recently, Hujin Road has become a mixed land. Hebei in the east is the place where Tianmen Road is entrenched. Although Yuling Road in the south was once the capital of the empire, everyone now knows that the capital has fallen. There was chaos, and Yuling Road was also in chaos. There were not a few refugees from Hebei and Yuling Road who came to take refuge in Lakeview, especially the merchants and gentry of Yuling Road. Well, the Tianmen Road in the south is rampant for a while, so naturally no one rushes to the south. For the refugees, they have to go west or north. Only these two roads can escape the disaster of war for a while.

The people of Hujin Road are now familiar with the refugees passing by. They gather in small groups and rob the passing refugees with sinister hearts. Those who are kinder and have food left at home meet refugees begging. I will also give some charity.

Due to the remote location of Qingliu Village, there were not many refugees passing by, and some people passed by occasionally. This Qingliu Village seemed to be extremely poor, and naturally no one stayed behind.

Only this time, a group of people lived in the rammed-earth house at the head of the village. A group of seven people came over pushing a cart. When the villagers saw how dressed these people were, they knew that they might be refugees fleeing for refuge. Just let a few people live in the rammed earth house.

This group of people is naturally Chu Huan and his group.

Chu Huan and Luo Duo knew that Tianyou Peak would be discovered by the Prince's people sooner or later. It was not a place to stay for a long time, and the group of people was too conspicuous, so they might be watched by others, so they didn't go directly from Hexi to the west, but They made a detour around Hujin, and the group of people dressed up in disguise, like fleeing refugees. On the way, they even got a dilapidated carriage. Qinglong was put on the carriage, dying, and a little concealed, it was like Seriously ill patients.

In the two rammed-earth houses, after a little tidying up, people can live in it. Men and women live in one room respectively. The queen and Mei Niang are both naturally beautiful, even if they wear homemade clothes, it is difficult to conceal their roles. Now, I can only smear some dirty ash on their faces to cover up. Mei Niang walks the rivers and lakes to cover up her identity. This kind of thing has happened a lot, but she doesn't care about it. When Shi fled and fell down, he was not in such a mess. Although he was helpless this time, it also made the queen quite annoyed.

As the sun was setting, in a forest outside the village, Chu Huan was sitting cross-legged, and Luo Duo was sitting cross-legged with him. After Chu Huan finished his work, Luo Duo smiled and said, "How do you feel?"

With joy on his face, Chu Huan said: "Brother, I really didn't expect that this Buddhist scripture would have such a wonderful effect. When practicing kung fu, reciting the "Bodhisattva Sutra" in your heart, the movement of breath is so smooth. Look at it this way." Come on, the hand pulse should recover soon."

"Ordinary people don't understand the beauty of the scriptures, so naturally they don't know the effectiveness of the scriptures." Luo Duo said seriously: "And the three scriptures that the Dragon King taught you, except for the "24 Dharma Naga Zen", the rest The two parts, within the Heart Sect, only the kings of the eight parts are qualified to practice, as for the "24 Dharma Naga Zen", if I guessed correctly, it should be the unique heart method of the Dragon Department, so naturally it should not be underestimated."

"I see."

"The martial arts of the Xinzong are like a person's body, and the scriptures are their soul." Luo Duo said softly, "If you only know how to practice martial arts but don't have scriptures to match, you will be like a walking dead without a soul." After a pause, he asked, "Brother, has the Dragon King ever told you about the martial arts of Xinzong?"

Chu Huan nodded and said, "Ghost Master said that Daboluo Layman founded the Xinzong, and the ancestors of the Xinzong created the three techniques of protecting Dharma, body, speech, and mind!"

Luo Duo said with a smile: "That's right. Seals are the essence of the body, mantras are the essence of the mouth, and thoughts are the essence of the mind. These are the essence of the three methods of protecting Dharma."

"Brother, the truth is the essence of the mouth, could this mantra refer to...!"

Luo Duo shook his head and said: "We only know that the mantra passed down to you by the Dragon King is the number one martial art of the Xinzong, but we don't know whether it is the art of speaking. There are only a handful of Xinzong who are good at mantra, and the mantra It means something else."

"So that's the case, then the Dragon Elephant Sutra we have learned, what kind of dharma protection technique does it belong to?"

Luo Duo said: "Dragon Elephant Sutra is the supreme skill of the Duo Luo family, and it is also the essence of physical arts. Practicing the Dragon Elephant Sutra has two purposes. The first function, you should know, is to transform the body. , you have cultivated the indestructible body of a vajra, and of course you have some insight into this. You have already broken through the Tao of Baoxiang, and your five senses are already comparable to human beings, and your skin, flesh and bones are also different from ordinary people."

Chu Huan said: "That's exactly the case, not only the physical strength, but also the breathing is different from ordinary people."

"Do you have a dagger on you?"

Chu Huan nodded, and took a dagger in his hand. Luo Duo stretched out an arm, raised his sleeve, put it in front of Chu Huan, and said, "Use the dagger to stab it down!"

Chu Huan was startled, and hurriedly said, "Brother, my dagger is very sharp, if it hurts...!"

Luo Duo already laughed and said, "I told you to stab it down, you just do it, don't hesitate...!" Seeing that Chu Huan hesitated, he reached out to take the dagger from Chu Huan's hand, and stabbed it hard into his arm.

Chu Huan was startled, but after the dagger pierced in, she saw that Luo Duo's skin sunk deeply. Luo Duo stabbed several times in a row, and the skin - full of elasticity, sunken quickly. However, he couldn't even see a trace of the wound. Chu Huan was horrified when he saw this, Luo Duo handed the dagger back to Chu Huan, and said, "This is the indestructible King Kong!"

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