Chu Huan smiled indifferently, and asked back: "Achieving a great cause? I don't know where the king of Han said this?"

"The capital has fallen, and the Tianmen Road has passed Qinshui. Just a few days ago, the vanguard had entered the city. ¢£顶¢£点¢£Xiao¢£ said," Hanwang said: "The capital of Luo'an fell into the sky. In the hands of Dao Dao, Ying Yuan has been unable to sit still for a few days, and now, if you are willing to join hands with me and fight to Hexi, this king will repay you."

The emperor was assassinated, and the king of Han obviously didn't know about it.

Chu Huan smiled and said, "There must be a retribution? But I don't know what kind of retribution the prince has!"

The King of Han said: "After the king has settled down in the mountains and rivers, he can give you all the land north of Fen River. You and I can rule by water. What do you think?"

"Pad the water and control it?" Chu Huan said with a smile: "Give me all the land north of Fenshui? Your lord, you are too generous. If you give me all the land north of Fenshui, where will you go? Could it be that the Northwest Army will help you take down the South as well?"

The King of Han smiled and said, "You don't need to worry about that. As long as Hexi is captured, this king will fulfill his promise and hand over the land in the north."

Mei Niang chuckled beside her and said, "King of Han, don't worry, the Northwest Army will enter the pass and take Hexi, it will be a matter of time, and it will not take long to take the whole north, but it doesn't need to be with you." Let's join forces." He looked at the companions beside Han Wang jokingly, and said with a disdainful smile: "You are just trying to be a white wolf with empty hands. Apart from these trash, there are soldiers and pawns beside you? You just hate him so much." You have killed Emperor Dog, so you want to use the soldiers from the Northwest to help you relieve your hatred, but given your current situation, you are really not qualified to negotiate terms with us."

But the King of Han smiled and said, "Don't worry, as long as you are willing to join hands with me, I will naturally have available soldiers. When the Northwest Army enters the pass, the troops of the King of the North will naturally cooperate with you."

"Yingping, are you crazy?" The queen suddenly changed color, "I can understand that you are dissatisfied with the Holy Majesty, but... as the prince of Daqin, how can you raise troops against Daqin?"

The King of Han sneered and said: "Mother... No, I should call you Queen. I am no longer the prince of Qin, and I am incompatible with Qin...!" His eyes turned cold, "Chu Huan, this king keeps his word, As long as your Northwest Army is willing to form an alliance with us, you can definitely get many things you want."

"Oh?" Chu Huan suddenly smiled thoughtfully, "King of Han, if you really want to form an alliance with me, it's not impossible...!"

The Queen's face changed slightly when she heard the words, and the King of Han's eyes lit up slightly, and said, "Are you willing to form an alliance with this king?"

"I have a condition." Chu Huan said: "As long as you accept my condition, the Northwest Army can enter the customs."

"What conditions?"

Chu Huan glanced at Mr. Hei, and said, "This person is really an evil heretic with sinister intentions. With such a person by your side, I really dare not walk with you. And this person suddenly killed me, if you I really want to join hands with me, as long as we kill this person, we can sit down and have a good talk, I don't know what the king of Han wants?"

Before the King of Han could speak, Mister Hei had already smiled and said, "I never imagined that Governor Chu misunderstood me so deeply. Since you are a governor and have a large army in your hands, you shouldn't be so short-sighted. Even if you and I have personal grievances, But the public outweighs selfishness, there are no permanent friends in the world, and there is no permanent enemy, since we have a common goal, then we can completely change from enemies to friends." Take a step forward, "If Governor Chu is really willing to cooperate with We cooperate, but have resentment towards me. I am willing to apologize to Governor Chu in front of the King of Han. Since Governor Chu is a person who does great things, he should let go of his mind. Everything in the past can be written off. To pursue, I also guarantee that as long as Governor Chu walks with us, then I will treat each other with sincerity from now on."

Mei Niang sneered, "Brother Huan, this man has a vicious heart, don't believe what he says."

"Girl, why be stubborn, since you are a person close to Governor Chu, you should consider Governor Chu's future." Mr. Hei said with a smile: "Since the king of Han said he would hand over the land north of Fenshui to Governor Chu, his meaning is very clear. , when the time comes to govern by paddling water, each will become emperor, the governor of Chu will transform himself and become the emperor, and the girl will become a royal family member, hahaha...!"

The King of Han also said: "Chu Huan, what Mr. Hei said is right. Those who make big things don't care about small things. Since you have the heart to form an alliance, why do you care about Mr. Hei's life? If Mr. Hei has wronged you in the past, this king is here Here to apologize to you on his behalf, what do you think?"

Chu Huan sighed, and said: "It seems that the prince is not honest, and he is not willing to pay even such a small price. I can hardly imagine that you will pay more."

The King of Han frowned, and Chu Huan said again: "Forget it, my lord, I would like to ask, where did the soldiers and horses you mentioned come from?"

The King of Han said: "After you raise your troops, you will understand."

"I'm afraid I can't wait for that time." Chu Huan shook his head and said, "The prince knows that I have the Northwest Army in my hands, and he knows me very well, but I don't know anything about the strength of the prince. You and I form an alliance, so naturally we have to come up with it." A little thing, what I have, the prince is very clear, but what the prince has, shouldn't it be put on the table? It will not be possible for the prince to open his mouth, I will believe it, if the prince just talks casually, I will believe it, and even press the northwest The lives of a hundred thousand sons, this is too hasty!"

The King of Han frowned, and Tian Hou said, "My lord, Chu Huan is very cunning, he cannot be trusted."

"It seems that the lord's alliance with me is just wishful thinking." Chu Huan said with a faint smile: "Even a follower by your side can dictate such a big event."

The King of Han glanced at Tian Hou and said, "Chu Huan, do you sincerely want to form an alliance with this King?"

Chu Huan sighed, and said: "My lord, looking at me now, you know that I escaped from Hexi, and the court has already regarded me as a thorn in the flesh. Since there is a chance to have a friend like the lord, if possible, why not?" Can't form an alliance?"

"You really escaped?" Han Wang said, "Then...then why is the empress with you?"

Chu Huan asked back: "The prince thinks, if there is no queen, can we leave Hexi?"

The King of Han was taken aback, he was a smart man after all, he understood something, he was a little surprised and said: "Could it took the queen hostage?" Somewhat unbelievable, " is this possible?"

Chu Huan said with a smile: "Tian Hou was originally the commander of the prince's guards. A few years ago, would the prince have thought that this person would follow you? The world is impermanent, and there is nothing impossible in this world."

The King of Han was thoughtful, but he didn't speak for a while, and then said after a while, "It seems that you will raise troops when you return to the northwest?"

"Not necessarily." Chu Huan shook his head and said, "Your Highness should know that although the Northwest is vast, the land is barren and there are many Gobi mountains, and there have been years of wars and disasters. To be honest, it is really weak now. With the current strength, Self-protection may be fine. If you want to send troops easily, you will not rush into the customs unless you have help. For me, defending the northwest land and recuperating is the best choice at present. If the prince controls the northwest, he should also Would you choose to do so?"

King Han nodded slightly.

"So you don't have to doubt my sincerity, my lord." Chu Huan sighed: "When I go back to the northwest, of course I can only keep an acre of land in the northwest, but I also understand that since the imperial court regards me as a serious problem, as long as the north is slightly settled , maybe I will go to the northwest to conquer Chu Huan, so for me, it is a dilemma. To send troops, the current strength is not good, if you don’t send troops, you can only wait for the day when the imperial court sends troops to conquer... So if the prince really has something to do with Given the strength of the northwest alliance, I really want to be friends with the prince."

Hearing Chu Huan's words, the King of Han was indeed telling the truth. Seeing Chu Huan's sincere expression, he thought about it for a while and looked at Mr. Hei. mean?"

He knew that "Mr. Hei" could only be a code name for this person, but he still had no idea what it was about.

Mr. Hei had already laughed and said: "Governor Chu is overthinking. We are all the entourage of the prince, assisting the prince to achieve great things...!"

"Forget it, the governor doesn't want to hear these words." Chu Huan waved his hand and said flatly: "My lord, Ming people don't speak dark words. Since the words are all about this, we should be honest with each other. There are no less than three soldiers in the northwest. 8, and nearly [-] cavalry, if we recruit more, it shouldn’t be a problem to gather [-] to [-] people, and we won’t be able to get any more, and the food and grass will not be able to support it at all. You should also know the combat effectiveness of the Northwest Army. The cavalry is mainly from the black wind in the Tianshan Mountains, and the infantry is mainly the Pingxi army commanded by the old general Yu Buyi...!" After a pause, he said: "This is what I have in my hand, and I think it is for the prince to see. So what is the prince? Since you claim to be not the prince of Qin, I don’t need to regard you as the prince of Qin. What is the basis for your alliance with me? Is it because you can supply a large amount of money, food and equipment in the northwest? Are there powerful soldiers and horses that can fight with us? If there are soldiers and horses, where are they? Soldiers are important affairs of the country. They must be investigated. Unless it is absolutely necessary, naturally one should not use troops lightly. If you don’t know the strength of the prince , our alliance is nothing but empty talk."

The King of Han pondered for a while, and finally said: "Although the soldiers and horses in my hands are not as powerful as those in the Northwest, they are all well-equipped...!"

"Oh?" Chu Huan said with a smile: "May I ask who they are?" He raised his hand and touched his chin, staring at the King of Han, "Isn't it the elite soldiers trained by the prince secretly? Keeping a close eye on the prince, it is naturally impossible for the prince to secretly train soldiers and horses in private."

The King of Han hesitated for a while, and finally said: "Jinling Road...!"

As soon as he said a few words, Mister Hei already smiled and said: "Governor Chu, the prince can tell you about our soldiers and horses, but if Governor Chu knows the truth, he can only form an alliance with us, otherwise Governor Chu may not be able to leave today. here."

"Oh?" Chu Huan said with a faint smile: "If you really have enough strength and have more friends like you, why not do it?"

Of course, Mr. Hei and others can also see that Chu Huan and his party are four people, and the queen can naturally be ignored. Qi Hong looks mighty and strong, but Mr. Hei can completely judge the depth of Qi Hong's martial arts, whether it is Tianhou or General Qiu. As for Ruo Mei Niang, Mr. Hei knew that he was obviously a good wielder of concealed weapons, but his martial arts might not be serious. The only thing he was afraid of was Chu Huan.

Mr. Hei had fought against Chu Huan before, so he had a general understanding of Chu Huan's skills.

On the other hand, neither General Qiu nor Tian Hou's martial arts were weak. Although General Qiu practiced kung fu horizontally, Tian Hou was even better at swordsmanship.

As for the king of Han, his martial arts are not weak. In comparison, in the eyes of Mr. Hei and others, the king of Han obviously has the upper hand.

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